/*++ Microsoft Windows Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1981 - 2000 Module Name: usrinfo.hxx Abstract: see comments in usrinfo.cxx Author: Rahul Thombre (RahulTh) 2/28/2000 Revision History: 2/28/2000 RahulTh Created this module. --*/ #ifndef __USRINFO_HXX_E88D1E03_1262_4030_919F_EF7F3F096014__ #define __USRINFO_HXX_E88D1E03_1262_4030_919F_EF7F3F096014__ class CUsrInfo { private: WCHAR * _pwszNameBuf; const WCHAR * _pwszUserName; const WCHAR * _pwszDomain; WCHAR * _pwszHomeDir; BOOL _bAttemptedGetUserName; // Attempted to get the user name. BOOL _bAttemptedGetHomeDir; // Attempted to get the home directory. DWORD _StatusUserName; // Status code trying to obtain username. DWORD _StatusHomeDir; // Status code trying to obtain homedir. CRsopContext * _pPlanningModeContext; // planning mode context information public: CUsrInfo (); ~CUsrInfo (); void ResetMembers (void); const WCHAR * GetUserName (DWORD & StatusCode); const WCHAR * GetHomeDir (DWORD & StatusCode); void SetPlanningModeContext( CRsopContext* pRsopContext ); private: DWORD GetPlanningModeSamCompatibleUserName( WCHAR* pwszUserName, ULONG* pcchUserName ); }; #endif //__USRINFO_HXX_E88D1E03_1262_4030_919F_EF7F3F096014__