//################################################ // IEAK RSOP definitions //################################################ //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Policy object for registry or Administrative Templates extension." "Policy settings in an .adm file involve settings values on registry" "keys which is abstracted by this class.") : Amended ] class RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting : RSOP_PolicySetting { //------------------------------------------------ // Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Inherited from RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("ID") : Amended ] string id; [ key, Description("Inherited from RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("Precedence") : Amended ] uint32 precedence; //------------------------------------------------ // Preference Mode //------------------------------------------------ [ DisplayName("Preference Mode") : Amended ] boolean preferenceMode = false; //------------------------------------------------ // Displayed text customizations //------------------------------------------------ [ Description("Text that appears in the IE browser title bar, including the standard string \"Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by.\"") : Amended, DisplayName("Title Bar Text") : Amended ] string titleBarText; [ Description("Text that appears in the IE browser title bar after the standard string, \"Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by.\"") : Amended, DisplayName("Title Bar Custom Text") : Amended ] string titleBarCustomText; [ Description("String to be appended to the userAgent property value of the navigator object.") : Amended, DisplayName("User Agent Text") : Amended ] string userAgentText; //------------------------------------------------ // Custom Bitmaps, animated and toolbar //------------------------------------------------ [ Description("Path of the bitmap used as the background for the toolbar.") : Amended, DisplayName("Toolbar Background Bitmap Path") : Amended ] string toolbarBackgroundBitmapPath; [ DisplayName("Customize Animated Bitmaps") : Amended ] boolean customizeAnimatedBitmaps; [ DisplayName("Large Animated Bitmap Name") : Amended ] string largeAnimatedBitmapName; [ DisplayName("Large Animated Bitmap Path") : Amended ] string largeAnimatedBitmapPath; [ DisplayName("Small Animated Bitmap Name") : Amended ] string smallAnimatedBitmapName; [ DisplayName("Small Animated Bitmap Path") : Amended ] string smallAnimatedBitmapPath; [ DisplayName("Customize Logo Bitmaps") : Amended ] boolean customizeLogoBitmaps; [ DisplayName("Large Custom Logo Bitmap Name") : Amended ] string largeCustomLogoBitmapName; [ DisplayName("Large Custom Logo Bitmap Path") : Amended ] string largeCustomLogoBitmapPath; [ DisplayName("Small Custom Logo Bitmap Name") : Amended ] string smallCustomLogoBitmapName; [ DisplayName("Small Custom Logo Bitmap Path") : Amended ] string smallCustomLogoBitmapPath; [ DisplayName("Delete Existing Toolbar Buttons") : Amended ] boolean deleteExistingToolbarButtons; [ DisplayName("Delete Existing Toolbar Buttons") : Amended ] sint32 toolbarButtons; //------------------------------------------------ // Favorites and Links //------------------------------------------------ [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Place Favorites At Top Of List") : Amended ] boolean placeFavoritesAtTopOfList; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Delete Existing Favorites") : Amended ] boolean deleteExistingFavorites; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Delete Admin Created Favorites Only") : Amended ] boolean deleteAdminCreatedFavoritesOnly; [ DisplayName("Custom Favorites") : Amended ] sint32 customFavorites; [ DisplayName("Custom Links") : Amended ] sint32 customLinks; //------------------------------------------------ // Channels and Categories //------------------------------------------------ [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Delete Existing Channels") : Amended ] boolean deleteExistingChannels; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Enable Desktop Channel Bar By Default") : Amended ] boolean enableDesktopChannelBarByDefault; [ DisplayName("Channels") : Amended ] sint32 channels; [ DisplayName("Categories") : Amended ] sint32 categories; //------------------------------------------------ // Custom URLs //------------------------------------------------ [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Home Page URL") : Amended ] string homePageURL; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Search Bar URL") : Amended ] string searchBarURL; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Online Help Page URL") : Amended ] string onlineHelpPageURL; //------------------------------------------------ // Security Zones & Content Ratings //------------------------------------------------ [ Description("If false, security zone settings are not customized.") : Amended, DisplayName("Import Security Zone Settings") : Amended ] boolean importSecurityZoneSettings; [ Description("Number of zones imported from another machine.") : Amended, DisplayName("Imported Zone Count") : Amended ] uint32 importedZoneCount; [ Description("If false, content ratings settings are not customized.") : Amended, DisplayName("Import Content Ratings Settings") : Amended ] boolean importContentRatingsSettings; //------------------------------------------------ // Authenticode Security Settings //------------------------------------------------ [ Description("If false, authenticode security information is not customized.") : Amended, DisplayName("Import Authenticode Security Info") : Amended ] boolean importAuthenticodeSecurityInfo; [ Description("If false, program