<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <% On Error Resume Next Dim nodename, path, currentobj, newobj, sel,baseobj, basepath nodename=Request.QueryString("nodename") path=Request.QueryString("path") sel=Request.QueryString("sel") Set currentobj=GetObject(path) Response.write nodename & "
" Response.write path & "
" if Instr(currentobj.KeyType,"Server") then currentobj.ServerComment = nodename currentobj.SetInfo Set newobj = GetObject(path) elseif Instr(currentobj.KeyType,"VirtualDir") then Response.write currentobj.ADsPath & "
" 'and cyle through the baseobj till we find the next whack, 'building up the path in new name as we go basepath = Mid(currentobj.ADsPath,1,InStrRev(currentobj.ADsPath,"/")-1) Response.write baseobj & "
" Set baseobj=GetObject(basepath) Response.write nodename & "
" Set newobj = baseobj.MoveHere(currentobj.Name,nodename) newobj.SetInfo Response.write err end if %>