if (!$__IITPRINTLPM ) { use iit::printl; } if (!$__IITUTILPM ) { use iit::util; } if (!$__IITFILEPM ) { use iit::file; } if (!$__IITSENDHTMLMAILPM ) { use iit::sendhtmlmail; } package main; use strict 'subs'; use Carp; #debugging library (carp, carp, etc.) use Env; #allows use of $ENVVAR instead of $ENV{ENVVAR} use win32::console; $PROC = $PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE; # prefer constant PROC (see below) # CONSTANTS use constant PROC => $PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE; use constant BC_FAILED => 2; use constant BC_NOTHINGDONE => 4; use constant BC_COPYFAILED => 8; use constant BC_BVTFAILED => 16; use constant BC_CABFAILED => 32; use constant BC_CHKSHIPFAILED => 64; #################################################################################### # SetLocalGlobalsAndBegin() # creates a separate enclosed variable scope for your script through use of 'local' variables # any variable declared in this function will be visible in all child functions, but invisible # in parent functions # pass a function name (with syntax *main::) as first argument, and any arguments # to pass to that function as additional arguments # return value is return value of the function name passed # a-jbilas, 05/10/99 - created #################################################################################### sub SetLocalGlobalsAndBegin { local($sShortBuildName) = $_[0]; #get filenames from the function name $sShortBuildName =~ s/\*main\:\://; if ($PROJROOT eq "") { die("Project root MUST be defined"); } #status local($bcStatus) = BC_NOTHINGDONE; #numbers local($nMajorVersion) = 3; local($nMinorVersion) = 0; local($nBuildStartYear) = 1999; local($nErrorNumber) = 1; local($nMaxErrLines) = 10; local($nScriptStartTime) = time(); local($nLoggingMode) = 2; # 0 (least) - 2 (most) local($nTotalBuilds) = 0; local($nFailedBuilds) = 0; #paths local($sLibDir) = $PROJROOT."\\lib\\".PROC; local($sBinExeDir) = $PROJROOT."\\bin\\".PROC; local($sBinBatDir) = $PROJROOT."\\bin"; local($sOldPath) = $PATH; local($sOldInclude) = $INCLUDE; local($sOldLib) = $LIB; #strings local($sBuildName) = "*Unknown Build*"; local($sLanguage) = "ENGLISH"; local($sBuildNumber) = "0000"; local($sLogDir) = $PROJROOT."\\logs"; local($sRootDropDir) = "\\\\b11nlbuilds\\".$PROJ; local($sTestRootDropDir) = "\\\\nlp\\build\\".$PROJ."\\testdrop"; local($sDropDir) = $sRootDropDir."\\".$sLanguage."\\".$sBuildNumber."\\".PROC; local($sLogDropDir) = $sDropDir."\\logs"; local($sRemoteBuildLog) = $sShortBuildName.PROC.$sBuildNumber.".html"; local($sRemoteTOC) = ""; local($sMailfile) = $sLogDir."\\".$sShortBuildName."msg.html"; local($sBuildLog) = $sLogDir."\\".$sShortBuildName."log.html"; local($sVarsLog) = $sLogDir."\\".$sShortBuildName."vars.log"; local($sTyposLog) = $sLogDir."\\".$sShortBuildName."typos.log"; local($sSyncLog) = $sLogDir."\\".$sShortBuildName."sync.log"; local($sUpdateLog) = $sLogDir."\\".$sShortBuildName."update.log"; local($sDHTMLIncFile) = $sBinBatDir."\\htmlinc.htm"; local($sOfficialBuildAccount) = ""; local($sRegKeyBase) = "Software\\Microsoft\\Intelligent Interface Technologies\\".$PROJ; if (!defined $strBuildMsg) { $strBuildMsg = ""; #one of our few 'absolute' globals } #bools (flags) local($bGlobalsSet) = 1; local($bBVT) = 0; local($bNoCopy) = 0; local($bOfficialBuild) = 0; local($bShipBuild) = 0; local($bColor) = 1; local($bUpdate) = 0; local($bWin98) = 0; local($bCopyFailed) = 0; local($bBuildFailed) = 0; local($bAddLanguageString) = 0; # <- TODO: is there a better way to do this? local($bNothingDone) = 1; local($bVerbose) = 0; local($bSendMail) = 0; local($bErrorConcat) = 0; local($bDieOnError) = 0; #lists local(@lArgs) = (); local(@lBuilds) = (); local(@lLanguages) = (); local(@lModifiers) = (); local(@lComponents) = (); local(@lAllowedArgs) = (); local(@lAllowedComponents) = (); local(@lAllowedLanguages) = (); local(@lAllowedBuilds) = ("DEBUG", "RELEASE"); local(@lAllowedModifiers) = ("ALL", "REBUILD", "RESYNC", "TYPO", "UPDATE", "QUIET", "DEFAULT", "VERBOSE", "TEST", "MAIL"); local(@lAccelList) = (); local(@lAccelParam) = (); local(@lDefaultArgs) = ("SHIP", "REBUILD"); local(@lMailRecipients) = ($USERNAME); local(@lOfficialMailRecipients)= ($USERNAME); local(@lSyncDirs) = (); local(@lCleanDirs) = (); local(@lStdSyncDirs) = ("RECURSE:".$sLibDir, "RECURSE:".$sBinExeDir, "RECURSE:".$sBinBatDir, "RECURSE:".$PROJROOT."\\inc"); #commands local($cmdIn) = $sBinExeDir."\\in.exe"; local($cmdOut) = $sBinExeDir."\\out.exe"; local($cmdSync) = $sBinExeDir."\\ssync.exe"; local($cmdShowVer) = $sBinExeDir."\\showver.exe"; local($cmdWindiff) = $sBinExeDir."\\windiff.exe"; local($cmdChkShip) = $sBinExeDir."\\chkship.exe"; local($cmdKillOpen) = $sBinExeDir."\\killopen.exe"; if (!