settings are not customized.") : Amended, DisplayName("Enable Trusted Publisher Lockdown") : Amended ] boolean enableTrustedPublisherLockdown; //------------------------------------------------ // Programs //------------------------------------------------ [ Description("If false, program settings are not customized.") : Amended, DisplayName("Import Program Settings") : Amended ] boolean importProgramSettings; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEToolbarButton //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Toolbar button object for the IE browser, used for IEAK RSoP.") : Amended ] class RSOP_IEToolbarButton { //------------------------------------------------ // Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended ] string rsopID; [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended ] uint32 rsopPrecedence; //------------------------------------------------ // Properties dealing with toolbar buttons //------------------------------------------------ [ key, required, Description("Order of the button in a list.") : Amended, DisplayName("Button Order") : Amended ] sint32 buttonOrder; [ required, Description("Caption string is required.") : Amended, DisplayName("Caption") : Amended ] string caption; [ required, Description("Script file or executable to run when the button is pressed.") : Amended, DisplayName("Action Path") : Amended ] string actionPath; [ required, DisplayName("Icon Path") : Amended ] string iconPath; [ required, DisplayName("Hot Icon Path") : Amended ] string hotIconPath; [ DisplayName("Show On Toolbar By Default") : Amended ] boolean showOnToolbarByDefault; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEToolbarButtonLink // Comment: association between an IEAK policy setting and a custom browser toolbar button //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("An association between an IEAK policy setting and a custom browser toolbar button.") : Amended, Association : ToInstance ] class RSOP_IEToolbarButtonLink { [ key, Description("Reference to the RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("Policy Setting") : Amended ] RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting ref policySetting; [ key, Description("Reference to the IE toolbar button.") : Amended, DisplayName("Toolbar Button") : Amended ] RSOP_IEToolbarButton ref toolbarButton; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEProxySettings //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Object which contains details of a proxy server connection.") : Amended ] class RSOP_IEProxySettings { //------------------------------------------------ // Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended ] string rsopID; [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended ] uint32 rsopPrecedence; //------------------------------------------------ // Properties dealing with proxy settings //------------------------------------------------ [ Description("Indicates whether to use proxy servers to for internet connections.") : Amended, DisplayName("Enable Proxy") : Amended ] boolean enableProxy; [ Description("Indicates whether to use the same proxy server for all protocols.") : Amended, DisplayName("Use Same Proxy") : Amended ] boolean useSameProxy; [ Description("HTTP proxy server address and port.") : Amended, DisplayName("HTTP Proxy Server") : Amended ] string httpProxyServer; [ Description("Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning with this string. The value '' means do not use a proxy server for local (intranet) addresses.") : Amended, DisplayName("Proxy Override") : Amended ] string proxyOverride; [ Description("FTP proxy server address and port.") : Amended, DisplayName("FTP Proxy Server") : Amended ] string ftpProxyServer; [ Description("Gopher proxy server address and port.") : Amended, DisplayName("Gopher Proxy Server") : Amended ] string gopherProxyServer; [ Description("Secure proxy server address and port.") : Amended, DisplayName("Secure Proxy Server") : Amended ] string secureProxyServer; [ Description("Socks proxy server address and port separated by a colon (and no space).") : Amended, DisplayName("Socks Proxy Server") : Amended ] string socksProxyServer; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEConnectionSettings // TODO: populate with all the data, including key information //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Object which contains details of a connection to the Internet, including proxy settings.") : Amended ] class RSOP_IEConnectionSettings : RSOP_IEProxySettings { //------------------------------------------------ // Auto configuration of browser //------------------------------------------------ [ Description("Path of the .INS file used for auto-configuration.") : Amended, DisplayName("Auto Configuration URL") : Amended ] string autoConfigURL; [ Description("Specifies whether the auto configuration settings (.INS) file is on the local machine.") : Amended, DisplayName("Auto Configuration Use Local") : Amended ] boolean autoConfigUseLocal; [ Description("Path of the .JS, .JVS, or .PAC file used for auto-configuration.") : Amended, DisplayName("Auto Configuration Proxy URL") : Amended ] string autoProxyURL; [ Description("Interval in minutes for when auto-configuration will happen. A value of 0 means auto-config will only happen at browser startup and navigation time.") : Amended, DisplayName("Auto Configuration Time") : Amended ] sint32 autoConfigTime; [ Description("Automatically detect configuration settings.") : Amended, DisplayName("Auto Detect Configuration Settings") : Amended ] boolean autoDetectConfigSettings; [ Description("Auto configuration allows you to make updates to a user's machine after deployment.") : Amended, DisplayName("Auto