#include #include "resource.h" #include "cmdline.rc" #include "cmdlineres.h" #include "EvcrtMsg.rc" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_USAGE_SYNTAX1 "\nEVENTCREATE [/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]] /ID eventid\n" IDS_USAGE_SYNTAX2 " [/L logname] [/SO srcname] /T type /D description\n" IDS_USAGE_NEWLINE1 "\n" IDS_USAGE_DESC1 "Description:\n" IDS_USAGE_DESC2 " This command line tool enables an administrator to create\n" IDS_USAGE_DESC3 " a custom event ID and message in a specified event log.\n" IDS_USAGE_NEWLINE2 "\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST "Parameter List:\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST1 " /S system Specifies the remote system to connect to.\n\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST2 " /U [domain\\]user Specifies the user context under which\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST3 " the command should execute.\n\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST4 " /P [password] Specifies the password for the given\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST5 " user context. Prompts for input if omitted.\n\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST6 " /L logname Specifies the event log to create\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST7 " an event in.\n\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST8 " /T type Specifies the type of event to create.\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST9 " Valid types: ERROR, WARNING, INFORMATION.\n\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST10 "" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST11 " /SO source Specifies the source to use for the\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST12 " event. A valid source can be any string \n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST13 " and should represent the application or \n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST14 " component that is generating the event.\n\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST15 " /ID id Specifies the event ID for the event. A\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST16 " valid custom message ID is in the range\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST17 " of 1 - 1000.\n\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST18 " /D description Specifies the description to be set for\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST19 " the newly creating event.\n\n" IDS_USAGE_PARAMLIST20 " /? Displays this help/usage.\n\n" IDS_USAGE_NEWLINE3 "\n" IDS_USAGE_EXAMPLES "Examples:\n" IDS_USAGE_EXAMPLE11 " EVENTCREATE /T ERROR /ID 100\n" IDS_USAGE_EXAMPLE12 " /L APPLICATION /D ""Create an event in application log""\n\n" IDS_USAGE_EXAMPLE21 "" IDS_USAGE_EXAMPLE22 "" IDS_USAGE_EXAMPLE31 " EVENTCREATE /T ERROR /ID 999 /L APPLICATION\n" IDS_USAGE_EXAMPLE32 " /SO WinWord /D ""new source Winword in application log""\n\n" IDS_USAGE_EXAMPLE41 " EVENTCREATE /S system /T ERROR /ID 100\n" IDS_USAGE_EXAMPLE42 " /L APPLICATION /D ""Remote system without user credentials""\n\n" IDS_USAGE_EXAMPLE51 " EVENTCREATE /S system /U user /P password /ID 100 /T ERROR\n" IDS_USAGE_EXAMPLE52 " /L APPLICATION /D ""Remote machine with user credentials""\n\n" IDS_USAGE_EXAMPLE61 "" IDS_USAGE_EXAMPLE62 "" IDS_USAGE_EXAMPLE71 " EVENTCREATE /S system /U domain\\user /ID 100 /T WARNING\n" IDS_USAGE_EXAMPLE72 " /SO MyBatchFile.cmd /D ""Maintenance script user logon failed""\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_LOGTYPE_ERROR "ERROR" IDS_LOGTYPE_WARNING "WARNING" IDS_LOGTYPE_INFORMATION "INFORMATION" IDS_OVALUES_LOGTYPE "error|information|warning" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_EVENTCREATE_SUCCESS "SUCCESS: A '%s' type event is created in the '%s' log/source.\n" IDS_ERROR_USERNAME_BUT_NOMACHINE "Invalid Syntax. /U can be specified only when /S is specified.\nType ""EVENTCREATE /?"" for usage.\n" IDS_ERROR_USERNAME_EMPTY "Invalid Syntax. User name should not be empty.\n" IDS_ERROR_PASSWORD_BUT_NOUSERNAME "Invalid Syntax. /P can be specified only when /U is specified.\nType ""EVENTCREATE /?"" for usage.\n" IDS_ERROR_INVALID_EVENT_ID "Invalid Syntax. Event ID should be in the range of 1 - 1000.\nType ""EVENTCREATE /?"" for usage.\n" IDS_ERROR_DESCRIPTION_IS_EMPTY "Invalid Syntax. Description should not be empty.\nType ""EVENTCREATE /?"" for usage.\n" IDS_ERROR_LOGSOURCE_IS_EMPTY "Invalid Syntax. Log/Source should not be empty.\nType ""EVENTCREATE /?"" for usage.\n" IDS_ERROR_LOG_SOURCE_BOTH_MISSING "Invalid Syntax. Either /L or /SO or both should be specified.\nType ""EVENTCREATE /?"" for usage.\n" IDS_ERROR_INVALID_USAGE_REQUEST "Invalid Syntax.\nType ""EVENTCREATE /?"" for usage.\n" IDS_ERROR_LOG_NOTEXISTS "'%s' log doesn't exist. Cannot create the event.\n" IDS_ERROR_SYSTEM_EMPTY "Invalid Syntax. System name cannot be empty.\n" IDS_ERROR_NEED_LOG_ALSO "New source can be created only if log name is also specified.\nINFO: Use /L switch to specify the log name.\n" IDS_ERROR_SOURCE_DUPLICATING "Source already exists in '%s' log. Source cannot be duplicated.\n" IDS_ERROR_ID_OUTOFRANGE "EventID should be in the range of %d - %d.\n" IDS_ERROR_NONCUSTOM_SOURCE "Source parameter is used to identify custom application/scripts only (not built-in sources).\n" END // // Version resources // #include #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_APP #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Event Create" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "EventCreate.exe" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "EvCreate.exe" #include