-d $sLogDir) { EchoedMkdir($sLogDir); } # Set OS version my($x, $sOSVer) = `ver`; #first line is blank $bWin98 = ($sOSVer =~ /windows 98/i); local(*Main) = "*main::".$sShortBuildName; shift(@_); if (!IsMemberOf("NONEWLOG", @_)) { local($fhBuildLog) = ""; #fwd declaration (so that begin build can use it) if (defined &SetLocalGlobalsAndBeginCustom) { return(SetLocalGlobalsAndBeginCustom(@_)); } else { return(Main(@_)); } } else { if (defined &SetLocalGlobalsAndBeginCustom) { return(SetLocalGlobalsAndBeginCustom(@_)); } else { return(Main(@_)); } } } #################################################################################### # HASHES #################################################################################### #descriptions of available options (if you don't define it here, it won't show up in usage) #capitalized letters are used as 'accelerators' (make sure there are no duplicates, the #script doesn't check for that) #no single quotes or parens allowed (tooltips don't like them) %hOptionDescription = ( # <----------------------------- SCREEN WIDTH -------------------------------------> (accel) "Debug" => " include debug version - default", #D "Release" => " include release version", #R "All" => " include all buildtypes for this build", #A "REbuild" => " delete old build files and rebuild", #RE "TYpo" => " check for typos after build finishes", #TY "Test" => " test build - don't do official build", #T "DEFault" => " (+) include the default parameters with your custom parameters", #DEF "Verbose" => " increased script output", #V "Mail" => " send mail after build completes", #M "NoCopy" => " prevent copying of files", #NC "NoNewLog" => "don't open new log for build - log to currently open log, if exist", #NNL "ReSync" => " resync dirs before building - may not get all dependencies", #RS "Ship" => " build buildtypes for each specific component -shipping- to server", #S "bvt" => " run BVT tests after building", #BVT "bbt" => " BBT optimize build product (available in release build only)", #BBT "Halt" => " halt on error", #H "Quiet" => " suppress pop-up windows [html log open on exit, windiff, etc.]", #Q "AllLang" => " include all languages", #AL "AllComp" => " include all components", #AC # <----------------------------- SCREEN WIDTH -------------------------------------> (accel) ); #################################################################################### # ChangeTextColor() # changes current html logging text to color passed in argument # if null argument, reverts to previous color # a-jbilas, 04/20/99 - created #################################################################################### sub ChangeTextColor { if ($bColor) { local($sColor) = @_; if ($sColor eq "") #reset color { # system("color 0f"); if ($fhBuildLog) { print($fhBuildLog "<\/font>"); } } else { if ($fhBuildLog) { print($fhBuildLog ""); #remember to reset color first (so that there are no hanging font tags) } # system("color $colorcodes{$sColor}"); } } return(1); } #################################################################################### # ParseArgs() # Check all passed args, ensure that they are valid (members of @lAllowedArgs) and returns them # removes leading whitespace,-,/ and is case insensitive # takes expanded language names (english => en) and a buildnumber # if __BUILDNUMBER is member of @lAllowedArgs, will set 4-digit input to $sBuildNumber # a-jbilas, 04/10/99 #################################################################################### sub ParseArgs { local(@args) = @_; @lPassedArguments = (); if (@args == ()) { if (@lDefaultArgs == ()) { print(GetUsage()); exit(1); } print(STDOUT "No arguments specified, using build defaults : "); foreach $item (@lDefaultArgs) { print(STDOUT $item." "); } print(STDOUT "\n\n"); return("DEFAULT", @lDefaultArgs); } else { foreach $item (@args) { if ($item ne "") { $item =~ s/^\s*(\/|\-)//; #remove spaces, '/', '-' from beginning (allow -debug, /debug opt.) if ($item eq "?") { print(GetUsage()); exit(1); } # is the argument in AllowedArgs? (test expanded short languages as well) if (!IsMemberOf($item, @lAllowedArgs) && !IsMemberOf($longtoshlang{lc($item)}, @lAllowedArgs)) { # if we allow buildnumbers, is the argument a 4 digit build number? if ((IsMemberOf("__BUILDNUMBER", @lAllowedArgs) || IsMemberOf("__BUILDNUMBER", @args)) && $item =~ /^\d\d\d\d$/) { $sBuildNumber = $item; } # is the argument an accelerator abbreviation? elsif (IsMemberOf($item, @lAccelList)) { my($bAccelFound) = 0; for ($index = 0 ; !$bAccelFound ; ++$index) { if (lc($lAccelList[$index]) eq lc($item)) { if (!IsMemberOf($item, @lPassedArguments)) { @lPassedArguments = (uc($lAccelParam[$index]), @lPassedArguments); } $bAccelFound = 1; } elsif ($index >= @lAccelList) { carp("Error in ParseArgs(): end of accel list reached "); $bAccelFound = 1; #exit the loop } } } elsif (IsMemberOf("__IGNORE", @args)) { if (!IsMemberOf($item, @lPassedArguments)) { @lPassedArguments = (uc($item), @lPassedArguments); } } # must be an invalid argument, print usage list and quit else { print(STDERR "Error: What do you mean by: \'$item\' ?