/*=================================================================== Microsoft Denali Microsoft Confidential. Copyright 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Component: Viper Integration Objects File: viperint.cpp Owner: DmitryR This file contains the implementation of viper integration classes ===================================================================*/ #include "denpre.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "Context.h" #include "package.h" #include "memchk.h" extern HDESK ghDesktop; // // COM holds the last reference to a CViperAsyncRequest // we need to track these objects to ensure that we don't // exit before the activity threads have released them. // volatile LONG g_nViperRequests = 0; /*=================================================================== C V i p e r A s y n c R e q u e s t ===================================================================*/ /*=================================================================== CViperAsyncRequest::CViperAsyncRequest CViperAsyncRequest constructor Parameters: Returns: ===================================================================*/ CViperAsyncRequest::CViperAsyncRequest() : m_cRefs(1), m_pHitObj(NULL), m_hrOnError(S_OK), m_pActivity(NULL), m_dwRepostAttempts(0) { InterlockedIncrement( (LONG *)&g_nViperRequests ); } /*=================================================================== CViperAsyncRequest::~CViperAsyncRequest CViperAsyncRequest destructor Parameters: Returns: ===================================================================*/ CViperAsyncRequest::~CViperAsyncRequest() { InterlockedDecrement( (LONG *)&g_nViperRequests ); } /*=================================================================== CViperAsyncRequest::Init Initialize CViperAsyncRequest with CHitObj object Parameters: CHitObj *pHitObj Denali HitObj Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CViperAsyncRequest::Init ( CHitObj *pHitObj, IServiceActivity *pActivity ) { Assert(m_pHitObj == NULL); m_pHitObj = pHitObj; m_pActivity = pActivity; return S_OK; } #ifdef DBG /*=================================================================== CViperAsyncRequest::AssertValid Test to make sure that this is currently correctly formed and assert if it is not. Returns: ===================================================================*/ void CViperAsyncRequest::AssertValid() const { Assert(m_pHitObj); Assert(m_cRefs > 0); } #endif /*=================================================================== CViperAsyncRequest::QueryInterface Standard IUnknown method Parameters: REFIID iid void **ppv Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CViperAsyncRequest::QueryInterface ( REFIID iid, void **ppv ) { if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == IID_IServiceCall) { *ppv = this; AddRef(); return S_OK; } return E_NOINTERFACE; } /*=================================================================== CViperAsyncRequest::AddRef Standard IUnknown method Parameters: Returns: Ref count ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CViperAsyncRequest::AddRef() { return ++m_cRefs; } /*=================================================================== CViperAsyncRequest::Release Standard IUnknown method Parameters: Returns: Ref count ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CViperAsyncRequest::Release() { if (--m_cRefs != 0) return m_cRefs; delete this; return 0; } /*=================================================================== CViperAsyncRequest::OnCall IMTSCall method implementation. This method is called by Viper from the right thread when it's time to process a request Parameters: Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CViperAsyncRequest::OnCall() { Assert(m_pHitObj); CIsapiReqInfo *pIReq = m_pHitObj->PIReq(); BOOL fRequestReposted = FALSE; // add an extra addref here to prevent the deletion of the // hitobj deleting the CIsapiReqInfo for this request. if (pIReq) pIReq->AddRef(); // Bracket ViperAsyncCallback if (SUCCEEDED(StartISAThreadBracket(pIReq))) { m_pHitObj->ViperAsyncCallback(&fRequestReposted); // Make sure there always is DONE_WITH_SESSION if (m_pHitObj->FIsBrowserRequest() && !fRequestReposted) { if (!m_pHitObj->FDoneWithSession()) m_pHitObj->ReportServerError(IDE_UNEXPECTED); } if (!fRequestReposted) delete m_pHitObj; // don't delete if reposted EndISAThreadBracket(pIReq); } else { // DONE_WITH_SESSION -- ServerSupportFunction // does not need bracketing if (m_pHitObj->FIsBrowserRequest()) m_pHitObj->ReportServerError(0); // We never called to process request, there should // be no state and it's probably save to delete it // outside of bracketing delete m_pHitObj; } m_pHitObj = NULL; // set to NULL even if not deleted