// xhash internal header
#pragma once
#ifndef _XHASH_
#define _XHASH_
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <vector>

#pragma pack(push,8)
#pragma warning(push,3)

 #pragma warning(disable: 4127)

		// TEMPLATE CLASS hash_compare
template<class _Kty,
	class _Pr = less<_Kty> >
	class hash_compare
	{	// traits class for hash containers
		{	// parameters for hash table
		bucket_size = 4,	// 0 < bucket_size
		min_buckets = 8};	// min_buckets = 2 ^^ N, 0 < N

		: comp()
		{	// construct with default comparator

	hash_compare(_Pr _Pred)
		: comp(_Pred)
		{	// construct with _Pred comparator

	size_t operator()(const _Kty& _Keyval) const
		{	// hash _Keyval to size_t value
		return ((size_t)_Keyval);

//	size_t operator()(const _Kty& _Keyval) const
//		{	// hash _Keyval to size_t value by pseudorandomizing transform
//		ldiv_t _Qrem = ldiv((size_t)_Keyval, 127773);
//		_Qrem.rem = 16807 * _Qrem.rem - 2836 * _Qrem.quot;
//		if (_Qrem.rem < 0)
//			_Qrem.rem += 2147483647;
//		return ((size_t)_Qrem.rem); }

	bool operator()(const _Kty& _Keyval1, const _Kty& _Keyval2) const
		{	// test if _Keyval1 ordered before _Keyval2
		return (comp(_Keyval1, _Keyval2));

	_Pr comp;	// the comparator object

template<class _Tr>
	class _Hash : public _Tr	// traits serves as base class
	{	// hash table -- list with vector of iterators for quick access
	typedef _Hash<_Tr> _Myt;
	typedef typename _Tr::key_type key_type;
	typedef typename _Tr::key_compare key_compare;
	typedef typename _Tr::value_compare value_compare;
		{	// hoist constants from key_compare
		bucket_size = key_compare::bucket_size,
		min_buckets = key_compare::min_buckets,
		_Multi = _Tr::_Multi};
	typedef list<typename _Tr::value_type,
		typename _Tr::allocator_type> _Mylist;

	typedef typename _Mylist::allocator_type allocator_type;
	typedef typename _Mylist::size_type size_type;
	typedef typename _Mylist::difference_type difference_type;
	typedef typename _Mylist::pointer pointer;
	typedef typename _Mylist::const_pointer const_pointer;
	typedef typename _Mylist::reference reference;
	typedef typename _Mylist::const_reference const_reference;
	typedef typename _Mylist::iterator iterator;
	typedef typename _Mylist::const_iterator const_iterator;
	typedef typename _Mylist::reverse_iterator
	typedef typename _Mylist::const_reverse_iterator
	typedef typename _Mylist::value_type value_type;

	typedef vector<iterator,
		typename allocator_type::_TEMPLATE_MEMBER
			rebind<iterator>::other> _Myvec;
	typedef pair<iterator, bool> _Pairib;
	typedef pair<iterator, iterator> _Pairii;
	typedef pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> _Paircc;

	explicit _Hash(const key_compare& _Traits,
		const allocator_type& _Al)
		: _Tr(_Traits), _List(_Al),
			_Vec(min_buckets + 1, end(), _Al),
			_Mask(1), _Maxidx(1)
		{	// construct empty hash table

	_Hash(const value_type *_First, const value_type *_Last,
		const key_compare& _Traits, const allocator_type& _Al)
		: _Tr(_Traits), _List(_Al),
			_Vec(min_buckets + 1, end(), _Al),
			_Mask(1), _Maxidx(1)
		{	// construct hash table from [_First, _Last) array
		insert(_First, _Last);

	_Hash(const _Myt& _Right)
		: _Tr(_Right.comp), _List(_Right.get_allocator()),
		{	// construct hash table by copying right

