<% 'Localizable strings for iichkuser.asp Const L_THEDOMAIN_TEXT = "The domain" Const L_THEUSER_TEXT = "The user or group" Const L_NOTEXIST_TEXT = "does not exist" Const L_INDOMAIN_TEXT = "in this domain" Const L_PERIOD_TEXT = "." Const L_SLASH_TEXT = "/" Const L_BCKSLASH_TEXT = "\\" Const L_SPACE = " " ' Build the necessary error strings here so that the order is not in the code ' and can be localized. ' domain - contains the domain being searched ' uname - contains the user or group name being searched for 'Const L_DOMAIN_NOT_EXIST = "The domain () does not exist." 'Const L_USER_NOT_EXIST = "The user or group () does not exist in this domain." Dim L_DOMAIN_NOT_EXIST, L_USER_NOT_EXIST L_DOMAIN_NOT_EXIST = L_THEDOMAIN_TEXT & L_SPACE & domain & L_SPACE & _ L_NOTEXIST_TEXT & L_PERIOD_TEXT L_USER_NOT_EXIST = L_THEUSER_TEXT & L_SPACE & domain & L_BCKSLASH_TEXT & _ uname & L_SPACE & L_NOTEXIST_TEXT & L_SPACE & _ L_INDOMAIN_TEXT & L_PERIOD_TEXT %>