\n"); print(STDOUT GetUsage()."\n\n"); exit(1); } } # make sure the argument isn't inserted twice elsif (!IsMemberOf($item, @lPassedArguments) && !IsMemberOf($longtoshlang{lc($item)}, @lPassedArguments)) { if ($longtoshlang{lc($item)} ne "") { @lPassedArguments = (uc($longtoshlang{lc($item)}), @lPassedArguments); } else { @lPassedArguments = (uc($item), @lPassedArguments); } } } } # append the default arguments (if DEFAULT was passed) if (IsMemberOf("DEFAULT", @lPassedArguments) && (@lDefaultArgs != ())) { foreach $elem (@lDefaultArgs) { if (!IsMemberOf($elem, @lPassedArguments)) { push(@lPassedArguments, $elem); } } } } return(@lPassedArguments); } #################################################################################### # Execute() # executes first argument in eval block and tees output all to log (if open), failures to $sBuildMsg # if second argument non-null, will exit the script when an error is hit # outputs results to log and screen; returns 1 upon success, 0 upon failure # a-jbilas, 04/20/99 - created # a-jbilas, 05/24/99 - added win98 support # a-jbilas, 06/15/99 - added bookmark support # a-jbilas, 06/16/99 - added $_Execute string support (will write output to $_Execute if equal to 1) #################################################################################### sub Execute($;$$$) { my($sCmd, $bDieIfError, $bQuiet, $bIgnoreError) = @_; my($rc) = 1; my($sMsg) = ""; my($bLogExecute) = 0; if ($_ExecuteQuiet) { $bQuiet = 1; } if ($_Execute == 1) { $_Execute = ""; $bLogExecute = 1; } if (!$bQuiet) { PrintL(" - Executing \'".($bVerbose ? $sCmd : RemovePath($sCmd))."\'\n", PL_BLUE); } eval { if ($bWin98) { open (CMDIN, $sCmd.' |'); } else { open (CMDIN, $sCmd.' 2>&1 |'); } while () { if ($bLogExecute) { $_Execute .= $_; } elsif (!$bQuiet) { PrintL($_); } $sMsg .= $_; } close (CMDIN); }; if (!$bIgnoreError && $CHILD_ERROR) { if (!$bQuiet) { if (IsCritical()) { PrintLTip("Execution of ".RemovePath($sCmd)." FAILED\n", "Return code: ".($CHILD_ERROR/256), PL_BIGERROR | PL_SETERROR); PrintMsgBlock(split(/\n/, $sMsg)); } else { PrintLTip("Execution of ".RemovePath($sCmd)." FAILED\n", "Return code: ".($CHILD_ERROR/256), PL_ERROR | PL_SETERROR); } } if ($bDieIfError || (IsCritical() && $bDieOnError)) # NOTE: bDieOnError is global, bDieIfError is local { exit($CHILD_ERROR/256); } $rc = 0; } if (!$bIgnoreError && !$rc && IsCritical()) { $bBuildFailed = 1; $bcStatus |= BC_FAILED; } return($rc); } #################################################################################### # ExecuteAndOutputToFile() # Executes the command in the first argument (string) and outputs it to a file # named in the second argument (string) # if the third argument is non-null, it will die() upon failure # reports success to screen and log; returns 1 upon success, 0 otherwise # a-jbilas, 04/20/99 - created # a-jbilas, 06/15/99 - added bookmark support #################################################################################### sub ExecuteAndOutputToFile($$;$$$) { my($sCmd, $sFile, $bDieIfError, $bQuiet, $bIgnoreError) = @_; my($rc) = 1; my($sMsg) = ""; my($pipe) = ($_ExecuteNoSTDERR ? "" : " 2>&1")." |"; if ($_ExecuteQuiet) { $bQuiet = 1; } if (!open(FOUT, ">>$sFile")) { PrintL("Cannot open output file for $sCmd \>\> $sFile\n", PL_STDERR | PL_RED); $rc = 0; } else { if (!$bQuiet) { PrintL(" - Executing '".RemovePath($sCmd)." >> ".$sFile."'\n", PL_BLUE); } eval { if ($bWin98) { open (CMDIN, $sCmd.' |'); } else { open (CMDIN, $sCmd.' '.$pipe); } while () { print(FOUT $_); } close (CMDIN); }; if (!$bIgnoreError && $CHILD_ERROR) { if (!$bQuiet) { if (IsCritical()) { PrintLTip("Execution of ".RemovePath($sCmd)." FAILED\n", "Return code: ".($CHILD_ERROR/256), PL_BIGERROR | PL_SETERROR); } else { PrintLTip("Execution of ".RemovePath($sCmd)." FAILED\n", "Return code: ".($CHILD_ERROR/256), PL_ERROR | PL_SETERROR); } } if ($bDieIfError || (IsCritical() && $bDieOnError)) { exit($CHILD_ERROR/256); } $rc = 0; } close(FOUT); } if (!$bIgnoreError && !$rc && IsCritical()) { $bBuildFailed = 1; $bcStatus |= BC_FAILED; } return($rc); } #################################################################################### # GetArgs() # Builds and returns a list of allowed args in build # a-jbilas, 06/21/99 - created #################################################################################### sub GetArgs() { local(@m_lArgs) = @lAllowedArgs; @m_lArgs = Union(*m_lArgs, *lAllowedLanguages); #TODO: fix @m_lArgs = Union(*m_lArgs, *lAllowedBuilds); @m_lArgs = Union(*m_lArgs, *lAllowedModifiers); @m_lArgs = Union(*m_lArgs, *lAllowedComponents); return(@m_lArgs); } #################################################################################### # GetSummary() # returns a text summary of the build, based upon messages in $strBuildMsg # removes any html/non-interesting info before returning (preserves old $strBuildMsg as well) # a-jbilas, 05/27/99 - created #################################################################################### sub GetSummary { local($strTempBuildMsg) = $strBuildMsg; $strTempBuildMsg =~ s/\n//g; $strTempBuildMsg =~ s/
