// Copyright (c) 1997, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved // // alternat.c // Remote Access Common Dialog APIs // Alternate phone number dialogs // // 11/06/97 Steve Cobb #include "rasdlgp.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Help maps //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static DWORD g_adwAnHelp[] = { CID_AN_ST_Explain, HID_AN_ST_Explain, CID_AN_ST_Numbers, HID_AN_LV_Numbers, CID_AN_LV_Numbers, HID_AN_LV_Numbers, CID_AN_PB_Up, HID_AN_PB_Up, CID_AN_PB_Down, HID_AN_PB_Down, CID_AN_PB_Add, HID_AN_PB_Add, CID_AN_PB_Edit, HID_AN_PB_Edit, CID_AN_PB_Delete, HID_AN_PB_Delete, CID_AN_CB_MoveToTop, HID_AN_CB_MoveToTop, CID_AN_CB_TryNextOnFail, HID_AN_CB_TryNextOnFail, 0, 0 }; static DWORD g_adwCeHelp[] = { CID_CE_GB_PhoneNumber, HID_CE_GB_PhoneNumber, CID_CE_ST_AreaCodes, HID_CE_CLB_AreaCodes, CID_CE_CLB_AreaCodes, HID_CE_CLB_AreaCodes, CID_CE_ST_PhoneNumber, HID_CE_EB_PhoneNumber, CID_CE_EB_PhoneNumber, HID_CE_EB_PhoneNumber, CID_CE_ST_CountryCodes, HID_CE_LB_CountryCodes, CID_CE_LB_CountryCodes, HID_CE_LB_CountryCodes, CID_CE_GB_Comment, HID_CE_GB_Comment, CID_CE_EB_Comment, HID_CE_EB_Comment, CID_CE_CB_UseDialingRules, HID_CE_CB_UseDialingRules, 0, 0 }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local datatypes //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Alternate Phone Number dialog argument block. // typedef struct _ANARGS { DTLNODE* pLinkNode; DTLLIST* pListAreaCodes; } ANARGS; // Alternate Phone Number dialog context block. // typedef struct _ANINFO { // Caller's arguments to the dialog. // ANARGS* pArgs; // Handle of this dialog and some of it's controls. // HWND hwndDlg; HWND hwndLv; HWND hwndPbUp; HWND hwndPbDown; HWND hwndPbAdd; HWND hwndPbEdit; HWND hwndPbDelete; HWND hwndCbTryNext; HWND hwndCbMoveToTop; HWND hwndPbOk; // Up/down arrow icons. // HANDLE hiconUpArr; HANDLE hiconDnArr; HANDLE hiconUpArrDis; HANDLE hiconDnArrDis; // The state to display in the "move to top" checkbox should it be // enabled. // BOOL fMoveToTop; // Link node containing edited phone number list and check box settings // and a shortcut to the contained link. // DTLNODE* pNode; PBLINK* pLink; // List of area codes passed to CuInit plus all strings retrieved with // CuGetInfo. The list is an editing duplicate of the one in 'pArgs'. // DTLLIST* pListAreaCodes; } ANINFO; // Phone number editor dialog argument block // typedef struct _CEARGS { DTLNODE* pPhoneNode; DTLLIST* pListAreaCodes; DWORD sidTitle; } CEARGS; // Phone number editor dialog context block. // typedef struct _CEINFO { // Caller's arguments to the dialog. // CEARGS* pArgs; // Handle of this dialog and some of it's controls. // HWND hwndDlg; HWND hwndStAreaCodes; HWND hwndClbAreaCodes; HWND hwndEbPhoneNumber; HWND hwndLbCountryCodes; HWND hwndStCountryCodes; HWND hwndCbUseDialingRules; HWND hwndEbComment; // Phone node containing edited phone number settings and a shortcut to // the contained PBPHONE. // DTLNODE* pNode; PBPHONE* pPhone; // List of area codes passed to CuInit plus all strings retrieved with // CuGetInfo. The list is an editing duplicate of the one in 'pArgs'. // DTLLIST* pListAreaCodes; // Area-code and country-code helper context block, and a flag indicating // if the block has been initialized. // CUINFO cuinfo; BOOL fCuInfoInitialized; } CEINFO; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local prototypes (alphabetically) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID AnAddNumber( IN ANINFO* pInfo ); BOOL AnCommand( IN ANINFO* pInfo, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl ); INT_PTR CALLBACK AnDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam ); VOID AnDeleteNumber( IN ANINFO* pInfo ); VOID AnEditNumber( IN ANINFO* pInfo ); VOID AnFillLv( IN ANINFO* pInfo, IN