/*++ Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation Copyright (c) 1993 Logitech Inc. Module Name: cseries.c Abstract: Environment: Kernel mode only. Notes: Revision History: --*/ // // Includes. // #include "ntddk.h" #include "sermouse.h" #include "cseries.h" #include "debug.h" // // Use the alloc_text pragma to specify the driver initialization routines // (they can be paged out). // #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma alloc_text(INIT,CSerPowerUp) #pragma alloc_text(INIT,CSerSetReportRate) #pragma alloc_text(INIT,CSerSetBaudRate) #pragma alloc_text(INIT,CSerSetProtocol) #pragma alloc_text(INIT,CSerDetect) #endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA // // Constants. // // // The status command sent to the mouse. // #define CSER_STATUS_COMMAND 's' // // The query number of mouse buttons command sent to the mouse. // #define CSER_QUERY_BUTTONS_COMMAND 'k' // // Status report from a CSeries mouse. // #define CSER_STATUS 0x4F // // Timeout value for the status returned by a CSeries mouse. // #define CSER_STATUS_DELAY 50 // // Time (in milliseconds) needed by the mouse to adapt to a new baud rate. // #define CSER_BAUDRATE_DELAY 2 // // Default baud rate and report rate. // #define CSER_DEFAULT_BAUDRATE 1200 #define CSER_DEFAULT_REPORTRATE 150 // // Button/status definitions. // #define CSER_SYNCH_BIT 0x80 #define CSER_BUTTON_LEFT 0x04 #define CSER_BUTTON_RIGHT 0x01 #define CSER_BUTTON_MIDDLE 0x02 #define CSER_BUTTON_LEFT_SR 2 #define CSER_BUTTON_RIGHT_SL 1 #define CSER_BUTTON_MIDDLE_SL 1 #define SIGN_X 0x10 #define SIGN_Y 0x08 // // Macros. // #define sizeofel(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(*x)) // // Type definitions. // typedef struct _REPORT_RATE { CHAR Command; UCHAR ReportRate; } REPORT_RATE; typedef struct _PROTOCOL { CHAR Command; UCHAR LineCtrl; PPROTOCOL_HANDLER Handler; } PROTOCOL; typedef struct _CSER_BAUDRATE { CHAR *Command; ULONG BaudRate; } CSER_BAUDRATE; // // Globals. // // // The baud rate at which we try to detect a mouse. // static ULONG BaudRateDetect[] = { 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 }; // // This list is indexed by protocol values PROTOCOL_*. // PROTOCOL Protocol[] = { {'S', ACE_8BW | ACE_PEN | ACE_1SB, CSerHandlerMM }, {'T', ACE_8BW | ACE_1SB, NULL }, {'U', ACE_8BW | ACE_1SB, NULL }, {'V', ACE_7BW | ACE_1SB, NULL }, {'B', ACE_7BW | ACE_PEN | ACE_EPS | ACE_1SB, NULL }, {'A', ACE_7BW | ACE_PEN | ACE_EPS | ACE_1SB, NULL } }; static REPORT_RATE ReportRateTable[] = { {'D', 0 }, {'J', 10}, {'K', 20}, {'L', 35}, {'R', 50}, {'M', 70}, {'Q', 100}, {'N', 150}, {'O', 151} // Continuous }; static CSER_BAUDRATE CserBaudRateTable[] = { { "*n", 1200 }, { "*o", 2400 }, { "*p", 4800 }, { "*q", 9600 } }; BOOLEAN CSerPowerUp( PUCHAR Port ) /*++ Routine Description: Powers up the mouse by making the RTS and DTR active. Arguments: Port - Pointer to the serial port. Return Value: TRUE. --*/ { UCHAR lineCtrl; SerMouPrint((2, "SERMOUSE-PowerUp: Enter\n")); // // Set both RTS and DTR lines to an active state. // lineCtrl = UARTSetModemCtrl(Port, ACE_DTR | ACE_RTS); SerMouPrint((1, "SERMOUSE-Initial line control: %#x\n", lineCtrl)); // // If the lines are high, the power is on for at least 500 ms due to the // MSeries detection. // if ((lineCtrl & (ACE_DTR | ACE_RTS)) != (ACE_DTR | ACE_RTS)) { SerMouPrint((1, "SERMOUSE-Powering up\n")); // // Wait CSER_POWER_UP milliseconds for the mouse to power up // correctly. // KeStallExecutionProcessor(CSER_POWER_UP * MS_TO_MICROSECONDS); } SerMouPrint((2, "SERMOUSE-PowerUp: Exit\n")); return TRUE; } VOID CSerSetReportRate( PUCHAR Port, UCHAR ReportRate ) /*++ Routine Description: Set the mouse report rate. This can range from 0 (prompt mode) to continuous report rate. Arguments: Port - Pointer to serial port. ReportRate - The desired report rate. Return