/*++ Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: rootdir.hxx Abstract: This class is an implementation of FATDIR for the FAT root directory. Author: Norbert P. Kusters (norbertk) 4-Dec-90 --*/ #if !defined(ROOTDIR_DEFN) #define ROOTDIR_DEFN #include "drive.hxx" #include "fatdir.hxx" #include "mem.hxx" #include "secrun.hxx" #if defined ( _AUTOCHECK_ ) #define UFAT_EXPORT #elif defined ( _UFAT_MEMBER_ ) #define UFAT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) #else #define UFAT_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport) #endif DECLARE_CLASS( ROOTDIR ); class ROOTDIR : public FATDIR { public: UFAT_EXPORT DECLARE_CONSTRUCTOR( ROOTDIR ); UFAT_EXPORT VIRTUAL ~ROOTDIR( ); NONVIRTUAL UFAT_EXPORT BOOLEAN Initialize( IN PMEM Mem, IN OUT PLOG_IO_DP_DRIVE Drive, IN LBN StartingSector, IN LONG NumberOfEntries ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN Read( ); NONVIRTUAL BOOLEAN Write( ); NONVIRTUAL PVOID GetDirEntry( IN LONG EntryNumber ); NONVIRTUAL LONG QueryNumberOfEntries( ); private: VOID Construct ( ); NONVIRTUAL VOID Destroy( ); SECRUN _secrun; LONG _number_of_entries; }; INLINE BOOLEAN ROOTDIR::Read( ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine reads the directory in from the disk. Arguments: None. Return Value: FALSE - Failure. TRUE - Success. --*/ { return _secrun.Read(); } INLINE BOOLEAN ROOTDIR::Write( ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine writes the drirectory to the disk. Arguments: None. Return Value: FALSE - Failure. TRUE - Success. --*/ { return _secrun.Write(); } INLINE PVOID ROOTDIR::GetDirEntry( IN LONG EntryNumber ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns a pointer to the beginning of the requested directory entry. The data may then be interpreted with a fat directory entry object. The return value will be NULL if a request for a directory entry is beyond the size of the directory. Arguments: EntryNumber - The desired entry number. The entries will be numbered 0, 1, 2, ... , n-1. Return Value: A pointer to the beginning of a directory entry or NULL. --*/ { return (EntryNumber < _number_of_entries) ? (PCHAR) _secrun.GetBuf() + BytesPerDirent*EntryNumber : NULL; } INLINE LONG ROOTDIR::QueryNumberOfEntries( ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns the number of entries in the directory. Arguments: None. Return Value: The number of entries in the directory. --*/ { return _number_of_entries; } #endif // ROOTDIR_DEFN