#include #include "resource.h" #include "cmdlineres.h" #include "cmdline.rc" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // // Strings for the help display STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_HELP_1 "\nGPRESULT [/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]] [/SCOPE scope]\n" IDS_HELP_2 " [/USER targetusername] [/V | /Z]\n" IDS_HELP_3 "\n" IDS_HELP_4 "Description:\n" IDS_HELP_5 " This command line tool displays the Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP)\n" IDS_HELP_6 " for a target user and computer.\n" IDS_HELP_7 "\n" IDS_HELP_8 "Parameter List:\n" IDS_HELP_9 " /S system Specifies the remote system to connect\n" IDS_HELP_10 " to.\n\n" IDS_HELP_11 " /U [domain\]user Specifies the user context under which\n" IDS_HELP_12 " the command should execute.\n\n" IDS_HELP_13 " /P [password] Specifies the password for the given \n" IDS_HELP_14 " user context. Prompts for input if omitted.\n\n" IDS_HELP_15 " /USER [domain\]user Specifies the user name for which the\n" IDS_HELP_16 " RSOP data is to be displayed.\n\n" IDS_HELP_17 " /SCOPE scope Specifies whether the user or the\n" IDS_HELP_18 " computer settings needs to be\n" IDS_HELP_19 " displayed.\n" IDS_HELP_20 " Valid values: ""USER"", ""COMPUTER"".\n\n" IDS_HELP_21 " /V Specifies that the verbose information\n" IDS_HELP_22 " is to be displayed. Verbose information\n" IDS_HELP_23 " details specific settings that have\n" IDS_HELP_24 " been applied with a precedence of 1.\n\n" IDS_HELP_25 " /Z Specifies that the super-verbose\n" IDS_HELP_26 " information is to be displayed. Super-\n" IDS_HELP_27 " verbose information details specific\n" IDS_HELP_28 " settings that have been applied with a\n" IDS_HELP_29 " precedence of 1 and higher. This allows\n" IDS_HELP_30 " you to see if a setting was set in\n" IDS_HELP_31 " multiple places. See the Group Policy\n" IDS_HELP_32 " online help for more information.\n\n" IDS_HELP_33 " /? Displays this help/usage.\n\n" IDS_HELP_34 "NOTE: If you run GPRESULT without parameters, it returns the RSoP data\n" IDS_HELP_35 " for the current logged-on user on the computer it was run on.\n" IDS_HELP_36 "\nExamples:\n" IDS_HELP_37 " GPRESULT\n" IDS_HELP_38 " GPRESULT /USER targetusername /V\n" IDS_HELP_39 " GPRESULT /S system /USER targetusername /SCOPE COMPUTER /Z\n" IDS_HELP_40 " GPRESULT /S system /U username /P password /SCOPE USER /V\n" END // General strings STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_INFO "INFO: " IDS_ERROR "ERROR: " IDS_WARNING "WARNING: " IDS_DASH "-" IDS_NEWLINE_TAB "\n " IDS_LAST_CHAR " : " IDS_NEWLINE "\n" IDS_NEWLINE1 "\n " IDS_NEWLINE2 "\n " IDS_NEWLINETAB "\n " IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE "\n " END // Strings for warning messages STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_WARN_LOCAL "Ignoring the user credentials for the local system." END // Strings for Information messages STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_USER_NO_RSOP "The user ""%s"" does not have RSOP data.\n" END // Strings for Error messages STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ERROR_USERNAME_BUT_NOMACHINE "Invalid Syntax. /U can be specified only when /S is specified.\n" IDS_ERROR_PASSWORD_BUT_NOUSERNAME "Invalid Syntax. /P can be specified only when /U is specified.\n" IDS_ERROR_COM_ERROR "%s Error Code: 0x%08lx\n" IDS_ERROR_USERNAME_EMPTY "Invalid Syntax. User name cannot be empty.\n" IDS_ERROR_SERVERNAME_EMPTY "Invalid Syntax. Server name cannot be empty.\n" IDS_ERROR_NO_OPTIONS "Invalid Syntax.\nType ""GPRESULT /?"" for usage.\n" IDS_ERROR_USAGE "Invalid Syntax. No options can be specified alongwith '/?'.\n" IDS_TYPE_USAGE "Type ""GPRESULT /?"" for usage.\n" IDS_ERROR_TARGET_EMPTY "Invalid Syntax. Target user name cannot be empty.