These are the replys that may be sent from the FTP Server to an FTP Client. Text enclosed in square brackets (such as [(guest access)]) may optionally appear in the output stream. Text enclosed within percent signs (such as %user_name%) are placeholders for run-time dependent values (such as keithmo). These values are: %anonymous_id% This is the identification sent as a "password" when an anonymous user logs in. %b1,b2,b3,b4,p1,p2% This is part of the response from a request to enter passive mode. b1-b4 specify the local IP address for the passive data socket. p1-p2 specify the local port for the passive data socket. All values are in network byte order. %command_name% The name of a command sent by the FTP client. %command_text% The entire text of a command sent by the FTP client. %connection_timeout% The idle-user timeout value (in seconds). %current_directory_name% A user's current directory. %custom_exit_message% The custom single-line exit message to send when a client QUITs. %custom_greeting_line_x% The custom multi-line greeting message to send when a new client connects. %directory_name% A directory name. %file_name% A file name. %form% A transfer form type. This will always be "Nonprint". %host_name% The name of the local FTP Server host. %long_directory_listing% A long format directory listing. %major_ftp_server_version% The major FTP Server version number. %minor_ftp_server_version% The minor FTP Server version number. %ftp_server_version% %major_ftp_server_version%.%minor_ftp_server_version% %major_windows_version% The major Windows NT version number. %minor_windows_version% The minor Windows NT version number. %mode_type% A transfer mode type. This will always be "STREAM". %struct% A transfer structure type. This will always be "File". %type% A transfer type. This will be either "ASCII" or "BINARY". %users_host_name% The connected FTP client's host name. %users_ip_address% The connected FTP client's IP address (in dot notation). %user_name% The connected users's name. %win32_error_text% A string of text from WINERROR.MC that describes a specific Win32 error condition (such as "Access is denied."). ************************************* *** *** *** POSITIVE PRELIMINARY REPLIES *** *** *** ************************************* 125 Data connection already open; transfer starting. Indicates that a passive mode transfer has been initiated. 150 Opening %mode_type% mode data connection for %file_name%. Indicates that the server is opening a new data connection for the transfer of %file_name%. Whenever a directory listing is requested, this message is sent with %file_name% set to "file list". ************************************ *** *** *** POSITIVE COMPLETION REPLIES *** *** *** ************************************ 200 NOOP command successful. The NOOP command completed. 200 PORT command successful. The NOOP command completed. 200 Type set to %type%. The transfer type was set. 200 STRU %struct% ok. The transfer structure type was set. 200 MODE %mode_type% ok. The transfer mode was set. 200 ALLO command successful. The ALLO command completed. 202 ACCT command not implemented. The ACCT command is superfluous at this site. 202 SMNT command not implemented. The SMNT command is superfluous at this site. 202 SITE command not implemented. The SITE command is superfluous at this site. 211-%host_name% Windows NT FTP Server status: Version %major_ftp_server_version%.%minor_ftp_server_version% Connected to %users_host_name or %users_ip_address% Logged in as %user_name% TYPE: %type%, FORM: %form%, STRUcture: %struct%, transfer MODE: %mode_type% {No data connection or Data connection established} 211 End of status. This multi-line reply is sent whenever a STAT command is received with no arguments. It indicates the general status of the FTP server and the current connection. 213-status of %file_or_directory_name% %long_directory_listing% 213 End of Status. This multi-line reply is sent whenever a STAT command is received with an argument. This functions similarly to DIR {arg}, except that the directory listing is sent over the command socket; a new data transfer socket is not created for the listing. 214-The following commands are recognized (* =>'s unimplemented). USER PASS ACCT CWD XCWD CDUP XCUP SMNT QUIT REIN PORT PASV TYPE STRU MODE RETR STOR STOU APPE ALLO REST* RNFR RNTO ABOR* DELE RMD XRMD MKD XMKD PWD XPWD LIST NLST SITE SYST STAT HELP NOOP 214 HELP command successful. This multi-line reply is sent whenever a HELP command is received with no arguments. It lists all available FTP Server commands. 214 Syntax: USER username This reply is sent whenever a HELP USER command is received. 