[info] drivername=PERFGEN symbolfile=genctrnm.h [languages] 009=English [text] SIGGEN_OBJ_009_NAME=Signal Generator SIGGEN_OBJ_009_HELP=Simulated data functions for performance monitor applications and testing. SINE_WAVE_009_NAME=Sine Wave SINE_WAVE_009_HELP=Value varies as a sine function of the system time. TRIANGLE_WAVE_009_NAME=Triangle Wave TRIANGLE_WAVE_009_HELP=Value varies as a triangle function of the system time. SQUARE_WAVE_009_NAME=Square Wave SQUARE_WAVE_009_HELP=Value varies as a square wave of the system time. CONSTANT_VALUE_009_NAME=Constant Value CONSTANT_VALUE_009_HELP=Displays a constant non-zero value that does not change from sample to sample.