\n" IDS_USER_NOT_VALID "The specified user name is not valid.\n" IDS_NO_USER "The /USER value is not valid.\n" IDS_METHOD_FAILED "Access Denied.\n" IDS_ERROR_VERBOSE_SYNTAX "Invalid Syntax. /Z cannot be specified when /V is specified.\n" END // Strings for data display STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_LEGAL_INFO1 "Microsoft (R) Windows (R) XP Operating System Group Policy Result tool v2.0\n" IDS_LEGAL_INFO2 "Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1981-2001\n" IDS_CREATED_ON "\nCreated On %s at %s\n\n" IDS_GPO_USER "\n\nUSER SETTINGS" IDS_GPO_COMPUTER "\n\nCOMPUTER SETTINGS" IDS_GPO_TITLE "\rRSOP results for %s on %s : Logging Mode" IDS_DOMAIN_NAME "Domain Name: " IDS_DOMAIN_TYPE "Domain Type: " IDS_SITE_NAME "Site Name: " IDS_OS_TYPE "\nOS Type: " IDS_OS_VERSION "\nOS Version: " IDS_OS_CONFIG "\nOS Configuration: " IDS_LOCAL_PROFILE "Local Profile: " IDS_ROAMING_PROFILE "Roaming Profile: " IDS_LINK_SPEED "Connected over a slow link?: " IDS_GPO_DISPLAY "\n Applied Group Policy Objects" IDS_GPO_FILTERED "\n The following GPOs were not applied because they were filtered out" IDS_GPO_FILTER_ID " WMI Filter: " IDS_FILTERING "\n Filtering: " IDS_COMPUTER_RESULT "\n Resultant Set Of Policies for Computer:" IDS_USER_RESULT "\n Resultant Set Of Policies for User:" IDS_SW_SETTINGS "Software Installations" IDS_WS_SS_AP_PP "Account Policies" IDS_WS_SS_AP_ALP "Account Lockout Policies" IDS_WS_SS_LP_AP "Audit Policy" IDS_WS_SS_LP_URA "User Rights" IDS_WS_SS_LP_SO "Security Options" IDS_WS_SSU "Startup Scripts" IDS_WS_SSD "Shutdown Scripts" IDS_WS_SS_EL "Event Log Settings" IDS_WS_SS_RG "Restricted Groups" IDS_WS_SS_SS "System Services" IDS_WS_SS_REG "Registry Settings" IDS_WS_SS_FS "File System Settings" IDS_WS_SS_PKP "Public Key Policies" IDS_ADTS_RAS "RAS Fix Policy" IDS_ADTS_ERS "Administrative Templates" IDS_USERFR "Folder Redirection" IDS_IEPOLICY "Internet Explorer Browser User Interface" IDS_FAVLINKORITEM "Internet Explorer URLs" IDS_IE_SECURITY "Internet Explorer Security" IDS_IE_PROGRAMS "Internet Explorer Programs" IDS_PROXY "Internet Explorer Connection" IDS_GPO "\n GPO: " IDS_POLICY "\n Policy: " IDS_COMPUTER_SETTING "\n Computer Setting: " IDS_NAME "\n Name: " IDS_PARAMETERS "\n Parameters: " IDS_LASTEXECUTED "\n LastExecuted: " IDS_SETTING "\n Setting: " IDS_FR_SETTING "\n Setting: " IDS_STATE "\n State: " IDS_AUTOINSTALL "\n AutoInstall: " IDS_ORIGIN "\n Origin: " IDS_OBJECTNAME "\n ObjectName: " IDS_GROUPNAME "\n Groupname: " IDS_MEMBERS "\n Members: " IDS_SERVICENAME "\n ServiceName: " IDS_STARTUP "\n Startup: " IDS_PERMISSION "\n Permission: " IDS_MEMBEROF "\n Memberof: " IDS_INSTALLATIONTYPE " InstallationType: " IDS_GRANTTYPE "\n Grant Type: " IDS_MOVETYPE "\n Move Type: " IDS_REDIRECTINGGROUP "\n Redirecting Group: " IDS_REDIRECTEDPATH "\n Redirected Path: " IDS_POLICYREMOVAL "\n Policy Removal: " IDS_HOMEPAGEURL "\n Home page URL: " IDS_SEARCHBARURL "\n Search page URL: " IDS_HELPPAGEURL "\n Online support page URL: " IDS_BITMAPNAME "\n Large Animated Bitmap Name: " IDS_LOGOBITMAPNAME "\n Large Custom Logo Bitmap Name: " IDS_TITLEBARTEXT "\n Title BarText: " IDS_USERAGENTTEXT "\n UserAgent Text: " IDS_TOOL_BUTTONS "\n Delete existing toolbar buttons: " IDS_URL "\n URL: " IDS_AVAILABLE "\n Make Available Offline: " IDS_VIEWABLESITES "\n Always Viewable Sites: " IDS_PASSWORDOVERRIDE "\n Password Override Enabled: " IDS_ZONE_SETTING "\n Import the current Security Zones Settings: " IDS_PROGRAM_SETTING "\n Import the current Program Settings: " IDS_CONTENT_SETTING "\n Import the current Content Ratings Settings: " IDS_AUTH_SETTING "\n Import current Authenticode Security Information: " IDS_TRUST_PUB "\n Enable trusted publisher lockdown: " IDS_HTTP_PROXY "\n HTTP Proxy Server: " IDS_SECURE_PROXY "\n Secure Proxy Server: " IDS_FTP_PROXY "\n FTP Proxy Server: " IDS_GOPHER_PROXY "\n Gopher Proxy Server: " IDS_SOCKS_PROXY "\n Socks Proxy Server: " IDS_AUTO_CONFIG_ENABLE "\n Auto Config Enable: " IDS_ENABLE_PROXY "\n Enable Proxy: " IDS_USE_SAME_PROXY "\n Use same Proxy: " IDS_APP_NAME "\n Name: " IDS_APP_VERSION "\n Version: " IDS_DEPLOY_STATE "\n Deployment State: " IDS_APP_SRC "\n Source: " IDS_LOG_NAME "\n Log Name: " IDS_USER_SG " The user is a part of the following security groups:" IDS_SYS_SG " The computer is a part of the following security groups:" IDS_THRESHOLD_LINK_SPEED "Group Policy slow link threshold: " IDS_LAST_TIME "Last time Group Policy was applied: " IDS_APPLIED_FROM "Group Policy was applied from: " END // Strings for data values STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_NO_AUDITING "No Auditing" IDS_AUTOMATIC "Automatic" IDS_MANUAL "Manual" IDS_DISABLED "disabled" IDS_PUBLISHED "Published" IDS_ASSIGNED "Assigned" IDS_TRUE "True" IDS_FALSE "False" IDS_ARP "ARP List item" IDS_APPLICATION "Applied Application" IDS_REMOVED "Removed Package" IDS_NOPOLICY "no policy" IDS_BASIC "basic" IDS_ADVANCED "advanced" IDS_MAXIMUM "maximum" IDS_YES "Yes" IDS_NO "No" IDS_VALUE_STANDALONEWORKSTATION "Standalone Workstation" IDS_VALUE_MEMBERWORKSTATION "Member Workstation" IDS_VALUE_STANDALONESERVER "Standalone Server" IDS_VALUE_MEMBERSERVER "Member Server" IDS_VALUE_BACKUPDOMAINCONTROLLER "Additional/Backup Domain Controller" IDS_VALUE_PRIMARYDOMAINCONTROLLER "Primary Domain Controller" IDS_STRING_COMPUTER "Computer" IDS_STRING_USER "User" IDS_NULL_SID "Null SID" IDS_EVERYONE "Everyone" IDS_LOCAL "Local" IDS_CREATOR_OWNER "Creator Owner ID" IDS_CREATOR_GROUP "Creator Group ID" IDS_SYSTEM "System" IDS_SECURITY "Security" IDS_APP_LOG "Application" IDS_ENABLED "Enabled" IDS_NOT_ENABLED "Not Enabled" IDS_NOT_EXECUTED "This script has not yet been executed." IDS_EXCLUSIVE "Exclusive Rights" IDS_NOTEXCLUSIVE "Not Exclusive Rights" IDS_MOVED "Contents of Local Directory moved" IDS_NOTMOVED "Contents of Local Directory not moved" IDS_LEAVEFOLDER "Leave folder in existing location" IDS_REDIRECT "Redirect the folder back to user profile location" IDS_W2K_DOMAIN "Windows 2000" IDS_LOCAL_COMP "" IDS_NT4_DOMAIN "WindowsNT 4" IDS_MS_409 "ms-409" IDS_WMI_DENIED "Denied (WMI Filter)\n" IDS_LINK_DISABLED "Disabled (Link)\n" IDS_GPO_DISABLED "Disabled (GPO)\n" IDS_ACCESS_DENIED "Denied (Security)\n" IDS_VERSION_ZERO "Not Applied (Empty)\n" IDS_NOT_APPLIED "Not Applied (Unknown Reason)\n" END // Strings for status messages STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_STARTED_RETRIEVAL "Retrieving RSOP data..." IDS_CONNECT_CIMV2 "Connecting to the CIMV2 namespace..." IDS_USER_DATA "Getting the user data..." IDS_CONNECT_RSOP "Connecting to the RSOP namespace..." IDS_GET_SID "Getting the SID information..." IDS_GET_NAME "Getting the user name..." IDS_GET_PROFILE "Getting the local profile for..." IDS_GET_COMMON "Getting the common information..." IDS_GET_DOMAIN "Getting the domain information..." IDS_GET_OSINFO "Getting the OS information..." IDS_GET_SITE "Getting the site information..." IDS_GET_PROVIDER "Getting the RSOP provider..." IDS_GET_METHOD "Getting the RSOP method..." IDS_PUT_SID "Putting the SID..." IDS_CREATE_SESSION "Creating the RSOP session for %s..." IDS_DISPLAY_DATA "Starting the display of data..." IDS_WAIT "Waiting for other instances to complete their method execution..." END // // Version resources // #include #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_APP #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Query RSOP Data" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "GpResult.exe" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "GpRslt.exe" #include