/*++ Copyright (c) 1991-1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: unlodctr.c Abstract: Program to remove the counter names belonging to the driver specified in the command line and update the registry accordingly Author: Bob Watson (a-robw) 12 Feb 93 Revision History: --*/ #define UNICODE 1 #define _UNICODE 1 // // "C" Include files // #include #include #include #include // // Windows Include files // #include #include #include // // local include files // //#define _INITIALIZE_GLOBALS_ 1 // to define & init global buffers #include "common.h" //#undef _INITIALIZE_GLOBALS_ #include "nwcfg.hxx" // version number for NT 1.0 #define OLD_VERSION 0x010000 DWORD dwSystemVersion; // PerfLib version number DWORD dwHelpItems; // number of explain text items DWORD dwCounterItems; // number of counter text items DWORD dwLastCounter; DWORD dwLastHelp; LPTSTR *BuildNameTable( IN HKEY hKeyPerflib, // handle to perflib key with counter names IN LPTSTR lpszLangId, // unicode value of Language subkey OUT PDWORD pdwLastItem, // size of array in elements OUT HKEY *hKeyNames, OUT LPTSTR CounterNameBuffer, // New version counter name key OUT LPTSTR HelpNameBuffer // New version help name key ) /*++ BuildNameTable Caches the counter names and explain text to accelerate name lookups for display. Arguments: hKeyPerflib Handle to an open registry (this can be local or remote.) and is the value returned by RegConnectRegistry or a default key. lpszLangId The unicode id of the language to look up. (default is 009) pdwLastItem The last array element Return Value: pointer to an allocated table. (the caller must free it when finished!) the table is an array of pointers to zero terminated TEXT strings. A NULL pointer is returned if an error occured. (error value is available using the GetLastError function). The structure of the buffer returned is: Array of pointers to zero terminated strings consisting of pdwLastItem elements MULTI_SZ string containing counter id's and names returned from registry for the specified language MULTI_SZ string containing explain text id's and explain text strings as returned by the registry for the specified language The structures listed above are contiguous so that they may be freed by a single "free" call when finished with them, however only the array elements are intended to be used. --*/ { LPTSTR *lpReturnValue; // returned pointer to buffer LPTSTR *lpCounterId; // LPTSTR lpCounterNames; // pointer to Names buffer returned by reg. LPTSTR lpHelpText ; // pointet to exlpain buffer returned by reg. LPTSTR lpThisName; // working pointer BOOL bStatus; // return status from TRUE/FALSE fn. calls LONG lWin32Status; // return status from fn. calls DWORD dwValueType; // value type of buffer returned by reg. DWORD dwArraySize; // size of pointer array in bytes DWORD dwBufferSize; // size of total buffer in bytes DWORD dwCounterSize; // size of counter text buffer in bytes DWORD dwHelpSize; // size of help text buffer in bytes DWORD dwThisCounter; // working counter DWORD dwLastId; // largest ID value used by explain/counter text LPTSTR lpValueNameString; // pointer to buffer conatining subkey name //initialize pointers to NULL lpValueNameString = NULL; lpReturnValue = NULL; // check for null arguments and insert defaults if necessary if (!lpszLangId) { lpszLangId = DefaultLangId; } if (hKeyNames) { *hKeyNames = NULL; } else { SetLastError (ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS); return NULL; } // use the greater of Help items or Counter Items to size array if (dwHelpItems >= dwCounterItems) { dwLastId = dwHelpItems; } else { dwLastId = dwCounterItems; } // array size is # of elements (+ 1, since names are "1" based) // times the size of a pointer dwArraySize = (dwLastId + 1) * sizeof(LPTSTR); // allocate string buffer for language ID key string lpValueNameString = malloc ( lstrlen(NamesKey) * sizeof (TCHAR) + lstrlen(Slash) * sizeof (TCHAR) + lstrlen(lpszLangId) * sizeof (TCHAR) + sizeof (TCHAR)); if (!lpValueNameString) { lWin32Status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto BNT_BAILOUT; } lWin32Status = RegOpenKeyEx ( // get handle to this key in the hKeyPerflib, // registry lpszLangId, RESERVED, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, hKeyNames); if (lWin32Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto BNT_BAILOUT; // get size of counter names dwBufferSize = 0; lWin32Status = RegQueryValueEx ( *hKeyNames, Counters, RESERVED, &dwValueType, NULL, &dwBufferSize); if (lWin32Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto BNT_BAILOUT; dwCounterSize = dwBufferSize; // get size of help text dwBufferSize = 0; lWin32Status = RegQueryValueEx ( *hKeyNames, Help, RESERVED, &dwValueType, NULL, &dwBufferSize); if (lWin32Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto BNT_BAILOUT; dwHelpSize = dwBufferSize; // allocate buffer with room for pointer array, counter name // strings and help name strings lpReturnValue = malloc (dwArraySize + dwCounterSize + dwHelpSize); if (!lpReturnValue) { lWin32Status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto BNT_BAILOUT; } // initialize buffer memset (lpReturnValue, 0, _msize(lpReturnValue)); // initialize pointers into buffer lpCounterId = lpReturnValue; lpCounterNames = (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)lpCounterId + dwArraySize); lpHelpText = (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)lpCounterNames + dwCounterSize); // read counter names into buffer. Counter names will be stored as // a MULTI_SZ string in the format of "###" "Name" dwBufferSize = dwCounterSize; lWin32Status = RegQueryValueEx ( *hKeyNames, Counters, RESERVED, &dwValueType, (LPVOID)lpCounterNames, &dwBufferSize); if (lWin32Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto BNT_BAILOUT; // read explain text into buffer. Counter names will be stored as // a MULTI_SZ string in the format of "###" "Text..." dwBufferSize = dwHelpSize; lWin32Status = RegQueryValueEx ( *hKeyNames, Help, RESERVED, &dwValueType, (LPVOID)lpHelpText, &dwBufferSize); if (lWin32Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto BNT_BAILOUT; // load counter array items, by locating each text string // in the returned buffer and loading the // address of it in the corresponding pointer array element. for (lpThisName = lpCounterNames; *lpThisName; lpThisName += (lstrlen(lpThisName)+1) ) { // first string should be an integer (in decimal digit characters) // so translate to an integer for use in array element identification bStatus = StringToInt (lpThisName, &dwThisCounter); if (!bStatus) { // error is in GetLastError goto BNT_BAILOUT; // bad entry } // point to corresponding counter name which follows the id number // string. lpThisName += (lstrlen(lpThisName)+1); // and load array element with pointer to string lpCounterId[dwThisCounter] = lpThisName; } // repeat the above for the explain text strings for (lpThisName = lpHelpText; *lpThisName; lpThisName += (lstrlen(lpThisName)+1) ) { // first string should be an integer (in decimal unicode digits) bStatus = StringToInt (lpThisName, &dwThisCounter); if (!bStatus) { // error is in GetLastError goto BNT_BAILOUT; // bad entry } // point to corresponding counter name lpThisName += (lstrlen(lpThisName)+1); // and load array element; lpCounterId[dwThisCounter] = lpThisName; } // if the last item arugment was used, then load the last ID value in it if (pdwLastItem) *pdwLastItem = dwLastId; // free the temporary buffer used if (lpValueNameString) { free ((LPVOID)lpValueNameString); } // exit returning the pointer to the buffer return lpReturnValue; BNT_BAILOUT: if (lWin32Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // if lWin32Status has error, then set last error value to it, // otherwise assume that last error already has value in it SetLastError (lWin32Status); } // free buffers used by this routine if (lpValueNameString) { free ((LPVOID)lpValueNameString); } if (lpReturnValue) { free ((LPVOID)lpReturnValue); } return NULL; } // BuildNameTable BOOL GetDriverFromCommandLine ( HKEY hKeyMachine, LPTSTR *lpDriverName, HKEY *hDriverPerf, LPSTR argv[] ) /*++ GetDriverFromCommandLine locates the first argument in the command line string (after the image name) and checks to see if a) it's there b) it's the name of a device driver listed in the Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services key in the registry and it has a "Performance" subkey c) that the "First Counter" value under the Performance subkey is defined. if all these criteria are true, then the routine returns TRUE and passes the pointer to the driver name back in the argument. If any one of them fail, then NULL is returned in the DriverName arg and the routine returns FALSE Arguments lpDriverName the address of a LPTSTR to recive the pointer to the driver name hDriverPerf the key to the driver's performance subkey Return Value TRUE if a valid driver was found in the command line FALSE if not (see above) --*/ { LPTSTR lpDriverKey; // buffer to build driver key name in LPTSTR lpThisChar; LONG lStatus; DWORD dwFirstCounter; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwType; if (!lpDriverName || !hDriverPerf) { SetLastError (ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS); return FALSE; } *lpDriverName = NULL; // initialize to NULL *hDriverPerf = NULL; lpThisChar = malloc( MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (lpThisChar == NULL) { SetLastError (ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return FALSE; } *lpThisChar = 0; MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, argv[0], -1, lpThisChar, MAX_PATH); if (*lpThisChar) { // an argument was found so see if it's a driver lpDriverKey = malloc (MAX_PATH * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (!lpDriverKey) { SetLastError (ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); if ( lpThisChar ) free (lpThisChar); return FALSE; } lstrcpy (lpDriverKey, DriverPathRoot); lstrcat (lpDriverKey, Slash); lstrcat (lpDriverKey, lpThisChar); lstrcat (lpDriverKey, Slash); lstrcat (lpDriverKey, Performance); lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx ( hKeyMachine, lpDriverKey, RESERVED, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, hDriverPerf); if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // // this driver has a performance section so see if its // counters are installed by checking the First Counter // value key for a valid return. If it returns a value // then chances are, it has some counters installed, if // not, then display a message and quit. // free (lpDriverKey); // don't need this any more dwType = 0; dwSize = sizeof (dwFirstCounter); lStatus = RegQueryValueEx ( *hDriverPerf, FirstCounter, RESERVED, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwFirstCounter, &dwSize); if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // counter names are installed so return success *lpDriverName = lpThisChar; SetLastError (ERROR_SUCCESS); if ( lpThisChar ) free (lpThisChar); return TRUE; } else { SetLastError (ERROR_BADKEY); if ( lpThisChar ) free (lpThisChar); return FALSE; } } else { // key not found SetLastError (lStatus); free (lpDriverKey); if ( lpThisChar ) free (lpThisChar); return FALSE; } } else { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); if ( lpThisChar ) free (lpThisChar); return FALSE; } } LONG FixNames ( HANDLE hKeyLang, LPTSTR *lpOldNameTable, IN LPTSTR lpszLangId, // unicode value of Language subkey DWORD dwLastItem, DWORD dwFirstNameToRemove, DWORD dwLastNameToRemove ) { LONG lStatus; LPTSTR lpNameBuffer = NULL; LPTSTR lpHelpBuffer = NULL; DWORD dwTextIndex, dwSize; LPTSTR lpNextHelpText; LPTSTR lpNextNameText; // allocate space for the array of new text it will point // into the text buffer returned in the lpOldNameTable buffer) lpNameBuffer = malloc (_msize(lpOldNameTable)); lpHelpBuffer = malloc (_msize(lpOldNameTable)); if (!lpNameBuffer || !lpHelpBuffer) { if (lpNameBuffer) { free(lpNameBuffer); } if (lpHelpBuffer) { free(lpHelpBuffer); } lStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; return lStatus; } // remove this driver's counters from array for (dwTextIndex = dwFirstNameToRemove; dwTextIndex <= dwLastNameToRemove; dwTextIndex++) { if (dwTextIndex > dwLastItem) break; lpOldNameTable[dwTextIndex] = NULL; } lpNextHelpText = lpHelpBuffer; lpNextNameText = lpNameBuffer; // build new Multi_SZ strings from New Table for (dwTextIndex = 0; dwTextIndex <= dwLastItem; dwTextIndex++){ if (lpOldNameTable[dwTextIndex]) { // if there's a text string at that index, then ... if (dwTextIndex & 0x1) { // ODD number == Help Text lpNextHelpText += _stprintf (lpNextHelpText, TEXT("%d"), dwTextIndex) + 1; lpNextHelpText += _stprintf (lpNextHelpText, TEXT("%s"), lpOldNameTable[dwTextIndex]) + 1; if (dwTextIndex > dwLastHelp){ dwLastHelp = dwTextIndex; } } else { // EVEN number == counter name text lpNextNameText += _stprintf (lpNextNameText, TEXT("%d"), dwTextIndex) + 1; lpNextNameText += _stprintf (lpNextNameText, TEXT("%s"), lpOldNameTable[dwTextIndex]) + 1; if (dwTextIndex > dwLastCounter){ dwLastCounter = dwTextIndex; } } } } // for dwTextIndex // add MULTI_SZ terminating NULL *lpNextNameText++ = TEXT ('\0'); *lpNextHelpText++ = TEXT ('\0'); // update counter name text buffer dwSize = (DWORD)((LPBYTE)lpNextNameText - (LPBYTE)lpNameBuffer); lStatus = RegSetValueEx ( hKeyLang, Counters, RESERVED, REG_MULTI_SZ, (LPBYTE)lpNameBuffer, dwSize); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // printf (GetFormatResource(UC_UNABLELOADLANG), // Counters, lpLangName, lStatus); goto UCN_FinishLang; } dwSize = (DWORD)((LPBYTE)lpNextHelpText - (LPBYTE)lpHelpBuffer); lStatus = RegSetValueEx ( hKeyLang, Help, RESERVED, REG_MULTI_SZ, (LPBYTE)lpHelpBuffer, dwSize); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // printf (GetFormatResource(UC_UNABLELOADLANG), // Help, lpLangName, lStatus); goto UCN_FinishLang; } UCN_FinishLang: free (lpNameBuffer); free (lpHelpBuffer); free (lpOldNameTable); RegCloseKey (hKeyLang); return lStatus; } LONG UnloadCounterNames ( HKEY hKeyMachine, HKEY hDriverPerf, LPTSTR lpDriverName ) /*++ UnloadCounterNames removes the names and explain text for the driver referenced by hDriverPerf and updates the first and last counter values accordingly update process: - set "updating" flag under Perflib to name of driver being modified - FOR each language under perflib key -- load current counter names and explain text into array of pointers -- look at all drivers and copy their names and text into a new buffer adjusting for the removed counter's entries keeping track of the lowest entry copied. (the names for the driver to be removed will not be copied, of course) -- update each driver's "first" and "last" index values -- copy all other entries from 0 to the lowest copied (i.e. the system counters) -- build a new MULIT_SZ string of help text and counter names -- load new strings into registry - update perflibl "last" counters - delete updating flag ****************************************************** * * * NOTE: FUNDAMENTAL ASSUMPTION..... * * * * this routine assumes that: * * * * ALL COUNTER NAMES are even numbered and * * ALL HELP TEXT STRINGS are odd numbered * * * ****************************************************** Arguments hKeyMachine handle to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE node of registry on system to remove counters from hDrivefPerf handle to registry key of driver to be de-installed lpDriverName name of driver being de-installed Return Value DOS Error code. ERROR_SUCCESS if all went OK error value if not. --*/ { HKEY hPerflib; HKEY hServices; HKEY hKeyLang; LONG lStatus; DWORD dwLangIndex; // // dfergus 19 Apr 2001 - 295153 // Init dwSize // DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwLastItem; DWORD dwRemLastDriverCounter; DWORD dwRemFirstDriverCounter; DWORD dwRemLastDriverHelp; DWORD dwRemFirstDriverHelp; DWORD dwFirstNameToRemove; DWORD dwLastNameToRemove; LPTSTR *lpOldNameTable; LPTSTR lpLangName = NULL; LPTSTR lpThisDriver = NULL; BOOL bPerflibUpdated = FALSE; BOOL bDriversShuffled = FALSE; DWORD dwBufferSize; // size of total buffer in bytes TCHAR CounterNameBuffer [40]; TCHAR HelpNameBuffer [40]; lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx ( hKeyMachine, DriverPathRoot, RESERVED, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hServices); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return lStatus; } // open registry handle to perflib key lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx ( hKeyMachine, NamesKey, RESERVED, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hPerflib); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return lStatus; } // check & set Busy flag... lStatus = RegQueryValueEx ( hPerflib, Busy, RESERVED, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize); if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // perflib is in use at the moment return ERROR_BUSY; } lStatus = RegSetValueEx ( hPerflib, Busy, RESERVED, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)lpDriverName, lstrlen(lpDriverName) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey (hPerflib); return lStatus; } // query registry to get number of Explain text items dwBufferSize = sizeof (dwHelpItems); lStatus = RegQueryValueEx ( hPerflib, LastHelp, RESERVED, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwHelpItems, &dwBufferSize); if ((lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwType != REG_DWORD)) { RegCloseKey (hPerflib); return lStatus; } // query registry to get number of counter and object name items dwBufferSize = sizeof (dwCounterItems); lStatus = RegQueryValueEx ( hPerflib, LastCounter, RESERVED, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwCounterItems, &dwBufferSize); if ((lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwType != REG_DWORD)) { RegCloseKey (hPerflib); return lStatus; } // query registry to get PerfLib system version dwBufferSize = sizeof (dwSystemVersion); lStatus = RegQueryValueEx ( hPerflib, VersionStr, RESERVED, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwSystemVersion, &dwBufferSize); if ((lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwType != REG_DWORD)) { // Key not there, must be NT 1.0 version dwSystemVersion = OLD_VERSION; } if ( dwSystemVersion != OLD_VERSION ) { // ERROR. The caller should check the version before calling me. // let return busy for now... return(ERROR_BUSY); } // allocate temporary String buffer lpLangName = malloc (MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR)); lpThisDriver = malloc (MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!lpLangName || !lpThisDriver) { lStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto UCN_ExitPoint; } // Get the values that are in use by the driver to be removed dwSize = sizeof (dwRemLastDriverCounter); lStatus = RegQueryValueEx ( hDriverPerf, LastCounter, RESERVED, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwRemLastDriverCounter, &dwSize); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto UCN_ExitPoint; } dwSize = sizeof (dwRemFirstDriverCounter); lStatus = RegQueryValueEx ( hDriverPerf, FirstCounter, RESERVED, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwRemFirstDriverCounter, &dwSize); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto UCN_ExitPoint; } dwSize = sizeof (dwRemLastDriverHelp); lStatus = RegQueryValueEx ( hDriverPerf, LastHelp, RESERVED, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwRemLastDriverHelp, &dwSize); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto UCN_ExitPoint; } dwSize = sizeof (dwRemFirstDriverHelp); lStatus = RegQueryValueEx ( hDriverPerf, FirstHelp, RESERVED, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwRemFirstDriverHelp, &dwSize); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto UCN_ExitPoint; } // get the first and last counters to define block of names used // by this device dwFirstNameToRemove = (dwRemFirstDriverCounter <= dwRemFirstDriverHelp ? dwRemFirstDriverCounter : dwRemFirstDriverHelp); dwLastNameToRemove = (dwRemLastDriverCounter >= dwRemLastDriverHelp ? dwRemLastDriverCounter : dwRemLastDriverHelp); dwLastCounter = dwLastHelp = 0; // do each language under perflib for (dwLangIndex = 0, dwSize = _msize(lpLangName); (RegEnumKey(hPerflib, dwLangIndex, lpLangName, dwSize)) == ERROR_SUCCESS; dwLangIndex++, dwSize = _msize(lpLangName)) { lpOldNameTable = BuildNameTable (hPerflib, lpLangName, &dwLastItem, &hKeyLang, CounterNameBuffer, HelpNameBuffer); if (lpOldNameTable) { if (!FixNames ( hKeyLang, lpOldNameTable, lpLangName, dwLastItem, dwFirstNameToRemove, dwLastNameToRemove)) { bPerflibUpdated = TRUE; } } else { // unable to unload names for this language // display error message } } // end for (more languages) if (bPerflibUpdated) { // update perflib's "last" values dwSize = sizeof (dwLastCounter); lStatus = RegSetValueEx ( hPerflib, LastCounter, RESERVED, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwLastCounter, dwSize); dwSize = sizeof (dwLastHelp); lStatus = RegSetValueEx ( hPerflib, LastHelp, RESERVED, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwLastHelp, dwSize); // update "driver"s values (i.e. remove them) RegDeleteValue (hDriverPerf, FirstCounter); RegDeleteValue (hDriverPerf, LastCounter); RegDeleteValue (hDriverPerf, FirstHelp); RegDeleteValue (hDriverPerf, LastHelp); } UCN_ExitPoint: RegDeleteValue (hPerflib, Busy); RegCloseKey (hPerflib); RegCloseKey (hServices); if (lpLangName) free (lpLangName); if (lpThisDriver) free (lpThisDriver); return lStatus; } BOOL FAR PASCAL unlodctr(DWORD argc,LPSTR argv[], LPSTR *ppszResult ) /*++ main entry point to Counter Name Unloader Arguments argc # of command line arguments present argv array of pointers to command line strings (note that these are obtained from the GetCommandLine function in order to work with both UNICODE and ANSI strings.) ReturnValue 0 (ERROR_SUCCESS) if command was processed Non-Zero if command error was detected. --*/ { LPTSTR lpDriverName; // name of driver to delete from perflib HKEY hDriverPerf; // handle to performance sub-key of driver DWORD dwStatus; // return status of fn. calls *ppszResult = achBuff; wsprintfA( achBuff, "{\"NO_ERROR\"}"); if (!GetDriverFromCommandLine ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &lpDriverName, &hDriverPerf, argv)) { // error message was printed in routine if there was an error wsprintfA( achBuff,"{\"ERROR\"}"); return (FALSE); } // removes names and explain text for driver in lpDriverName // displays error messages for errors encountered dwStatus = (DWORD)UnloadCounterNames (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, hDriverPerf, lpDriverName); RegCloseKey (hDriverPerf); if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { wsprintfA( achBuff,"{\"ERROR\"}"); } return (dwStatus==ERROR_SUCCESS); }