Configuration Enable") : Amended ] boolean autoConfigEnable; //------------------------------------------------ // Other connection settings //------------------------------------------------ [ Description("If false, connection settings are not customized.") : Amended, DisplayName("Import Current Connection Settings") : Amended ] boolean importCurrentConnSettings; [ Description("Deletes any existing connection settings.") : Amended, DisplayName("Delete Existing Connection Settings") : Amended ] boolean deleteExistingConnSettings; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Default Dial Up Connection") : Amended ] string defaultDialUpConnection; [ Description("DialUpState is a string indicating when the default connection should be dialed:" "0 = never," "1 = when a network connection is not present," "2 = always.") : Amended, Values{"Never dial a connection", "Dial whenever a network connection is not present", "Always dial my default connection"} : Amended, ValueMap{"0", "1", "2"} : Amended, DisplayName("Dial Up State") : Amended ] uint8 dialUpState; [ Description("Array of names of dial-up connections to be imported.") : Amended, DisplayName("Dial Up Connections") : Amended ] string dialUpConnections[]; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEConnectionSettingsLink // Comment: association between an IEAK policy setting and its connection settings //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Proxy settings object for the IE browser, used for IEAK RSoP.") : Amended, Association: ToInstance ] class RSOP_IEConnectionSettingsLink { [ key, Description("Reference to the RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("Policy Setting") : Amended ] RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting ref policySetting; [ key, Description("Reference to the proxy settings.") : Amended, DisplayName("Proxy Settings") : Amended ] RSOP_IEConnectionSettings ref connectionSettings; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEFavoriteOrLinkItem //------------------------------------------------ [ abstract, Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Parent class object from which favorites, favorite folders, and links are inherited.") : Amended ] class RSOP_IEFavoriteOrLinkItem { [ Description("Order of the item in a list.") : Amended, DisplayName("Order") : Amended ] sint32 order; [ DisplayName("Name") : Amended ] string name; [ DisplayName("URL") : Amended ] string url; [ DisplayName("Icon Path") : Amended ] string iconPath; [ DisplayName("Make Available Offline") : Amended ] boolean makeAvailableOffline; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEFavoriteItem //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("") : Amended ] class RSOP_IEFavoriteItem : RSOP_IEFavoriteOrLinkItem { //------------------------------------------------ // Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended ] string rsopID; [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended ] uint32 rsopPrecedence; //------------------------------------------------ // Properties dealing with favorite items //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Name of the item with all parent folders preceding it in the same format" " as that of folders preceding a file.") : Amended, DisplayName("Name") : Amended ] string name; [ Description("Name of the item without its preceding parent folders.") : Amended, DisplayName("Short Name") : Amended ] string shortName; [ DisplayName("Folder Item") : Amended ] boolean folderItem; [ DisplayName("Parent Path") : Amended ] string parentPath; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IELinkItem //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("") : Amended ] class RSOP_IELinkItem : RSOP_IEFavoriteOrLinkItem { //------------------------------------------------ // Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended ] string rsopID; [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended ] uint32 rsopPrecedence; //------------------------------------------------ // Properties dealing with link items //------------------------------------------------ [ key, DisplayName("Name") : Amended ] string name; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEFavoriteItemLink // Comment: association between an IEAK policy setting and a favorite or favorites folder item //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("IE favorites and favorite folders, used for IEAK RSoP.") : Amended, Association: ToInstance ] class RSOP_IEFavoriteItemLink { [ key, Description("Reference to the RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("Policy Setting") : Amended ] RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting ref policySetting; [ key, Description("Reference to the favorite item.") : Amended, DisplayName("Favorite Item") : Amended ] RSOP_IEFavoriteItem ref favoriteItem; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IELinkItemLink // Comment: association between an IEAK policy setting and a link. //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("IE links, used for IEAK RSoP.") : Amended, Association: ToInstance ] class RSOP_IELinkItemLink { [ key, Description("Reference to the RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("Policy Setting") : Amended ] RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting ref policySetting; [ key, Description("Reference to the link item.") : Amended, DisplayName("Link Item") : Amended ] RSOP_IELinkItem ref linkItem; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEProgramSettings // TODO: populate with all the data, including key information //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Object which contains details of program associations for IE.") : Amended ] class RSOP_IEProgramSettings { //------------------------------------------------ // Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended ] string rsopID; [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended ] uint32 rsopPrecedence; //------------------------------------------------ // Properties dealing with program settings //------------------------------------------------ [ Description("Specifies the HTML editing program you want to use with Internet Explorer.") : Amended, DisplayName("HTMLEditorProgram") : Amended ] string htmlEditorProgram; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("HTML Editor HKCU Registry Data") : Amended ] string htmlEditorHKCURegData; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("HTML Editor HKLM Registry Data") : Amended ] string htmlEditorHKLMRegData; [ Description("Specifies the Internet e-mail program you want to use with Internet Explorer.") : Amended, DisplayName("Email Program") : Amended ] string emailProgram; [ Description("Specifies the Internet newsreader program you want to use with Internet Explorer.") : Amended, DisplayName("Newsgroups Program") : Amended ] string newsgroupsProgram; [ Description("Specifies the Internet call program you want to use with Internet Explorer.") : Amended, DisplayName("Internet Call Program") : Amended ] string internetCallProgram; [ Description("Specifies the Internet calendar program you want to use with Internet Explorer.") : Amended, DisplayName("Calendar Program") : Amended ] string calendarProgram; [ Description("Specifies the Internet contacts or address-book program you want to use with Internet Explorer.") : Amended, DisplayName("Contact List Program") : Amended ] string contactListProgram; [ Description("Specifies whether you want Internet Explorer to remain your default Internet browser," " even if you install additional Internet browsing software. When this check box is " "selected, each time Internet Explorer starts it checks to make sure it is still " "registered as the default Internet browser. If another program is registered as the " "default browser, Internet Explorer asks whether you want to restore Internet Explorer " "as your default browser.") : Amended, DisplayName("Check If IE Is Default Browser") : Amended ] boolean checkIfIEIsDefaultBrowser; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Use Internet Explorer For FTP") : Amended ] boolean useIEForFTP; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEImportedProgramSettings // Comment: association between an IEAK policy setting and its imported program settings //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Program settings object for the IE browser, used for IEAK RSoP.") : Amended, Association: ToInstance ] class RSOP_IEImportedProgramSettings { [ key, Description("Reference to the RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("Policy Setting") : Amended ] RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting ref policySetting; [ key, Description("Reference to the imported program settings.") : Amended, DisplayName("Program Settings") : Amended ] RSOP_IEProgramSettings ref programSettings; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpSettings // Comment: settings obtained from rasphone.pbk //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Object which contains details for dialing up to the internet. Corresponds " "to the RASENTRY structure") : Amended ] class RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpSettings { //------------------------------------------------ // Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended ] string rsopID; [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended ] uint32 rsopPrecedence; //------------------------------------------------ // Properties dealing with dial-up settings //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Unique name of a location from which the internet can be dialed.") : Amended, DisplayName("Connection Name") : Amended ] string connectionName; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Alternate Phone Numbers") : Amended ] string alternatePhoneNumbers; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Alternate Offset") : Amended ] uint32 alternateOffset; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Area Code") : Amended ] string areaCode; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Auto Dial Dll") : Amended ] string autoDialDll; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Auto Dial Function") : Amended ] string autoDialFunction; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Channels") : Amended ] uint32 channels; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Country Code") : Amended ] uint32 countryCode; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Country ID") : Amended ] uint32 countryID; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Custom Authentication Key") : Amended ] uint32 customAuthenticationKey; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Custom Dial Dll") : Amended ] string customDialDll; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Device Name") : Amended ] string deviceName; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Device Type") : Amended ] string deviceType; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Dial Extra Percent") : Amended ] uint32 dialExtraPercent; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Dial Extra Sample Seconds") : Amended ] uint32 dialExtraSampleSeconds; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Dial Mode") : Amended ] uint32 dialMode; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Encryption Type") : Amended ] uint32 encryptionType; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Frame Size") : Amended ] uint32 