/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- pbserver.h CPhoneBkServer class definition Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. Authors: byao Baogang Yao History: 01/23/97 byao Created --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef _PBSVR_INCL_ #define _PBSVR_INCL_ #define VERSION_LEN 64 #include <windows.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <httpext.h> // HTTP status code -- copied from 'afxisapi.h' #define HTTP_STATUS_OK 200 // OK #define HTTP_STATUS_CREATED 201 // created #define HTTP_STATUS_ACCEPTED 202 // accepted #define HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT 204 // no content #define HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT 301 // moved permanently #define HTTP_STATUS_TEMP_REDIRECT 302 // moved temporarily #define HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED 304 // not modified #define HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST 400 // bad request #define HTTP_STATUS_AUTH_REQUIRED 401 // unauthorized #define HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN 403 // forbidden #define HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND 404 // not found #define HTTP_STATUS_SERVICE_NA 405 // service unavailable #define HTTP_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR 500 // internal server error #define HTTP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 501 // not implemented #define HTTP_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY 502 // bad gateway #define NAME_VALUE_LEN 128 // If the query string is NULL, or there are invalid number of parameters in it, // then treat it as an 'INVALID_QUERY_STRING' #define INVALID_QUERY_STRING -1 typedef struct { char m_achName[NAME_VALUE_LEN]; char m_achVal[NAME_VALUE_LEN]; } PARAMETER_PAIR, *LPPARAMETER_PAIR; // query parameter that will be passed from client to the ISA typedef struct _query_parameter { int m_dOSArch; int m_dOSType; int m_dLCID; char m_achOSVer[VERSION_LEN]; char m_achCMVer[VERSION_LEN]; char m_achPB[VERSION_LEN]; int m_dPBVer; } QUERY_PARAMETER, *LPQUERY_PARAMETER; class CPhoneBkServer { private: BOOL m_bInitialized; QUERY_PARAMETER m_QueryParameter; public: BOOL GetExtensionVersion(LPHSE_VERSION_INFO pVer); DWORD HttpExtensionProc(LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK lpEcb); protected: BOOL GetQueryParameter(char *pszQuery, LPQUERY_PARAMETER lpQueryParamter); void FormSQLQuery(char *pszQuery, char *pszService, int dLCID, int dOSType, int dOSArch); void BuildStatusCode(LPTSTR pszResponse, DWORD dwCode); DWORD GetFileLength(LPSTR lpszFileName); BOOL SendFile(LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK lpEcb, LPSTR lpszFileName, BOOL bWait); BOOL Virtual2Physical( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK lpEcb, char *pszVirtualPath, char *pszPhysicalPath ); int GetParameterPairs( char *pszInputString, LPPARAMETER_PAIR lpPairs, int dMaxPairs ); }; // helping functions BOOL InitProcess(); BOOL CleanUpProcess(); BOOL InitDBNames(); BOOL UpdatePhoneBook(); BOOL InitializeSharedMem(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa); //BOOL GrantPermissions( LPTSTR Object ); void CleanUpSharedMem(); BOOL GetSemaphore(); BOOL SetAclPerms(PACL * ppAcl); #endif