/\n/ig; $strTempBuildMsg =~ s/
/\n/ig; $strTempBuildMsg =~ s/
.+?<\/dl>//igs; $strTempBuildMsg =~ s/.+?//gs; $strTempBuildMsg =~ s/<[^>]*>//g; $strTempBuildMsg =~ s/\n[^\n]*log file[^\n]*\n//g; return("\n SUMMARY:\n-------------------------------------------------\n".$strTempBuildMsg."\n"); } #################################################################################### # PrintToLogLarge() # Prints string argument to STDOUT and, if $fhBuildLog is defined, to the # html log (in strong font) # -USE FOR SECTION HEADER OUTPUT- # a-jbilas, 04/20/99 - created # a-jbilas, 08/13/99 - Legacy, prefer PrintL() #################################################################################### sub PrintToLogLarge { if ($fhBuildLog) { print($fhBuildLog ""); PrintToLog(@_); print($fhBuildLog "<\/font><\/strong>"); } else { PrintL(@_); } } #################################################################################### # PrintToLog() # prints string argument to STDOUT and, if $fhBuildLog is defined, to the html log # searches input string on words such as 'fail' and 'warn', changes text color if found # -USE FOR NORMAL OUTPUT- # a-jbilas, 04/20/99 - created # a-jbilas, 08/13/99 - Legacy, prefer PrintL() #################################################################################### sub PrintToLog { local(@output) = @_; local($sColor) = ""; foreach $elem (@output) { if (/fail/i) { $sColor = "red"; } elsif ((/warn/i) && ($sColor ne "red")) { $sColor = "purple"; } } if ($sColor ne "") { ChangeTextColor($sColor); } print(STDOUT @output); if ($fhBuildLog) { foreach $elem (@output) { $elem =~ s/\n/
\n/g; print($fhBuildLog $elem); } } if ($sColor ne "") { ChangeTextColor(); } } #################################################################################### # PrintToLogErr() # Prints string argument to STDERR and, if $fhBuildLog is defined, to the # html log (in red text) # -USE FOR ERROR OUTPUT- # a-jbilas, 04/20/99 - created # a-jbilas, 08/13/99 - Legacy, prefer PrintL() #################################################################################### sub PrintToLogErr { local(@lOutput) = @_; ChangeTextColor("red"); print(STDERR @lOutput); if ($fhBuildLog) { foreach $elem (@lOutput) { $elem =~ s/\n/
\n/g; print($fhBuildLog $elem); } } ChangeTextColor(); } #################################################################################### # DumpVars() # Appends huge list of every var in perl environment to file $sVarsLog # useful only for doing searches on specific variables # a-jbilas, 04/10/99 - created #################################################################################### sub DumpVars() { open(VARSLOG, ">>$sVarsLog"); print(VARSLOG "\n\n***********************************************************\nVARS AT "); local($package, $file, $line) = caller(); print(VARSLOG $package.' '.$file.' line: '.$line."\n\n\n"); foreach $i (%main::) { print(VARSLOG $i."=".$$i."\n"); } close(VARSLOG); } #################################################################################### # SLMOperation # does a slm operation, ignores the return # (it doesn't seem to mean anything) # and suppresses all the warnings - which are pretty much noise # second argument is for teeing output to file # (useful for checking if anything was changed) # dougp, 04/10/99 - created #################################################################################### sub SLMOperation { carp("Usage: SLMOperation(args, [teeToFile]) ") unless(@_ == 1 || @_ == 2); my ($cmd, $sFileName) = @_; my ($op, $args) = split ' ', $cmd, 2; # echo to user $op .= ' "-f&"'; # this has to be on all commands anyway $cmd = "$op $args"; print $cmd, "\n"; # run eval { if ($sFileName ne "") { if(!open(FOUT, ">>$sFileName")) { PrintToLogErr("SLMOperation(@_) error: cannot open $sFileName for output"); } } if ($bWin98) { open(FPSYS, $cmd. ' |'); } else { open(FPSYS, $cmd. ' 2>&1 |'); } while () { if (!/warning:/ && !/^$/ && !/is not ghosted/) { print; if ($sFileName ne "") { print(FOUT); } } } if ($sFileName ne "") { close(FOUT); } close(FPSYS); }; if ($@) { warn("Run Time Error: $@"); } sleep 1; return $? == 0; } #################################################################################### # CopyWithEchoOnError # copies file in argument, echoes errors to $strBuildMsg on failure # dougp, 5/10/99 #################################################################################### sub CopyWithEchoOnError { my ($cmd) = @_; print "copy ".$cmd, "\n"; if ($bWin98) { open (FPIN, 'copy '.$cmd.' |'); } else { open (FPIN, 'copy '.$cmd.' 2>&1 |'); } my $msg=""; while () { print; $msg .= "