214 Syntax: PASS password This reply is sent whenever a HELP PASS command is received. 214 Syntax: ACCT (specify account) This reply is sent whenever a HELP ACCT command is received. 214 Syntax: CWD [ directory-name ] This reply is sent whenever a HELP CWD command is received. 214 Syntax: XCWD [ directory-name ] This reply is sent whenever a HELP XCWD command is received. 214 Syntax: CDUP change to parent directory This reply is sent whenever a HELP CDUP command is received. 214 Syntax: XCUP change to parent directory This reply is sent whenever a HELP XCUP command is received. 214 Syntax: SMNT pathname This reply is sent whenever a HELP SMNT command is received. 214 Syntax: QUIT (terminate service) This reply is sent whenever a HELP QUIT command is received. 214 Syntax: REIN (reinitialize server state) This reply is sent whenever a HELP REIN command is received. 214 Syntax: PORT b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5 This reply is sent whenever a HELP PORT command is received. 214 Syntax: PASV (set server in passive mode) This reply is sent whenever a HELP PASV command is received. 214 Syntax: TYPE [ A | E | I | L ] This reply is sent whenever a HELP TYPE command is received. 214 Syntax: STRU (specify file structure) This reply is sent whenever a HELP STRU command is received. 214 Syntax: MODE (specify transfer mode) This reply is sent whenever a HELP MODE command is received. 214 Syntax: RETR file-name This reply is sent whenever a HELP RETR command is received. 214 Syntax: STOR file-name This reply is sent whenever a HELP STOR command is received. 214 Syntax: STOU (store unique file) This reply is sent whenever a HELP STOU command is received. 214 Syntax: APPE file-name This reply is sent whenever a HELP APPE command is received. 214 Syntax: ALLO (allocate storage vacuously) This reply is sent whenever a HELP ALLO command is received. 214 Syntax: REST marker This reply is sent whenever a HELP REST command is received. 214 Syntax: RNFR file-name This reply is sent whenever a HELP RNFR command is received. 214 Syntax: RNTO file-name This reply is sent whenever a HELP RNTO command is received. 214 Syntax: ABOR (abort operation) This reply is sent whenever a HELP ABOR command is received. 214 Syntax: DELE file-name This reply is sent whenever a HELP DELE command is received. 214 Syntax: RMD path-name This reply is sent whenever a HELP RMD command is received. 214 Syntax: XRMD path-name This reply is sent whenever a HELP XRMD command is received. 214 Syntax: MKD path-name This reply is sent whenever a HELP MKD command is received. 214 Syntax: XMKD path-name This reply is sent whenever a HELP XMKD command is received. 214 Syntax: PWD (return current directory) This reply is sent whenever a HELP PWD command is received. 214 Syntax: XPWD (return current directory) This reply is sent whenever a HELP XPWD command is received. 214 Syntax: LIST [ path-name ] This reply is sent whenever a HELP LIST command is received. 214 Syntax: NLST [ path-name ] This reply is sent whenever a HELP NLST command is received. 214 Syntax: SITE (site-specific commands) This reply is sent whenever a HELP SITE command is received. 214 Syntax: SYST (get operating system type) This reply is sent whenever a HELP SYST command is received. 214 Syntax: STAT (get server status) This reply is sent whenever a HELP STAT command is received. 214 Syntax: HELP [ ] This reply is sent whenever a HELP HELP command is received. 214 Syntax: NOOP This reply is sent whenever a HELP NOOP command is received. 214-The following SITE commands are recognized (* =>'s unimplemented). DIRSTYLE CKM HELP 214 HELP command successful. This multi-line reply is sent whenever a SITE HELP command is received with no arguments. It lists all available site-specific FTP Server commands. 214 Syntax: SITE DIRSTYLE (toggle directory format) This reply is sent whenever a SITE HELP DIRSTYLE command is received. 214 Syntax: SITE CKM (toggle directory comments) This reply is sent whenever a SITE HELP CKM command is received. 214 Syntax: SITE HELP [ ] This reply is sent whenever a SITE HELP HELP command is received. 215 Windows_NT version %major_windows_version%.%minor_windows_version% This is sent as a response to the SYST command. 220-%host_name% Windows NT FTP Server (%ftp_server_version%) %custom_greeting_line_1% %custom_greeting_line_2% . . . %custom_greeting_line_N% 220 Service ready for new user. This multi-line reply is sent whenever a new FTP client connects to the server. The custom greeting, if any, comes from the registry. 220 Service ready for new user. This single-line reply is sent after a connection has been reinitialized via the REIN command. 