Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Program to adapt the command line Perfmon from NT4 and prior
to the MMC & NT5 compatible format
Bob Watson (bobw) 11 may 99
Revision History:
#define _OUTPUT_HTML 1
//#define _DBG_MSG_PRINT 1
#define _USE_MMC 1
#define MAXSTR 512
#include "perfmon5.h"
// static & global variables
#ifdef _USE_MMC
static LPCWSTR szMmcExeCmd= (LPCWSTR)L"%windir%\\system32\\mmc.exe";
static LPCWSTR szMmcExeArg= (LPCWSTR)L" %windir%\\system32\\perfmon.msc /s";
static LPCWSTR szMmcExeCmd= (LPCWSTR)L"%windir%\\explorer.exe";
static LPCWSTR szMmcExeArg= (LPCWSTR)L" ";
static LPCWSTR szMmcExeSetsArg= (LPCWSTR)L"/SYSMON%ws_SETTINGS \"%ws\"";
static LPCWSTR szMmcExeSetsLogOpt= (LPCWSTR)L"LOG";
static LPCWSTR szEmpty= (LPCWSTR)L"";
//HTML Formatting definitions
// these are not localized
LPCWSTR szHtmlHeader = (LPCWSTR)L"\
LPCWSTR szObjectHeader = (LPCWSTR)L"\