DTLNODE* pNodeToSelect ); BOOL AnInit( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN ANARGS* pArgs ); VOID AnInitLv( IN ANINFO* pInfo ); VOID AnListFromLv( IN ANINFO* pInfo ); LVXDRAWINFO* AnLvCallback( IN HWND hwndLv, IN DWORD dwItem ); VOID AnMoveNumber( IN ANINFO* pInfo, IN BOOL fUp ); BOOL AnSave( IN ANINFO* pInfo ); VOID AnTerm( IN HWND hwndDlg ); VOID AnUpdateButtons( IN ANINFO* pInfo ); VOID AnUpdateCheckboxes( IN ANINFO* pInfo ); BOOL CeCommand( IN CEINFO* pInfo, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl ); INT_PTR CALLBACK CeDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam ); BOOL CeInit( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN CEARGS* pArgs ); BOOL CeSave( IN CEINFO* pInfo ); VOID CeTerm( IN HWND hwndDlg ); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Alternate Phone Number dialog routines // Listed alphabetically following entrypoint and dialog proc //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL AlternatePhoneNumbersDlg( IN HWND hwndOwner, IN OUT DTLNODE* pLinkNode, IN OUT DTLLIST* pListAreaCodes ) // Popup a dialog to edit the phone number list for in 'pLinkNode'. // 'HwndOwner' is the owning window. // // Returns true if user pressed OK and succeeded or false on Cancel or // error. // { INT_PTR nStatus; ANARGS args; TRACE( "AlternatePhoneNumbersDlg" ); args.pLinkNode = pLinkNode; args.pListAreaCodes = pListAreaCodes; nStatus = DialogBoxParam( g_hinstDll, MAKEINTRESOURCE( DID_AN_AlternateNumbers ), hwndOwner, AnDlgProc, (LPARAM )(&args) ); if (nStatus == -1) { ErrorDlg( hwndOwner, SID_OP_LoadDlg, ERROR_UNKNOWN, NULL ); nStatus = FALSE; } return (BOOL )nStatus; } INT_PTR CALLBACK AnDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam ) // DialogProc callback for the Alternate Phone Number dialog. Parameters // and return value are as described for standard windows 'DialogProc's. // { #if 0 TRACE4( "AnDlgProc(h=$%x,m=$%x,w=$%x,l=$%x)", (DWORD )hwnd, (DWORD )unMsg, (DWORD )wparam, (DWORD )lparam ); #endif if (ListView_OwnerHandler( hwnd, unMsg, wparam, lparam, AnLvCallback )) { return TRUE; } switch (unMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { return AnInit( hwnd, (ANARGS* )lparam ); } case WM_HELP: case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { ContextHelp( g_adwAnHelp, hwnd, unMsg, wparam, lparam ); break; } case WM_COMMAND: { ANINFO* pInfo = (ANINFO* )GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, DWLP_USER ); ASSERT( pInfo ); return AnCommand( pInfo, HIWORD( wparam ), LOWORD( wparam ), (HWND )lparam ); } case WM_NOTIFY: { switch (((NMHDR* )lparam)->code) { case LVN_ITEMCHANGED: { NM_LISTVIEW* p; p = (NM_LISTVIEW* )lparam; if ((p->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED) && !(p->uOldState & LVIS_SELECTED)) { ANINFO* pInfo; // This item was just selected. // pInfo = (ANINFO* )GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, DWLP_USER ); ASSERT( pInfo ); AnUpdateButtons( pInfo ); } break; } } break; } case WM_DESTROY: { AnTerm( hwnd ); break; } } return FALSE; } BOOL AnCommand( IN ANINFO* pInfo, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl ) // Called on WM_COMMAND. 'PInfo' is the dialog context. 'WNotification' // is the notification code of the command. 'wId' is the control/menu // identifier of the command. 'HwndCtrl' is the control window handle of // the command. // // Returns true if processed message, false otherwise. // { TRACE3( "AnCommand(n=%d,i=%d,c=$%x)", (DWORD )wNotification, (DWORD )wId, (ULONG_PTR )hwndCtrl ); switch (wId) { case CID_AN_PB_Up: { AnMoveNumber( pInfo, TRUE ); return TRUE; } case CID_AN_PB_Down: { AnMoveNumber( pInfo, FALSE ); return TRUE; } case CID_AN_PB_Add: { AnAddNumber( pInfo ); return TRUE; } case CID_AN_PB_Edit: { AnEditNumber( pInfo ); return TRUE; } case CID_AN_PB_Delete: { AnDeleteNumber( pInfo ); return TRUE; } case CID_AN_CB_TryNextOnFail: { AnUpdateCheckboxes( pInfo ); return TRUE; } case IDOK: { EndDialog( pInfo->hwndDlg, AnSave( pInfo ) ); return TRUE; } case IDCANCEL: { TRACE( "Cancel pressed" ); EndDialog( pInfo->hwndDlg, FALSE ); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } VOID AnAddNumber( IN ANINFO* pInfo ) // Add a new phone number to the bottom of the ListView, by prompting user // with dialog. 