".$_; } close (FPIN); if ($? != 0) { $strBuildMsg .= "
copy ".$cmd." FAILED\n
\n"; $bCopyFailed = 1; } } #################################################################################### # CopyLogs() # copies logs to $sRootDropDir # use main build function name appended with x86/alpha and build number.html for log file name # will also append www toc for build (if exists) with build log ref and status # a-jbilas, 05/14/99 - created # a-jbilas, 05/28/99 - will now only append if no log of same build exists and will update status of # existing log # a-jbilas, 07/01/99 - use http addresses instead of unc addresses #################################################################################### sub CopyLogs() { my($rc) = 1; EchoedMkdir($sLogDropDir); if ($bOfficialBuild && !$bNoCopy) { my $sLinkCurBuild = ' '.PROC.''."\n"; if (!EchoedCopy($sBuildLog, $sLogDropDir."\\".$sRemoteBuildLog)) { $rc = 0; } elsif (-e $sRemoteTOC) { PrintL(" - Updating web log TOC\n", PL_BLUE); my($fhTOC) = OpenFile($sRemoteTOC, "r"); my($sTOC) = ""; if ($fhTOC) { while (!$fhTOC->eof()) { my($sCurLine) = $fhTOC->getline(); if ($sCurLine =~ /Build $sBuildNumber/i) { $sTOC .= $sCurLine; # skip build header $sTOC .= $fhTOC->getline(); # skip if (PROC ne "x86") { $sTOC .= $fhTOC->getline(); # skip x86 build status link } $sCurLine = $fhTOC->getline(); $sCurLine = $sLinkCurBuild; } $sTOC .= $sCurLine; } CloseFile($fhTOC); } unlink($sRemoteTOC); $fhTOC = OpenFile($sRemoteTOC, "w"); if ($fhTOC) { $fhTOC->print($sTOC); CloseFile($fhTOC); } else { PrintL("Could not write to TOC (no write access?)\n", PL_ERROR); $rc = 0; } } } return($rc); } #################################################################################### # UpdateLogTOC() # Update the logging TOC to include current build with status 'yellow' and a link to log location # a-jbilas, 06/01/99 - created # a-jbilas, 06/02/99 - added to nlglib #################################################################################### sub UpdateLogTOC($$) { my($remotetoc, $logname) = @_; # TODO: potential file sync bug if ($bOfficialBuild && !$bNoCopy && (-e $remotetoc) && ($COMPUTERNAME ne "")) { PrintL(" - Updating web logs TOC ...\n\n", PL_NOLOG); my($fhTOCFile) = OpenFile($remotetoc, "r"); if (!$fhTOCFile) { return(0); } my($sTOCFile) = ""; my($sBuildHeader) = '
Build '.$sBuildNumber.'
'."\n"; my($sBuildBlank) = ''."\n"; my($sBuildCur) = ' " .PROC."\n"; my($bUpdateIt) = 1; while(!$fhTOCFile->eof()) { my($sCurLine) = $fhTOCFile->getline(); if ((($sCurLine =~ /Build \d\d\d\d/i) || ($sCurLine =~ /<\/table>/i)) && $bUpdateIt) { if ($sCurLine =~ /$sBuildNumber/) # we must have either done a previous build or another build beat us here # either way, make certain that the status is 'waiting' { # don't change the build header $sTOCFile .= $sCurLine; # skip the $sTOCFile .= $fhTOCFile->getline(); # if alpha, skip the first (x86) build link if (IsAlpha()) { $sTOCFile .= $fhTOCFile->getline(); } # rewrite our waiting build line $sCurLine = $fhTOCFile->getline(); $sCurLine = $sBuildCur; # if x86, skip the second (alpha) build link if (Isx86()) { $sTOCFile .= $sCurLine; $sCurLine = $fhTOCFile->getline(); } $bUpdateIt = 0; } else # this is not our build, insert ours before this build (or end of table) { $sTOCFile .= $sBuildHeader."\n"; if (IsAlpha()) { $sTOCFile .= $sBuildBlank; } $sTOCFile .= $sBuildCur; if (Isx86()) { $sTOCFile .= $sBuildBlank; } $sTOCFile .= "<\/tr>\n\n"; $bUpdateIt = 0; } } $sTOCFile .= $sCurLine; } CloseFile($fhTOCFile); # output everything to new revised log file unlink($remotetoc); $fhTOC = OpenFile($remotetoc, "w"); if ($fhTOC) { $fhTOC->print($sTOCFile); CloseFile($fhTOC); } else { PrintL("Could not write to TOC (no write access?)\n", PL_BIGERROR); return(0); } } return(1); } #################################################################################### # InsertSummaryIntoLog() # Inserts a summarized version of $strBuildMsg into the build at first '' found # a-jbilas, 06/03/99 - created #################################################################################### sub InsertSummaryIntoLog($) { local($sLogFile) = @_; local($rc) = 1; unlink($sLogFile.".tmp"); if ((-e $sLogFile) && copy($sLogFile, $sLogFile.".tmp")) { unlink($sLogFile); my($fhLogIn) = OpenFile($sLogFile.".tmp", "read"); my($fhLogOut) = OpenFile($sLogFile, "write"); while (<$fhLogIn>) { if (/<\! $sShortBuildName $nScriptStartTime SUMMARY ENTRY POINT >/) { print($fhLogOut "".BuildCodeToHTML($bcStatus)."". "  (". FmtDeltaTime(time() - $nScriptStartTime).")
