//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include "resource.h" #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #include "winres.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TEXTINCLUDE // 1 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "resource.h\0" END 2 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "#include ""winres.h""\r\n" "\0" END 3 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "\r\n" "\0" END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_BAD_CL_SYNTAX "The syntax of the command is incorrect.\n" IDS_BAD_CL_SYNTAX_NO_CLOSE_QUOTE "Invalid command-line parameter: no matching close quote\n" IDS_SECURITY_DIAGNOSIS_FOR "Security Diagnosis for %1\n" IDS_DESCRIPTION "Description\n" IDS_INVALID_OBJECT "The object %1 could not be read: %2\n" IDS_OWNER "\n\tOwner: %1\n\n" IDS_CONFIG_NO_INHERIT "\n\n" IDS_ALLOW "\t\tAllow %1\t%2\n" IDS_DENY "\t\tDeny %1\t%2\n" IDS_PERMISSIONS_EFFECTIVE "\tPermissions effective on the object:\n" IDS_CREATE_ALL_SUBOBJECTS "Create all subobjects" IDS_CREATE_CLASS_OBJECTS "Create %1 objects" IDS_DELETE_ALL_SUBOBJECTS "Delete all subobjects" IDS_DELETE_CLASS_OBJECTS "Delete %1 objects" IDS_READ_ALL_PROPERTIES "Read all properties" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_MODIFY_MEMBERSHIP_ER "Modify Membership" IDS_DELETE_THIS_OBJECT_ER "Delete this object" IDS_CLASS "class" IDS_PROPERTY "property" IDS_CONTROL "control" IDS_CANNOT_EF "\t\t%1" IDS_CANNOT_CDO "%1\tCannot\t%2" IDS_NO_SECDESC_RETURNED "\nThe security descriptor for object %1 could not be read. GetObjectAttributes () returned no values.\n\n" IDS_NO_SECDESC_RETURNED_WITH_CODE "\nThe security descriptor for object %1 could not be read. %2\n\n" IDS_EFFRIGHT_FROM_GROUP " (via %1 membership)" IDS_EFFRIGHT_FROM_GROUP_CDO "\t(via %1 membership)" IDS_CAN_CREATE_FOLLOWING_CHILD_OBJECTS "\n\tCan create the following child objects\n" IDS_CAN_DELETE_FOLLOWING_CHILD_OBJECTS "\n\tCan delete the following child objects\n" IDS_CAN_READ_FOLLOWING_PROPERTIES "\n\tCan read the following properties\n" IDS_CAN_WRITE_FOLLOWING_PROPERTIES "\n\tCan write the following properties\n" IDS_CAN_DO_FOLLOWING_CONTROL_OPERATIONS "\n\tCan do following control operations\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_READ_PROPERTY_PROPERTY "Read %1 property" IDS_WRITE_ALL_PROPERTIES "Write all properties" IDS_WRITE_PROPERTY_PROPERTY "Write %1 property" IDS_LIST_CONTENTS "List contents" IDS_LIST_OBJECT "List object" IDS_DELETE_TREE "Delete entire sub tree" IDS_ALL_CONTROL_ACCESSES "All control accesses" IDS_CONTROL_ACCESS_DISPLAY_NAME "%1" IDS_DELETE_THIS_OBJECT "Delete this object" IDS_READ_PERMISSIONS "Read permissions" IDS_TAKE_CHANGE_OWNERSHIP "Take/Change ownership" IDS_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS "Modify permissions" IDS_MODIFY_MEMBERSHIP "Modify Membership" IDS_INHERITED_PERMISSION "\t\t(Inherited permission from %1)\n" IDS_DELEGWIZ_READ_PROPERTY "Read %s" IDS_DELEGWIZ_WRITE_PROPERTY "Write %s" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DELEGWIZ_CREATE_CLASS "Create %s objects" IDS_DELEGWIZ_DELETE_CLASS "Delete %s objects" IDS_PERMISSIONS_INHERITED_BY_SUBOBJECTS "\n\nPermissions inherited by subobjects:\n\n" IDS_INHERIT_TO_ALL_SUBOBJECTS "\tInherit to All Subobjects:\n\n" IDS_INHERIT_TO_X_OBJECTS_ONLY "\n\tInherit to %1 objects only:\n\n" IDS_AUDITING_EFFECTIVE_ON_THIS_OBJECT "Auditing effective on this object:\n\n" IDS_SCHEMA_DEFAULTS_DIAGNOSIS "\n\nSchema Defaults Diagnosis\n" IDS_SCHEMA_DEFAULTS "\tSchema defaults: %1\n" IDS_OBTAINED "\tObtained : %1\n" IDS_ABSENT "Absent" IDS_PRESENT "Present" IDS_PARTIAL "Partial" IDS_AT_CREATION "At CREATION" IDS_BY_INHERITANCE "By INHERITANCE" IDS_SUCCESS "\t\tAudit Successful %2 attempts by %1\n" IDS_FAILURE "\t\tAudit Failed %2 attempts by %1\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE "\t\tAudit Successful and Failed %2 attempts by %1\n" IDS_AUDITING_INHERITED_TO_SUBOBJECTS "\n\nAuditing inherited to subobjects:\n\n" IDS_COULD_NOT_VALIDATE_USER_CREDENTIALS "Your credentials could not be validated: %1\n" IDS_USER_MUST_BE_ADMINISTRATOR "You must be an administrator to run ACLDIAG.EXE.\n" IDS_UNKNOWN_PARENT "" IDS_HELP_MAIN "\nUsage: acldiag \t[/schema] [/chkdeleg]\n[/geteffective:]\t\t\t[/fixdeleg] [/cdo]\n\n" IDS_ADS_BAD_PATHNAME "Bad pathname" IDS_INVALID_OPTION "Unknown command-line option: %1\n\n" IDS_HELP_SCHEMA "/schema\t\tChecks if the security on the object includes schema defaults.\n\n" IDS_HELP_CHKDELEG "/chkdeleg\tChecks if the security on the object includes any of the\n\t\tdelegation templates currently in use by the Delegation Wizard.\n\n" IDS_HELP_GETEFFECTIVE "/geteffective:\n\t\tPrints out various permissions of specified user/group in\n\t\ta readable format.\n\t\tYou can specify a \\""*\\"" for . It will print the\n\t\teffective rights of all users and groups that show up in the\n\t\tACL.\n\n" IDS_HELP_CDO "/tdo\t\tOutput a tab delimited output instead of readable format.\n\t\tThis is useful when the loading the information into databases\n\t\tor spreadsheets.\n\n" IDS_UNABLE_TO_READ_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR "The security descriptor for object %1 could not be read.\n" IDS_DELEGWIZ_FINISH_TEMPLATE "error if you see this: not supported" IDS_DELEGWIZ_FINISH_PRINCIPALS "error if you see this: not supported" IDS_DELEGWIZ_ERR_OBJ_PEC_PERM "error if you see this" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DELEGWIZ_FULL_CONTROL "error if you see this" IDS_DELEGWIZ_FINISH_PERMISSIONS "error if you see this" IDS_DELEGWIZ_RW_PROPERTYSET "Read and write %s" IDS_DELEGWIZ_ACTRL_FULL "Full Control" IDS_DELEGWIZ_ACTRL_READ "Read" IDS_DELEGWIZ_ACTRL_WRITE "Write" IDS_DELEGWIZ_ACTRL_DS_CREATE_CHILD "Create All Child Objects" IDS_DELEGWIZ_ACTRL_DS_DELETE_CHILD "Delete All Child Objects" IDS_DELEGATION_TEMPLATE_DIAGNOSIS "\n\nDelegation Template Diagnosis:\n\n" IDS_DELTEMPL_STATUS "\t\tStatus: %1\n" IDS_OK "OK" IDS_NOT_PRESENT "NOT PRESENT" IDS_MISCONFIGURED "MISCONFIGURED" IDS_APPLIES_ON_THIS_OBJECT "\t\tApplies on this object: %1\n" IDS_INHERITED_FROM_PARENT "\t\tInherited from parent: %1\n\n" IDS_YES "YES" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_NO "NO" IDS_DELEGATION_TITLE "\t%1 allowed to %2\n\n" IDS_FIX_DELEGATION_QUERY "\t\tDo you want to fix this delegation? (y/n) " IDS_DELEGWIZ_ERR_SET_SEC_INFO "Error: failed to write security information into the Active Directory . Unable to fix delegation.