/********************************************************************************************* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: VerboseLoggingData.h Abstract: Header file containing the constants and function prototypes pertaining to the Verbose information display Author: Wipro Technologies Revision History: 22-Feb-2001 : Created It. *********************************************************************************************/ #ifndef _GVERBOSE_H #define _GVERBOSE_H // // constants // CLS stands for class #define CLS_WIN32_DOMAIN _T( "Win32_ComputerSystem" ) #define CLS_WIN32_USER _T( "Win32_UserAccount" ) #define CLS_SOFTWARE _T( "RSOP_ApplicationManagementPolicySetting" ) #define CLS_PASSWD_POLICY _T( "RSOP_SecuritySettingNumeric" ) #define CLS_SECURITY_BOOLEAN _T( "RSOP_SecuritySettingBoolean" ) #define CLS_SECURITY_STRING _T( "RSOP_SecuritySettingString" ) #define CLS_SCRIPTS _T( "RSOP_ScriptPolicySetting" ) #define CLS_EVENTLOG_BOOLEAN _T( "RSOP_SecurityEventLogSettingBoolean" ) #define CLS_EVENTLOG_NUMERIC _T( "RSOP_SecurityEventLogSettingNumeric" ) #define CLS_USER_RIGHTS _T( "RSOP_UserPrivilegeRight" ) #define CLS_AUDIT_POLICY _T( "RSOP_AuditPolicy" ) #define CLS_RESTRICTED_GROUPS _T( "RSOP_RestrictedGroup" ) #define CLS_SYSTEM_SERVICES _T( "RSOP_SystemService" ) #define CLS_REGISTRY _T( "RSOP_RegistryKey" ) #define CLS_FILE _T( "RSOP_File" ) #define CLS_ADMIN _T( "RSOP_RegistryPolicySetting" ) #define CLS_FOLDER_REDIRECTION _T( "RSOP_FolderRedirectionPolicySetting" ) #define CLS_IE_FAVLINKORITEM _T( "RSOP_IEFavoriteOrLinkItem" ) #define CLS_IE_SECURITY_CONTENT _T( "RSOP_IESecurityContentRatings" ) #define CLS_IE_SECURITY_ZONE _T( "RSOP_IESecurityZoneSettings" ) #define CLS_IE_CONNECTION _T( "RSOP_IEConnectionSettings" ) #define CLS_IE_POLICY _T( "RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting" ) // Class Property Value #define CPV_ID _T( "id" ) #define CPV_GPOID _T( "GPOID" ) #define CPV_KEYNAME1 _T( "Keyname" ) #define CPV_SETTING1 _T( "Setting" ) #define CPV_TYPE _T( "Type" ) #define CPV_REG_FS _T( "Path" ) #define CPV_SCRIPTLIST _T( "scriptList" ) #define CPV_USERRIGHT _T( "UserRight" ) #define CPV_ACCOUNTLIST _T( "AccountList" ) #define CPV_CATEGORY _T( "Category" ) #define CPV_SUCCESS _T( "Success" ) #define CPV_FAILURE _T( "Failure" ) #define CPV_GROUP _T( "GroupName" ) #define CPV_MEMBERS _T( "Members" ) #define CPV_SERVICE _T( "Service" ) #define CPV_STARTUP _T( "StartupMode" ) #define CPV_PRECEDENCE _T( "precedence" ) #define CPV_REGISTRY _T( "registryKey" ) #define CPV_AUTO_INSTALL _T( "DemandInstallable" ) #define CPV_ORIGIN _T( "EntryType" ) #define CPV_SCRIPT _T( "script" ) #define CPV_ARGUMENTS _T( "arguments" ) #define CPV_EXECTIME _T( "executionTime" ) #define CPV_DELETED _T( "deleted" ) // Properties for folder re-direction #define CPV_FRINSTYPE _T( "installationType" ) #define CPV_FRSECGROUP _T( "redirectingGroup" ) #define CPV_FRPATH _T( "redirectedPaths" ) #define CPV_FRGRANT _T( "grantType" ) #define CPV_FRMOVE _T( "moveType" ) #define CPV_FRREMOVAL _T( "policyRemoval" ) // Properties for IE settings #define CPV_HOMEPAGEURL _T( "homePageURL" ) #define CPV_SEARCHBARURL _T( "searchBarURL" ) #define CPV_HELPPAGEURL _T( "onlineHelpPageURL" ) #define CPV_BITMAPNAME _T( "largeAnimatedBitmapName" ) #define CPV_LOGOBITMAPNAME _T( "largeCustomLogoBitmapName" ) #define CPV_USERAGENTTEXT _T( "userAgentText" ) #define CPV_TITLEBARTEXT _T( "titleBarCustomText" ) #define CPV_ALWAYSVIEW _T( "alwaysViewableSites" ) #define CPV_ENABLEPASSWORD _T( "passwordOverrideEnabled" ) #define CPV_DISPLAY_NAME _T( "displayName" ) #define CPV_ZONEMAPPINGS _T( "zoneMappings" ) #define CPV_URL _T( "url" ) #define