class CCrackedCert
    // constructor

    // give it a cert to crack. If this object was previously used to
    // crack a key, cleanup is automatically done and the new key is
    // cracked. - NOTE: The target key MUST have either a certificate
    // or a certificate request. Those are what get cracked. A return
    // value of 0 indicates success
    BOOL CrackCert( PUCHAR pCert, DWORD cbCert );

    // The rest of the methods access the data in the cracked certificate
    DWORD       GetVersion();
    DWORD*      PGetSerialNumber(); // returns a pointer to a DWORD[4]
    int         GetSignatureAlgorithm();
    FILETIME    GetValidFrom();
    FILETIME    GetValidUntil();
    PVOID       PSafePublicKey();
    DWORD       GetBitLength();

    void        GetIssuer( CString &sz );
    void        GetIssuerCountry( CString &sz );
    void        GetIssuerOrganization( CString &sz );
    void        GetIssuerUnit( CString &sz );

    void        GetSubject( CString &sz );
    void        GetSubjectCountry( CString &sz );
    void        GetSubjectState( CString &sz );
    void        GetSubjectLocality( CString &sz );
    void        GetSubjectCommonName( CString &sz );
    void        GetSubjectOrganization( CString &sz );
    void        GetSubjectUnit( CString &sz );


    // string constants for distinguishing names. Not to be localized
    #define     SZ_KEY_COUNTRY          _T("C=")
    #define     SZ_KEY_STATE            _T("S=")
    #define     SZ_KEY_LOCALITY         _T("L=")
    #define     SZ_KEY_ORGANIZATION     _T("O=")
    #define     SZ_KEY_ORGUNIT          _T("OU=")
    #define     SZ_KEY_COMNAME          _T("CN=")

    void        GetSubjectDN( CString &szDN, LPCTSTR szKey );
    void        GetIssuerDN( CString &szDN, LPCTSTR szKey );

    // declare the x509 pointer as void so that the
    // files instantiating this don't have to include wincrypt
    PVOID       m_pData;