//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include "nodemgrstr.h" #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #include "afxres.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TEXTINCLUDE // 1 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "nodemgrstr.h\0" END 2 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "#include ""afxres.h""\r\n" "\0" END 3 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "\r\n" "\0" END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_NODEINIT_DESC "NodeInit 1.0 Object" IDS_SCOPETREE_DESC "ScopeTree 1.0 Object" IDS_DOCCONFIG_DESC "MMCDocConfig 1.0 Object" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ALL_CATEGORIES "All Categories" IDS_ACTIVEXCONTROL "ActiveX Control" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_PROPERTIES "P&roperties\nOpens property sheet for the current selection." IDS_COLUMNS "&Add/Remove Columns...\nBrings a dialog to modify the columns in result pane." IDS_CREATE_NEW "&New\nCreates a new object in this container." IDS_SNAPIN_CREATE_FAILED "Snap-in Creation Failed." IDS_SNAPIN_FAILED "The snap-in is not created, it may not be installed properly." IDS_SNAPIN_POLICYFAILURE "The user policies prevent MMC from creating the snap-in." IDS_VERSION "Version: " IDS_ABOUT "About " IDS_FOLDER "Folder" IDS_CUSTOMIZE "C&ustomize...\nCustomizes the view." IDS_HTML "Link to Web Address" IDS_SHORTCUT "Shortcut" IDS_ENUMERATED "Enumerated" IDS_SNAPINSTR "Snap-in" IDS_CONTROL_NAME "Control Name" IDS_CATEGORY "Category" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_NO_PERMISSION_SHUTDOWN "You do not have permission to shutdown this computer." IDS_VENDOR "Vendor" IDS_ColumnsCouldNotBePersisted "Columns will not be persisted." IDS_SNAPIN_NOTALLOWED "The snap-in below, referenced in this document has been restricted by policy. Contact your administrator for details." IDS_EXTENSION_NOTALLOWED "The snap-in below, which provides some functionality that may be required for full use of this tool has been restricted by policy. Contact your administrator for details." IDS_ViewSettingCouldNotBePersisted "View settings will not be persisted." IDS_SNAPIN_SAVE_FAILED "The snap-in below, failed to save." MMC_E_SnapinNotAdded "The snap-in is not added to the console." IDS_WizardTitleFont "Verdana" MMC_E_SNAPINNOTFOUND "The specified snap-in could not be located." IDS_NOT_INSTALLED2 "Not Installed" ID_SNP_PROPERTIES "Properties" ID_SNP_MANAGER_TITLE "Add/Remove Snap-in" ID_SNP_UP "Up\nUp" ID_SNP_DELETE "Delete\nDelete" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_VIEW_FILTERED "&Filter\nDisplays information about a filtered list of items." ID_SNP_STANDALONE "Show Stand alone snap-ins\nShow Stand alone snap-ins" ID_SNP_ALLSNAPINS "Show All snap-ins\nShow All snap-ins" ID_SNP_EXTENSION "Show Extension snap-ins\nShow Extension snap-ins" IDS_WizardTitleFontSize "12" IDS_NOT_INSTALLED "(not installed)" IDS_SNAPINTYPE0 "Standalone" IDS_SNAPINTYPE1 "Extension" IDS_SNAPINTYPE2 "Standalone, Extension" IDS_EXTENSION "Extensions" SNP_DELETE_TITLE "Remove Snap-in" SNP_DELETE_TEXT "This operation will remove the selected snap-ins and all of their children.\n\nIs this what you want to do?" IDS_ROOTFOLDER_NAME "Console Root" SNPADD_ERROR1 "Unable to load snap-in" IDS_SELECT_ALL "Select &All\nSelects all of the items in the listview" IDS_EXPLORE "New &Window from Here\nOpens a new window rooted at this node." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_OPEN "&Open\nOpens the current selection." IDS_CUT "Cu&t\nCuts the current selection." IDS_COPY "&Copy\nCopies the current selection." IDS_PASTE "&Paste\nPastes into the current selection." IDS_DELETE "&Delete\nDeletes the current selection." IDS_PRINT "P&rint\nPrints the current selection." IDS_REFRESH "Re&fresh\nRefreshes the current selection." IDS_RENAME "Rena&me\nRenames the current selection." IDS_DOCKING "&Docking view\nTurns docking on or off for the current window" IDS_NEW_TASKPAD_FROM_HERE "New &Taskpad View...