//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1994. // // File: smalloc.cxx // // Contents: Shared memory heap implementation // // Classes: // // Functions: // // History: 29-Mar-94 PhilipLa Created // 05-Feb-95 KentCe Use Win95 Shared Heap. // 10-May-95 KentCe Defer Heap Destruction to the last // process detach. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <dfhead.cxx> #pragma hdrstop #include <smalloc.hxx> #include <dfdeb.hxx> #ifdef NEWPROPS #define FULLIMPL #endif // // Take advantage of unique Win95 support of a shared heap. // #if defined(_CHICAGO_) #define HEAP_SHARED 0x04000000 // Secret feature of Win95 only. // // Locate the following in a shared data segment. // #pragma data_seg(".sdata") HANDLE gs_hSharedHeap = NULL; // hSharedHeap Handle for Win95. DFLUID gs_dfluid = LUID_BASE; // shared docfile global LUID #pragma data_seg() #define PRINTSTATS #else // defined(_CHICAGO_) #ifdef MULTIHEAP DFLUID gs_dfluid = LUID_BASE; // task memory heap support INT gs_iSharedHeaps = 0; #endif #define DLL #define DEB_STATS 0x00010000 #define DEB_PRINT 0x00020000 #ifdef DLL #define PERCENT(a,b,c) (int)((((double)a + (double)b) / (double)c) * 100.0) #define PRINTSTATS \ memDebugOut((DEB_STATS, \ "Total size: %lu, Space: Free: %lu, Alloced: %lu"\ " Blocks: Free: %lu, Alloced: %lu"\ " Efficiency: %.2f%%\n",\ _cbSize,\ GetHeader()->_ulFreeBytes,\ GetHeader()->_ulAllocedBytes,\ GetHeader()->_ulFreeBlocks,\ GetHeader()->GetAllocedBlocks(),\ PERCENT(GetHeader()->_ulFreeBytes,\ GetHeader()->_ulAllocedBytes, _cbSize))); #else #define PRINTSTATS \ printf( \ "Total size: %lu, Free space: %lu, Alloced space: %lu"\ " Efficiency: %.2f%%\n",\ _cbSize,\ GetHeader()->_ulFreeBytes,\ GetHeader()->_ulAllocedBytes,\ ((double)(GetHeader()->_ulFreeBytes +\ GetHeader()->_ulAllocedBytes) / \ (double)_cbSize) * (double)100); #endif #if DBG == 1 inline BOOL IsAligned(void *pv) { return !((ULONG_PTR)pv & 7); } #else #define IsAligned(x) TRUE #endif #define SHAREDMEMBASE NULL #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_) //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::Init, public // // Synopsis: Initialize heap for use // // Arguments: [pszName] -- Name of shared memory heap to use // // Returns: Appropriate status code // // History: 29-Mar-94 PhilipLa Created // 05-Feb-95 KentCe Use Win95 Shared Heap. // // Remarks: Review the class destructor if you change this code. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if !defined(MULTIHEAP) SCODE CSmAllocator::Init(LPWSTR pszName) #else SCODE CSmAllocator::Init(ULONG ulHeapName, BOOL fUnmarshal) #endif { SCODE sc = S_OK; #if !defined(MULTIHEAP) // Initialize the mutex sc = _dmtx.Init(TEXT("DocfileAllocatorMutex")); if (FAILED(sc)) { return sc; } sc = _dmtx.Take(DFM_TIMEOUT); if (FAILED(sc)) { return sc; } #endif #if defined(_CHICAGO_) // // Create a new shared heap if this is the first time thru. // if (gs_hSharedHeap == NULL) { gs_hSharedHeap = HeapCreate(HEAP_SHARED, 0, 0); #if DBG == 1 ModifyResLimit(DBRQ_HEAPS, 1); #endif } // // We keep a copy of the shared heap as a flag so the destructor logic // does the right thing. // // m_hSharedHeap = gs_hSharedHeap; #else CSharedMemoryBlock *psmb = NULL; #ifdef MULTIHEAP _cbSize = 0; if (!fUnmarshal && g_pteb == NtCurrentTeb()) // only for main thread { if (g_ulHeapName != 0) // the global shared memory block is active { _psmb = &g_smb; // needed for GetHeader _pbBase = (BYTE *)(_psmb->GetBase()); // needed for GetHeader if (_pbBase != NULL && GetHeader()->GetAllocedBlocks() == 0) { // its' empty reuse it psmb = _psmb; _ulHeapName = g_ulHeapName; memDebugOut ((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CSmAllocator::Init " " reuse %x\n", g_ulHeapName)); return sc; } } else { psmb = _psmb = &g_smb; // initialize g_smb } } if (psmb == NULL) { psmb = _psmb = new CSharedMemoryBlock (); if (psmb == NULL) return STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY; } WCHAR pszName[DOCFILE_SM_NAMELEN]; wsprintf(pszName, L"DfSharedHeap%X", ulHeapName); #else psmb = &_smb; #endif #if WIN32 == 100 || WIN32 > 200 CGlobalSecurity gs; if (SUCCEEDED(sc = gs.Init(TRUE))) { #else LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES gs = NULL; #endif // the SMB needs a few bytes for its own header. If we request // a page sized allocation, those few header bytes will cause an // extra page to be allocated, so to prevent that we subtract off // the header space from our requests. sc = psmb->Init(pszName, DOCFILE_SM_SIZE - psmb->GetHdrSize(), // reserve size INITIALHEAPSIZE - psmb->GetHdrSize(), // commit size SHAREDMEMBASE, // base address (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *)gs, // security descriptor TRUE); // create if doesn't exist // Always pass in TRUE for "fOKToCreate", since passing FALSE // will open an existing mapping in read-only mode, but we need read-write #if WIN32 == 100 || WIN32 > 200 } #endif if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { #if DBG == 1 ModifyResLimit(DBRQ_HEAPS, 1); #endif _cbSize = psmb->GetSize(); _pbBase = (BYTE *)(psmb->GetBase()); #ifdef MULTIHEAP gs_iSharedHeaps++; _ulHeapName = ulHeapName; #endif if (psmb->Created()) { if (fUnmarshal) // do not allow creates for unmarshals { Uninit(); memErr (EH_Err, STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION); } else { Reset(); } } #ifdef MULTIHEAP if (psmb == &g_smb) g_ulHeapName = ulHeapName; // store global heap name #endif PRINTSTATS; } #endif #if defined(MULTIHEAP) memDebugOut ((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CSmAllocator::Init sc=%x %x\n", sc, ulHeapName)); #else _dmtx.Release(); memDebugOut ((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CSmAllocator::Init sc=%x\n", sc)); #endif EH_Err: return sc; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::QueryInterface, public // // Synopsis: Standard QI // // Arguments: [iid] - Interface ID // [ppvObj] - Object return // // Returns: Appropriate status code // // History: 29-Mar-94 PhilipLa Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSmAllocator::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **ppvObj) { SCODE sc = S_OK; memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CSmAllocator::QueryInterface:%p()\n", this)); if (IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IMalloc) || IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IUnknown)) { *ppvObj = (IMalloc *) this; CSmAllocator::AddRef(); } else sc = E_NOINTERFACE; memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CSmAllocator::QueryInterface\n")); return sc; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::AddRef, public // // Synopsis: Add reference // // History: 29-Mar-94 PhilipLa Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSmAllocator::AddRef(void) { #ifdef MULTIHEAP return ++_cRefs; #else return 1; #endif } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::Release, public // // Synopsis: Release // // History: 29-Mar-94 PhilipLa Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSmAllocator::Release(void) { #ifdef MULTIHEAP ULONG cRefs = --_cRefs; if (cRefs <= 0 && this != &g_ErrorSmAllocator) delete this; return cRefs; #else return 0; #endif } #if !defined(_CHICAGO_) //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::FindBlock, private // // Synopsis: Find an appropriately sized block in the heap. // // Arguments: [cb] -- Size of block required // // Returns: Pointer to block, NULL on failure // // History: 29-Mar-94 PhilipLa Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBlockHeader * CSmAllocator::FindBlock(SIZE_T cb, CBlockHeader **ppbhPrev) { CBlockHeader *pbhCurrent = GetAddress(GetHeader()->GetFirstFree()); *ppbhPrev = NULL; while (pbhCurrent != NULL) { memAssert(IsAligned(pbhCurrent)); if ((pbhCurrent->GetSize() >= cb) && (pbhCurrent->IsFree())) { memAssert(pbhCurrent->GetSize() < _cbSize); //MULTIHEAP memAssert((BYTE *)pbhCurrent >= _pbBase && (BYTE *)pbhCurrent < _pbBase + _cbSize); // MULTIHEAP break; } else { memAssert (pbhCurrent->GetNext() <= _cbSize); // MULITHEAP *ppbhPrev = pbhCurrent; pbhCurrent = GetAddress(pbhCurrent->GetNext()); } } return pbhCurrent; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::Reset, private // // Synopsis: Reset the heap to its original empty state. // // Returns: Appropriate status code // // History: 04-Apr-94 PhilipLa Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline SCODE CSmAllocator::Reset(void) { memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CSmAllocator::Reset:%p()\n", this)); CBlockHeader *pbh = (CBlockHeader *) (_pbBase + sizeof(CHeapHeader)); memAssert(IsAligned(pbh)); pbh->SetFree(); pbh->SetSize(_cbSize - sizeof(CHeapHeader)); pbh->SetNext(0); memAssert((BYTE *)pbh + pbh->GetSize() == _pbBase + _cbSize); GetHeader()->SetFirstFree(GetOffset(pbh)); GetHeader()->SetCompacted(); GetHeader()->ResetAllocedBlocks(); GetHeader()->ResetLuid(); #if DBG == 1 GetHeader()->_ulAllocedBytes = 0; GetHeader()->_ulFreeBytes = pbh->GetSize() - sizeof(CBlockPreHeader); GetHeader()->_ulFreeBlocks = 1; #endif memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CSmAllocator::Reset\n")); return S_OK; } #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_) //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::Alloc, public // // Synopsis: Allocate memory // // Arguments: [cb] -- Number of bytes to allocate // // Returns: Pointer to block, NULL if failure // // History: 29-Mar-94 PhilipLa Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(void *) CSmAllocator::Alloc ( SIZE_T cb ) { void *pv = NULL; #if DBG == 1 SIZE_T cbSize = cb; #endif #if !defined(_CHICAGO_) CBlockHeader *pbh = NULL; CBlockHeader *pbhPrev = NULL; SCODE sc; #endif memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CSmAllocator::Alloc:%p(%lu)\n", this, cb)); #if defined(_CHICAGO_) pv = HeapAlloc(m_hSharedHeap, 0, cb); #else // !defined(_CHICAGO_) #if !defined(MULTIHEAP) CLockDfMutex lckdmtx(_dmtx); #endif #ifdef MULTIHEAP if (_pbBase == NULL) { memAssert (g_pTaskAllocator != NULL); return g_pTaskAllocator->Alloc (cb); } #endif Sync(); //The block must be at least large enough to hold the standard // header (size and free bit) and a pointer to the next block. if (cb < sizeof(CBlockHeader) - sizeof(CBlockPreHeader)) { cb = sizeof(CBlockHeader) - sizeof(CBlockPreHeader); } cb = cb + sizeof(CBlockPreHeader); //Make cb 8 byte aligned. if (cb & 7) { cb += (8 - (cb & 7)); } memAssert((cb >= CBLOCKMIN) && "Undersized block requested."); pbh = FindBlock(cb, &pbhPrev); if (pbh == NULL) { if (!(GetHeader()->IsCompacted())) { //Do a heap merge and try to allocate again. CSmAllocator::HeapMinimize(); pbh = FindBlock(cb, &pbhPrev); } if (pbh == NULL) { #ifdef MULTIHEAP CSharedMemoryBlock *psmb = _psmb; #else CSharedMemoryBlock *psmb = &_smb; #endif #if DBG == 1 ULONG ulOldSize = psmb->GetSize(); #endif sc = (ULONG)psmb->Commit(_cbSize + (ULONG)max(cb, MINHEAPGROWTH)); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { //Attach newly committed space to free list. CBlockHeader *pbhNew = (CBlockHeader *) (_pbBase + _cbSize); _cbSize = psmb->GetSize(); memAssert((pbhPrev == NULL) || (pbhPrev->GetNext() == 0)); memAssert(_cbSize > ulOldSize); if (pbhPrev != NULL) { pbhPrev->SetNext(GetOffset(pbhNew)); } else { GetHeader()->SetFirstFree(GetOffset(pbhNew)); } pbhNew->SetNext(0); pbhNew->SetSize(max(cb, MINHEAPGROWTH)); pbhNew->SetFree(); memAssert((BYTE *)pbhNew + pbhNew->GetSize() == _pbBase + _cbSize); #if DBG == 1 GetHeader()->_ulFreeBytes += pbhNew->GetSize() - sizeof(CBlockPreHeader); GetHeader()->_ulFreeBlocks += 1; #endif pbh = pbhNew; } #if DBG == 1 else { memDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "Can't grow shared memory\n")); PrintAllocatedBlocks(); } #endif } } if (pbh != NULL) { //Allocate the found block. if ((pbh->GetSize() > cb) && (pbh->GetSize() - cb > CBLOCKMIN)) { //Split an existing block. No free list update required. CBlockHeader *pbhNew = (CBlockHeader *)((BYTE *)pbh + (pbh->GetSize() - cb)); pbhNew->SetSize(cb); pbhNew->ResetFree(); pbhNew->SetNext(0); pbh->SetSize(pbh->GetSize() - cb); #if DBG == 1 cbSize = cb; GetHeader()->_ulAllocedBytes += (cb - sizeof(CBlockPreHeader)); //The number of available free bytes decreases by the number // of bytes allocated GetHeader()->_ulFreeBytes -= cb; #endif memAssert(IsAligned(pbhNew)); memAssert(IsAligned(pbh)); pbh = pbhNew; } else { //Use an entire block. Update free list appropriately. memAssert(IsAligned(pbh)); pbh->ResetFree(); if (pbhPrev != NULL) { pbhPrev->SetNext(pbh->GetNext()); } else { GetHeader()->SetFirstFree(pbh->GetNext()); } #if DBG == 1 cbSize = pbh->GetSize() - sizeof(CBlockPreHeader); GetHeader()->_ulAllocedBytes += cbSize; GetHeader()->_ulFreeBytes -= cbSize; GetHeader()->_ulFreeBlocks--; #endif pbh->SetNext(0); } } if (pbh != NULL) { pv = (BYTE *)pbh + sizeof(CBlockPreHeader); GetHeader()->IncrementAllocedBlocks(); } #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_) memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CSmAllocator::Alloc=> %p\n", pv)); #if !defined(_CHICAGO_) memAssert(IsAligned(pv)); #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_) PRINTSTATS; #if DBG == 1 if (pv == NULL) { #if defined(_CHICAGO_) memDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "Failed allocation of %lu bytes.\n", cb)); #else // !defined(_CHICAGO_) memDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "Failed allocation of %lu bytes. Heap size is %lu\n", cb, _cbSize)); #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_) } else { //Allocated some bytes. Record this for leak tracking. ModifyResLimit(DBRQ_MEMORY_ALLOCATED, (LONG)pbh->GetSize()); } #endif return pv; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::Realloc, public // // Synopsis: Resize the block given // // Arguments: [pv] -- Pointer to block to realloc // [cb] -- New size for block // // Returns: Pointer to new block, NULL if failure // // History: 29-Mar-94 PhilipLa Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(void *) CSmAllocator::Realloc( void *pv, SIZE_T cb ) { void *pvNew = NULL; #ifdef FULLIMPL memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CSmAllocator::Realloc:%p()\n", this)); #if defined(_CHICAGO_) pvNew = HeapReAlloc(m_hSharedHeap, 0, pv, cb); #else #if !defined(MULTIHEAP) CLockDfMutex lckdmtx(_dmtx); #endif #ifdef MULTIHEAP if (_pbBase == NULL) { memAssert (g_pTaskAllocator != NULL); return g_pTaskAllocator->Realloc (pv, cb); } #endif if ((pv != NULL) && (cb == 0)) { CSmAllocator::Free(pv); return NULL; } pvNew = CSmAllocator::Alloc(cb); if (pvNew != NULL && pv != NULL) { //Copy contents memcpy(pvNew, pv, min(cb, CSmAllocator::GetSize(pv))); CSmAllocator::Free(pv); } #endif memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CSmAllocator::Realloc\n")); #endif PRINTSTATS; return pvNew; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::DoFree, private // // Synopsis: Free a memory block // // Arguments: [pv] -- Pointer to block to free // // Returns: void // // History: 26-Jul-95 SusiA Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void CSmAllocator::DoFree(void *pv) { #ifdef MULTIHEAP if (_pbBase == NULL) { memAssert (g_pTaskAllocator != NULL); g_pTaskAllocator->Free (pv); return; } #endif memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CSmAllocator::DoFree:%p(%p)\n", this, pv)); #if DBG == 1 SSIZE_T cbSize = 0; #endif #if defined(_CHICAGO_) if (pv != NULL) { #if DBG == 1 cbSize = HeapSize(m_hSharedHeap, 0, pv); #endif HeapFree(m_hSharedHeap, 0, pv); } #else Sync(); if (pv != NULL) { CBlockHeader *pbh = (CBlockHeader *) ((BYTE *)pv - sizeof(CBlockPreHeader)); #ifdef MULTIHEAP SIZE_T ulSize = pbh->GetSize(); // temporary to hold size for debug #if DBG == 1 cbSize = ulSize; #endif #endif memAssert(IsAligned(pbh)); memAssert((BYTE*)pbh >= _pbBase && (BYTE*)pbh < _pbBase + _cbSize); // MULTIHEAP pbh->SetFree(); pbh->SetNext(GetHeader()->GetFirstFree()); GetHeader()->SetFirstFree(GetOffset(pbh)); GetHeader()->ResetCompacted(); if (GetHeader()->DecrementAllocedBlocks() == 0) { #ifdef MULTIHEAP Uninit(); #else Reset(); #endif } #if DBG == 1 else { GetHeader()->_ulAllocedBytes -= (pbh->GetSize() - sizeof(CBlockPreHeader)); memAssert (GetHeader()->_ulAllocedBytes <= _cbSize); GetHeader()->_ulFreeBytes += (pbh->GetSize() - sizeof(CBlockPreHeader)); GetHeader()->_ulFreeBlocks++; } #endif #ifdef MULTIHEAP memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CSmAllocator::DoFree. Freed %lu\n", ulSize)); // don't access shared memory #else memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CSmAllocator::DoFree. Freed %lu\n", pbh->GetSize())); #endif } #endif #if !defined(MULTIHEAP) // the shared heap may have been unmapped, mustn't read it now PRINTSTATS; #endif #if DBG == 1 //Freed some bytes, so record that. ModifyResLimit(DBRQ_MEMORY_ALLOCATED, (LONG)-cbSize); #endif } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::Free, public // // Synopsis: Free a memory block // // Arguments: [pv] -- Pointer to block to free // // Returns: void // // History: 29-Mar-94 PhilipLa Created // 26-Jul-95 SusiA Moved bulk of work to DoFree to // share code between Free and // FreeNoMutex // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(void) CSmAllocator::Free(void *pv) { memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CSmAllocator::Free:%p(%p)\n", this, pv)); #if !defined(_CHICAGO_) #if !defined(MULTIHEAP) CLockDfMutex lckdmtx(_dmtx); #endif #endif DoFree(pv); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::FreeNoMutex, public // // Synopsis: Free a memory block without first aquiring the mutex. // This function is equivalent to Free above, except that is does // not attempt to first aquire the mutex. It should be used OLNY // when the calling function guarantees to already have the mutex. // // // Arguments: [pv] -- Pointer to block to free // // Returns: void // // History: 19-Jul-95 SusiA Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSmAllocator::FreeNoMutex(void *pv) { memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CSmAllocator::FreeNoMutex:%p(%p)\n", this, pv)); #if !defined(_CHICAGO_) #if !defined(MULTIHEAP) //ensure we already have the mutex memAssert(_dmtx.HaveMutex()); #endif #endif DoFree(pv); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::GetSize, public // // Synopsis: Return the size of the given block // // Arguments: [pv] -- Block to get size of // // Returns: Size of block pointer to by pv // // History: 29-Mar-94 PhilipLa Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(SIZE_T) CSmAllocator::GetSize(void * pv) { #if !defined(_CHICAGO_) #if !defined(MULTIHEAP) CLockDfMutex lckdmtx(_dmtx); #endif #endif #ifdef MULTIHEAP if (_pbBase == NULL) { memAssert (g_pTaskAllocator != NULL); return g_pTaskAllocator->GetSize (pv); } #endif Sync(); SIZE_T ulSize = (SIZE_T)-1; #ifdef FULLIMPL memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CSmAllocator::GetSize:%p()\n", this)); if (pv != NULL) { #if defined(_CHICAGO_) ulSize = HeapSize(m_hSharedHeap, 