'PInfo' is the dialog context. // { DTLNODE* pNode; pNode = CreatePhoneNode(); if (!pNode) { return; } if (!EditPhoneNumberDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, pNode, pInfo->pListAreaCodes, SID_AddAlternateTitle )) { DestroyPhoneNode( pNode ); return; } AnListFromLv( pInfo ); DtlAddNodeLast( pInfo->pLink->pdtllistPhones, pNode ); AnFillLv( pInfo, pNode ); } VOID AnDeleteNumber( IN ANINFO* pInfo ) // Deletes the selected phone number in the ListView. 'PInfo' is the // dialog context. // { DTLNODE* pNode; DTLNODE* pSelNode; pNode = (DTLNODE* )ListView_GetSelectedParamPtr( pInfo->hwndLv ); if (!pNode) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return; } AnListFromLv( pInfo ); // The item under the deleted selection gets the selection unless the // lowest item was deleted. In that case the item above the deleted item // is selected. // pSelNode = DtlGetNextNode( pNode ); if (!pSelNode) { pSelNode = DtlGetPrevNode( pNode ); } DtlRemoveNode( pInfo->pLink->pdtllistPhones, pNode ); DestroyPhoneNode( pNode ); AnFillLv( pInfo, pSelNode ); } VOID AnEditNumber( IN ANINFO* pInfo ) // Edit the selected phone number in the ListView, by prompting user with // dialog. 'PInfo' is the dialog context. // { DTLNODE* pNode; pNode = (DTLNODE* )ListView_GetSelectedParamPtr( pInfo->hwndLv ); if (!pNode) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return; } if (!EditPhoneNumberDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, pNode, pInfo->pListAreaCodes, SID_EditAlternateTitle )) { return; } AnListFromLv( pInfo ); AnFillLv( pInfo, pNode ); } VOID AnFillLv( IN ANINFO* pInfo, IN DTLNODE* pNodeToSelect ) // Fill the ListView from the edit node, and select the 'pNodeToSelect' // node. 'PInfo' is the dialog context. // { INT iItem; INT iSelItem; DTLNODE* pNode; TRACE( "AnFillLv" ); ASSERT( ListView_GetItemCount( pInfo->hwndLv ) == 0 ); // Transfer nodes from the edit node list to the ListView one at a time, // noticing the item number of the node we'll need to select later. // iSelItem = 0; iItem = 0; while (pNode = DtlGetFirstNode( pInfo->pLink->pdtllistPhones )) { PBPHONE* pPhone; LV_ITEM item; TCHAR* psz; DtlRemoveNode( pInfo->pLink->pdtllistPhones, pNode ); if (PhoneNodeIsBlank( pNode )) { // "Blank" numbers are discarded. // DestroyPhoneNode( pNode ); continue; } pPhone = (PBPHONE* )DtlGetData( pNode ); ASSERT( pPhone ); ZeroMemory( &item, sizeof(item) ); item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = iItem; item.pszText = pPhone->pszPhoneNumber; item.lParam = (LPARAM )pNode; ListView_InsertItem( pInfo->hwndLv, &item ); if (pNode == pNodeToSelect) { iSelItem = iItem; } ListView_SetItemText( pInfo->hwndLv, iItem, 1, pPhone->pszComment ); ++iItem; } if (ListView_GetItemCount( pInfo->hwndLv ) > 0) { // Select the specified node, or if none, the first node which // triggers updates of the button states. // ListView_SetItemState( pInfo->hwndLv, iSelItem, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED ); } else { // Trigger the button state update directly when the list is redrawn // empty. // AnUpdateButtons( pInfo ); } } BOOL AnInit( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN ANARGS* pArgs ) // Called on WM_INITDIALOG. 'HwndDlg' is the handle of the phonebook // dialog window. 