<% ' iiwiznew.inc 'Page 1 - Welcome 'Page 7 - FINISH Const FINISH = 7 'Page 2 Const SITETYPE = 2 'Page 3 Const NODENAME = 3 'Page 4 Const BINDINGS = 4 Const WEBTCPDEFAULT = 80 Const FTPTCPDEFAULT = 21 Const SSLDEFAULT = 443 'Page 5 Const PATHNAME = 5 'Page 6 Const ACCESSPERMS = 6 Dim LAST LAST = 6 Const SITE = 0 Const VDIR = 1 Const DIR = 2 Const WEB = 0 Const FTP = 1 Const SWEB = "Web" Const SFTP = "FTP" Const IIS = "IIs" Const SDIR = "Directory" Const SVDIR = "VirtualDir" Const SSITE = "Server" Const SCOMP = "Computer" Const SVC = "Service" Const W3SVC = "W3SVC" Const FTPSVC = "MSFTPSVC" Const COMP = "COMP" Const IISCOMPUTER = "IIsComputer" Const BASEPATH = "IIS://localhost/" Const ROOT = "/ROOT" 'This determines whether we set access perms or call the perm wizard... Const COMPLETE = True Const CANRESTART = False Dim NODETYPES NODETYPES = Array("server","vdir","dir") Dim SITETYPES SITETYPES = Array(SWEB, SFTP) ' The site type identifiers used by the cache are different from ' those used here. ICK! Dim CACHE_SITETYPES CACHE_SITETYPES = Array( "www", "ftp" ) Dim SERVICES SERVICES = Array(W3SVC,FTPSVC) %>