		{	// destroy hash table

	_Myt& operator=(const _Myt& _Right)
		{	// replace contents from _Right
		if (this != &_Right)
		return (*this);

	iterator begin()
		{	// return iterator for beginning of mutable sequence
		return (_List.begin());

	const_iterator begin() const
		{	// return iterator for beginning of nonmutable sequence
		return (_List.begin());

	iterator end()
		{	// return iterator for end of mutable sequence
		return (_List.end());

	const_iterator end() const
		{	// return iterator for end of nonmutable sequence
		return (_List.end());

	reverse_iterator rbegin()
		{	// return iterator for beginning of reversed mutable sequence
		return (_List.rbegin());

	const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
		{	// return iterator for beginning of reversed nonmutable sequence
		return (_List.rbegin());

	reverse_iterator rend()
		{	// return iterator for end of reversed mutable sequence
		return (_List.rend());

	const_reverse_iterator rend() const
		{	// return iterator for end of reversed nonmutable sequence
		return (_List.rend());

	size_type size() const
		{	// return length of sequence
		return (_List.size());

	size_type max_size() const
		{	// return maximum possible length of sequence
		return (_List.max_size());

	bool empty() const
		{	// return true only if sequence is empty
		return (_List.empty());

	allocator_type get_allocator() const
		{	// return allocator object for values
		return (_List.get_allocator());

	key_compare key_comp() const
		{	// return object for comparing keys
		return (this->comp);

	value_compare value_comp() const
		{	// return object for comparing values
		return (value_compare(key_comp()));

	_Pairib insert(const value_type& _Val)
		{	// try to insert node with value _Val
		iterator _Plist, _Where;
		if (_Maxidx <= size() / bucket_size)
			{	// too dense, need to grow hash table
			if (_Vec.size() - 1 <= _Maxidx)
				{	// table full, double its size
				_Mask = ((_Vec.size() - 1) << 1) - 1;
				_Vec.resize(_Mask + 2, end());
			else if (_Mask < _Maxidx)
				_Mask = (_Mask << 1) + 1;

			size_type _Bucket = _Maxidx - (_Mask >> 1) - 1;
			for (_Plist = _Vec[_Bucket]; _Plist != _Vec[_Bucket + 1]; )
				if ((this->comp(this->_Kfn(*_Plist)) & _Mask) == _Bucket)
					++_Plist;	// leave element in old bucket
					{	// move element to new bucket
					iterator _Pnext = _Plist;
					size_type _Idx;
					for (_Idx = _Maxidx; _Bucket < _Idx; --_Idx)
						{	// update end iterators if new bucket filled
						if (_Vec[_Idx] != end())
						_Vec[_Idx] = _Plist;
					if (++_Pnext == end())
						{	// not at end, move it
						for (_Idx = _Bucket; _Plist == _Vec[_Idx]; --_Idx)
							{	// update end iterators if moving first
							if (_Idx == 0)
						_List.splice(end(), _List, _Plist);
						_Plist = _Pnext;
						_Vec[_Maxidx + 1] = end();

			++_Maxidx;	// open new bucket for hash lookup

		size_type _Bucket = _Hashval(this->_Kfn(_Val));
		for (_Plist = _Vec[_Bucket + 1]; _Plist != _Vec[_Bucket]; )
			if (this->comp(this->_Kfn(_Val), this->_Kfn(*--_Plist)))
				;	// still too high in bucket list
			else if (this->comp(this->_Kfn(*_Plist), this->_Kfn(_Val)))
				{	// found insertion point, back up to it
			else if (_Multi)
				break;	// equivalent, insert only if multi
				return (_Pairib(_Plist, false));	// already present

		_Where = _List.insert(_Plist, _Val);	// insert new element
		for (; _Plist == _Vec[_Bucket]; --_Bucket)
			{	// update end iterators if new first bucket element
			_Vec[_Bucket] = _Where;
			if (_Bucket == 0)

		return (_Pairib(_Where, true));	// return iterator for new element

	iterator insert(iterator, const value_type& _Val)
		{	// try to insert node with value _Val, ignore hint
		return (insert(_Val).first);

	template<class _Iter>
		void insert(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last)
		{	// insert [_First, _Last) one at a time
		for (; _First != _Last; ++_First)

	iterator erase(iterator _Where)
		{	// erase element at _Where
		size_type _Bucket = _Hashval(this->_Kfn(*_Where));
		for (; _Where == _Vec[_Bucket]; --_Bucket)
			{	// update end iterators if erasing first
			if (_Bucket == 0)
		return (_List.erase(_Where));

