/*++ Copyright (c) 1991-92 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: rxgroup.c Abstract: Contains RxNetGroup routines: RxNetGroupAdd RxNetGroupAddUser RxNetGroupDel RxNetGroupDelUser RxNetGroupEnum RxNetGroupGetInfo RxNetGroupGetUsers RxNetGroupSetInfo RxNetGroupSetUsers Author: Richard L Firth (rfirth) 20-May-1991 Environment: Win-32/flat address space Notes: Routines in this module assume that caller-supplied parameters have already been verified. No effort is made to further check the veracity of parms. Any actions causing exceptions must be trapped at a higher level. This applies to ALL parameters - strings, pointers, buffers, etc. Revision History: 20-May-1991 rfirth Created 13-Sep-1991 JohnRo Made changes suggested by PC-LINT. 25-Sep-1991 JohnRo Correct UNICODE use. (Use POSSIBLE_WCSSIZE() and wcslen() for LPWSTR types.) Fixed MIPS build problems. 21-Nov-1991 JohnRo Removed NT dependencies to reduce recompiles. 05-Dec-1991 RFirth Enum returns in TotalEntries (or EntriesLeft) the number of items to be enumerated BEFORE this call. Used to be number left after this call 01-Apr-1992 JohnRo Use NetApiBufferAllocate() instead of private version. --*/ #include "downlevl.h" #include <rxgroup.h> #include <lmaccess.h> DBGSTATIC VOID get_group_descriptors( DWORD Level, LPDESC* pDesc16, LPDESC* pDesc32, LPDESC* pDescSmb ); NET_API_STATUS RxNetGroupAdd( IN LPTSTR ServerName, IN DWORD Level, IN LPBYTE Buffer, OUT LPDWORD ParmError OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Creates a group in the User Account Database at a down-level server Arguments: ServerName - at which server to perform this request Level - of information to add. Can be 0 or 1 Buffer - containing caller's GROUP_INFO_{0|1} structure ParmError - pointer to returned parameter error identifier. NOT USED Return Value: NET_API_STATUS: Success = NERR_Success Failure = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL Level must be 0 or 1 ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Buffer is NULL pointer --*/ { DWORD buflen; // size of caller's buffer (we calculate it) LPDESC pDesc16; // pointer to 16-bit info descriptor for RxRemoteApi LPDESC pDesc32; // pointer to 32-bit info descriptor for RxRemoteApi LPDESC pDescSmb; // pointer to SMB info descriptor for RxRemoteApi UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ParmError); // // try to trap any basic problems // if (Level > 1) { return ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; } if (!Buffer) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Calculate the size of the buffer we are passing into the remoted API. // The down-level logic expects a buffer size; Nt does not. If the sizes // of the variable fields exceed the down-level maximums then we will get // some kind of invalid parameter error. Let the caller handle it // buflen = ((Level == 1) ? sizeof(GROUP_INFO_1) : sizeof(GROUP_INFO_0)) + POSSIBLE_STRLEN(((PGROUP_INFO_0)Buffer)->grpi0_name); buflen += (Level == 1) ? POSSIBLE_STRLEN(((PGROUP_INFO_1)Buffer)->grpi1_comment) : 0; // // Get the data descriptor strings based on the info level then make the // down-level call. We expect no return data, so just return the result // to the caller // get_group_descriptors(Level, &pDesc16, &pDesc32, &pDescSmb); return RxRemoteApi(API_WGroupAdd, // API # ServerName, // on which server REMSmb_NetGroupAdd_P, // parameter descriptor pDesc16, // Data descriptor/16-bit pDesc32, // Data descriptor/32-bit pDescSmb, // Data descriptor/SMB NULL, // Aux descriptor/16-bit NULL, // Aux descriptor/32-bit NULL, // Aux descriptor/SMB FALSE, // this call needs user to be logged on Level, // caller supplied parameters... Buffer, // caller's GROUP_INFO_{0|1} struct buflen // as supplied by us ); } NET_API_STATUS RxNetGroupAddUser( IN LPTSTR ServerName, IN LPTSTR GroupName, IN LPTSTR UserName ) /*++ Routine Description: Adds a user to a UAS group on a down-level server Arguments: ServerName - at which server to perform this request