\nCreates a new taskpad view targeted at this node." IDS_SNAPINMANAGER "Add/Re&move Snap-in\nAdds or removes individual snap-ins." IDS_ARRANGE_NAME "&Name\nSorts by name" IDS_ARRANGE_TYPE "&Type\nSorts by type" IDS_ARRANGE_SIZE "&Size\nSorts by size" IDS_ARRANGE_DATE "&Date\nSorts by date" IDS_TASK "All Tas&ks\nContains operations that can be performed on the object." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SCOPE_PANE "&Console Tree\nShows or hides console tree." IDS_MMC_MENU_ACTION "&Action\nAction Menu" IDS_MMC_MENU_VIEW "&View\nView Menu" IDS_NEW_FOLDER_NAME "New Folder" IDS_PROP_ON_MULTIOBJ "Properties On Multiple Objects" IDS_TASKPAD_NAME_REQUIRED_ERROR "You must enter a name for the taskpad." IDS_COMCAT_LOAD_ERR "Error loading comcat.dll. Please make sure that comcat.dll is registered." IDS_CLASSCAT_ENUM_ERR "Failed to enumerate component categories." IDS_COMCAT_NONAME "%S " IDS_SHORTCUT_FILES "All Files (*.*)\\*.*" IDS_BROWSE_SHORTCUT "Browse for shortcut" IDS_HTML_FILES "HTML Files(*.htm,*.html,*.asp,*.stm,*.stml)\\*.htm;*.html;*.asp;*.stm;*.stml" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_BUILTIN_SNAPIN_PROVIDER "Microsoft Corporation" IDS_OCXWiz_ControlPageTitle "Control Category and Type" IDS_HTMLSNAPIN_DESC "The Link to Web Address snap-in allows you to add a node that displays an Internet web page." IDS_OCXWiz_ControlPageSubTitle "Select a control category, and then select the control type you want to add." IDS_OCXSNAPIN_DESC "The ActiveX Control snap-in allows you to add an ActiveX control to your console." IDS_MMC_CONTEXTHELP "&Help\nDisplays help for current selection." MMC_E_CannotChangeProperty "The property cannot be changed." MMC_E_CannotRemoveProperty "The property cannot be removed." MMC_E_UnrecognizedProperty "The snap-in does not recognize the property." MMC_E_TheVerbNotEnabled "The snap-in does permit this action in given context." IDS_ExplorerView "Extended" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN MMC_E_CannotDisableExtension "An extension snap-in cannot be disabled when all extensions are enabled for the extended snap-in. Call EnableAllExtensions(0) on extending snap-in before calling Enable(0) on this snap-in." IDS_ViewExtSnapinName "Extended View" IDS_UnknownSnapinName "" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_BROWSE_WEBLINK "Browse for link to web address" IDS_ACTIVEX_FILES "ActiveX Files (*.ocx)\\*.ocx" IDS_BROWSE_ACTIVEX "Browse for ActiveX control" IDS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED "Not yet implemented." IDS_CONSOLE_TOPIC "Microsoft Management Console" IDS_MMC_MENU_FAVORITES "&Favorites\nFavorites Menu" IDS_SAVE_LIST "Export &List...\nExports the current list to a file." IDS_TASKPAD_ROOT_FOLDER_NAME "Taskpads" IDS_INVALID_COMMAND "You must select a command." IDS_RETARGET_BUTTON_TEXT "Change..." IDS_INVALID_CONTEXT_LEVEL "Invalid number of context levels. The valid values are from %1 through %2." IDS_ITEM_DOES_NOT_EXIST "MMC was unable to create the requested item." IDS_NEW_TASKPAD "&New Taskpad View...\nCreate a new taskpad view" IDS_NEWTASK "&New Task...\nCreate a new task" IDS_MOVETO "Mov&e to\nMove to a different task group" IDS_ORDER "Se&t Order...