'PArgs' is caller's arguments as passed to the stub // API. // // Return false if focus was set, true otherwise, i.e. as defined for // WM_INITDIALOG. // { DWORD dwErr; ANINFO* pInfo; DTLNODE* pNode; PBPHONE* pPhone; TRACE( "AnInit" ); // Allocate the dialog context block. Initialize minimally for proper // cleanup, then attach to the dialog window. // { pInfo = Malloc( sizeof(*pInfo) ); if (!pInfo) { ErrorDlg( hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadDlg, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, NULL ); EndDialog( hwndDlg, FALSE ); return TRUE; } ZeroMemory( pInfo, sizeof(*pInfo) ); pInfo->pArgs = pArgs; pInfo->hwndDlg = hwndDlg; SetWindowLongPtr( hwndDlg, DWLP_USER, (ULONG_PTR )pInfo ); TRACE( "Context set" ); } pInfo->hwndLv = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_AN_LV_Numbers ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndLv ); pInfo->hwndPbUp = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_AN_PB_Up ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndPbUp ); pInfo->hwndPbDown = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_AN_PB_Down ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndPbDown ); pInfo->hwndPbAdd = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_AN_PB_Add ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndPbAdd ); pInfo->hwndPbEdit = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_AN_PB_Edit ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndPbEdit ); pInfo->hwndPbDelete = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_AN_PB_Delete ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndPbDelete ); pInfo->hwndCbMoveToTop = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_AN_CB_MoveToTop ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndCbMoveToTop ); pInfo->hwndCbTryNext = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_AN_CB_TryNextOnFail ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndCbTryNext ); pInfo->hwndPbOk = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDOK ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndPbOk ); // Load the up and down arrow icons, enabled and disabled versions, // loading the disabled version into the move up and move down buttons. // Making a selection in the ListView will trigger the enabled version to // be loaded if appropriate. From what I can tell tell in MSDN, you don't // have to close or destroy the icon handle. // pInfo->hiconUpArr = LoadImage( g_hinstDll, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IID_UpArr ), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0 ); pInfo->hiconDnArr = LoadImage( g_hinstDll, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IID_DnArr ), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0 ); pInfo->hiconUpArrDis = LoadImage( g_hinstDll, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IID_UpArrDis ), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0 ); pInfo->hiconDnArrDis = LoadImage( g_hinstDll, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IID_DnArrDis ), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0 ); // Make a copy of the argument node and list for editing since user can // Cancel the dialog and discard any edits. // pInfo->pNode = CreateLinkNode(); if (!pInfo->pNode) { ErrorDlg( hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadDlg, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, NULL ); EndDialog( hwndDlg, FALSE ); return TRUE; } CopyLinkPhoneNumberInfo( pInfo->pNode, pInfo->pArgs->pLinkNode ); pInfo->pLink = (PBLINK* )DtlGetData( pInfo->pNode ); ASSERT( pInfo->pLink ); pInfo->pListAreaCodes = DtlDuplicateList( pArgs->pListAreaCodes, DuplicatePszNode, DestroyPszNode ); // Fill the ListView of phone numbers and select the first one. // AnInitLv( pInfo ); AnFillLv( pInfo, NULL ); // Initialize the check boxes. // Button_SetCheck( pInfo->hwndCbTryNext, pInfo->pLink->fTryNextAlternateOnFail ); Button_SetCheck( pInfo->hwndCbMoveToTop, pInfo->pLink->fPromoteAlternates ); pInfo->fMoveToTop = pInfo->pLink->fPromoteAlternates; AnUpdateCheckboxes( pInfo ); // Center dialog on the owner window. // CenterWindow( hwndDlg, GetParent( hwndDlg ) ); // Add context help button to title bar. // AddContextHelpButton( hwndDlg ); return TRUE; } VOID AnInitLv( IN ANINFO* pInfo ) // Fill the ListView with phone numbers and comments. 