GroupName - name of group to add user to UserName - name of user to add Return Value: NET_API_STATUS: Success = NERR_Success Failure = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER GroupName or UserName not valid strings --*/ { if (!VALID_STRING(GroupName) && !VALID_STRING(UserName)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return RxRemoteApi(API_WGroupAddUser, // API # ServerName, // where to remote it REMSmb_NetGroupAddUser_P, // parameter descriptor NULL, // Data descriptor/16-bit NULL, // Data descriptor/32-bit NULL, // Data descriptor/SMB NULL, // Aux descriptor/16-bit NULL, // Aux descriptor/32-bit NULL, // Aux descriptor/SMB FALSE, // this call needs user to be logged on GroupName, // parm 1 UserName // parm 2 ); } NET_API_STATUS RxNetGroupDel( IN LPTSTR ServerName, IN LPTSTR GroupName ) /*++ Routine Description: Deletes a group from a down-level server UAS database Arguments: ServerName - at which server to perform this request GroupName - name of group to delete Return Value: NET_API_STATUS: Success = NERR_Success Failure = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER GroupName not valid string --*/ { if (!VALID_STRING(GroupName)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return RxRemoteApi(API_WGroupDel, // API # ServerName, // where to remote it REMSmb_NetGroupDel_P, // parameter descriptor NULL, // Data descriptor/16-bit NULL, // Data descriptor/32-bit NULL, // Data descriptor/SMB NULL, // Aux descriptor/16-bit NULL, // Aux descriptor/32-bit NULL, // Aux descriptor/SMB FALSE, // this call needs user to be logged on GroupName // parm 1 ); } NET_API_STATUS RxNetGroupDelUser( IN LPTSTR ServerName, IN LPTSTR GroupName, IN LPTSTR UserName ) /*++ Routine Description: Deletes a user from a group in a down-level UAS database Arguments: ServerName - at which server to perform this request GroupName - name of group to delete user from UserName - name of user to delete Return Value: NET_API_STATUS: Success = NERR_Success Failure = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER GroupName or UserName not valid strings --*/ { if (!VALID_STRING(GroupName) && !VALID_STRING(UserName)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return RxRemoteApi(API_WGroupDelUser, // API # ServerName, // where to remote it REMSmb_NetGroupDelUser_P, // parameter descriptor NULL, // Data descriptor/16-bit NULL, // Data descriptor/32-bit NULL, // Data descriptor/SMB NULL, // Aux descriptor/16-bit NULL, // Aux descriptor/32-bit NULL, // Aux descriptor/SMB FALSE, // this call needs user to be logged on GroupName, // parm 1 UserName // parm 2 ); } NET_API_STATUS RxNetGroupEnum( IN LPTSTR ServerName, IN DWORD Level, OUT LPBYTE* Buffer, IN DWORD PrefMaxLen, OUT LPDWORD EntriesRead, OUT LPDWORD EntriesLeft, IN OUT PDWORD_PTR ResumeHandle OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Gets a list of GROUP_INFO_{0|1} structures from a down-level server Arguments: ServerName - at which server to perform this request Level - of information to retrieve (0 or 1) Buffer - pointer to pointer to returned buffer PrefMaxLen - caller's maximum EntriedRead - pointer to returned number of structures read EntriesLeft - pointer to returned nunber of structures left to enumerate ResumeHandle- handle used to restart enums. Not used by this routine Return Value: NET_API_STATUS: Success = NERR_Success Failure = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL Level parameter must be 0 or 1 ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Buffer parameter NULL pointer or non-NULL ResumeHandle --*/ { NET_API_STATUS rc; LPDESC pDesc16; // pointer to 16-bit info descriptor for RxRemoteApi LPDESC pDesc32; // pointer to 32-bit info descriptor for RxRemoteApi LPDESC pDescSmb; // pointer to SMB info descriptor for RxRemoteApi LPBYTE localbuf; // pointer to buffer allocated in this routine DWORD total_avail; // returned total available entries DWORD entries_read; // returned entries in buffer UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(PrefMaxLen); *EntriesRead = *EntriesLeft = 0; *Buffer = NULL; if (Level > 1) { return ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; } // // Buffer must be a valid pointer. If ResumeHandle is not a NULL pointer // and points to a non-zero handle value then return an INVALID_PARAMETER // error - down-level does not supoort resume // if (!NULL_REFERENCE(ResumeHandle)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } get_group_descriptors(Level, &pDesc16, &pDesc32, &pDescSmb); localbuf = NULL; rc = RxRemoteApi(API_WGroupEnum, // API # ServerName, // where to remote it REMSmb_NetGroupEnum_P, // parameter descriptor pDesc16, // Data descriptor/16-bit pDesc32, // Data descriptor/32-bit pDescSmb, // Data descriptor/SMB NULL, // Aux descriptor/16-bit NULL, // Aux descriptor/32-bit NULL, // Aux descriptor/SMB ALLOCATE_RESPONSE, Level, // caller supplied parameters... &localbuf, 65535, &entries_read, // parm 4 &total_avail // parm 5 ); if (rc != NERR_Success) { if (localbuf != NULL) { (void) NetApiBufferFree(localbuf); } } else { *Buffer = localbuf; *EntriesRead = entries_read; *EntriesLeft = total_avail; } return rc; } NET_API_STATUS RxNetGroupGetInfo( IN LPTSTR ServerName, IN LPTSTR GroupName, IN DWORD Level, OUT LPBYTE* Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Get information about a specific group in a down-level UAS database Arguments: ServerName - at which server to perform this request GroupName - name of group to get information for Level - level of information to return (0 or 1) Buffer - pointer to returned pointer to info buffer Return Value: NET_API_STATUS: Success = NERR_Success Failure = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL Level parameter must be 0 or 1 ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Buffer parameter NULL pointer --*/ { NET_API_STATUS rc; LPDESC pDesc16; // pointer to 16-bit info descriptor for RxRemoteApi LPDESC pDesc32; // pointer to 32-bit info descriptor for RxRemoteApi LPDESC pDescSmb; // pointer to SMB info descriptor for RxRemoteApi LPBYTE localbuf; // pointer to buffer allocated in this routine DWORD totalbytes; // total available bytes returned from down-level DWORD buflen; // size of info buffer, supplied by us if (Level > 1) { return ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; } if (!Buffer) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // calculate the size requirement for the info buffer and allocate it // buflen = ((Level == 1) ? sizeof(GROUP_INFO_1) : sizeof(GROUP_INFO_0)) + 2 * (LM20_GNLEN + 1); buflen += (Level == 1) ? 2 * (LM20_MAXCOMMENTSZ + 1) : 0; buflen = DWORD_ROUNDUP(buflen); if (rc = NetApiBufferAllocate(buflen, (LPVOID *) &localbuf)) { return rc; } get_group_descriptors(Level, &pDesc16, &pDesc32, &pDescSmb); rc = RxRemoteApi(API_WGroupGetInfo, // API # ServerName, // where to remote it REMSmb_NetGroupGetInfo_P, // parameter descriptor pDesc16, // Data descriptor/16-bit pDesc32, // Data descriptor/32-bit pDescSmb, // Data descriptor/SMB NULL, // Aux descriptor/16-bit NULL, // Aux descriptor/32-bit NULL, // Aux descriptor/SMB FALSE, // this call needs user to be logged on GroupName, // parms to down-level start here Level, // caller supplied parameters... localbuf, // buffer for receiving structures buflen, // size of buffer supplied by us &totalbytes // returned from down-level. not used ); if (rc == NERR_Success) { *Buffer = localbuf; } else { (void) NetApiBufferFree(localbuf); } return rc; } NET_API_STATUS RxNetGroupGetUsers( IN LPTSTR ServerName, IN LPTSTR GroupName, IN DWORD Level, OUT LPBYTE* Buffer, IN DWORD PrefMaxLen, OUT LPDWORD EntriesRead, OUT LPDWORD EntriesLeft, IN OUT PDWORD_PTR ResumeHandle OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Get a list of all the members of a particular group Arguments: ServerName - at which server to perform this request GroupName - name of group for which to retrieve member list Level - level of group user information requested. Must