//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation // // File: setupenum.cpp // // The current order of enumeration is whatever order we read from the registry // // History: // 6-11-98 by toddb //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "priv.h" // Do not build this file if on Win9X or NT4 #ifndef DOWNLEVEL_PLATFORM #include // for IsUserAnAdmin #include "setupenum.h" #include "appwizid.h" #define c_szOCSetupKey TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Setup\\OCManager\\ToDoList") //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // OCSetupApp //----------------------------------------------------------------------- COCSetupApp::COCSetupApp() { // This must be heap alloced so everything should be zero'ed out. // Make sure this wasn't stack alloced using these asserts: ASSERT(0 == _szDisplayName[0]); ASSERT(0 == _szApp[0]); ASSERT(0 == _szArgs[0]); } COCSetupApp::~COCSetupApp() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetAppInfo // // Fills in the only valid field in our psuedo APPINFODATA structure. BOOL COCSetupApp::GetAppInfo(PAPPINFODATA pai) { if (pai->cbSize != SIZEOF(APPINFODATA)) return FALSE; DWORD dwInfoFlags = pai->dwMask; pai->dwMask = 0; if (dwInfoFlags & AIM_DISPLAYNAME) { if (SUCCEEDED(SHStrDup(_szDisplayName, &pai->pszDisplayName))) pai->dwMask |= AIM_DISPLAYNAME; } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // ReadFromKey // // This function reads the actual data from the given reg key. It returns // TRUE if all required fields contained string data. BOOL COCSetupApp::ReadFromKey( HKEY hkey ) { DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; dwSize = sizeof(_szDisplayName); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx( hkey, TEXT("Title"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)_szDisplayName, &dwSize ) || dwType != REG_SZ ) { // DisplayName is required return FALSE; } dwSize = sizeof(_szApp); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hkey, TEXT("ConfigCommand"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)_szApp, &dwSize ) && (dwType == REG_SZ || dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ) ) { if ( dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ ) { TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH]; ExpandEnvironmentStrings(_szApp, szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf)); lstrcpyn(_szApp, szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(_szApp)); } } else { // ConfigCommand is required return FALSE; } dwSize = sizeof(_szArgs); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hkey, TEXT("ConfigArgs"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)_szArgs, &dwSize ) && (dwType == REG_SZ || dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ) ) { if ( dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ ) { TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH]; ExpandEnvironmentStrings(_szArgs, szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf)); lstrcpyn(_szArgs, szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(_szArgs)); } } else { // This is optional so we don't fail. Instead simply insure that _szArgs is an empty string. _szArgs[0] = 0; } return TRUE; } BOOL COCSetupApp::Run() { // REARCHITECT: (stephstm, 03/17/99) we should probably wait on a job object in case // the spawned process spawns some other process(es) and then exits before them. BOOL fRet = FALSE; SHELLEXECUTEINFO sei = {0}; sei.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO); sei.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; sei.hwnd = GetDesktopWindow(); sei.lpFile = _szApp; sei.lpParameters = _szArgs[0] ? _szArgs : NULL; sei.nShow = SW_SHOWDEFAULT; fRet = ShellExecuteEx(&sei); if (fRet) { DWORD dwRet; do { MSG msg; // Get and process the messages! while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } // MsgWaitForMultipleObjects can fail with -1 being returned! dwRet = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &sei.hProcess, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT); } while ((WAIT_OBJECT_0 != dwRet) && (-1 != dwRet)); // Did MsgWait... failed? if (-1 == dwRet) { // Yes, kill the process TerminateProcess(sei.hProcess, 0); fRet = FALSE; } CloseHandle(sei.hProcess); } else { ShellMessageBox(HINST_THISDLL, sei.hwnd, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDS_CONFIGURE_FAILED ), MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDS_NAME ), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } return fRet; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // OCSetupEnum //----------------------------------------------------------------------- COCSetupEnum::COCSetupEnum() { _hkeyRoot = 0; _iRegEnumIndex = -1; } COCSetupEnum::~COCSetupEnum() { if ( _hkeyRoot ) { RegCloseKey( _hkeyRoot ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // s_OCSetupNeeded // // This checks for the neccessaary conditions to display the OC Setup portion of the ARP. // This section is only shown if the current user is a member of the administrators group // AND there are any items listed in the registry that need to be displayed. BOOL COCSetupEnum::s_OCSetupNeeded() { BOOL fResult = FALSE; HKEY hkey; // Temporarily open the reg key to see if it exists and has any sub keys if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szOCSetupKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey ) ) { TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH]; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumKey( hkey, 0, szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf) ) ) { // Yes, there are OCSetup items, but is the current user an administrator? if ( IsUserAnAdmin() ) { fResult = TRUE; } } RegCloseKey( hkey ); } return fResult; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // EnumOCSetupItems // // This begins the enumeration by opening the required registry key. This does // not attempt to read any of the sub items so there is no garentee that the // first call to Next() will succeed. BOOL COCSetupEnum::EnumOCSetupItems() { ASSERT( NULL == _hkeyRoot ); // Open the reg key, return true if it's open. We leave the key open until // our destructor is called since we need this key to do the enumeration. if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szOCSetupKey, 0, KEY_READ, &_hkeyRoot ) ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Next // // Reads the data from the next sub key of _hkeyRoot and returns the data in the // out pointer. Returns TRUE if the out pointer is a valid COCSetupApp object. BOOL COCSetupEnum::Next(COCSetupApp **ppocsa) { HKEY hkeySub; TCHAR szSubKeyName[MAX_PATH]; // We open each subkey of the root key and attempt to read an OCSetup item from the subkey. if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumKey( _hkeyRoot, ++_iRegEnumIndex, szSubKeyName, ARRAYSIZE(szSubKeyName) ) ) { if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx( _hkeyRoot, szSubKeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeySub ) ) { *ppocsa = new COCSetupApp(); if ( *ppocsa ) { if ( (*ppocsa)->ReadFromKey( hkeySub ) ) { RegCloseKey( hkeySub ); return TRUE; } delete *ppocsa; } RegCloseKey( hkeySub ); } // fall through } *ppocsa = NULL; return FALSE; } #endif //DOWNLEVEL_PLATFORM