\n". "


"); } print($fhLogOut $_); } CloseFile($fhLogIn); CloseFile($fhLogOut); unlink($sLogFile.".tmp"); } elsif ($bVerbose) { print(STDERR "InsertSummaryIntoLog() Error: Cannot copy $sLogFile to temp file"); $rc = 0 } return($rc); } #################################################################################### # Bookmark() # if $fhBuildLog is defined, a bookmark will be appended to the log and # the string passed to the function will be returned with an href to the bookmark's location # (this function is meant for adding bookmarks to $strBuildMsg) # a-jbilas, 06/04/99 - created # a-jbilas, 09/20/99 - if second arg non-null, search for existing tag at beginning of str and concatinate href within #################################################################################### sub Bookmark { my($string) = $_[0]; if ($fhBuildLog && $sShortBuildName && ($sBuildLog || $sRemoteBuildLog) && (defined $nErrorNumber)) { print($fhBuildLog "<\/a>
\n"); my($log); if ($bOfficialBuild) { $log = TranslateToHTTP(($sLogDropDir ne "" ? $sLogDropDir."\\" : "").$sRemoteBuildLog); } else { $log = TranslateToHTTP($sBuildLog); } $log =~ s/\\/\//g; #replace \ with / for http links if ($_[1]) { $string =~ s/(
]*>)//; my($hrefstr) = $1; $hrefstr =~ s/".$string."<\/a>\n"; } else { $string = "".$string."<\/a>"; } } ++$nErrorNumber; } return($string); } #################################################################################### # BuildAcceleratorLists() # Extracts the accelerator (abbreviation) keys and inserts them into @lAccelList # (just the accelerators) and the matching param for the accel into @lAccelParam # a-jbilas, 06/09/99 - created #################################################################################### sub BuildAcceleratorLists() { my(@lKeys) = keys(%hOptionDescription); @lAccelParam = (); @lAccelList = (); foreach $key (@lKeys) { my($keyAccel) = ""; for ($index = 0 ; $index < length($key) ; ++$index) { if ((vec($key, $index, 8) > 64) && (vec($key, $index, 8) < 91)) { $keyAccel .= substr($key, $index, 1); } } if ($keyAccel ne "") { push(@lAccelParam, $key); push(@lAccelList, $keyAccel); } } # special accelerator key for default settings push(@lAccelParam, "DEFAULT"); push(@lAccelList, "+"); } #################################################################################### # GetLatestBuildDir() # given a directory (and an optional subdirectory), will return the latest 4 digit # build number named subdirectory of the specified directory (containing the optional # subdirectory in the build (such as 'x86'), if specified) # if no valid dirs exist, will return a null string # a-jbilas, 06/15/99 - created #################################################################################### sub GetLatestBuildDir($;$) { my($sBuildDir, $sSubDir) = @_; PrintL("looking for latest build dir in $sBuildDir, $sSubDir\n", PL_VERBOSE); my($sLatestBuild) = "0000"; local(@lDirs) = grep(/\d\d\d\d$/, GetSubdirs($sBuildDir)); foreach $dir (@lDirs) { my($sBldNum) = $dir; $sBldNum =~ s/.*(\d\d\d\d)$/$1/; if ((-d $sBuildDir."\\".$sBldNum.($sSubDir ne "" ? "\\".$sSubDir : "")) && ($sBldNum > $sLatestBuild)) { $sLatestBuild = $sBldNum; } } if (($sLatestBuild eq "0000") && !(-d $sBuildDir."\\".$sLatestBuild.($sSubDir ne "" ? "\\".$sSubDir : ""))) { return(""); } else { return($sBuildDir."\\".$sLatestBuild.($sSubDir ne "" ? "\\".$sSubDir : "")); } } #################################################################################### # GrabCookie() # Grabs the cookie -- when passed r (read) or w (write) string as parameter, if cookie # grab fails, will wait 10 minutes before trying another grab. If cookie could not be # grabbed after 30 attempts (5 hours), function returns 0, it otherwise returns 1 # a-jbilas, 07/14/99 - created #################################################################################### sub GrabCookie { my($rc) = 1; my($nMaxAttempts) = 30; my($bCookieGrabbed) = 0; if (($_[0] ne "r") && ($_[0] ne "w")) { carp("Usage: GrabCookie(r/w) "); $rc = 0; } else { PrintL("Attempting to obtain a ".