CPV_AVAILOFFLINE _T( "makeAvailableOffline" ) #define CPV_HTTP_PROXY _T( "httpProxyServer" ) #define CPV_SECURE_PROXY _T( "secureProxyServer" ) #define CPV_FTP_PROXY _T( "ftpProxyServer" ) #define CPV_GOPHER_PROXY _T( "gopherProxyServer" ) #define CPV_SOCKS_PROXY _T( "socksProxyServer" ) #define CPV_AUTO_CONFIG_ENABLE _T( "autoConfigEnable" ) #define CPV_ENABLE_PROXY _T( "enableProxy" ) #define CPV_USE_SAME_PROXY _T( "useSameProxy" ) #define CPV_PROGRAM _T( "importProgramSettings" ) #define CPV_SEC_CONTENT _T( "importContentRatingsSettings" ) #define CPV_SEC_ZONE _T( "importSecurityZoneSettings" ) #define CPV_AUTH_CODE _T( "importAuthenticodeSecurityInfo" ) #define CPV_TRUST_PUB _T( "enableTrustedPublisherLockdown" ) #define CPV_TOOL_BUTTONS _T( "deleteExistingToolbarButtons" ) // Software Installation #define CPV_APP_NAME _T( "name" ) #define CPV_VER_HI _T( "VersionNumberHi" ) #define CPV_VER_LO _T( "VersionNumberLo" ) #define CPV_DEPLOY_STATE _T( "DeploymentType" ) #define CPV_APP_SRC _T( "PackageLocation" ) #define FPR_STARTUP _T( "startup" ) #define FPR_SHUTDOWN _T( "shutdown" ) // Query Strings #define QUERY_VERBOSE _T( "SELECT * from %s WHERE precedence=1" ) #define QUERY_SUPER_VERBOSE _T( "SELECT * from %s" ) #define QUERY_START_UP _T( "Select * from %s WHERE ScriptType=3" ) #define QUERY_SHUT_DOWN _T( "Select * from %s WHERE ScriptType=4" ) #define QUERY_ADMIN_TEMP _T( "Select * from %s WHERE (valueType = 1 OR valueType = 4 OR Deleted = TRUE)" ) #define QUERY_ADD_VERBOSE _T( " AND precedence=1" ) // // function prototypes VOID DisplaySoftwareInstallations( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, BOOL bSuperVerbose ); VOID DisplayPasswordPolicy( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, BOOL bSuperVerbose ); VOID DisplayAuditPolicy( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, BOOL bSuperVerbose ); VOID DisplayUserRights( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, BOOL bSuperVerbose); VOID DisplayFolderRedirection( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, BOOL bSuperVerbose ); VOID DisplayRestrictedGroups( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, BOOL bSuperVerbose ); VOID DisplaySystemServices( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, BOOL bSuperVerbose ); VOID DisplayScripts( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, BOOL bScriptFlag, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, BOOL bSuperVerbose ); VOID DisplaySecurityandEvents( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, BSTR pszClassName, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, BOOL bSuperVerbose ); VOID DisplayRegistryandFileInfo( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, BSTR pszClassName, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, BOOL bSuperVerbose ); VOID DisplayTemplates( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, BOOL bSuperVerbose ); VOID GpoName( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, LPTSTR lpszGpoid, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity ); VOID DisplayIEPolicy( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, BOOL bSuperVerbose ); VOID DisplayIEFavorites( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity ); VOID DisplayIESecurityContent( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity ); VOID DisplayIESecurity( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, BOOL bSuperVerbose ); VOID DisplayIEPrograms( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, BOOL bSuperVerbose ); VOID DisplayIEProxySetting( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity ); VOID DisplayIEImpURLS( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, BOOL bSuperVerbose ); #endif