frameSize; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Framing Protocol") : Amended ] uint32 framingProtocol; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("GUID ID") : Amended ] string guidID; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Hang Up Extra Percent") : Amended ] uint32 hangUpExtraPercent; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Hang Up Extra Sample Seconds") : Amended ] uint32 hangUpExtraSampleSeconds; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Idle Disconnect Seconds") : Amended ] uint32 idleDisconnectSeconds; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("IP Address") : Amended ] string ipAddress; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("IP DNS Address") : Amended ] string ipDNSAddress; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("IP DNS Address Alternate") : Amended ] string ipDNSAddressAlternate; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("IP WINS Address") : Amended ] string ipWINSAddress; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("IP WINS Address Alternate") : Amended ] string ipWINSAddressAlternate; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Local Phone Number") : Amended ] string localPhoneNumber; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Net Protocols") : Amended ] uint32 netProtocols; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Options") : Amended ] uint32 options; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Options 2") : Amended ] uint32 options2; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Options 3") : Amended ] uint32 options3; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("RAS Entry Data") : Amended ] uint8 rasEntryData[]; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("RAS Entry Data Size") : Amended ] uint32 rasEntryDataSize; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Reserved Field #1") : Amended ] uint32 reserved1; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Reserved Field #2") : Amended ] uint32 reserved2; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Script File") : Amended ] string scriptFile; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Sub-Entries") : Amended ] uint32 subEntries; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Type") : Amended ] uint32 type; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("VPN Strategy") : Amended ] sint32 vpnStrategy; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Windows Version") : Amended ] uint32 windowsVersion; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("X25 Address") : Amended ] string x25Address; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("X25 Facilities") : Amended ] string x25Facilities; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("X25 Pad Type") : Amended ] string x25PadType; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("X25 User Data") : Amended ] string x25UserData; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpSettingsLink // Comment: association between an IEAK policy setting and its imported program settings //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Dial-up settings for a given IE internet connection , used for IEAK RSoP.") : Amended, Association: ToInstance ] class RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpSettingsLink { [ key, Description("Reference to the RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("Policy Setting") : Amended ] RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting ref policySetting; [ key, Description("Reference to the dial-up connection settings.") : Amended, DisplayName("Dial Up Settings") : Amended ] RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpSettings ref dialUpSettings; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpCredentials // Comment: settings used by RasDial to establish a remote access connection. //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Object which contains details for a phone number used for dialing up to the internet.") : Amended ] class RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpCredentials { //------------------------------------------------ // Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended ] string rsopID; [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended ] sint32 rsopPrecedence; //------------------------------------------------ // Properties dealing with dial-up credentials //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Unique name of a location from which the internet can be dialed.") : Amended, DisplayName("Connection Name") : Amended ] string connectionName; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Callback ID") : Amended ] uint32 callbackID; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Callback Number") : Amended ] string callbackNumber; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Domain") : Amended ] string domain; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Entry Name") : Amended ] string entryName; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Password") : Amended ] string password; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Phone Number") : Amended ] string phoneNumber; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("RAS Dial Params Data") : Amended ] uint8 rasDialParamsData[]; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Size") : Amended ] uint32 rasDialParamsDataSize; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Sub Entry") : Amended ] uint32 subEntry; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("User Name") : Amended ] string userName; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Windows Version") : Amended ] uint32 windowsVersion; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpCredentialsLink // Comment: association between an IEAK