<% 'Localizable strings for iilogmn.asp Const L_GENERAL_TEXT = "General Logging Options" Const L_EXTPROPERTIES_TEXT = "Extended Logging Options" Const L_NEWTIMEPERIOD_TEXT = "New log time period" Const L_HOURLY_TEXT = "Hourly" Const L_LOCALTIME_TEXT = "Use local time for file naming and rollover" Const L_DAILY_TEXT = "Daily" Const L_WEEKLY_TEXT= "Weekly" Const L_MONTHLY_TEXT = "Monthly" Const L_UNLIMITED_TEXT = "Unlimited file size" Const L_LIMITED_TEXT = "When file size reaches:" Const L_MB_TEXT = "MB" Const L_LOGFILEPROPS_TEXT = "Log file" Const L_LOGDIR_TEXT = "Directory:" Const L_LOGFILE_TEXT = "Name:" Const L_BROWSE_TEXT = "Browse..." Const L_ODBCOPTIONS_TEXT = "ODBC Logging Options" Const L_ODBCDSNAME_TEXT = "ODBC Data Source Name (DSN)" Const L_TABLE_TEXT = "Table" Const L_USER_TEXT = "User Name" Const L_PASSWORD_TEXT = "Password" Const L_NOUNCS = "UNC paths are not allowed for the log file directory." Const L_CONFIRMPASSWORD_TEXT="Confirm Password" Const L_PASSNOTMATCH_TEXT = "The password you entered does not match." Const L_INTEGERREQ_TEXT = "Please enter an integer." Const L_LIMITLOG = "ncsa#.log" Const L_DAYLOG = "ncyymmdd.log" Const L_WEEKLOG = "ncyymmww.log" Const L_MONTHLOG = "ncyymm.log" Const L_HOURLOG = "ncyymmddhh.log" ' Resizing constants for the property pages of the Logging properties dialog. ' NOTE: If the height of the dialog or the head frame is changed ' in iilog.str this value should be changed by an equal amount Const L_PAGEHEIGHT_NUM = 405 ' General Page Const L_NEWTIMEPERIOD_HR = 250 Const L_FILESIZETEXT_NUM = 10 Const L_LOGFILEPROPS_HR = 300 Const L_LOGDIRTEXT_NUM = 30 Const L_LOGFILETEXT_NUM = 30 ' ODBC Page Const L_ODBCTEXTFIELDS_NUM = 50 ' Extended Properties Page Const L_PROPTREEFRAME_H = 300 Const L_PROPTREEFRAME_W = 400 %>