\n" IDS_DELEGWIZ_ERR_GET_SEC_INFO "Error: failed to retrieve security information from the Active Directory. Unable to fix delegation.\n" IDS_EFFECTIVE_RIGHTS_DIAGNOSIS "\n\nEffective Rights Diagnosis\n\n" IDS_OWNER_CDO "Owner\t%1\t" IDS_PERMISSIONS_PROTECTED "Permissions Protected, " IDS_PERMISSIONS_NOT_PROTECTED "Permissions Not Protected, " IDS_AUDITING_PROTECTED "Auditing Protected\n\n" IDS_AUDITING_NOT_PROTECTED "Auditing Not Protected\n\n" IDS_ALLOW_CDO "%1\tAllow\t%2\t%3" IDS_DENY_CDO "%1\tDeny\t%2\t%3" IDS_THIS_OBJECT "This object" IDS_ALL_SUBOBJECTS "All Subobjects" IDS_SUCCESS_CDO "%1\tAudit Successful\t%2\t%3" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_FAILURE_CDO "%1\tAudit Failed\t%2\t%3" IDS_SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE_CDO "%1\tAudit Successful and Failed\t%2\t%3" IDS_INHERITED_PERMISSION_CDO "\t(from %1)" IDS_CLASS_OBJECT "%1 objects" IDS_SCHEMA_DEFAULTS_CDO "\nSchema defaults:\t%1" IDS_OBTAINED_CDO "\tObtained %1\n\n" IDS_DELEGATION_TITLE_CDO "Delegations: %2\t%1\t" IDS_DELTEMPL_STATUS_CDO "Status %1\t" IDS_APPLIES_ON_THIS_OBJECT_CDO "%1\t" IDS_APPLIES "Applies" IDS_DOES_NOT_APPLY "Does not apply" IDS_INHERITED_FROM_PARENT_CDO "%1\n" IDS_EXPLICIT "Explicit" IDS_INHERITED "Inherited" IDS_DELEGATION_NOT_FOUND_CDO "Delegations:\t%1\tABSENT\n" IDS_HELP_LOG "/log:\n\t\tCapture errors to a file.\n\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_CAN "\t\tCan %1" IDS_CAN_CDO "%1\tCan %2" IDS_HELP_SKIP_DESCRIPTION "/skip\t\tDo not display the security description.\n\n" IDS_CREATE_ALL_SUBOBJECTS_ER "Create all subobjects of class %1" IDS_DELETE_ALL_SUBOBJECTS_ER "Delete all subobjects of class %1" IDS_READ_ALL_PROPERTIES_ER "Read all properties for class %1" IDS_WRITE_ALL_PROPERTIES_ER "Write all properties for class %1" IDS_ALL_CONTROL_ACCESSES_ER "All control accesses for class %1" IDS_LIST_CONTENTS_ER "List contents" IDS_LIST_OBJECT_ER "List object" IDS_READ_PERMISSIONS_ER "Read permissions" IDS_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS_ER "Modify permissions" IDS_TAKE_CHANGE_OWNERSHIP_ER "Take/Change ownership" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_CREATE_CLASS_OBJECTS_ER "Delete %1" IDS_DELETE_CLASS_OBJECTS_ER "Create %1" IDS_READ_PROPERTY_PROPERTY_ER "Read %1" IDS_WRITE_PROPERTY_PROPERTY_ER "Write %1" IDS_CAN_ER "\t\t%1" IDS_FAILED_TO_LOAD_TEMPLATES "\nCould not find or open the file DELEGWIZ.INF. Verify that this file is properly installed in the INF folder in your Windows directory.\n\n" IDS_DELEGWIZ_ACTRL_DS_READ_PROP "Read All Property" IDS_DELEGWIZ_ACTRL_DS_WRITE_PROP "Write All Property" IDS_GENERATED_INHERITED_PERMISSION "\t\tInherited permission. This permission is generated from one of the other inherited permissions to be effective on this object.\n" IDS_GENERATED_INHERITED_PERMISSION_CDO "\tInherited permission. This permission is generated from one of the other inherited permissions to be effective on this object." END #endif // English (U.S.) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED