Sample Commands: ================ (1)wmic:root\cli>process get name Displays the name property of all the instances specified by process in the default (value) format. (2)wmic:root\cli>process get name,caption /value /all Displays the name,caption properties of all the instances specified by process in the table format.Here eventhough both the getswitches are specified which indicates two diff.formats it will take the last one. (3)wmic:root\cli>class win32_useraccount It will display the list of properties of all the instances of win32_useraccount.Eventhough there is no verb specified it will take default as GET. (4)wmic:root\cli>class win32_useraccount get /interactive It will report an error because /interactive and /nointeractive are not allowed with GET,LIST and ASSOC. (5)wmic:root\cli>path win32_process list It will report an error becuse list verb is not allowed with PATH and CLASS. (6)wmic:root\cli>useraccount list brief /translate:Basicxml It will list the properties of the alias useraccount and translate the return values using the translation table Basicxml. (7)wmic:root\cli>process call create notepad.exe It will create an instance of notepad. (8)wmic:root\cli>process call create notepad.exe /interactive Itwill ask for the user response to create a notepad and creates according to his response. (9)wmic:root\cli>/interactive process call create notepad.exe Itwill ask for the user response to create a notepad and creates according to his response.Here /interactive is global level, so it will wait for the user response for subsequent commands also. (10)wmic:root\cli>class win32_process assoc (11)wmic:root\cli>class win32_process set caption="gjkvc" Sets the caption property to "gjkvc" of the instances of the class win32_process. (12)wmic:root\cli>class win32_process set caption="gjkvc" /interactive It will ask for the user prompt before setting the property specified.If the user says 'y' then it will set the property otherwise it won't set the property. (13)wmic:root\cli>class removetest00 create "p=100" Creates an instance of class Removetest00 with the property p=100. (14)wmic:root\cli>path removetest00 where p=100 get Display the properties of the instance of class removetest00 which has the property p=100 (15)wmic:root\cli>path removetest00 where p=100 delete Deletes the instance of the class removetest00 which has property p=100. (16)wmic:root\cli>class removetest00 delete Deletes the class removetest00. (17)wmic:root\cli>process where handle=0 get Display the properties of the instance which satisfies the where expression. (18)wmic:root\cli>process (0 "System Idle Process") get Display the properties of the instances which satisfies the alias parameters specified. (19)wmic:root\cli>process path win32_process get The path specified by path expression(win32_process) and the alias(process) matched, that's why it will display the list of properties of all the instances of process. (20)wmic:root\cli>process path win32_useraccount get Here the path specified by pathexpression (win32_useraccount) and the alias (process) doesn't match, then it will report an error. (21)wmic:root\cli>process path win32_process where handle=0 list The path specified by path expression(win32_process) and the alias(process) matched, that's why it will list the properties of all the instances of process. (22)wmic:root\cli>process path win32_process.handle where handle=0 list Here it will report an error because when where is specified the path expression should be classpathexpression. (23)wmic:root\cli>/namespace:\\root\default class netdiagnostics get It will connect to the namespace \\root\default and display the properties of the instances of the class netdiagnostics. (24)wmic:root\cli>process where handle=0 call create notepad.exe It will report an error because create method of the class win32_process is not valid at the instance level. (25)wmic:root\cli>/role:\\root\cimv2 process get It will change the role to \\root\cimv2 and try to execute the command.It will report an error because the class corresponding to alias(process) Microsoft_clialias is not there inthe \\root\cimv2 namespace. (26)wmic:root\cli>/role:junk process get It will report an error while executing the command, becuse the specified namespace is not valid. (27)wmic:root\cli>/node:vnraju,biplabm /user:"administrator" /password:"test2" proce ss get If both the machines have the same password, then it will display the properties of the instances of process.If any one machine has different password then it will report the error for that node and display the properties of the instances of the process for the other node.If both the systems have different password then it will report the error for both the nodes. (28)wmic:root\cli>/node:vnraju /user:"administrator" It will prompt for the password, if the user enters the correct password then it will connect to the node vnraju. More commands: ============= 1.a) wmic:root\cli>share call create "", "", 5, abcd, "", "C:\rams", 0 (CREATE A SHARE) FYI: Create parameters are as follows: a)Access(OBJECT) b)Description(STRING) c)MaximumAllowed(UINT32) d)Name(STRING) e)Password(STRING) f)Path(STRING) g)Type(UINT32) 1.b) path win32_service where name='w3svc' get /value (PATH and WHERE together) 2. process 0 "system idle process" get /value (PWhere without parenthesis) 3. process (0 "system idle process") get /value (PWhere with paranethesis) 4. process path win32_process where handle=0 get /value ( with PATH and WHERE) 5. /namespace:"\\root\cli" path Microsoft_CliAlias.FriendlyName='UPS' delete (Deleting an instance) 6. /node:ram, vivek /user:administrator /password:enterthedragon service get /value (multiple nodes - GET) 7. /node:ram, vivek /user:administrator /password:enterthedragon process call create notepad.exe (multiple nodes - CALL) 8. /node:ram /user:administrator /password:enterthedragon CLASS REMOVETEST00 create p=1 (creating an instance) ATTN: run the sample vbscript - resettodefault.vbs for creating the class REMOVETEST00 9. diskdrive rmdir "d:\\share\\test" (executing other command line utilities)