#ifndef _STRUTIL_H_ #define _STRUTIL_H_ #include #include #include INLINE BOOL IsEmptyStringA(LPCSTR pcsz) { return (NULL == pcsz) || ('\0' == *pcsz); } INLINE BOOL IsEmptyStringW(LPCWSTR pcwsz) { return (NULL == pcwsz) || (L'\0' == *pcwsz); } #if defined(UNICODE) #define IsEmptyString IsEmptyStringW #else // defined(UNICODE) #define IsEmptyString IsEmptyStringA #endif // defined(UNICODE) #define IS_EMPTY_STRING(s) (IsEmptyString(s)) #define FEmptySz(psz) (IsEmptyString(psz)) #define SetEmptySz(psz) (*(psz) = _T('\0')) // global helper functions for Unicode support in a DBCS environment int NMINTERNAL UnicodeCompare(PCWSTR s, PCWSTR t); PWSTR NMINTERNAL NewUnicodeString(PCWSTR wszText); BOOL NMINTERNAL UnicodeIsNumber(PCWSTR wszText); PWSTR NMINTERNAL DBCSToUnicode(UINT uCodePage, PCSTR szText); PSTR NMINTERNAL UnicodeToDBCS(UINT uCodePage, PCWSTR wszText); INLINE PWSTR AnsiToUnicode(PCSTR szText) { return DBCSToUnicode(CP_ACP, szText); } INLINE PWSTR OEMToUnicode(PCSTR szText) { return DBCSToUnicode(CP_OEMCP, szText); } INLINE PSTR UnicodeToAnsi(PCWSTR wszText) { return UnicodeToDBCS(CP_ACP, wszText); } INLINE PSTR UnicodeToOEM(PCWSTR wszText) { return UnicodeToDBCS(CP_OEMCP, wszText); } // Functions to convert between Quad Words (expressed as ULARGE_INTEGERs) // and ANSI strings. BOOL NMINTERNAL HexStringToQWordA(LPCSTR pcszString, ULARGE_INTEGER* pqw); int NMINTERNAL QWordToHexStringA(ULARGE_INTEGER qw, LPSTR pszString); // Function to convert from a hex string to a DWORD. DWORD NMINTERNAL DwFromHex(LPCTSTR pchHex); // CCHMAX_HEX_ULARGE_INTEGER - defines the minimum string buffer size needed // for the second parameter of QWordToHexStringA(). #define CCHMAX_HEX_ULARGE_INTEGER 17 // 16 characters + n.t. #define CCH_HEX_DWORD 8 #define CCH_HEX_QWORD 16 #define BITS_PER_HEX_CHAR 4 // Other Random string functions VOID NMINTERNAL GuidToSz(GUID * pguid, LPTSTR lpchDest); /* sizeof(GUID)*2 + 7 (includes NULL terminator) characters (see GuidToSz) */ #define LENGTH_SZGUID_FORMATTED 39 int WINAPI RtStrToInt(LPCTSTR lpSrc); // atoi() #define ATOI RtStrToInt #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif UINT NMINTERNAL DecimalStringToUINT(LPCTSTR pcszString); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif LPCTSTR NMINTERNAL _StrChr(LPCTSTR psz, TCHAR c); int NMINTERNAL _StrCmpN(LPCTSTR psz1, LPCTSTR psz2, UINT maxChars); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif LPCTSTR NMINTERNAL _StrStr(LPCTSTR pcsz1, LPCTSTR pcsz2); LPCWSTR NMINTERNAL _StrStrW(LPCWSTR pcsz1, LPCWSTR pcsz2); LPSTR NMINTERNAL _StrPbrkA(LPCSTR pcszString, LPCSTR pcszSearch); LPWSTR NMINTERNAL _StrPbrkW(LPCWSTR pcszString, LPCWSTR pcszSearch); #if defined(UNICODE) #define _StrPbrk _StrPbrkW #else // defined(UNICODE) #define _StrPbrk _StrPbrkA #endif // defined(UNICODE) LPTSTR NMINTERNAL SzFindLastCh(LPTSTR lpsz, TCHAR ch); UINT NMINTERNAL TrimSz(PTCHAR psz); // Local LStrLenW function is unnecessary, since Windows 95 supports // lstrlenW natively #define LStrLenW lstrlenW // Map LStrCpyW to its Win32 equivalent for Unicode builds #if defined UNICODE #define LStrCpyW lstrcpyW #define LStrCpyNW lstrcpyn #else // defined UNICODE LPWSTR NMINTERNAL LStrCpyW(LPWSTR pszDest, LPWSTR pszSrc); LPWSTR NMINTERNAL LStrCpyNW(LPWSTR pszDest, LPCWSTR pszSrc, INT iMaxLength); #endif // defined UNICODE LPWSTR NMINTERNAL _StrLwrW(LPWSTR pwszSrc); #ifdef __cplusplus class CHash { public: CHash(); ~CHash(); DWORD GetHashedData(PBYTE pbData, DWORD cbData, void ** ppvHashedData); private: HCRYPTPROV m_hProv; HCRYPTHASH m_hHash; PBYTE m_pbHashedData; DWORD m_cbHashedData; BOOL m_fReady; }; #endif DWORD NMINTERNAL HashPasswd(PBYTE pbPasswd, DWORD cbPasswd, void **ppvData); #endif // ndef STRUTIL_H