	iterator erase(iterator _First, iterator _Last)
		{	// erase [_First, _Last)
		if (_First == begin() && _Last == end())
			{	// erase all
			return (begin());
			{	// partial erase, one at a time
			while (_First != _Last)
			return (_First);

	size_type erase(const key_type& _Keyval)
		{	// erase and count all that match _Keyval
		_Pairii _Where = equal_range(_Keyval);
		size_type _Num = 0;
		_Distance(_Where.first, _Where.second, _Num);
		erase(_Where.first, _Where.second);
		return (_Num);

	void erase(const key_type *_First, const key_type *_Last)
		{	// erase all that match array of keys [_First, _Last)
		for (; _First != _Last; ++_First)

	void clear()
		{	// erase all
		_Vec.assign(min_buckets + 1, end());
		_Mask = 1;
		_Maxidx = 1;

	iterator find(const key_type& _Keyval)
		{	// find an element in mutable hash table that matches _Keyval
		return (lower_bound(_Keyval));

	const_iterator find(const key_type& _Keyval) const
		{	// find an element in nonmutable hash table that matches _Keyval
		return (lower_bound(_Keyval));

	size_type count(const key_type& _Keyval) const
		{	// count all elements that match _Keyval
		_Paircc _Ans = equal_range(_Keyval);
		size_type _Num = 0;
		_Distance(_Ans.first, _Ans.second, _Num);
		return (_Num);

	iterator lower_bound(const key_type& _Keyval)
		{	// find leftmost not less than _Keyval in mutable hash table
		size_type _Bucket = _Hashval(_Keyval);
		iterator _Where;
		for (_Where = _Vec[_Bucket]; _Where != _Vec[_Bucket + 1]; ++_Where)
			if (!this->comp(this->_Kfn(*_Where), _Keyval))
				return (this->comp(_Keyval,
					this->_Kfn(*_Where)) ? end() : _Where);
		return (end());

	const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type& _Keyval) const
		{	// find leftmost not less than _Keyval in nonmutable hash table
		size_type _Bucket = _Hashval(_Keyval);
		const_iterator _Where;
		for (_Where = _Vec[_Bucket]; _Where != _Vec[_Bucket + 1]; ++_Where)
			if (!this->comp(this->_Kfn(*_Where), _Keyval))
				return (this->comp(_Keyval,
					this->_Kfn(*_Where)) ? end() : _Where);
		return (end());

	iterator upper_bound(const key_type& _Keyval)
		{	// find leftmost not greater than _Keyval in mutable hash table
		size_type _Bucket = _Hashval(_Keyval);
		iterator _Where;
		for (_Where = _Vec[_Bucket + 1]; _Where != _Vec[_Bucket]; )
			if (!this->comp(_Keyval, this->_Kfn(*--_Where)))
				return (this->comp(this->_Kfn(*_Where),
					_Keyval) ? end() : ++_Where);
		return (end());

	const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type& _Keyval) const
		{	// find leftmost not greater than _Keyval in nonmutable hash table
		size_type _Bucket = _Hashval(_Keyval);
		const_iterator _Where;
		for (_Where = _Vec[_Bucket + 1]; _Where != _Vec[_Bucket]; )
			if (!this->comp(_Keyval, this->_Kfn(*--_Where)))
				return (this->comp(this->_Kfn(*_Where),
					_Keyval) ? end() : ++_Where);
		return (end());

	_Pairii equal_range(const key_type& _Keyval)
		{	// find range equivalent to _Keyval in mutable hash table
		size_type _Bucket = _Hashval(_Keyval);
		iterator _First, _Where;
		for (_Where = _Vec[_Bucket]; _Where != _Vec[_Bucket + 1]; ++_Where)
			if (!this->comp(this->_Kfn(*_Where), _Keyval))
				{	// found _First, look for end of range
				for (_First = _Where; _Where != _Vec[_Bucket + 1]; ++_Where)
					if (this->comp(_Keyval, this->_Kfn(*_Where)))
				if (_First == _Where)
				return (_Pairii(_First, _Where));
		return (_Pairii(end(), end()));