0, pv); #else CBlockHeader *pbh; pbh = (CBlockHeader *)((BYTE *)pv - sizeof(CBlockPreHeader)); ulSize = pbh->GetSize() - sizeof(CBlockPreHeader); #endif } memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CSmAllocator::GetSize\n")); #endif return ulSize; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::DidAlloc, public // // Synopsis: Return '1' if this heap allocated pointer at pv // // Arguments: [pv] -- Pointer to block // // Returns: '1' == This heap allocated block. // '0' == This heap did not allocate block. // '-1' == Could not determine if this heap allocated block. // // History: 29-Mar-94 PhilipLa Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(int) CSmAllocator::DidAlloc(void FAR * pv) { #ifdef MULTIHEAP if (_pbBase == NULL) { memAssert (g_pTaskAllocator != NULL); return g_pTaskAllocator->DidAlloc (pv); } #endif int i = -1; #ifdef FULLIMPL memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CSmAllocator::DidAlloc:%p()\n", this)); #if defined(_CHICAGO_) if (HeapValidate(m_hSharedHeap, 0, pv)) { i = 1; } else { i = 0; } #else // !defined(_CHICAGO_) #if !defined(MULTIHEAP) CLockDfMutex lckdmtx(_dmtx); #endif i = ((BYTE *)pv >= _pbBase) && ((BYTE *)pv <= (_pbBase + _cbSize)); #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_) memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CSmAllocator::DidAlloc\n")); #endif return i; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::HeapMinimize, public // // Synopsis: Minimize the heap // // Arguments: None. // // Returns: void. // // History: 29-Mar-94 PhilipLa Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(void) CSmAllocator::HeapMinimize(void) { #if !defined(_CHICAGO_) #if !defined(MULTIHEAP) CLockDfMutex lckdmtx(_dmtx); #endif #endif #ifdef MULTIHEAP if (_pbBase == NULL) { memAssert (g_pTaskAllocator != NULL); g_pTaskAllocator->HeapMinimize (); return; } #endif memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CSmAllocator::HeapMinimize:%p()\n", this)); PRINTSTATS; #if defined(_CHICAGO_) HeapCompact(m_hSharedHeap, 0); #else // !defined(_CHICAGO_) CBlockHeader *pbhCurrent; CBlockHeader *pbhLast = NULL; BYTE *pbEnd = _pbBase + _cbSize; #if DBG == 1 PrintFreeBlocks(); GetHeader()->_ulAllocedBytes = 0; GetHeader()->_ulFreeBytes = 0; GetHeader()->_ulFreeBlocks = 0; #endif pbhCurrent = (CBlockHeader *)(_pbBase + sizeof(CHeapHeader)); while ((BYTE *)pbhCurrent < pbEnd) { memAssert(IsAligned(pbhCurrent)); memAssert((pbhCurrent->GetSize() != 0) && "Zero size block found."); if (pbhCurrent->IsFree()) { //Check last block. If adjacent, merge them. If not, // update pbhNext. if (pbhLast == NULL) { GetHeader()->SetFirstFree(GetOffset(pbhCurrent)); #if DBG == 1 GetHeader()->_ulFreeBlocks = 1; #endif } else { if (pbhLast->GetSize() + GetOffset(pbhLast) == GetOffset(pbhCurrent)) { //Merge the blocks. pbhLast->SetSize(pbhLast->GetSize() + pbhCurrent->GetSize()); pbhCurrent = pbhLast; } else { #if DBG == 1 GetHeader()->_ulFreeBytes += (pbhLast->GetSize() - sizeof(CBlockPreHeader)); GetHeader()->_ulFreeBlocks++; #endif pbhLast->SetNext(GetOffset(pbhCurrent)); } } pbhLast = pbhCurrent; } #if DBG == 1 else { GetHeader()->_ulAllocedBytes += (pbhCurrent->GetSize() - sizeof(CBlockPreHeader)); } #endif //Move to next block. pbhCurrent = (CBlockHeader *)((BYTE *)pbhCurrent + pbhCurrent->GetSize()); } if (pbhLast != NULL) { #if DBG == 1 GetHeader()->_ulFreeBytes += (pbhLast->GetSize() - sizeof(CBlockPreHeader)); #endif pbhLast->SetNext(0); } else { GetHeader()->SetFirstFree(0); } GetHeader()->SetCompacted(); #if DBG == 1 PrintFreeBlocks(); #endif #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_) memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CSmAllocator::HeapMinimize\n")); PRINTSTATS; } #if !defined(_CHICAGO_) #if DBG == 1 //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::PrintFreeBlocks, private // // Synopsis: Debug code to print sizes of free blocks // // History: 25-Apr-94 PhilipLa Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSmAllocator::PrintFreeBlocks(void) { CBlockHeader *pbhCurrent = GetAddress(GetHeader()->GetFirstFree()); memDebugOut((DEB_PRINT, "There are %lu total free blocks\n", GetHeader()->_ulFreeBlocks)); while (pbhCurrent != NULL) { memDebugOut((DEB_PRINT, "Free block %p has size %lu\n", pbhCurrent, pbhCurrent->GetSize())); pbhCurrent = GetAddress(pbhCurrent->GetNext()); } } #endif #ifdef MULTIHEAP #if DBG == 1 //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::PrintAllocatedBlocks, private // // Synopsis: Debug code to find allocated block(s) that leaked // // History: 25-Nov-95 HenryLee Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSmAllocator::PrintAllocatedBlocks(void) { CBlockHeader *pbhCurrent; CBlockHeader *pbhLast = NULL; BYTE *pbEnd = _pbBase + _cbSize; ULONG *pul; if (_psmb != NULL) { pbhCurrent = (CBlockHeader *)(_pbBase + sizeof(CHeapHeader)); while ((BYTE *)pbhCurrent < pbEnd) { memAssert(IsAligned(pbhCurrent)); memAssert((pbhCurrent->GetSize() != 0) && "Zero size block found."); if (!pbhCurrent->IsFree()) { pul = (ULONG *)((BYTE *)pbhCurrent + sizeof(CBlockPreHeader)); memDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "Allocated Block %p %8x %8x (size %lu)\n", pul, *pul, *(pul+1), pbhCurrent->GetSize())); } else { pul = (ULONG *)pbhCurrent; memDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "Free Block %p %8x %8x (size %lu)\n", pul, *pul, *(pul+1), pbhCurrent->GetSize())); } pbhCurrent = (CBlockHeader *)((BYTE *)pbhCurrent + pbhCurrent->GetSize()); } } } #endif // DBG == 1 //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::SetState // // Synopsis: replace thread local state by PerContext state // // History: 20-Nov-95 Henrylee Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSmAllocator::SetState (CSharedMemoryBlock *psmb, BYTE * pbBase, ULONG ulHeapName, CPerContext ** ppcPrev, CPerContext *ppcOwner) { memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CSmAllocator::SetState(%p, %p, %lx, %p, %p, %p) (this == %p)\n", psmb, pbBase, ulHeapName, ppcPrev, ppcOwner, _ppcOwner, this)); _psmb = psmb; _pbBase = pbBase; _cbSize = (_psmb) ? _psmb->GetSize() : 0; _ulHeapName = ulHeapName; DFBASEPTR = _pbBase; if (ppcPrev != NULL) *ppcPrev = _ppcOwner; _ppcOwner = ppcOwner; // memAssert (g_smAllocator.GetBase() == DFBASEPTR); memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CSmAllocator::SetState()\n")); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::GetState // // Synopsis: retrive thread local allocator state into percontext // // History: 20-Nov-95 Henrylee Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSmAllocator::GetState (CSharedMemoryBlock **ppsmb, BYTE ** ppbBase, ULONG *pulHeapName) { *ppsmb = _psmb; *ppbBase = _pbBase; *pulHeapName = _ulHeapName; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CSmAllocator::Uninit // // Synopsis: unmap the shared memory region // // History: 20-Nov-95 Henrylee Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CSmAllocator::Uninit () { memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CSmAllocator::Uninit\n")); if (_psmb != NULL) { if (_psmb != &g_smb) { // This is last block in the heap, so we can close the heap // now. There must be no shared heap accesses after this. delete _psmb; #if DBG == 1 ModifyResLimit(DBRQ_HEAPS, -1); #endif gs_iSharedHeaps--; } else { if (GetHeader()->GetAllocedBlocks() == 0) Reset(); // for g_smb } _psmb = NULL; } _pbBase = NULL; memDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CSmAllocator::Uninit %x\n", _ulHeapName)); _ulHeapName = 0; return S_OK; } #endif // MULTIHEAP #endif // !defined(_CHICAGO_)