221 Goodbye. This is the default exit message sent in response to a QUIT command. 221 %custom_exit_message% This is the custom exit message sent in response to a QUIT command. 226 Transfer complete. This is sent after a successful data transfer. 227 Entering passive mode %b1,b2,b3,b4,p1,p2% This is sent after a PASV command has successfully created a new data socket. 230 Anonymous user logged in as %anonymous_id% [(guest access)]. This indicates that an anonymous logon has succeeded. (guest access) will be displayed if the user has guest access. 230 User %user_name% logged in [(guest access)]. This indicates that a non-anonymous logon has succeeded. (guest access) will be displayed if the user has guest access. 250 CWD command successful. Indicates the CWD command has completed. 250 RNTO command successful. Indicates the RNTO command has completed. 250 DELE command successful. Indicates the DELE command has completed. 250 RMD command successful. Indicates the RMD command has completed. 250 MKD command successful. Indicates the MKD command has completed. 257 "%current_directory_name%" is current directory. This is sent in response to a PWD command. ************************************** *** *** *** POSITIVE INTERMEDIATE REPLIES *** *** *** ************************************** 331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password. This indicates that a USER command with a user-name of "Anonymous" has been received and accepted. This prompts the user to enter an identity (e-mail name) instead of a password. 331 Password required for %user_name%. This indicates that a USER command with a user-name other than "Anonymous" has been received and accepted. This prompts the user to enter a password. 350 File exists, ready for destination name. Indicates that a RNFR command has completed. ********************************************** *** *** *** TRANSIENT NEGATIVE COMPLETION REPLIES *** *** *** ********************************************** 421 Service not available, closing control connection. Indicates that the FTP Server is unable to accept new connections at this time. 421 Terminating connection. This is sent after a user has been forcibly disconnected. 421 Timeout (%connection_timeout% seconds): closing control connection. Indicates that the idle-user timeout period has expired for this connection. 425 Can't open data connection. Indicates that a new data connection could not be established to the FTP client. 426 Connection closed; transfer aborted. Indicates that an error occurred during a data transfer and the transfer was aborted. ********************************************** *** *** *** PERMANENT NEGATIVE COMPLETION REPLIES *** *** *** ********************************************** 500 %command_text%: comamnd not understood. Either an unknown command was received by the FTP Server or the command had invalid parameters. 501 Unknown command %command_name%. A HELP command was received with a parameter specifying an unknown command. 502 %command_text% command not implemented. The specified command is not implemented by this FTP Server. 503 Bad sequence of commands. A RNTO command was received before a RNFR command. A RNFR command must always preceed a RNTO command. 503 Login with USER first. A PASS command was received before a corresponding USER command. 504 Form must be N or T. An invalid form type was received in the TYPE command. 504 Type E not implemented. The E type was specified in a TYPE command. 504 Byte size must be 8. A byte size other than 8 was specified in a TYPE command. 504 Unimplemented STRU type. A structure type other than File was received in a STRU command. 504 Unimplemented MODE type. A mode type other than Stream was received in a MODE command. 530 Please login with USER and PASS. An unacceptable command was received before the user logged in. 530 User %user_name% cannot log in. The specified user cannot log in at this time. 530 User %user_name% cannot log in, home directory inaccessible. The specified user cannot log in because their home directory is inaccessible. 530 User %user_name% cannot log in, license quota exceeded. The specified user cannot log in due to license quota restrictions. 530 User %user_name% cannot log in, guest access not allowed. The specified user cannot log in because they provided a "guest" account, and guest access has been disabled. 550 %directory_name%: No such file or directory. The specified directory cannot be found. 550 %directory_name%: %win32_error_text% The specified directory cannot be accessed. 550 %file_name%: No such file or directory. The specified file cannot be found. 550 %file_name%: %win32_error_text% The specified file cannot be accessed.