	_Paircc equal_range(const key_type& _Keyval) const
		{	// find range equivalent to _Keyval in nonmutable hash table
		size_type _Bucket = _Hashval(_Keyval);
		iterator _First, _Where;
		for (_Where = _Vec[_Bucket]; _Where != _Vec[_Bucket + 1]; ++_Where)
			if (!this->comp(this->_Kfn(*_Where), _Keyval))
				{	// found _First, look for end of range
				for (_First = _Where; _Where != _Vec[_Bucket + 1]; ++_Where)
					if (this->comp(_Keyval, this->_Kfn(*_Where)))
				if (_First == _Where)
				return (_Paircc(_First, _Where));
		return (_Paircc(end(), end()));

	void swap(_Myt& _Right)
		{	// exchange contents with _Right
		if (get_allocator() == _Right.get_allocator())
			{	// same allocator, swap control information
			std::swap(_Vec, _Right._Vec);
			std::swap(_Mask, _Right._Mask);
			std::swap(_Maxidx, _Right._Maxidx);
			std::swap(this->comp, _Right.comp);
			{	// different allocator, do multiple assigns
			_Myt _Tmp = *this; *this = _Right, _Right = _Tmp;

	friend void swap(_Myt& _Left, _Myt& _Right)
		{	// swap _Left and _Right trees

	void _Copy(const _Myt& _Right)
		{	// copy entire hash table
		_Vec.resize(_Right._Vec.size(), end());
		_Mask = _Right._Mask;
		_Maxidx = _Right._Maxidx;

		_List.insert(end(), _Right._List.begin(), _Right._List.end());
		this->comp = _Right.comp;
		_List.clear();	// list or compare copy failed, bail out
		fill(_Vec.begin(), _Vec.end(), end());

		iterator _Whereto = begin();
		const_iterator _Wherefrom = _Right.begin();
		for (size_type _Bucket = 0; _Bucket < _Vec.size(); )
			if (_Wherefrom == _Right._Vec[_Bucket])
				_Vec[_Bucket] = _Whereto, ++_Bucket;
				++_Whereto, ++_Wherefrom;

	size_type _Hashval(const key_type& _Keyval) const
		{	// return hash value, masked and wrapped to current table size
		size_type _Num = this->comp(_Keyval) & _Mask;
		if (_Maxidx <= _Num)
			_Num -= (_Mask >> 1) + 1;
		return (_Num);

	_Mylist _List;	// the list of elements, must initialize before _Vec
	_Myvec _Vec;	// the vector of list iterators
	size_type _Mask;	// the key mask
	size_type _Maxidx;	// current maximum key value

template<class _Tr> inline
	bool operator==(const _Hash<_Tr>& _Left, const _Hash<_Tr>& _Right)
	{	// test for hash table equality
	return (_Left.size() == _Right.size()
		&& equal(_Left.begin(), _Left.end(), _Right.begin()));

template<class _Tr> inline
	bool operator!=(const _Hash<_Tr>& _Left, const _Hash<_Tr>& _Right)
	{	// test for hash table inequality
	return (!(_Left == _Right));

template<class _Tr> inline
	bool operator<(const _Hash<_Tr>& _Left, const _Hash<_Tr>& _Right)
	{	// test if _Left < _Right for hash tables
	return (lexicographical_compare(_Left.begin(), _Left.end(),
		_Right.begin(), _Right.end()));

template<class _Tr> inline
	bool operator>(const _Hash<_Tr>& _Left, const _Hash<_Tr>& _Right)
	{	// test if _Left > _Right for hash tables
	return (_Right < _Left);

template<class _Tr> inline
	bool operator<=(const _Hash<_Tr>& _Left, const _Hash<_Tr>& _Right)
	{	// test if _Left <= _Right for hash tables
	return (!(_Right < _Left));

template<class _Tr> inline
	bool operator>=(const _Hash<_Tr>& _Left, const _Hash<_Tr>& _Right)
	{	// test if _Left >= _Right for hash tables
	return (!(_Left < _Right));
  #pragma warning(default: 4127)
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)

#endif /* _XHASH_ */

* Copyright (c) 1992-2001 by P.J. Plauger.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
 * Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
 V3.10:0009 */