be 0 Buffer - pointer to returned pointer to buffer containing info PrefMaxLen - preferred maximum length of returned buffer EntriesRead - pointer to returned number of entries in buffer EntriesLeft - pointer to returned number of entries left ResumeHandle- pointer to handle for resume. Not used by this function Return Value: NET_API_STATUS: Success = NERR_Success Failure = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL Level parameter must be 0 ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Buffer parameter NULL pointer or ResumeHandle not NULL pointer or pointer to non-0 value or GroupName not valid string --*/ { NET_API_STATUS rc; LPBYTE localbuf; // pointer to buffer allocated in this routine DWORD entries_read, total_entries; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(PrefMaxLen); // // set EntriesLeft and EntriesRead to default values. Test writability of // parameters // *EntriesRead = *EntriesLeft = 0; *Buffer = NULL; if (Level) { return ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; } if (!NULL_REFERENCE(ResumeHandle) || !VALID_STRING(GroupName)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } localbuf = NULL; rc = RxRemoteApi(API_WGroupGetUsers, // API # ServerName, // where to remote it REMSmb_NetGroupGetUsers_P, // parameter descriptor REM16_group_users_info_0, // Data descriptor/16-bit REM32_group_users_info_0, // Data descriptor/32-bit REMSmb_group_users_info_0, // Data descriptor/SMB NULL, // Aux descriptor/16-bit NULL, // Aux descriptor/32-bit NULL, // Aux descriptor/SMB ALLOCATE_RESPONSE, GroupName, // which group 0, // Level can only be 0 - push immediate &localbuf, // buffer for receiving structures 65535, &entries_read, // number of structures returned &total_entries // total number of structures ); if (rc == NERR_Success) { *Buffer = localbuf; *EntriesRead = entries_read; *EntriesLeft = total_entries; } else { if (localbuf != NULL) { (void) NetApiBufferFree(localbuf); } } return rc; } NET_API_STATUS RxNetGroupSetInfo( IN LPTSTR ServerName, IN LPTSTR GroupName, IN DWORD Level, IN LPBYTE Buffer, OUT LPDWORD ParmError OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Set information about a group in a down-level UAS database Assumes: 1. GroupName, Buffer and Level have been validated 2. There are only 2 possible levels - 1 & GROUP_COMMENT_INFOLEVEL (1002) Arguments: ServerName - at which server to perform this request GroupName - name of group about which to set info Level - level of info provided - 1 or 1002 (group comment) Buffer - pointer to caller's buffer containing info to set ParmError - pointer to returned parameter error Return Value: NET_API_STATUS: Success = NERR_Success Failure = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL Level parameter must be 1 or 1002 (comment) ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Buffer parameter NULL pointer or GroupName not valid string --*/ { DWORD parmnum; DWORD buflen; DWORD badparm; DWORD len; LPTSTR pointer; DWORD field_index; if (ParmError == NULL) { ParmError = &badparm; } *ParmError = PARM_ERROR_NONE; if (!VALID_STRING(GroupName) || !Buffer) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (STRLEN(GroupName) > LM20_GNLEN) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // check the requested level and convert to down-level parmnum. Info level // is always 1 for down-level // if (Level == 1) { // entire GROUP_INFO_1 structure buflen = sizeof(GROUP_INFO_1); if (len = POSSIBLE_STRLEN(((PGROUP_INFO_1)Buffer)->grpi1_name)) { if (len > LM20_GNLEN) { *ParmError = GROUP_NAME_INFOLEVEL; return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { buflen += len + 1; } } pointer = (LPTSTR)((PGROUP_INFO_1)Buffer)->grpi1_comment; parmnum = PARMNUM_ALL; field_index = 0; } else { pointer = (LPTSTR)Buffer; parmnum = GROUP_COMMENT_PARMNUM; buflen = 0; // // The parmnum is SUPPOSED to be the ordinal number of the field, but // some dope forgot that pad bytes are actually fields too, and messed // up