'PInfo' is the // dialog context. // { TRACE( "AnInitLv" ); // Add columns. // { LV_COLUMN col; TCHAR* pszHeader0; TCHAR* pszHeader1; pszHeader0 = PszFromId( g_hinstDll, SID_PhoneNumbersColHead ); pszHeader1 = PszFromId( g_hinstDll, SID_CommentColHead ); ZeroMemory( &col, sizeof(col) ); col.mask = LVCF_FMT + LVCF_TEXT; col.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; col.pszText = (pszHeader0) ? pszHeader0 : TEXT(""); ListView_InsertColumn( pInfo->hwndLv, 0, &col ); ZeroMemory( &col, sizeof(col) ); col.mask = LVCF_FMT + LVCF_SUBITEM + LVCF_TEXT; col.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; col.pszText = (pszHeader1) ? pszHeader1 : TEXT(""); col.iSubItem = 1; ListView_InsertColumn( pInfo->hwndLv, 1, &col ); Free0( pszHeader0 ); Free0( pszHeader1 ); } // Size columns. Gives half for phone number and half for comment. // { RECT rect; LONG dx; LONG dxPhone; LONG dxComment; // The (2 * 2) is 2 columns of 2-pel column separator which the // ListView doesn't seem to account for when accepting column widths. // This gives a full ListView with no horizontal scroll bar. // GetWindowRect( pInfo->hwndLv, &rect ); dx = rect.right - rect.left - (2 * 2); dxPhone = dx / 2; dxComment = dx - dxPhone; ListView_SetColumnWidth( pInfo->hwndLv, 0, dxPhone ); ListView_SetColumnWidth( pInfo->hwndLv, 1, dxComment ); } } VOID AnListFromLv( IN ANINFO* pInfo ) // Rebuild the edit link's PBPHONE list from the ListView. 'PInfo' is the // dialog context. // { INT i; i = -1; while ((i = ListView_GetNextItem( pInfo->hwndLv, i, LVNI_ALL )) >= 0) { DTLNODE* pNode; pNode = (DTLNODE* )ListView_GetParamPtr( pInfo->hwndLv, i ); ASSERT( pNode ); if(NULL == pNode) { continue; } if (PhoneNodeIsBlank( pNode )) { // "Blank" numbers are discarded. // DestroyPhoneNode( pNode ); continue; } DtlAddNodeLast( pInfo->pLink->pdtllistPhones, pNode ); } ListView_DeleteAllItems( pInfo->hwndLv ); } LVXDRAWINFO* AnLvCallback( IN HWND hwndLv, IN DWORD dwItem ) // Enhanced list view callback to report drawing information. 'HwndLv' is // the handle of the list view control. 'DwItem' is the index of the item // being drawn. // // Returns the address of the draw information. // { // Use "full row select" and other recommended options. // // Fields are 'nCols', 'dxIndent', 'dwFlags', 'adwFlags[]'. // static LVXDRAWINFO info = { 2, 0, 0, { 0, 0 } }; return &info; } VOID AnMoveNumber( IN ANINFO* pInfo, IN BOOL fUp ) // Refill the ListView of devices with the selected item moved up or down // one position. 'FUp' is set to move up, otherwise moves down. 'PInfo' // is the property sheeet context. // { DTLNODE* pNode; DTLNODE* pPrevNode; DTLNODE* pNextNode; DTLLIST* pList; // Notice which node is selected, then rebuild the edit link's PBPHONE // list from the ListView. // pNode = (DTLNODE* )ListView_GetSelectedParamPtr( pInfo->hwndLv ); if (pNode == NULL) { return; } AnListFromLv( pInfo ); pList = pInfo->pLink->pdtllistPhones; // Move the selected node forward or backward a node in the chain. // if (fUp) { pPrevNode = DtlGetPrevNode( pNode ); if (pPrevNode) { DtlRemoveNode( pList, pNode ); DtlAddNodeBefore( pList, pPrevNode, pNode ); } } else { pNextNode = DtlGetNextNode( pNode ); if (pNextNode) { DtlRemoveNode( pList, pNode ); DtlAddNodeAfter( pList, pNextNode, pNode ); } } // Refill the ListView with the new