Value: None. --*/ { LONG count; SerMouPrint((2, "SERMOUSE-CSerSetReportRate: Enter\n")); for (count = sizeofel(ReportRateTable) - 1; count >= 0; count--) { // // Get the character to send from the table. // if (ReportRate >= ReportRateTable[count].ReportRate) { // // Set the baud rate. // SerMouPrint(( 3, "SERMOUSE-New ReportRate: %u\n", ReportRateTable[count].ReportRate )); UARTWriteChar(Port, ReportRateTable[count].Command); break; } } SerMouPrint((2, "SERMOUSE-CSerSetReportRate: Exit\n")); return; } VOID CSerSetBaudRate( PUCHAR Port, ULONG BaudRate, ULONG BaudClock ) /*++ Routine Description: Set the new mouse baud rate. This will change the serial port baud rate. Arguments: Port - Pointer to the serial port. BaudRate - Desired baud rate. BaudClock - The external frequency driving the serial chip. Return Value: None. --*/ { LONG count; SerMouPrint((2, "SERMOUSE-CSerSetBaudRate: Enter\n")); // // Before we mess with the baud rate, put the mouse in prompt mode. // CSerSetReportRate(Port, 0); for (count = sizeofel(CserBaudRateTable) - 1; count >= 0; count--) { if (BaudRate >= CserBaudRateTable[count].BaudRate) { // // Set the baud rate. // UARTWriteString(Port, CserBaudRateTable[count].Command); while(!UARTIsTransmitEmpty(Port)) /* Do nothing */; UARTSetBaudRate(Port, CserBaudRateTable[count].BaudRate, BaudClock); // // Delay to allow the UART and the mouse to synchronize // correctly. // KeStallExecutionProcessor(CSER_BAUDRATE_DELAY * MS_TO_MICROSECONDS); break; } } SerMouPrint((2, "SERMOUSE-CSerSetBaudRate: Exit\n")); return; } PPROTOCOL_HANDLER CSerSetProtocol( PUCHAR Port, UCHAR NewProtocol ) /*++ Routine Description: Change the mouse protocol. Note: Not all the protocols are implemented in this driver. Arguments: Port - Pointer to the serial port. Return Value: Address of the protocol handler function. See the interrupt service routine. --*/ { SerMouPrint((2, "SERMOUSE-CSerSetProtocol: Enter\n")); ASSERT(NewProtocol < CSER_PROTOCOL_MAX); // // Set the protocol. // UARTWriteChar(Port, Protocol[NewProtocol].Command); UARTSetLineCtrl(Port, Protocol[NewProtocol].LineCtrl); SerMouPrint((2, "SERMOUSE-NewProtocol: %u\n", NewProtocol & 0xFF)); SerMouPrint((2, "SERMOUSE-CSerSetProtocol: Exit\n")); return Protocol[NewProtocol].Handler; } BOOLEAN CSerDetect( PUCHAR Port, ULONG BaudClock, PULONG HardwareButtons ) /*++ Routine Description: Detection of a CSeries type mouse. The main steps are: - Power up the mouse. - Cycle through the available baud rates and try to get an answer from the mouse. At the end of the routine, a default baud rate and report rate are set. Arguments: Port - Pointer to the serial port. BaudClock - The external frequency driving the serial chip. HardwareButtons - Returns the number of hardware buttons detected. Return Value: TRUE if a CSeries type mouse is detected, otherwise FALSE. --*/ { UCHAR status, numButtons; ULONG count; BOOLEAN detected = FALSE; SerMouSetDebugOutput(DBG_COLOR); SerMouPrint((2, "SERMOUSE-CSerDetect: Start\n")); // // Power up the mouse if necessary. // CSerPowerUp(Port); // // Set the line control register to a format that the mouse can // understand (see below: the line is set after the report rate). // UARTSetLineCtrl(Port, Protocol[CSER_PROTOCOL_MM].LineCtrl); // // Cycle through the different baud rates to detect the mouse. // for (count = 0; count < sizeofel(BaudRateDetect); count++) { UARTSetBaudRate(Port, BaudRateDetect[count], BaudClock); // // Put the mouse in prompt mode. // CSerSetReportRate(Port, 0); // // Set the MM protocol. This way we get the mouse to talk to us in a // specific format. This avoids receiving errors from the line // register. // CSerSetProtocol(Port, CSER_PROTOCOL_MM); // // Try to get the status byte. // UARTWriteChar(Port, CSER_STATUS_COMMAND); while (!UARTIsTransmitEmpty(Port)) { // Nothing } // // In