policy setting and its imported program settings //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Dial-up credentials for a given IE internet connection , used for IEAK RSoP.") : Amended, Association: ToInstance ] class RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpCredentialsLink { [ key, Description("Reference to the RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("Policy Setting") : Amended ] RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting ref policySetting; [ key, Description("Reference to the dial-up connection credentials.") : Amended, DisplayName("Dial Up Settings") : Amended ] RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpCredentials ref dialUpCredentials; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEConnectionWinINetSettings // Comment: settings used by RasDial to establish a remote access connection. //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Object which contains details for WinINet internet connection settings for a given connection.") : Amended ] class RSOP_IEConnectionWinINetSettings { //------------------------------------------------ // Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended ] string rsopID; [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended ] sint32 rsopPrecedence; //------------------------------------------------ // Properties dealing with WinINet settings //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Unique name of a location from which the internet can be dialed.") : Amended, DisplayName("Connection Name") : Amended ] string connectionName; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Internet Per Connection Option List Data") : Amended ] uint8 internetPerConnOptionListData[]; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Internet Per Connection Option List Data Size") : Amended ] uint32 internetPerConnOptionListDataSize; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEConnectionWinINetSettingsLink // Comment: association between an IEAK policy setting and its imported program settings //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Dial-up credentials for a given IE internet connection , used for IEAK RSoP.") : Amended, Association: ToInstance ] class RSOP_IEConnectionWinINetSettingsLink { [ key, Description("Reference to the RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("Policy Setting") : Amended ] RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting ref policySetting; [ key, Description("Reference to the dial-up connection credentials.") : Amended, DisplayName("Dial Up Settings") : Amended ] RSOP_IEConnectionWinINetSettings ref winINetSettings; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IESecurityZoneSettings // Comment: settings imported for a particular zone, includes data retrieved in // the ZONEATTRIBUTES structure via IInternetZoneManager::GetZoneAttributes and // data retrieved via IInternetSecurityManager::GetZoneMappings. //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Object which contains details for security zone attributes for a given zone.") : Amended ] class RSOP_IESecurityZoneSettings { //------------------------------------------------ // Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended ] string rsopID; [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended ] sint32 rsopPrecedence; //------------------------------------------------ // Properties dealing with zone attributes //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Zone Index") : Amended ] uint32 zoneIndex; [ key, Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Use HKLM") : Amended ] boolean useHKLM; [ Description("Display name of the zone.") : Amended, DisplayName("Display Name") : Amended ] string displayName; [ Description("Description of the zone.") : Amended, DisplayName("Description") : Amended ] string description; [ Description("Path to the icon associated with this zone.") : Amended, DisplayName("Icon Path") : Amended ] string iconPath; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Minimum Template Level") : Amended ] uint32 minimumTemplateLevel; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Recommended Template Level") : Amended ] uint32 recommendedTemplateLevel; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Current Template Level") : Amended ] uint32 currentTemplateLevel; [ Description("Flags associated with the specified zone. This can be one of the ZAFLAGS values.") : Amended, DisplayName("Flags") : Amended ] uint32 flags; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Zone Mappings") : Amended ] string zoneMappings[]; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Action Values") : Amended ] string actionValues[]; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEPrivacySettings // Comment: privacy settings imported for the 'internet' security zone. //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Object which contains details for privacy attributes for the 'internet' security zone.") : Amended ] class RSOP_IEPrivacySettings { //------------------------------------------------ // Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended ] string rsopID; [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended ] sint32 rsopPrecedence; //------------------------------------------------ // Privacy settings properties //------------------------------------------------ [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("First Party Privacy Type") : Amended ] uint32 firstPartyPrivacyType; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("First Party Privacy Type Text") : Amended ] string firstPartyPrivacyTypeText; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Third Party Privacy Type") : Amended ] uint32 