the nice convention. Hence this kludge. ParmNum 2 (comment field) // for down-level, is actually group_info_1 structure field 3. Where // *does* Microsoft find its employees? // Note for the unenlightened: (aka disclaimer by me (basically: its not my fault)) // If we have a structure thus: // struct group_info_1 { // char grpi1_name[GNLEN + 1]; // char grpi1_pad; // char far* grpi1_comment; // }; // there will be a corresponding descriptor (ie a picture of what the // structure looks like) thus: // "B21Bz" // Parmnums start at 1 (0 means entire structure). Thus, it is possible, // knowing the format of descriptor strings, given a ParmNum, to come up // with the corresponding field type (and its length). This info is used // inside of RxRemoteApi (which if you look ahead, you'll see we're just // about to call). // In this particular case, there are 3 fields - B21 = embedded 21-byte // group name, B = single byte pad character (put back on WORD boundary), // z = pointer to ASCIZ string. There are indeed only 2 meaningful fields // (name & comment), but that extra B pad field is significant. // Therefore we have to provide a ParmNum of 2 which is put on the wire, // so that the down-level code knows of what we speak, and a field index // of 3 so that the Rap code underneath RxRemoteApi can divine that what // we're sending is an ASCIZ string, not a single byte // Messy, innit // field_index = 3; } if (len = POSSIBLE_STRLEN(pointer)) { if (len > LM20_MAXCOMMENTSZ) { *ParmError = GROUP_COMMENT_INFOLEVEL; return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { buflen += len + 1; } } // // if, by some unforeseen accident, the down-level routine returns an // ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, the caller will just have to content him/her/it // self (no lifeform prejudices here at MS) with an unknown parameter // causing the calamity // *ParmError = PARM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; return RxRemoteApi(API_WGroupSetInfo, // API # ServerName, // where to remote it REMSmb_NetGroupSetInfo_P, // parameter descriptor REM16_group_info_1, // 16-bit data descriptor REM32_group_info_1, // 32-bit data descriptor REMSmb_group_info_1, // SMB data descriptor NULL, // 16-bit aux data descriptor NULL, // 32-bit aux data descriptor NULL, // SMB aux data descriptor FALSE, // this API requires user security GroupName, // setinfo parm 1 1, // info level must be 1 Buffer, // caller's info to set buflen, // length of caller's info // // glue ParmNum and field_index together // MAKE_PARMNUM_PAIR(parmnum, field_index) ); } NET_API_STATUS RxNetGroupSetUsers( IN LPTSTR ServerName, IN LPTSTR GroupName, IN DWORD Level, IN LPBYTE Buffer, IN DWORD Entries ) /*++ Routine Description: The purpose of this function is to force a group to have as its member list only those users that are named in <Buffer>. If the user is not currently a member of group <GroupName>, it is made so; if there are other users who are currently members of group <GroupName>, but are not named in Buffer, then they are removed from group <GroupName>. This is a somewhat "funny" function - it expects a buffer containing GROUP_USERS_INFO_0 structures, but has to force a in structure with an aux count at the head of the buffer. Why couldn't it request that the caller place one of these at the start of the buffer to save us the work? Arguments: ServerName - at which server to perform this request GroupName - Name of group to set users for Level - Must Be Zero Buffer - pointer to buffer containing GROUP_USERS_INFO_0 structures Entries - number of GROUP_USERS_INFO_0 structures in Buffer Return Value: NET_API_STATUS: Success = NERR_Success Failure = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL Level parameter must be 0 ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER GroupName length exceeds LM20 maximum for type user name in Buffer not valid string user name in Buffer exceeds LM20 maximum for type --*/ { NET_API_STATUS