order. // AnFillLv( pInfo, pNode ); } BOOL AnSave( IN ANINFO* pInfo ) // Load the contents of the dialog into caller's stub API output argument. // 'PInfo' is the dialog context. // // Returns true if succesful, false otherwise. // { TRACE( "AnSave" ); // Rebuild the edit link's PBPHONE list from the ListView. // AnListFromLv( pInfo ); // Retrieve check box settings. // pInfo->pLink->fPromoteAlternates = Button_GetCheck( pInfo->hwndCbMoveToTop ); pInfo->pLink->fTryNextAlternateOnFail = Button_GetCheck( pInfo->hwndCbTryNext ); // Copy the edit buffer to caller's output argument. // CopyLinkPhoneNumberInfo( pInfo->pArgs->pLinkNode, pInfo->pNode ); // Swap lists, saving updates to caller's global list of area codes. // Caller's original list will be destroyed by AnTerm. // if (pInfo->pListAreaCodes) { DtlSwapLists( pInfo->pArgs->pListAreaCodes, pInfo->pListAreaCodes ); } return TRUE; } VOID AnTerm( IN HWND hwndDlg ) // Dialog termination. // { ANINFO* pInfo; TRACE( "AnTerm" ); pInfo = (ANINFO* )GetWindowLongPtr( hwndDlg, DWLP_USER ); if (pInfo) { // Release any PBPHONE nodes still in the list, e.g. if user Canceled. // if (pInfo->pNode) { AnListFromLv( pInfo ); DestroyLinkNode( pInfo->pNode ); } if (pInfo->pListAreaCodes) { DtlDestroyList( pInfo->pListAreaCodes, DestroyPszNode ); } Free( pInfo ); TRACE( "Context freed" ); } } VOID AnUpdateButtons( IN ANINFO* pInfo ) // Determine if the Up, Down, Edit, and Delete operations make sense and // enable/disable those buttons accordingly. If a disabled button has // focus, focus is given to the ListView. 'PInfo' is the dialog context. // { INT iSel; INT cItems; BOOL fSel; iSel = ListView_GetNextItem( pInfo->hwndLv, -1, LVNI_SELECTED ); fSel = (iSel >= 0); cItems = ListView_GetItemCount( pInfo->hwndLv ); // "Up" button. // if (iSel > 0) { EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbUp, TRUE ); SendMessage( pInfo->hwndPbUp, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM )pInfo->hiconUpArr ); } else { EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbUp, FALSE ); SendMessage( pInfo->hwndPbUp, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM )pInfo->hiconUpArrDis ); } // "Down" button. // if (fSel && (iSel < cItems - 1)) { EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbDown, TRUE ); SendMessage( pInfo->hwndPbDown, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM )pInfo->hiconDnArr ); } else { EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbDown, FALSE ); SendMessage( pInfo->hwndPbDown, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM )pInfo->hiconDnArrDis ); } // "Edit" and "Delete" buttons. // EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbEdit, fSel ); EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbDelete, fSel ); // If the focus button is disabled, move focus to the ListView and make OK // the default button. // if (!IsWindowEnabled( GetFocus() )) { SetFocus( pInfo->hwndLv ); Button_MakeDefault( pInfo->hwndDlg, pInfo->hwndPbOk ); } } VOID AnUpdateCheckboxes( IN ANINFO* pInfo ) // Update so "move to top" checkbox is enabled only when "try next" is set // maintaining a restore state for "move to top". 'PInfo' is the dialog // context. // { if (Button_GetCheck( pInfo->hwndCbTryNext )) { Button_SetCheck( pInfo->hwndCbMoveToTop, pInfo->fMoveToTop ); EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndCbMoveToTop, TRUE ); } else { pInfo->fMoveToTop = Button_GetCheck( pInfo->hwndCbMoveToTop ); Button_SetCheck( pInfo->hwndCbMoveToTop, FALSE ); EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndCbMoveToTop, FALSE ); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Phone number editor dialog routines // Listed alphabetically following entrypoint and dialog proc //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL EditPhoneNumberDlg( IN HWND hwndOwner, IN OUT DTLNODE* pPhoneNode, IN OUT DTLLIST* pListAreaCodes, IN DWORD sidTitle ) // Popup a dialog to edit the phone number in 'pPhoneNode' and update the // area code list 'pListAreaCodes'. 