$_[0]." lock on cookie\n"); for ($nAttempt = 1 ; (!$bCookieGrabbed && ($nAttempt <= $nMaxAttempts)) ; ++$nAttempt) { if (Execute('cookie -v'.$_[0].'c "Locked for the '.PROC.' build"')) { PrintL("Cookie successfully grabbed\n"); $bCookieGrabbed = 1; } elsif ($nAttempt != 30) { PrintL("Cookie grab failed, waiting 10 minutes for cookie to be freed ", PL_WARNING); for ($time = 1 ; $time <= 10 ; ++$time) #sleep ten minutes { print("."); sleep(60); } PrintL("\n"); } } } if (!$bCookieGrabbed) { PrintL("GrabCookie() Error: Cookie could not be obtained\n", PL_BIGERROR); $rc = 0; } return($rc); } sub FreeCookie() { return(Execute('cookie -f')); } #################################################################################### # PrintToMsg() # Outputs 1st string parameter to $strBuildMsg with optional additional string # parameters output as subsets to 1st string (all properly formatted) # a-jbilas, 07/22/99 - created #################################################################################### sub PrintToMsg { local(@lOutput) = @_; if ($lOutput[0] =~ /fail/i) { PrintToLogErr($lOutput[0]); } else { PrintToLog($lOutput[0]); } $lOutput[0] =~ s/(failed|succeeded|succeeds)/$1<\/bold>/gi; $strBuildMsg .= "
".$lOutput[0]."\n"; shift(@lOutput); if ($lOutput) { $strBuildMsg .= "
\n"; foreach $msg (@lOutput) { PrintToLog($msg); $msg =~ s/\n/
\n/g; $strBuildMsg .= "
".$msg; } $strBuildMsg .= "<\/dl><\/em>\n"; } } sub PrintMsgBlock { if (scalar(@_) == 0) { return(); } my($lineNum) = 0; my($maxReached) = 0; PrintL("
", PL_MSGONLY | PL_MSGCONCAT); foreach $elem (@_) { foreach $line (split(/\n+/, $elem)) { if ((!defined $nMaxErrLines) || (!$maxReached && ($lineNum < $nMaxErrLines))) { if ($line eq "") { PrintL("
\n", PL_MSGONLY); } else { PrintL($line."\n", PL_ITALIC | PL_MSGONLY); } } elsif (!$maxReached) { PrintL("Too many errors to display, click here to view continuation\n", PL_ITALIC | PL_MSGONLY | PL_RED | PL_BOLD | PL_BOOKMARK); $maxReached = 1; } ++$lineNum; } } PrintL("
", PL_MSG | PL_NOSTD | PL_NOLOG | PL_MSGCONCAT); } sub GetSLMLog { my($strArg) = ""; my($dir) = ""; my($time) = ""; my(%log) = ""; foreach $i (@_) { if ($i eq "today") { my($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime(time); $strArg .= " -t ".($mon + 1)."/$mday/$year"; } elsif ($i eq "user") { $strArg .= " -u $ENV{COMPUTERNAME}"; } else { $strArg .= " $i"; } } open(FPIN, 'log "-rfvi&" '.$strArg.' |'); while () { if (/^time/ || /^log : warning: /) { # skip header and warnings } elsif (/Log for (.*):/) { $dir = $1.$2; #print "Directory is ".$dir."\n"; } elsif (/^(\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\@(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)\b(.*)$/) { $time = "$3/$1/$2 $4:$5:$6 "; my($day, $who, $what, $file, $ver1, $comment) = split ' ', $7, 6; if ($file =~ /.+\\([\w.]+)/) { $file = "$dir\\$1"; } if ($comment =~ /I\d+ +(.*)/) { $comment = $1; } if ($what ne "release") { $log{"$time $who $what $file"} = " - $comment\n"; } } } close(FPIN); my($retVal) = ""; foreach $k (reverse sort keys %log) { $retVal .= $k.$log{$k}; } return($retVal); } sub FormatLogAsHTML($) { if ($_[0] eq "") { return('No History Available'); } my($result) = "\n". "\n"; foreach $line (split(/\n/, $_[0])) { my($date, $time, $who, $what, $file, $comment) = split(' ', $line, 6); if ($comment =~ /^- (.*)/) { $comment = $1; } $result .= "\n"; } close (FPIN); return($result."