Release(); // release this, Viper holds another ref if (pIReq) pIReq->Release(); return S_OK; } /*=================================================================== CViperAsyncRequest::OnError Called by COM+ when it is unable to dispatch the request properly on the configured thread Parameters: Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CViperAsyncRequest::OnError(HRESULT hrViperError) { Assert(m_pHitObj); CIsapiReqInfo *pIReq = m_pHitObj->PIReq(); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (pIReq) pIReq->AddRef(); m_dwRepostAttempts++; // attempt to repost the request if it hasn't errored out three // times yet. if (m_dwRepostAttempts <= 3) { hr = m_pActivity->AsynchronousCall(this); Assert(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } // if it has errored out three times or the repost failed, // pitch the request if (FAILED(hr) || (m_dwRepostAttempts > 3)) { // DONE_WITH_SESSION -- ServerSupportFunction // does not need bracketing if (m_pHitObj->FIsBrowserRequest()) m_pHitObj->ReportServerError(IDE_UNEXPECTED); // We never called to process request, there should // be no state and it's probably save to delete it // outside of bracketing delete m_pHitObj; m_pHitObj = NULL; // set to NULL even if not deleted Release(); // release this, Viper holds another ref } if (pIReq) pIReq->Release(); return S_OK; } /*=================================================================== C V i p e r A c t i v i t y ===================================================================*/ /*=================================================================== CViperActivity::CViperActivity CViperActivity constructor Parameters: Returns: ===================================================================*/ CViperActivity::CViperActivity() : m_pActivity(NULL), m_cBind(0) { } /*=================================================================== CViperActivity::~CViperActivity CViperActivity destructor Parameters: Returns: ===================================================================*/ CViperActivity::~CViperActivity() { UnInit(); } /*=================================================================== CViperActivity::Init Create actual Viper activity using MTSCreateActivity() Parameters: Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CViperActivity::Init(IUnknown *pServicesConfig) { Assert(!FInited()); HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = CoCreateActivity(pServicesConfig, IID_IServiceActivity, (void **)&m_pActivity); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; m_cBind = 1; return S_OK; } /*=================================================================== CViperActivity::InitClone Clone Viper activity (AddRef() it) Parameters: CViperActivity *pActivity activity to clone from Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CViperActivity::InitClone ( CViperActivity *pActivity ) { Assert(!FInited()); Assert(pActivity); pActivity->AssertValid(); m_pActivity = pActivity->m_pActivity; m_pActivity->AddRef(); m_cBind = 1; return S_OK; } /*=================================================================== CViperActivity::UnInit Release Viper activity Parameters: Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CViperActivity::UnInit() { if (m_pActivity) { while (m_cBind > 1) // 1 is for inited flag { m_pActivity->UnbindFromThread(); m_cBind--; } m_pActivity->Release(); m_pActivity = NULL; } m_cBind = 0; return S_OK; } /*=================================================================== CViperActivity::BindToThread Bind Activity to current thread using IMTSActivity method Parameters: Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CViperActivity::BindToThread() { Assert(FInited()); m_pActivity->BindToCurrentThread(); m_cBind++; return S_OK; } /*=================================================================== CViperActivity::UnBindFromThread UnBind Activity from using IMTSActivity method Parameters: Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CViperActivity::UnBindFromThread() { Assert(FInited()); Assert(m_cBind > 1); m_pActivity->UnbindFromThread(); m_cBind--; return S_OK; } /*=================================================================== CViperActivity::PostAsyncRequest Call HitObj Async. Creates IMTSCCall object to do it. Parameters: CHitObj *pHitObj Denali's HitObj Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CViperActivity::PostAsyncRequest ( CHitObj *pHitObj ) { AssertValid(); HRESULT hr = S_OK; CViperAsyncRequest *pViperCall = new CViperAsyncRequest; if (!pViperCall) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pViperCall->Init(pHitObj, m_pActivity); RevertToSelf(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = m_pActivity->AsynchronousCall(pViperCall); if (FAILED(hr) && pViperCall) // cleanup if failed pViperCall->Release(); return hr; } /*=================================================================== CViperActivity::PostGlobalAsyncRequest Static method. Post async request without an activity. Creates temporary activity Parameters: CHitObj *pHitObj Denali's HitObj Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CViperActivity::PostGlobalAsyncRequest ( CHitObj *pHitObj ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CViperActivity *pTmpActivity = new CViperActivity; if (!pTmpActivity) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pTmpActivity->Init(pHitObj->PAppln()->PServicesConfig()); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // remember this activity as HitObj's activity // HitObj will get rid of it on its destructor pHitObj->SetActivity(pTmpActivity); hr = pTmpActivity->PostAsyncRequest(pHitObj); pTmpActivity = NULL; // don't delete, HitObj will } if (pTmpActivity) delete pTmpActivity; return hr; } #ifdef DBG /*=================================================================== CViperAsyncRequest::AssertValid Test to make sure that this is currently correctly formed and assert if it is not. Returns: ===================================================================*/ void CViperActivity::AssertValid() const { Assert(FInited()); Assert(m_pActivity); } #endif #ifdef UNUSED /*=================================================================== C V i p e r T h r e a d E v e n t s ===================================================================*/ /*=================================================================== CViperThreadEvents::CViperThreadEvents CViperThreadEvents constructor Parameters: Returns: ===================================================================*/ CViperThreadEvents::CViperThreadEvents() : m_cRefs(1) { } #ifdef DBG /*=================================================================== CViperThreadEvents::AssertValid Test to make sure that this is currently correctly formed and assert if it is not. Returns: ===================================================================*/ void CViperThreadEvents::AssertValid() const { Assert(m_cRefs > 0); Assert(ghDesktop != NULL); } #endif /*=================================================================== CViperThreadEvents::QueryInterface Standard IUnknown method Parameters: REFIID iid void **ppv Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CViperThreadEvents::QueryInterface ( REFIID iid, void **ppv ) { if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == IID_IThreadEvents) { *ppv = this; AddRef(); return S_OK; } return E_NOINTERFACE; } /*=================================================================== CViperThreadEvents::AddRef Standard IUnknown method Parameters: Returns: Ref count ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CViperThreadEvents::AddRef() { DWORD cRefs = InterlockedIncrement((LPLONG)&m_cRefs); return cRefs; } /*=================================================================== CViperThreadEvents::Release Standard IUnknown method Parameters: Returns: Ref count ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CViperThreadEvents::Release() { DWORD cRefs = InterlockedDecrement((LPLONG)&m_cRefs); if (cRefs) return cRefs; delete this; return 0; } /*=================================================================== CViperThreadEvents::OnStartup IThreadEvents method implementation. This method is called by Viper whenever they start up a thread. Parameters: None Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CViperThreadEvents::OnStartup() { HRESULT hr; AssertValid(); // Set the desktop for this thread hr = SetDesktop(); return hr; } /*=================================================================== CViperThreadEvents::OnShutdown IThreadEvents method implementation. This method is called by Viper whenever they shut down a thread. Parameters: None Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CViperThreadEvents::OnShutdown() { AssertValid(); return S_OK; } #endif //UNUSED /*=================================================================== G l o b a l F u n c t i o n s ===================================================================*/ /*=================================================================== ViperSetContextProperty Static utility function. Set Viper context property by BSTR and IDispatch*. The real interface takes BSTR and VARIANT. Parameters IContextProperties *pContextProperties Context BSTR bstrPropertyName Name IDispatch *pdispPropertyValue Value Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ static HRESULT ViperSetContextProperty ( IContextProperties *pContextProperties, BSTR bstrPropertyName, IDispatch *pdispPropertyValue ) { // Make VARIANT