@ECHO OFF if "%1" == "" goto Usage regsvr32 /s servctl.dll regsvr32 /s servctla.dll regsvr32 /s servctlf.dll regsvr32 /s servctlb.dll net start w3svc net start msdtc @echo ************************************************************* @echo Running Smoke Scripts with %1 thread(s) @echo ************************************************************* del logs\*.log cd smoke call ..\denclnt ..\denver smoke %1 ..\ -a1 -p3 -olocalhost cd .. copy smoke\*.asp gsmoke copy smoke\*.htm gsmoke cd gsmoke call ..\denclnt ..\denver gsmoke %1 ..\ -a1 -p3 -olocalhost cd .. rem ************************************************************** rem check to see if developer supplied email rem if so cd to their dir and run those tests rem ************************************************************** if "%2"=="" goto skipdev cd %2 call %2.bat cd .. :skipdev pass goto end :Usage @echo ************************** @echo Usage: @echo smoke NUM_THREADS [email] @echo ************************** :end echo on