Recent History
$date $time$who$what$file$comment
\n"); } sub IsCritical() { if (!defined $__CRITICAL_SECTION) { $__CRITICAL_SECTION = 1; } if ($__CRITICAL_SECTION > 0) { return(1); } else { return(0); } } sub UpdateDir { my($sSLMDir, $sSrcDir, $bRecurse, $bCheckForNew, $bForceAdd, $bCheckInAfterUpdate) = @_; PushD($sSrcDir); foreach $dir (GetSubdirs("", $bRecurse)) { if (!-e $sSLMDir."\\".$dir."\\slm.ini") { if ($bCheckForNew) { my($ret) = ""; if (!$bForceAdd) { PrintL("Add new dir ".$dir."? (y\/n\/a) "); $ret = ; } if ($ret =~ /a/) { $bForceAdd = 1; } if ($bForceAdd || ($ret =~ /y/i)) { EchoedMkdir($sSLMDir."\\".$dir); PushD(GetPath($sSLMDir)); Execute("addfile -f -c \"ActivePerl Update Dir\" ".$dir); PopD(); } } else { PrintL("Warning: ".$dir." not found in current perl version\n", PL_WARNING); } } } # foreach $file (grep(!/\.dll$/, GetFiles("", $bRecurse))) foreach $file (grep(!/^slm\.ini$/i, GetFiles("", $bRecurse))) { if (!-e $sSLMDir."\\".$file) { if ($bCheckForNew) { my($ret) = ""; if (!$bForceAdd) { PrintL("Add new file ".$file."? (y\/n\/a) "); $ret = ; } if ($ret =~ /a/) { $bForceAdd = 1; } if ($bForceAdd || ($ret =~ /y/i)) { Execute("copy ".$file." ".$sSLMDir."\\".$file); PushD(GetPath($sSLMDir."\\".$file)); Execute("addfile -f -c \"ActivePerl Build 519 File\" ".RemovePath($file)); PopD(); } } else { PrintL("Warning: ".$file." not found in current perl version\n", PL_WARNING); } } else { if (!EchoedCompare($file, $sSLMDir."\\".$file)) { PrintL(" - Updating ".$file."\n", PL_BLUE); PushD(GetPath($sSLMDir."\\".$file)); Execute("out -f ".RemovePath($file)); PopD(); Execute("copy ".$file." ".$sSLMDir."\\".$file); if ($bCheckInAfterUpdate) { PushD(GetPath($sSLMDir."\\".$file)); Execute("in -f -c \"Update\" ".RemovePath($file)); PopD(); } } } } PopD(); #$sSrcDir } sub Depends { foreach $var (@_) { if (!defined $$var) { PrintL("build script warning: variable dependency ".$var." not defined\n", PL_BIGWARNING); carp("Location:"); } } } sub BuildCodeToHTML($) { my($str) = ""; if ($_[0] & BC_FAILED) { $str .= "FAILED<\/font> "; } elsif ($_[0] & BC_NOTHINGDONE) { $str .= "NOTHING DONE<\/font> "; } else { $str .= "SUCCEEDED<\/font> "; } local(@lSecondaryFailures) = (); if ($_[0] & BC_COPYFAILED) { push(@lSecondaryFailures, "copy"); } if ($_[0] & BC_BVTFAILED) { push(@lSecondaryFailures, "bvt"); } if ($_[0] & BC_CABFAILED) { push(@lSecondaryFailures, "msi build"); } if ($_[0] & BC_CHKSHIPFAILED) { push(@lSecondaryFailures, "chkship"); } if (@lSecondaryFailures != ()) { $str .= "(with ".join(" and ", @lSecondaryFailures)." failures)<\/font>"; } return($str); } # ARGS: # [str] err # OPT ARGS: # [bool] concat (default=0) sub SetError($;$) { if ($bErrorConcat) { if ($_[1] || ($_[0] =~ /\n$/)) { $ERROR .= $_[0]; } else { $ERROR .= $_[0]."\n"; } } else { $ERROR = $_[0]; } } sub ResetError() { $ERROR = ""; } ######################################################################## ######################## SECTION BLOCKS ################################ ######################################################################## sub BEGIN_CRITICAL_SECTION() { if (!defined $__CRITICAL_SECTION) { $__CRITICAL_SECTION = 1; } else { ++$__CRITICAL_SECTION; } } sub END_CRITICAL_SECTION() { if (!defined $__CRITICAL_SECTION) { $__CRITICAL_SECTION = 0; } else { --$__CRITICAL_SECTION; } } sub BEGIN_NON_CRITICAL_SECTION() { END_CRITICAL_SECTION(); } sub END_NON_CRITICAL_SECTION() { BEGIN_CRITICAL_SECTION(); } sub BEGIN_DHTML_NODE { if ($bDHTMLActive) { PrintL("
" ." ".(($_[0] eq "") ? "(click to expand)" : $_[0]) ."
", PL_NOSTD); } } sub END_DHTML_NODE() { if ($bDHTMLActive) { PrintL("
", PL_NOSTD); } } sub ParseArgs2 { local(@lUnparsedArgs) = @_; local(%hArgs) = (); foreach $elem (@_) { # first make sure that no spaces were paired with commas if (($elem =~ /^\,/) || ($elem =~ /\,$/)) { PrintL("ParseArgs() Fatal Error: separate sub-elements with commas only (no spaces)\n\n", PL_BIGERROR); %hArgs->{"__FATAL"} = 1; } elsif ($elem =~ /:/) { my($arg, $subargs) = split(":", $elem, 2); $subargs =~ s/\,/ /g; %hArgs->{uc($arg)} = uc($subargs); } else { %hArgs->{uc($elem)} = 1; } } return(%hArgs); } sub CheckArgs { my($hArgs, $hAcceptedArgs) = @_; # local(%hArgs) = %$phArgs; # local(%hAcceptedArgs) = %$phAcceptedArgs; my($rc) = 1; %hAcceptedArgs->{"__OFFICIAL"} = 1; %hAcceptedArgs->{"__BUILDNUMBER"} = 1; if (%hArgs->{"__FATAL"}) { $rc = 0; } elsif (!%hArgs->{"__IGNORE"}) { foreach $arg (keys(%hArgs)) { local(@lAcceptedVals) = StrToL(%hAcceptedArgs->{$arg}); if (@lAcceptedVals == ()) { PrintL("CheckArgs() Error: ".$arg." is not a valid parameter\n\n", PL_BIGERROR); $rc = 0; } foreach $val (StrToL(%hArgs->{$arg})) { if (!IsMemberOf($val, @lAcceptedVals)) { PrintL("CheckArgs() Error: ".$val." is not a valid sub-parameter to ".$arg."\n\n", PL_BIGERROR); $rc = 0; } } } } return($rc); } $__IITENVPM = 1; 1;