\nRe-order the taskpad/group nodes" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_NEWGROUP "New &Group\nCreate a new group" IDS_TASKPADS "Task&pads\nSelects a taskpad" IDS_TPSTYLE_VERT "Vertical list" IDS_TPSTYLE_VERT_DESCR "Best for long lists" IDS_TPSTYLE_HORZ "Horizontal list" IDS_TPSTYLE_HORZ_DESCR "Best for multiple column lists" IDS_TPSTYLE_NOLIST "Tasks only" IDS_TPSTYLE_NOLIST_DESCR "Best for tasks that are not connected to list items" IDS_BROWSE_SYMBOL "Browse for symbol font file" IDS_SYMBOL_FILES "Executable and DLL Files(*.exe,*.dll)\\*.exe;*.dll\\Symbol Font Files(*.eot)\\*.eot" IDS_TPSTYLE_LONGDESCR "Tasks with descriptions" IDS_TPSTYLE_LONGDESCR_DESCR "Works best with taskpads requiring longer task descriptions." IDS_TaskProps_MenuCommand "Menu Command" IDS_TaskProps_CommandLine "Command Line" IDS_TaskProps_TaskpadList "Taskpad List" IDS_TaskProps_ConsoleTree "ConsoleTree" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TaskProps_Minimized "Minimized" IDS_TaskProps_Maximized "Maximized" IDS_TaskProps_Restored "Normal window" IDS_TaskProps_ModifyTitle "Modify Task" IDS_TaskProps_ProgramFilter "Programs (*.exe;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd;*.pif)\\*.exe;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd;*.pif\\All Files (*.*)\\*.*\\" IDS_TaskProps_ErrorNoTaskName "You must enter a name for the task." IDS_TaskProps_ErrorNoCommand "You must enter a command." IDS_TargetNodeName "Target Node Name" IDS_TargetNodeParentName "Target Node Parent Name" IDS_TARGETNODELOCATE "Locating target node..." IDS_TaskProps_TargetNode "Current target" IDS_TASK_MENU_COMMAND_REQUIRED "You must choose a menu command." IDS_COLUMN_TASK "Task" IDS_COLUMN_TOOLTIP "Description" IDS_InvalidTarget "You must select a valid target node." IDS_EDIT_TASKPAD "Ed&it Taskpad View...\nEdits taskpad view properties" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SNAPIN_FAILED_INIT_NAME "\n Name:" IDS_SNAPIN_FAILED_INIT_CLSID "\n CLSID:" IDS_NOT_AVAILABLE "- not available -" IDS_SYMBOL_REQUIRED "You must choose a symbol for the task." IDS_NO_TASKPAD "&No taskpad\nDoes not display a taskpad." IDS_DELETE_TASKPAD "D&elete Taskpad View\nDeletes the current taskpad view" IDS_TaskpadWiz_NamePageTitle "Name and Description" IDS_TaskpadWiz_NamePageSubtitle "You can type a new name and a description for this taskpad." IDS_TaskpadWiz_NodeTypePageTitle "Taskpad Target" IDS_TaskpadWiz_NodeTypePageSubtitle "You can apply this taskpad view to more than one tree item." IDS_TaskpadWiz_StylePageTitle "Taskpad Display" IDS_TaskpadWiz_StylePageSubtitle "You can choose the way this taskpad displays the details pane of the tree item you selected." IDS_TaskpadWiz_TitlePageTitle "Taskpad Title" IDS_TaskpadWiz_TitlePageSubtitle "You can choose the type of title you want to use for this taskpad." IDS_TaskWiz_CmdLinePageTitle "Enter Commands and Parameters" IDS_TaskWiz_CmdLinePageSubtitle "You can choose a command line for this task." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TaskWiz_MenuPageTitle "Shortcut Menu Command" IDS_TaskWiz_MenuPageSubtitle "You can select a menu command from an item on the console tree or from the list in the details pane for that item." IDS_TaskWiz_NamePageTitle "Name and Description" IDS_TaskWiz_NamePageSubtitle "You can type a new name and a description for this task." IDS_TaskWiz_SymbolPageTitle "Task Icon" IDS_TaskWiz_SymbolPageSubtitle "You can select one of the icons provided by MMC to represent this task, or you can select a custom icon." IDS_TaskWiz_TypePageTitle "Command Type" IDS_TaskWiz_TypePageSubtitle "Tasks can run command lines, launch menu commands, or navigate to other tree items." IDS_Small "Small" IDS_Medium "Medium" IDS_Large "Large" IDS_TASKSOURCE_RESULT "List in details pane" IDS_TASKSOURCE_SCOPE "Tree item task" IDS_TaskWiz_FavoritePage_Title "Navigation Task" IDS_TaskWiz_FavoritePage_Subtitle "Favorites are links to tree items. You can create a task that navigates to a taskpad view for another tree item." IDS_FOLDERSNAPIN_DESC "The Folder snap-in adds a folder node to the tree. This can be used to organize your console." END #endif // English (U.S.) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED