/*++ Copyright (c) 1998-1999, Microsoft Corporation Module Name: PIDSet.cpp Abstract: --*/ #include <windows.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include "hardware.h" #include "tchar.h" #include "DigPid.h" #include "crc-32.h" BOOL PidRead(LPDIGITALPID pdpid, DWORD cbDpid) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; LONG lStatus; HKEY hkey; if (NULL != pdpid) { lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey); if ( lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DWORD dwValueType; lStatus = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, TEXT("DigitalProductId"), NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)pdpid, &cbDpid); fSuccess = (ERROR_SUCCESS == lStatus); RegCloseKey(hkey); } } return fSuccess; } BOOL PidWrite(LPDIGITALPID pdpid, DWORD cbDpid) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; LONG lStatus; HKEY hkey; if (NULL != pdpid) { lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion"), 0, KEY_WRITE, &hkey); if ( lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { lStatus = RegSetValueEx( hkey, // handle of key to set value for TEXT("DigitalProductId"), // name of the value to set 0, // reserved REG_BINARY, // flag for value type (LPBYTE)pdpid, // address of value data cbDpid); // size of value data fSuccess = (ERROR_SUCCESS == lStatus); RegCloseKey(hkey); } } return fSuccess; } int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE, // hInstance, // handle to current instance HINSTANCE, // hPrevInstance, // handle to previous instance LPSTR, // lpCmdLine, // pointer to command line int )// nCmdShow // show state of window) { BOOL fOk = TRUE; BYTE abDigPid[1024] = {0}; LPDIGITALPID pdpid = (LPDIGITALPID)abDigPid; fOk = PidRead(pdpid, sizeof(abDigPid)); // check the version and ensure the HWID has not been set if ( fOk && 3 == pdpid->wVersionMajor && '\0' == pdpid->aszHardwareIdStatic[0] && 0 == pdpid->dwBiosChecksumStatic && 0 == pdpid->dwVolSerStatic && 0 == pdpid->dwTotalRamStatic && 0 == pdpid->dwVideoBiosChecksumStatic) { BOOL fCrcGood = ( 0 == CRC_32((LPBYTE)pdpid, sizeof(*pdpid)) ); CHardware hwid; strcpy(pdpid->aszHardwareIdStatic, hwid.GetID()); pdpid->dwBiosChecksumStatic = hwid.GetBiosCrc32(); pdpid->dwVolSerStatic = hwid.GetVolSer(); pdpid->dwTotalRamStatic = hwid.GetTotalRamMegs(); pdpid->dwVideoBiosChecksumStatic = hwid.GetVideoBiosCrc32(); if (fCrcGood) { pdpid->dwCrc32 = CRC_32((LPBYTE)pdpid, sizeof(*pdpid)-sizeof(pdpid->dwCrc32)); } else { pdpid->dwCrc32 = 0; } PidWrite(pdpid, pdpid->dwLength); } return 0; }