'HwndOwner' is the owning window. // 'SidTitle' is the string ID of the title for the dialog. // // Returns true if user pressed OK and succeeded or false on Cancel or // error. // { INT_PTR nStatus; CEARGS args; TRACE( "EditPhoneNumberDlg" ); args.pPhoneNode = pPhoneNode; args.pListAreaCodes = pListAreaCodes; args.sidTitle = sidTitle; nStatus = DialogBoxParam( g_hinstDll, MAKEINTRESOURCE( DID_CE_ComplexPhoneEditor ), hwndOwner, CeDlgProc, (LPARAM )&args ); if (nStatus == -1) { ErrorDlg( hwndOwner, SID_OP_LoadDlg, ERROR_UNKNOWN, NULL ); nStatus = FALSE; } return (BOOL )nStatus; } INT_PTR CALLBACK CeDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam ) // DialogProc callback for the phone number editor dialog. Parameters and // return value are as described for standard windows 'DialogProc's. // { #if 0 TRACE4( "CeDlgProc(h=$%x,m=$%x,w=$%x,l=$%x)", (DWORD )hwnd, (DWORD )unMsg, (DWORD )wparam, (DWORD )lparam ); #endif switch (unMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { return CeInit( hwnd, (CEARGS* )lparam ); } case WM_HELP: case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { ContextHelp( g_adwCeHelp, hwnd, unMsg, wparam, lparam ); break; } case WM_COMMAND: { CEINFO* pInfo = (CEINFO* )GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, DWLP_USER ); ASSERT( pInfo ); return CeCommand( pInfo, HIWORD( wparam ), LOWORD( wparam ), (HWND )lparam ); } case WM_DESTROY: { CeTerm( hwnd ); break; } } return FALSE; } BOOL CeCommand( IN CEINFO* pInfo, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl ) // Called on WM_COMMAND. 'PInfo' is the dialog context. 'WNotification' // is the notification code of the command. 'wId' is the control/menu // identifier of the command. 'HwndCtrl' is the control window handle of // the command. // // Returns true if processed message, false otherwise. // { TRACE3( "CeCommand(n=%d,i=%d,c=$%x)", (DWORD )wNotification, (DWORD )wId, (ULONG_PTR )hwndCtrl ); switch (wId) { case CID_CE_CB_UseDialingRules: { if (CuDialingRulesCbHandler( &pInfo->cuinfo, wNotification )) { return TRUE; } break; } case CID_CE_LB_CountryCodes: { if (CuCountryCodeLbHandler( &pInfo->cuinfo, wNotification )) { return TRUE; } break; } case IDOK: { EndDialog( pInfo->hwndDlg, CeSave( pInfo ) ); return TRUE; } case IDCANCEL: { TRACE( "Cancel pressed" ); EndDialog( pInfo->hwndDlg, FALSE ); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } BOOL CeInit( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN CEARGS* pArgs ) // Called on WM_INITDIALOG. 'HwndDlg' is the handle of the phonebook // dialog window. 'PArgs' is caller's link node argument as passed to the // stub API. // // Return false if focus was set, true otherwise, i.e. as defined for // WM_INITDIALOG. // { DWORD dwErr; CEINFO* pInfo; DTLNODE* pNode; PBPHONE* pPhone; TRACE( "CeInit" ); // Allocate the dialog context block. Initialize minimally for proper // cleanup, then attach to the dialog window. // { pInfo = Malloc( sizeof(*pInfo) ); if (!pInfo) { ErrorDlg( hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadDlg, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, NULL ); EndDialog( hwndDlg, FALSE ); return TRUE; } ZeroMemory( pInfo, sizeof(*pInfo) ); pInfo->pArgs = pArgs; pInfo->hwndDlg = hwndDlg; SetWindowLongPtr( hwndDlg, DWLP_USER, (ULONG_PTR )pInfo ); TRACE( "Context set" ); } pInfo->hwndStAreaCodes = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_CE_ST_AreaCodes ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndStAreaCodes ); pInfo->hwndClbAreaCodes = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_CE_CLB_AreaCodes ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndClbAreaCodes ); pInfo->hwndEbPhoneNumber = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_CE_EB_PhoneNumber ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndEbPhoneNumber ); pInfo->hwndLbCountryCodes = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_CE_LB_CountryCodes ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndLbCountryCodes ); pInfo->hwndCbUseDialingRules = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_CE_CB_UseDialingRules ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndCbUseDialingRules ); pInfo->hwndEbComment = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_CE_EB_Comment ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndEbComment ); // Set title to caller's resource string. // { TCHAR* pszTitle; pszTitle = PszFromId( g_hinstDll, pArgs->sidTitle ); if (pszTitle) { SetWindowText( hwndDlg, pszTitle ); Free( pszTitle ); } } // Make an edit copy of the argument node and area-code list. // pInfo->pNode = DuplicatePhoneNode( pArgs->pPhoneNode ); if (!pInfo->pNode) { ErrorDlg( hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadDlg, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, NULL ); EndDialog( hwndDlg, FALSE ); return TRUE; } pInfo->pPhone = (PBPHONE* )DtlGetData( pInfo->pNode ); ASSERT( pInfo->pPhone ); pInfo->pListAreaCodes = DtlDuplicateList( pArgs->pListAreaCodes, DuplicatePszNode, DestroyPszNode ); // Initialize area-code/country-code helper context. // CuInit( &pInfo->cuinfo, pInfo->hwndStAreaCodes, pInfo->hwndClbAreaCodes, NULL, pInfo->hwndEbPhoneNumber, pInfo->hwndStCountryCodes, pInfo->hwndLbCountryCodes, pInfo->hwndCbUseDialingRules, NULL, NULL, NULL, pInfo->hwndEbComment, pInfo->pListAreaCodes ); pInfo->fCuInfoInitialized = TRUE; // Load the fields. // CuSetInfo( &pInfo->cuinfo, pInfo->pNode, FALSE ); // Center dialog on the owner window. // CenterWindow( hwndDlg, GetParent( hwndDlg ) ); // Add context help button to title bar. // AddContextHelpButton( hwndDlg ); // Initial focus is on the phone number. // Edit_SetSel( pInfo->hwndEbPhoneNumber, 0, -1 ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndEbPhoneNumber ); return FALSE; } BOOL CeSave( IN CEINFO* pInfo ) // Load the contents of the dialog into caller's stub API output argument. // 'PInfo' is the dialog context. // // Returns true if succesful, false otherwise. // { PBPHONE* pSrcPhone; PBPHONE* pDstPhone; TRACE( "CeSave" ); // Load the settings in the controls into the edit node. // CuGetInfo( &pInfo->cuinfo, pInfo->pNode ); // Copy the edit node to the stub API caller's argument node. // pDstPhone = (PBPHONE* )DtlGetData( pInfo->pArgs->pPhoneNode ); pSrcPhone = pInfo->pPhone; pDstPhone->dwCountryCode = pSrcPhone->dwCountryCode; pDstPhone->dwCountryID = pSrcPhone->dwCountryID; pDstPhone->fUseDialingRules = pSrcPhone->fUseDialingRules; Free0( pDstPhone->pszPhoneNumber ); pDstPhone->pszPhoneNumber = StrDup( pSrcPhone->pszPhoneNumber ); Free0( pDstPhone->pszAreaCode ); pDstPhone->pszAreaCode = StrDup( pSrcPhone->pszAreaCode ); Free0( pDstPhone->pszComment ); pDstPhone->pszComment = StrDup( pSrcPhone->pszComment ); // Swap lists, saving updates to caller's global list of area codes. // Caller's original list will be destroyed by AnTerm. // if (pInfo->pListAreaCodes) { DtlSwapLists( pInfo->pArgs->pListAreaCodes, pInfo->pListAreaCodes ); } return TRUE; } VOID CeTerm( IN HWND hwndDlg ) // Dialog termination. // { CEINFO* pInfo; TRACE( "CeTerm" ); pInfo = (CEINFO* )GetWindowLongPtr( hwndDlg, DWLP_USER ); if (pInfo) { if (pInfo->pNode) { DestroyPhoneNode( pInfo->pNode ); } if (pInfo->pListAreaCodes) { DtlDestroyList( pInfo->pListAreaCodes, DestroyPszNode ); } if (pInfo->fCuInfoInitialized) { CuFree( &pInfo->cuinfo ); } Free( pInfo ); TRACE( "Context freed" ); } }