@echo off REM REM mksample - update the sample directories REM setlocal set __TEST_MODE__= set __BASE_SAMPLE_DIR__=%_NTDRIVE%\nt\private\net\sockets\internet\sdk\samples set __SAMPLE_SOURCE_DIR__=%__BASE_SAMPLE_DIR__%\%2 set __SAMPLE_BINARY_DIR__=%__BASE_SAMPLE_DIR__%\%2\obj\%3 set __TARGET_SOURCE_DIR__=%1\%2 set __TARGET_BINARY_DIR__=%1\%2\%3 set __OUTPUT_STREAM__=>NUL set __DELETE_COMMAND__=del /q set __COPY_COMMAND__=copy set __C_FILES__=%__SAMPLE_SOURCE_DIR__%\*.c* set __H_FILES__=%__SAMPLE_SOURCE_DIR__%\*.h* set __RC_FILES__=%__SAMPLE_SOURCE_DIR__%\*.rc set __MAKE_FILES__=%__SAMPLE_SOURCE_DIR__%\makefil* %__SAMPLE_SOURCE_DIR__%\sources* set __BINARY_FILES__=%__SAMPLE_BINARY_DIR__%\*.exe %__SAMPLE_BINARY_DIR__%\*.dll set __SOURCE_SET__=(%__C_FILES__% %__H_FILES__% %__RC_FILES__% %__MAKE_FILES__%) set __BINARY_SET__=(%__BINARY_FILES__%) if "%1"=="" goto usage if "%2"=="" goto usage if "%3"=="" goto usage if exist %1\ goto check2 echo error: %1 does not exist goto usage :check2 if exist %__SAMPLE_SOURCE_DIR__% goto check3 echo error: %__SAMPLE_SOURCE_DIR__% does not exist goto usage :check3 if %3==i386 goto check4 if %3==mips goto check4 if %3==ppc goto check4 if %3==alpha goto check4 echo error: platform %3 not recognized goto usage :check4 if "%4"=="" goto ok if not "%4"=="test" echo error: 4th argument can be "test" only & goto usage set __TEST_MODE__=1 set __OUTPUT_STREAM__= set __DELETE_COMMAND__=echo test: %__DELETE_COMMAND__% set __COPY_COMMAND__=echo test: %__COPY_COMMAND__% rem echo on :ok echo creating target subdirectories md %__TARGET_SOURCE_DIR__% %__OUTPUT_STREAM__% md %__TARGET_BINARY_DIR__% %__OUTPUT_STREAM__% REM REM since source is same for all platforms, we only copy source if the REM platform is i386 (i.e. we assume it to be the first platform, but REM it doesn't matter, so long as x86 mkdev/mksample is run before the REM files are released) REM if not %3==i386 goto delete_and_copy_bins echo deleting old contents of %__TARGET_SOURCE_DIR__%... %__DELETE_COMMAND__% %__TARGET_SOURCE_DIR__% %__OUTPUT_STREAM__% echo copying source... for %%f in %__SOURCE_SET__% do %__COPY_COMMAND__% %%f %__TARGET_SOURCE_DIR__% %__OUTPUT_STREAM__% :delete_and_copy_bins echo deleting old contents of %__TARGET_BINARY_DIR__%... %__DELETE_COMMAND__% %__TARGET_BINARY_DIR__% %__OUTPUT_STREAM__% echo copying binaries... for %%f in %__BINARY_SET__% do %__COPY_COMMAND__% %%f %__TARGET_BINARY_DIR__% %__OUTPUT_STREAM__% goto end :usage echo usage: mksample ^ ^ ^ echo where: platform can be i386 ³ mips ³ ppc ³ alpha (case is SIGNIFICANT) echo. echo e.g.: mksample \\foo\bar\dev\sdk\samples ftp i386 echo where: \\foo\bar\dev\sdk\samples is the root of the target samples directory echo ftp is the relative name of the sample directory on this machine echo i386 is the target platform :end endlocal