/* ============================================================================== Application: Microsoft Windows NT (TM) Performance Monitor File: Command.c -- PerfmonCommand routine and helpers. This file contains the PerfmonCommand routine, which handles all of the user's menu selections. Copyright 1992-1993, Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Microsoft Confidential. ============================================================================== */ //==========================================================================// // Includes // //==========================================================================// #include "stdio.h" #include "perfmon.h" #include "command.h" // External declarations for this file #include // for ShellAbout #include "addlog.h" // for AddLog #include "alert.h" // for CurrentAlertLine #include "bookmark.h" // for AddBookmark #include "cderr.h" #include "datasrc.h" // for DisplayDataSourceOptions #include "dialogs.h" #include "dispoptn.h" // for DisplayDisplayOptions #include "fileopen.h" // for FileOpen #include "grafdata.h" // for ChartDeleteLine ClearGraphDisplay #include "grafdisp.h" // for ToggleGraphRefresh #include "graph.h" // for SizeGraphComponents #include "init.h" // for PerfmonClose #include "legend.h" #include "log.h" // for LogTimer #include "logoptns.h" #include "playback.h" #include "report.h" // for CurrentReportItem #include "rptoptns.h" // for DisplayReportOptions #include "status.h" // for StatusUpdateIcons #include "timefrm.h" // for SetTimeframe #include "toolbar.h" // for ToolbarDepressButton #include "utils.h" #include "perfmops.h" // for SaveWorkspace int static deltax ; int static deltay ; #define ABOUT_TIMER_ID 10 INT_PTR FAR WINAPI AboutDlgProc ( HWND hDlg, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { BOOL bHandled ; bHandled = TRUE ; switch (iMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: deltax = 0 ; deltay = 0 ; dwCurrentDlgID = 0 ; SetTimer(hDlg, ABOUT_TIMER_ID, 1000, NULL) ; WindowCenter (hDlg) ; return (TRUE) ; case WM_TIMER: deltax += 2 ; if (deltax > 60) deltax = 0 ; deltay += 5 ; if (deltay > 60) deltay = 0 ; WindowInvalidate (DialogControl (hDlg, 524)) ; break ; case WM_DRAWITEM: { int xPos, yPos ; LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpItem ; lpItem = (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT) lParam ; xPos = lpItem->rcItem.left + deltax ; yPos = lpItem->rcItem.top + deltay ; DrawIcon (lpItem->hDC, xPos, yPos, hIcon) ; } break ; case WM_CLOSE: dwCurrentDlgID = 0 ; KillTimer (hDlg, ABOUT_TIMER_ID) ; EndDialog (hDlg, 1) ; break ; case WM_COMMAND: switch (wParam) { case IDD_OK: dwCurrentDlgID = 0 ; EndDialog (hDlg, 1) ; break ; default: bHandled = FALSE ; break; } break; default: bHandled = FALSE ; break ; } return (bHandled) ; } //==========================================================================// // Local Functions // //==========================================================================// void ChangeView ( HWND hWnd, int iNewView ) { HMENU hMenu = GetMenu (hWnd) ; BOOL bViewChart, bViewAlert, bViewLog, bViewReport ; #ifdef ADVANCED_PERFMON iPerfmonView = iNewView ; bViewChart = bViewAlert = bViewLog = bViewReport = FALSE; switch (iNewView) { case IDM_VIEWCHART: bViewChart = TRUE ; break ; case IDM_VIEWALERT: bViewAlert = TRUE ; break ; case IDM_VIEWLOG: bViewLog = TRUE ; break ; case IDM_VIEWREPORT: bViewReport = TRUE ; break ; } WindowShow (hWndGraph, bViewChart) ; WindowShow (hWndAlert, bViewAlert) ; WindowShow (hWndLog, bViewLog) ; WindowShow (hWndReport, bViewReport) ; // set focus on the Legend window if (iPerfmonView == IDM_VIEWCHART) { SetFocus (hWndGraphLegend) ; } else if (iPerfmonView == IDM_VIEWALERT) { SetFocus (hWndAlertLegend) ; } else if (iPerfmonView == IDM_VIEWLOG) { SetFocus (hWndLogEntries) ; } else if (iPerfmonView == IDM_VIEWREPORT) { SetFocus (hWndReport) ; } if (hMenu) { MenuCheck (hMenu, IDM_VIEWCHART, bViewChart) ; MenuCheck (hMenu, IDM_VIEWALERT, bViewAlert) ; MenuCheck (hMenu, IDM_VIEWLOG, bViewLog) ; MenuCheck (hMenu, IDM_VIEWREPORT, bViewReport) ; // show the Title bar ShowPerfmonWindowText () ; } ToolbarDepressButton (hWndToolbar, ChartTool, bViewChart) ; ToolbarDepressButton (hWndToolbar, AlertTool, bViewAlert) ; ToolbarDepressButton (hWndToolbar, LogTool, bViewLog) ; ToolbarDepressButton (hWndToolbar, ReportTool, bViewReport) ; #else // only Chart view in Perfmon Lite iPerfmonView = IDM_VIEWCHART ; WindowShow (hWndGraph, TRUE) ; #endif DrawMenuBar(hWnd) ; StatusLineReady (hWndStatus) ; } //==========================================================================// // Message Handlers // //==========================================================================// void ViewChart ( HWND hWnd ) { if (Options.bMenubar) SetMenu (hWnd, hMenuChart) ; ChangeView (hWnd, IDM_VIEWCHART) ; } void ViewAlert ( HWND hWnd ) { iUnviewedAlerts = 0 ; StatusUpdateIcons (hWndStatus) ; if (Options.bMenubar) SetMenu (hWnd, hMenuAlert) ; ChangeView (hWnd, IDM_VIEWALERT) ; } void ViewLog ( HWND hWnd ) { if (Options.bMenubar) SetMenu (hWnd, hMenuLog) ; ChangeView (hWnd, IDM_VIEWLOG) ; } void ViewReport ( HWND hWnd ) { if (Options.bMenubar) SetMenu (hWnd, hMenuReport) ; ChangeView (hWnd, IDM_VIEWREPORT) ; } #ifdef KEEP_MANUALREFRESH void ToggleRefresh ( HWND hWnd ) { BOOL bRefresh ; switch (iPerfmonView) { case IDM_VIEWCHART: bRefresh = ToggleGraphRefresh (hWndGraph) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWALERT: bRefresh = ToggleAlertRefresh (hWndAlert) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWLOG: bRefresh = ToggleLogRefresh (hWndLog) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWREPORT: bRefresh = ToggleReportRefresh (hWndReport) ; break ; } MenuCheck (GetMenu (hWnd), IDM_OPTIONSMANUALREFRESH, bRefresh) ; } #endif //==========================================================================// // Exported Functions // //==========================================================================// BOOL PerfmonCommand ( HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) /* Effect: Respond to the user's menu selection, found in wParam. In particular, branch to the appropriate OnXXX function to perform the action associated with each command. Called By: MainWndProc (perfmon.c), in response to a WM_COMMAND message. */ { PLINESTRUCT pLine ; BOOL bPrepareMenu = TRUE ; switch (LOWORD (wParam)) { //=============================// // Toolbar Commands // //=============================// case IDM_TOOLBARADD: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; switch (iPerfmonView) { case IDM_VIEWCHART: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_EDITADDCHART, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWALERT: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_EDITADDALERT, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWLOG: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_EDITADDLOG, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWREPORT: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_EDITADDREPORT, lParam) ; break ; } break ; case IDM_TOOLBARMODIFY: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; switch (iPerfmonView) { case IDM_VIEWCHART: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_EDITMODIFYCHART, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWALERT: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_EDITMODIFYALERT, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWREPORT: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_EDITMODIFYREPORT, lParam) ; break ; } break ; case IDM_TOOLBARDELETE: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; switch (iPerfmonView) { case IDM_VIEWCHART: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_EDITDELETECHART, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWALERT: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_EDITDELETEALERT, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWLOG: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_EDITDELETELOG, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWREPORT: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_EDITDELETEREPORT, lParam) ; break ; } break ; case IDM_TOOLBARREFRESH: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; switch (iPerfmonView) { case IDM_VIEWCHART: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_OPTIONSREFRESHNOWCHART, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWALERT: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_OPTIONSREFRESHNOWALERT, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWLOG: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_OPTIONSREFRESHNOWLOG, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWREPORT: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_OPTIONSREFRESHNOWREPORT, lParam) ; break ; } break ; case IDM_TOOLBAROPTIONS: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; switch (iPerfmonView) { case IDM_VIEWCHART: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_OPTIONSCHART, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWALERT: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_OPTIONSALERT, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWLOG: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_OPTIONSLOG, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWREPORT: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_OPTIONSREPORT, lParam) ; break ; } break ; //=============================// // "File" Commands // //=============================// case IDM_FILENEWCHART: // if (QuerySaveChart (hWnd, pGraphs)) ResetGraphView (hWndGraph) ; break ; case IDM_FILENEWALERT: // if (QuerySaveAlert (hWnd, hWndAlert)) ResetAlertView (hWndAlert) ; break ; case IDM_FILENEWLOG: ResetLogView (hWndLog) ; break ; case IDM_FILENEWREPORT: ResetReportView (hWndReport) ; break ; case IDM_FILEOPENCHART: FileOpen (hWndGraph, IDS_CHARTFILE, NULL) ; break ; case IDM_FILEOPENALERT: FileOpen (hWndAlert, IDS_ALERTFILE, NULL) ; break ; case IDM_FILEOPENLOG: FileOpen (hWndLog, IDS_LOGFILE, NULL) ; break ; case IDM_FILEOPENREPORT: FileOpen (hWndReport, IDS_REPORTFILE, NULL) ; break ; case IDM_FILESAVECHART: case IDM_FILESAVEASCHART: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; SaveChart (hWndGraph, 0, (LOWORD (wParam) == IDM_FILESAVEASCHART) ? TRUE : FALSE) ; break; case IDM_FILESAVEALERT: case IDM_FILESAVEASALERT: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; SaveAlert (hWndAlert, 0, (LOWORD (wParam) == IDM_FILESAVEASALERT) ? TRUE : FALSE) ; break ; case IDM_FILESAVELOG: case IDM_FILESAVEASLOG: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; SaveLog (hWndLog, 0, (LOWORD (wParam) == IDM_FILESAVEASLOG) ? TRUE : FALSE) ; break ; case IDM_FILESAVEREPORT: case IDM_FILESAVEASREPORT: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; SaveReport (hWndReport, 0, (LOWORD (wParam) == IDM_FILESAVEASREPORT) ? TRUE : FALSE) ; break ; case IDM_FILESAVEWORKSPACE: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; SaveWorkspace () ; break ; case IDM_FILEEXPORTCHART: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; ExportChart () ; break ; case IDM_FILEEXPORTALERT: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; ExportAlert () ; break ; case IDM_FILEEXPORTLOG: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; ExportLog () ; break ; case IDM_FILEEXPORTREPORT: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; ExportReport () ; break ; #ifdef KEEP_PRINT case IDM_FILEPRINTCHART: PrintChart (hWnd, pGraphs) ; break ; case IDM_FILEPRINTREPORT: PrintReport (hWnd, hWndReport) ; break ; #endif case IDM_FILEEXIT: PerfmonClose (hWnd) ; bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; break ; //=============================// // "Edit" Commands // //=============================// case IDM_EDITADDCHART: AddChart (hWnd) ; break; case IDM_EDITADDALERT: AddAlert (hWnd) ; break; case IDM_EDITADDLOG: AddLog (hWnd) ; break ; case IDM_EDITADDREPORT: AddReport (hWnd) ; break ; case IDM_EDITCLEARCHART : ClearGraphDisplay (pGraphs) ; break ; case IDM_EDITCLEARALERT: ClearAlertDisplay (hWndAlert) ; break ; case IDM_EDITCLEARREPORT: ClearReportDisplay (hWndReport) ; break ; case IDM_EDITDELETECHART: pLine = CurrentGraphLine (hWndGraph) ; if (pLine) ChartDeleteLine(pGraphs, pLine) ; break ; case IDM_EDITDELETEALERT: pLine = CurrentAlertLine (hWndAlert) ; if (pLine) AlertDeleteLine (hWndAlert, pLine) ; break ; case IDM_EDITDELETELOG: LogDeleteEntry (hWndLog) ; break ; case IDM_EDITDELETEREPORT: if (CurrentReportItem (hWndReport)) ReportDeleteItem (hWndReport) ; break ; case IDM_EDITMODIFYCHART: EditChart (hWnd) ; break ; case IDM_EDITMODIFYALERT: EditAlert (hWnd) ; break ; case IDM_EDITTIMEWINDOW: if (PlayingBackLog()) { SetTimeframe (hWnd) ; } break ; //=============================// // "View" Commands // //=============================// case IDM_VIEWCHART: if (iPerfmonView != IDM_VIEWCHART) { ViewChart (hWnd) ; } else { bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; ToolbarDepressButton (hWndToolbar, ChartTool, TRUE) ; } break ; case IDM_VIEWALERT: if (iPerfmonView != IDM_VIEWALERT) { ViewAlert (hWnd) ; } else { bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; ToolbarDepressButton (hWndToolbar, AlertTool, TRUE) ; } break ; case IDM_VIEWLOG: if (iPerfmonView != IDM_VIEWLOG) { ViewLog (hWnd) ; } else { bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; ToolbarDepressButton (hWndToolbar, LogTool, TRUE) ; } break ; case IDM_VIEWREPORT: if (iPerfmonView != IDM_VIEWREPORT) { ViewReport (hWnd) ; } else { bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; ToolbarDepressButton (hWndToolbar, ReportTool, TRUE) ; } break ; //=============================// // "Options" Commands // //=============================// case IDM_OPTIONSCHART: DialogBox(hInstance, idDlgChartOptions, hWnd, GraphOptionDlg); break; case IDM_OPTIONSALERT: DisplayAlertOptions (hWnd, hWndAlert) ; break; case IDM_OPTIONSLOG: DisplayLogOptions (hWnd, hWndLog) ; break ; case IDM_OPTIONSREPORT: if (!PlayingBackLog()) DisplayReportOptions (hWnd, hWndReport) ; break ; case IDM_OPTIONSBOOKMARK: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; AddBookmark (hWnd) ; break; #ifdef KEEP_DISPLAY_OPTION case IDM_OPTIONSDISPLAY: DisplayDisplayOptions (hWnd) ; break ; #endif case IDM_OPTIONSDISPLAYMENU: // ShowPerfmonMenu will update Options.bMenubar.. ShowPerfmonMenu (!Options.bMenubar) ; break ; case IDM_OPTIONSDISPLAYTOOL: Options.bToolbar = !Options.bToolbar ; SizePerfmonComponents () ; break ; case IDM_OPTIONSDISPLAYSTATUS: Options.bStatusbar = !Options.bStatusbar ; SizePerfmonComponents () ; break ; case IDM_OPTIONSDISPLAYONTOP: Options.bAlwaysOnTop = !Options.bAlwaysOnTop ; WindowSetTopmost (hWndMain, Options.bAlwaysOnTop) ; break ; case IDM_OPTIONSDATASOURCE: DisplayDataSourceOptions (hWnd) ; break ; #ifdef KEEP_MANUALREFRESH case IDM_OPTIONSMANUALREFRESH: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; if (!PlayingBackLog()) ToggleRefresh (hWnd) ; break ; #endif case IDM_OPTIONSREFRESHNOWCHART: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; if (!PlayingBackLog()) GraphTimer (hWndGraph, TRUE) ; break ; case IDM_OPTIONSREFRESHNOWALERT: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; if (!PlayingBackLog()) AlertTimer (hWndAlert, TRUE) ; break ; case IDM_OPTIONSREFRESHNOWLOG: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; if (!PlayingBackLog()) LogTimer (hWndLog, TRUE) ; break ; case IDM_OPTIONSREFRESHNOWREPORT: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; if (!PlayingBackLog()) ReportTimer (hWndReport, TRUE) ; break ; case IDM_OPTIONSLEGENDONOFF: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; if (iPerfmonView == IDM_VIEWCHART) { pGraphs->gOptions.bLegendChecked = !pGraphs->gOptions.bLegendChecked ; SizeGraphComponents (hWndGraph) ; WindowInvalidate (hWndGraph) ; } else if (iPerfmonView == IDM_VIEWALERT) { PALERT pAlert = AlertData (hWnd) ; pAlert->bLegendOn = !pAlert->bLegendOn ; SizeAlertComponents (hWndAlert) ; WindowInvalidate (hWndAlert) ; } break ; //=============================// // "Help" Commands // //=============================// case IDM_HELPABOUT: { TCHAR szApplication [WindowCaptionLen] ; bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0 && GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) { DialogBox (hInstance, idDlgAbout, hWndMain, AboutDlgProc) ; } else { StringLoad (IDS_APPNAME, szApplication) ; ShellAbout (hWnd, szApplication, NULL, hIcon) ; } } break ; //======================================// // Generic messages from ACCELERATORS // //======================================// case IDM_FILEOPENFILE: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; switch (iPerfmonView) { case IDM_VIEWCHART: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_FILEOPENCHART, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWALERT: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_FILEOPENALERT, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWLOG: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_FILEOPENLOG, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWREPORT: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_FILEOPENREPORT, lParam) ; break ; } break ; case IDM_FILESAVEFILE: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; switch (iPerfmonView) { case IDM_VIEWCHART: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_FILESAVECHART, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWALERT: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_FILESAVEALERT, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWLOG: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_FILESAVELOG, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWREPORT: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_FILESAVEREPORT, lParam) ; break ; } break ; case IDM_FILESAVEASFILE: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; switch (iPerfmonView) { case IDM_VIEWCHART: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_FILESAVEASCHART, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWALERT: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_FILESAVEASALERT, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWLOG: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_FILESAVEASLOG, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_VIEWREPORT: SendMessage (hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_FILESAVEASREPORT, lParam) ; break ; } break ; case IDM_CHARTHIGHLIGHTON: bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; if (iPerfmonView == IDM_VIEWCHART) { ChartHighlight () ; } break ; case IDM_TOOLBARID: // msg from the toolbar control bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; OnToolbarHit (wParam, lParam) ; break ; case IDM_HELPCONTENTS: { TCHAR NullStr [2] ; NullStr[0] = TEXT('\0') ; bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; if (*pszHelpFile != 0) { WinHelp (hWndMain, pszHelpFile, HELP_FINDER, (DWORD_PTR)(NullStr)) ; } else { DlgErrorBox (hWnd, ERR_HELP_NOT_AVAILABLE); } } break ; case IDM_HELPSEARCH: { TCHAR NullStr [2] ; NullStr[0] = TEXT('\0') ; bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; if (*pszHelpFile != 0) { WinHelp (hWndMain, pszHelpFile, HELP_PARTIALKEY, (DWORD_PTR)(NullStr)) ; } else { DlgErrorBox (hWnd, ERR_HELP_NOT_AVAILABLE); } } break ; case IDM_HELPHELP: { TCHAR NullStr [2] ; NullStr[0] = TEXT('\0') ; bPrepareMenu = FALSE ; if (*pszHelpFile != 0) { WinHelp (hWndMain, pszHelpFile, HELP_HELPONHELP, (DWORD_PTR)(NullStr)) ; } else { DlgErrorBox (hWnd, ERR_HELP_NOT_AVAILABLE); } } break ; default: return (FALSE) ; } if (bPrepareMenu) { PrepareMenu (GetMenu (hWnd)) ; } return (TRUE) ; } void PrepareMenu ( HMENU hMenu ) { BOOL bPlayingLog ; BOOL bCurrentLine = FALSE; BOOL bManualRefresh = FALSE; BOOL bLogCollecting ; BOOL bRefresh ; // hMenu is NULL when the menu bar display option is off. // In that case, we still have to enable/disable all tool buttons // So, I have commented out the next 2 lines... // if (!hMenu) // return ; bLogCollecting = LogCollecting (hWndLog) ; bPlayingLog = PlayingBackLog () ; switch (iPerfmonView) { case IDM_VIEWCHART: bCurrentLine = (CurrentGraphLine (hWndGraph) != NULL) ; bRefresh = GraphRefresh (hWndGraph) ; bManualRefresh = !bPlayingLog && bCurrentLine ; if (hMenu) { MenuCheck (hMenu, IDM_VIEWCHART, TRUE) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_FILEEXPORTCHART, bCurrentLine) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_EDITMODIFYCHART, bCurrentLine) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_EDITDELETECHART, bCurrentLine) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_OPTIONSREFRESHNOWCHART, bManualRefresh) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_EDITCLEARCHART, !bPlayingLog && bCurrentLine) ; } break ; case IDM_VIEWALERT: bCurrentLine = (CurrentAlertLine (hWndAlert) != NULL) ; bRefresh = AlertRefresh (hWndAlert) ; bManualRefresh = !bPlayingLog && bCurrentLine ; if (hMenu) { MenuCheck (hMenu, IDM_VIEWALERT, TRUE) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_FILEEXPORTALERT, bCurrentLine) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_EDITMODIFYALERT, bCurrentLine) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_EDITDELETEALERT, bCurrentLine) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_EDITCLEARALERT, !bPlayingLog && bCurrentLine) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_OPTIONSREFRESHNOWALERT, bManualRefresh) ; } break ; case IDM_VIEWLOG: bCurrentLine = AnyLogLine() ; bRefresh = LogRefresh (hWndLog) ; bManualRefresh = !bPlayingLog && bLogCollecting ; if (hMenu) { MenuCheck (hMenu, IDM_VIEWLOG, TRUE) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_FILEEXPORTLOG, bCurrentLine) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_EDITDELETELOG, bCurrentLine) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_OPTIONSREFRESHNOWLOG , bManualRefresh) ; } break ; case IDM_VIEWREPORT: bCurrentLine = CurrentReportItem (hWndReport) ; bRefresh = ReportRefresh (hWndReport) ; bManualRefresh = !bPlayingLog && bCurrentLine ; if (hMenu) { MenuCheck (hMenu, IDM_VIEWREPORT, TRUE) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_FILEEXPORTREPORT, bCurrentLine) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_EDITMODIFYREPORT, FALSE) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_EDITDELETEREPORT, bCurrentLine) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_EDITCLEARREPORT, !bPlayingLog && bCurrentLine) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_OPTIONSREFRESHNOWREPORT, bManualRefresh) ; } break ; } ToolbarEnableButton (hWndToolbar, EditTool, bCurrentLine && (iPerfmonView != IDM_VIEWREPORT && iPerfmonView != IDM_VIEWLOG)) ; ToolbarEnableButton (hWndToolbar, DeleteTool, bCurrentLine) ; ToolbarEnableButton (hWndToolbar, RefreshTool, bManualRefresh) ; // None of the alert or report options make sense when playing back a log. #if 0 ToolbarEnableButton (hWndToolbar, OptionsTool, !bPlayingLog || (iPerfmonView != IDM_VIEWREPORT && iPerfmonView != IDM_VIEWALERT)) ; #endif ToolbarEnableButton (hWndToolbar, OptionsTool, !bPlayingLog || iPerfmonView != IDM_VIEWREPORT) ; ToolbarEnableButton (hWndToolbar, BookmarkTool, bLogCollecting) ; if (hMenu) { // MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_OPTIONSMANUALREFRESH, !bPlayingLog) ; // MenuCheck (hMenu, IDM_OPTIONSMANUALREFRESH, bRefresh) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_EDITTIMEWINDOW, bPlayingLog) ; // MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_OPTIONSALERT, !bPlayingLog) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_OPTIONSREPORT, !bPlayingLog) ; MenuEnableItem (hMenu, IDM_OPTIONSBOOKMARK, bLogCollecting) ; // check/uncheck all the display options MenuCheck (hMenu, IDM_OPTIONSDISPLAYMENU, Options.bMenubar) ; MenuCheck (hMenu, IDM_OPTIONSDISPLAYTOOL, Options.bToolbar) ; MenuCheck (hMenu, IDM_OPTIONSDISPLAYSTATUS, Options.bStatusbar) ; MenuCheck (hMenu, IDM_OPTIONSDISPLAYONTOP, Options.bAlwaysOnTop) ; } }