case something is already there... // UARTFlushReadBuffer(Port); // // Read back the status character. // if (UARTReadChar(Port, &status, CSER_STATUS_DELAY) && (status == CSER_STATUS)) { detected = TRUE; SerMouPrint(( 1, "SERMOUSE-Detected mouse at %u bauds\n", BaudRateDetect[count] )); break; } } if (detected) { // // Get the number of buttons back from the mouse. // UARTWriteChar(Port, CSER_QUERY_BUTTONS_COMMAND); while (!UARTIsTransmitEmpty(Port)) { // Nothing } // // In case something is already there... // UARTFlushReadBuffer(Port); // // Read back the number of buttons. // if (UARTReadChar(Port, &numButtons, CSER_STATUS_DELAY)) { numButtons &= 0x0F; if (numButtons == 2 || numButtons == 3) { *HardwareButtons = numButtons; } else { *HardwareButtons = MOUSE_NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS; } } else { *HardwareButtons = MOUSE_NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS; } } // // Put the mouse back in a default mode. The protocol is already set. // CSerSetBaudRate(Port, CSER_DEFAULT_BAUDRATE, BaudClock); CSerSetReportRate(Port, CSER_DEFAULT_REPORTRATE); SerMouPrint((3, "SERMOUSE-Detected: %s\n", detected ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); SerMouPrint((3, "SERMOUSE-Status byte: %#x\n", status)); SerMouPrint((2, "SERMOUSE-CSerDetect: End\n")); SerMouSetDebugOutput(DBG_SERIAL); return detected; } BOOLEAN CSerHandlerMM( IN PMOUSE_INPUT_DATA CurrentInput, IN PHANDLER_DATA HandlerData, IN UCHAR Value, IN UCHAR LineState) /*++ Routine Description: This is the protocol handler routine for the MM protocol. Arguments: CurrentInput - Pointer to the report packet. Value - The input buffer value. LineState - The serial port line state. Return Value: Returns TRUE if the handler has a completed report. --*/ { BOOLEAN retval = FALSE; SerMouPrint((2, "SERMOUSE-MMHandler: enter\n")); if ((Value & CSER_SYNCH_BIT) && (HandlerData->State != STATE0)) { HandlerData->Error++; SerMouPrint(( 1, "SERMOUSE-Synch error. State: %u\n", HandlerData->State )); HandlerData->State = STATE0; } else if (!(Value & CSER_SYNCH_BIT) && (HandlerData->State == STATE0)) { HandlerData->Error++; SerMouPrint(( 1, "SERMOUSE-Synch error. State: %u\n", HandlerData->State )); goto LExit; } // // Check for a line state error. // if (LineState & ACE_LERR) { // // Reset the handler state. // HandlerData->State = STATE0; HandlerData->Error++; SerMouPrint((1, "SERMOUSE-Line status error: %#x\n", LineState)); } else { SerMouPrint((2, "SERMOUSE-State%u\n", HandlerData->State)); HandlerData->Raw[HandlerData->State] = Value; switch (HandlerData->State) { case STATE0: case STATE1: HandlerData->State++; break; case STATE2: HandlerData->State = STATE0; // // Buttons formatting. // CurrentInput->RawButtons = (HandlerData->Raw[STATE0] & CSER_BUTTON_LEFT) >> CSER_BUTTON_LEFT_SR; CurrentInput->RawButtons |= (HandlerData->Raw[STATE0] & CSER_BUTTON_RIGHT) << CSER_BUTTON_RIGHT_SL; CurrentInput->RawButtons |= (HandlerData->Raw[STATE0] & CSER_BUTTON_MIDDLE) << CSER_BUTTON_MIDDLE_SL; // // Displacement formatting. // CurrentInput->LastX = (HandlerData->Raw[STATE0] & SIGN_X) ? HandlerData->Raw[STATE1] : -(LONG)HandlerData->Raw[STATE1]; // // Note: The Y displacement is positive to the south. // CurrentInput->LastY = (HandlerData->Raw[STATE0] & SIGN_Y) ? -(LONG)HandlerData->Raw[STATE2] : HandlerData->Raw[STATE2]; SerMouPrint((1, "SERMOUSE-Displacement X: %ld\n", CurrentInput->LastX)); SerMouPrint((1, "SERMOUSE-Displacement Y: %ld\n", CurrentInput->LastY)); SerMouPrint((1, "SERMOUSE-Raw Buttons: %0lx\n", CurrentInput->RawButtons)); // // The report is complete. Tell the interrupt handler to send it. // retval = TRUE; break; default: SerMouPrint(( 0, "SERMOUSE-MM Handler failure: incorrect state value.\n" )); ASSERT(FALSE); } } LExit: SerMouPrint((2, "SERMOUSE-MMHandler: exit\n")); return retval; }