thirdPartyPrivacyType; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Third Party Privacy Type Text") : Amended ] string thirdPartyPrivacyTypeText; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Use Advanced Settings") : Amended ] boolean useAdvancedSettings; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IESecurityContentRatings // Comment: content ratings settings imported from another machine. //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Object which contains details for security content ratings settings.") : Amended ] class RSOP_IESecurityContentRatings { //------------------------------------------------ // Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended ] string rsopID; [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended ] sint32 rsopPrecedence; //------------------------------------------------ // Properties dealing with zone attributes //------------------------------------------------ [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Rating Systems") : Amended ] string ratingSystems[]; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Rating System File Names") : Amended ] string ratingSystemFileNames[]; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Always Viewable Sites") : Amended ] string alwaysViewableSites[]; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Never Viewable Sites") : Amended ] string neverViewableSites[]; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("View Unknown Rated Sites") : Amended ] boolean viewUnknownRatedSites; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Password Override Enabled") : Amended ] boolean passwordOverrideEnabled; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Selected Ratings Bureau") : Amended ] string selectedRatingsBureau; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEAdministrativeTemplateFile // Comment: Abtraction for adminstrative templates file //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Administrative Template File") ] class RSOP_IEAdministrativeTemplateFile { [ key, Description("File name, including path, of administrative template file"), Read, DisplayName("Name") ] string name; [ key, Description("Identifies the GPO that contains this Policy Object"), Read, DisplayName("GPO ID") ] string GPOID; [ Description("Time the administrative template file was last written"), Read, DisplayName("Last Write Time") ] datetime lastWriteTime; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IERegistryPolicySetting // Comment: Abtraction for registry extension policy data //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Policy object for registry or Administrative Templates extension." "Policy settings in an .adm file involve settings values on registry" "keys which is abstracted by this class.") ] class RSOP_IERegistryPolicySetting : RSOP_PolicySetting { [ key, Description("Inherited from RSOP_PolicySetting"), Read, DisplayName("ID") ] string id; [ key, Description("Inherited from RSOP_PolicySetting"), Read, DisplayName("Precedence") ] uint32 precedence; [ key, Description("Registry key is under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive, Theoretically, if " "this is false, the class instance should be stored in a separate " "namespace than those under the current user, but the IEAK ADM file " "design necessitates they exist in the same namespace."), Read, DisplayName("Current User") ] boolean currentUser = true; [ Description("Name of the registry key,"), Read, DisplayName("Registry Key") ] string registryKey = ""; [ Description("Name of registry value"), Read, DisplayName("Value Name") ] string valueName = ""; [ Description("Data type of value, which corresponds to registry " "value types such as REG_SZ."), Read, DisplayName("Type") ] uint32 valueType = 0; [ Description("Value represented by an array of bytes"), Read, DisplayName("Value") ] uint8 value[]; [ Description("Indicates whether the registry key, or registry value " "has been deleted."), Read, DisplayName("Is Deleted") ] boolean deleted = false; [ Description("Command being run on the key, or value."), Read, DisplayName("Command") ] string command = ""; }; //------------------------------------------------ // RSOP_IEAuthenticodeCertificate // Comment: content ratings settings imported from another machine. //------------------------------------------------ [ Locale( 0x409 ), Description("Object which contains details for security authenticode certificates.") : Amended ] class RSOP_IEAuthenticodeCertificate { //------------------------------------------------ // Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended ] string rsopID; [ key, Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended, DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended ] sint32 rsopPrecedence; //------------------------------------------------ // Properties dealing with authenticode certificates //------------------------------------------------ [ key, Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Tab Index") : Amended ] sint32 tabIndex; [ key, Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Arbitrary Certificate Index") : Amended ] sint32 certIndex; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Subject Name") : Amended ] string subjectName; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Issuer Name") : Amended ] string issuerName; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Expiration Date") : Amended ] datetime expirationDate; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Friendly Name") : Amended ] string friendlyName; [ Description("") : Amended, DisplayName("Intended Purposes") : Amended ] string intendedPurposes; }; //################################################ // end of IEAK RSOP definitions //################################################