from IDispatch* pdispPropertyValue->AddRef(); VARIANT Variant; VariantInit(&Variant); V_VT(&Variant) = VT_DISPATCH; V_DISPATCH(&Variant) = pdispPropertyValue; // Call Viper to set the property HRESULT hr = pContextProperties->SetProperty ( bstrPropertyName, Variant ); // Cleanup VariantClear(&Variant); return hr; } /*=================================================================== ViperAttachIntrinsicsToContext Attach ASP intrinsic objects as Viper context properties Parameters - Intrinsics as interface pointers IApplicationObject *pAppln Application (required) ISessionObject *pSession Session (optional) IRequest *pRequest Request (optional) IResponse *pResponse Response (optional) IServer *pServer Server (optional) Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT ViperAttachIntrinsicsToContext ( IApplicationObject *pAppln, ISessionObject *pSession, IRequest *pRequest, IResponse *pResponse, IServer *pServer ) { Assert(pAppln); HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Get Viper Context IObjectContext *pViperContext = NULL; hr = GetObjectContext(&pViperContext); // Get IContextPoperties interface IContextProperties *pContextProperties = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pViperContext->QueryInterface ( IID_IContextProperties, (void **)&pContextProperties ); // Set properties if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = ViperSetContextProperty ( pContextProperties, BSTR_OBJ_APPLICATION, pAppln ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pSession) hr = ViperSetContextProperty ( pContextProperties, BSTR_OBJ_SESSION, pSession ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pRequest) hr = ViperSetContextProperty ( pContextProperties, BSTR_OBJ_REQUEST, pRequest ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pResponse) hr = ViperSetContextProperty ( pContextProperties, BSTR_OBJ_RESPONSE, pResponse ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pServer) hr = ViperSetContextProperty ( pContextProperties, BSTR_OBJ_SERVER, pServer ); // Cleanup if (pContextProperties) pContextProperties->Release(); if (pViperContext) pViperContext->Release(); return hr; } /*=================================================================== ViperGetObjectFromContext Get Viper context property by LPWSTR and return it as IDispatch*. The real interface takes BSTR and VARIANT. Parameters BSTR bstrName Property Name IDispatch **ppdisp [out] Object (Property Value) Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT ViperGetObjectFromContext ( BSTR bstrName, IDispatch **ppdisp ) { Assert(ppdisp); HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Get Viper Context IObjectContext *pViperContext = NULL; hr = GetObjectContext(&pViperContext); // Get IContextPoperties interface IContextProperties *pContextProperties = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pViperContext->QueryInterface ( IID_IContextProperties, (void **)&pContextProperties ); // Get property Value as variant VARIANT Variant; VariantInit(&Variant); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pContextProperties->GetProperty(bstrName, &Variant); // Convert Variant to IDispatch* if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IDispatch *pDisp = NULL; if (V_VT(&Variant) == VT_DISPATCH) pDisp = V_DISPATCH(&Variant); if (pDisp) { pDisp->AddRef(); *ppdisp = pDisp; } else hr = E_FAIL; } // Cleanup VariantClear(&Variant); if (pContextProperties) pContextProperties->Release(); if (pViperContext) pViperContext->Release(); if (FAILED(hr)) *ppdisp = NULL; return hr; } /*=================================================================== ViperGetHitObjFromContext Get Server from Viper context property and get it's current HitObj Parameters CHitObj **ppHitObj [out] Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT ViperGetHitObjFromContext ( CHitObj **ppHitObj ) { *ppHitObj = NULL; IDispatch *pdispServer = NULL; HRESULT hr = ViperGetObjectFromContext(BSTR_OBJ_SERVER, &pdispServer); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; if (pdispServer) { CServer *pServer = static_cast(pdispServer); *ppHitObj = pServer->PHitObj(); pdispServer->Release(); } return *ppHitObj ? S_OK : S_FALSE; } /*=================================================================== ViperCreateInstance Viper's implementation of CoCreateInstance Parameters REFCLSID rclsid class id REFIID riid interface void **ppv [out] pointer to interface Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT ViperCreateInstance ( REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, void **ppv ) { /* DWORD dwClsContext = (Glob(fAllowOutOfProcCmpnts)) ? CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER | CLSCTX_SERVER : CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER; */ // The reasons for supporting ASPAllowOutOfProcComponents seem to have // vanished. Because this only partially worked in II4 and we changed // the default in IIS5 this was causing problems with upgrades. So // we're going to ignore the fAllowOutOfProcCmpnts setting. DWORD dwClsContext = CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER | CLSCTX_SERVER; return CoCreateInstance(rclsid, NULL, dwClsContext, riid, ppv); } /*=================================================================== ViperConfigure Viper settings: # of threads, queue len, in-proc failfast, allow oop components Parameters cThreads -- number of threads fAllowOopComponents -- TRUE or FALSE Returns: HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT ViperConfigure ( DWORD cThreads, BOOL fAllowOopComponents ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IMTSPackage *pPackage = NULL; // // Get hold of the package // hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MTSPackage, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMTSPackage, (void **)&pPackage); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !pPackage) hr = E_FAIL; // // Set knobs // if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { #define MTS_STYLE_THREAD_POOL #ifdef MTS_STYLE_THREAD_POOL IComStaThreadPoolKnobs *pKnobs = NULL; hr = pPackage->QueryInterface(IID_IComStaThreadPoolKnobs, (void **)&pKnobs); #else IThreadPoolKnobs *pKnobs = NULL; hr = pPackage->QueryInterface(IID_IThreadPoolKnobs, (void **)&pKnobs); #endif if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pKnobs) { // number of threads SYSTEM_INFO si; GetSystemInfo(&si); cThreads *= si.dwNumberOfProcessors; #ifdef MTS_STYLE_THREAD_POOL pKnobs->SetMaxThreadCount(cThreads); pKnobs->SetMinThreadCount(si.dwNumberOfProcessors + 7); // queue length pKnobs->SetQueueDepth(30000); pKnobs->SetActivityPerThread(1); #else pKnobs->SetMaxThreads(cThreads); pKnobs->SetMinThreads(si.dwNumberOfProcessors + 7); // queue length pKnobs->SetMaxQueuedRequests(30000); #endif pKnobs->Release(); } } // // Bug 111008: Tell Viper that we do impersonations // if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IImpersonationControl *pImpControl = NULL; hr = pPackage->QueryInterface(IID_IImpersonationControl, (void **)&pImpControl); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pImpControl) { hr = pImpControl->ClientsImpersonate(TRUE); pImpControl->Release(); } } // // Disable FAILFAST for in-proc case // if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !g_fOOP) { IFailfastControl *pFFControl = NULL; hr = pPackage->QueryInterface(IID_IFailfastControl, (void **)&pFFControl); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pFFControl) { pFFControl->SetApplFailfast(FALSE); pFFControl->Release(); } } /* // // Set Allow OOP Components // if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { INonMTSActivation *pNonMTSActivation = NULL; hr = pPackage->QueryInterface(IID_INonMTSActivation, (void **)&pNonMTSActivation); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pNonMTSActivation) { pNonMTSActivation->OutOfProcActivationAllowed(fAllowOopComponents); pNonMTSActivation->Release(); } } */ // // Clean-up // if (pPackage) pPackage->Release(); return hr; } /*=================================================================== C O M H e l p e r A P I ===================================================================*/ /*=================================================================== ViperCoObjectIsaProxy Checks if the given IUnknown* points to a proxy Parameters IUnknown* pUnk pointer to check Returns: BOOL (TRUE if Proxy) ===================================================================*/ BOOL ViperCoObjectIsaProxy ( IUnknown* pUnk ) { HRESULT hr; IUnknown *pUnk2; hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IProxyManager, (void**)&pUnk2); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; pUnk2->Release(); return TRUE; } /*=================================================================== ViperCoObjectAggregatesFTM Checks if the given object agregates free threaded marshaller (is agile) Parameters IUnknown* pUnk pointer to check Returns: BOOL (TRUE if Agile) ===================================================================*/ BOOL ViperCoObjectAggregatesFTM ( IUnknown *pUnk ) { HRESULT hr; IMarshal *pMarshal; GUID guidClsid; hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IMarshal, (void**)&pMarshal); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; hr = pMarshal->GetUnmarshalClass(IID_IUnknown, pUnk, MSHCTX_INPROC, NULL, MSHLFLAGS_NORMAL, &guidClsid); pMarshal->Release(); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; return (guidClsid == CLSID_InProcFreeMarshaler); }