rc; LPGROUP_USERS_INFO_0 users_info; DWORD i; DWORD buflen; LPBYTE newbuf; static LPDESC users_0_enumerator_desc16 = "B21BN"; static LPDESC users_0_enumerator_desc32 = "zQA"; // // a little local structure never hurt anybody... // This structure is required because the remoting code (particularly down // level) can only handle there being >1 auxiliary structure, vs >1 // primary. Hence we have to convert the caller's supplied buffer of // erstwhile primary structures to auxiliaries by forcing the structure // below in at the head of the buffer, hence becoming the primary and // providing an aux structure count (groan) // struct users_0_enumerator { LPTSTR group_name; DWORD user_count; // number of GROUP_USERS_INFO_0 structures in buffer }; if (Level) { return ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; // MBZ, remember? } // // only check we can make on the group name is to ensure it is within the // down-level limits for length. GroupName should be already verified as // a pointer to a valid string // if (STRLEN(GroupName) > LM20_GNLEN) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // iterate through the buffer, checking that each GROUP_USERS_INFO_0 // structure contains a pointer to a valid string which is in the // correct range // users_info = (LPGROUP_USERS_INFO_0)Buffer; for (i=0; i<Entries; ++i) { if (!VALID_STRING(users_info->grui0_name)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (wcslen(users_info->grui0_name) > LM20_UNLEN) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } ++users_info; } // // allocate a buffer large enough to fit in <Entries> number of // GROUP_USERS_INFO_0 structures, and 1 users_0_enumerator structure. // Don't worry about string space - unfortunately the Rxp and Rap routines // called by RxRemoteApi will allocate yet another buffer, do yet another // copy and this time copy in the strings from user space. Hopefully, this // routine won't get called too often // buflen = Entries * sizeof(GROUP_USERS_INFO_0) + sizeof(struct users_0_enumerator); buflen = DWORD_ROUNDUP(buflen); if (rc = NetApiBufferAllocate(buflen, (LPVOID *) &newbuf)) { return rc; // aieegh! Failed to allocate memory? } ((struct users_0_enumerator*)newbuf)->group_name = GroupName; ((struct users_0_enumerator*)newbuf)->user_count = Entries; if (Entries) { NetpMoveMemory(newbuf + sizeof(struct users_0_enumerator), Buffer, buflen - sizeof(struct users_0_enumerator) ); } rc = RxRemoteApi(API_WGroupSetUsers, // API # ServerName, // where to remote it REMSmb_NetGroupSetUsers_P, // parameter descriptor users_0_enumerator_desc16, // the "fudged" 16-bit data descriptor users_0_enumerator_desc32, // the "fudged" 32-bit data descriptor users_0_enumerator_desc16, // SMB desc same as 16-bit REM16_group_users_info_0, // "new" 16-bit aux descriptor REM32_group_users_info_0, // "new" 32-bit aux descriptor REMSmb_group_users_info_0, // SMB aux descriptor FALSE, // this API requires user security GroupName, // setinfo parm 1 0, // info level must be 0 newbuf, // "fudged" buffer buflen, // length of "fudged" buffer Entries // number of GROUP_USERS_INFO_0 ); NetpMemoryFree(newbuf); return rc; } DBGSTATIC VOID get_group_descriptors( IN DWORD Level, OUT LPDESC* pDesc16, OUT LPDESC* pDesc32, OUT LPDESC* pDescSmb ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the descriptor strings for the various Group Info levels (0 or 1) Arguments: Level - of info required pDesc16 - pointer to returned 16-bit data descriptor pDesc32 - pointer to returned 32-bit data descriptor pDescSmb - pointer to returned SMB data descriptor Return Value: None. --*/ { switch (Level) { case 0: *pDesc16 = REM16_group_info_0; *pDesc32 = REM32_group_info_0; *pDescSmb = REMSmb_group_info_0; break; case 1: *pDesc16 = REM16_group_info_1; *pDesc32 = REM32_group_info_1; *pDescSmb = REMSmb_group_info_1; break; #if DBG default: NetpKdPrint(("%s.%u Unknown Level parameter: %u\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, Level)); NetpBreakPoint(); #endif } }