/*++ Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: certupgr.cxx Abstract: Functions used in upgrading server certs from K2 [server cert in metabase] to Avalanche [server cert in CAPI store]. Author: Alex Mallet (amallet) 07-Dec-1997 Boyd Multerer (boydm) 20-Jan-1998 Converted to be useful in setup --*/ #include "stdafx.h" #include #ifndef _CHICAGO_ #include "oidenc.h" // keyring include #include "intrlkey.h" // //Local includes // #include "certupgr.h" //#include "certtools.h" // The below define is in some interal schannel header file. John Banes // told me to just redefine it below as such........ - Boyd LPCSTR SGC_KEY_SALT = "SGCKEYSALT"; // prototypes BOOL DecodeAndImportPrivateKey( PBYTE pbEncodedPrivateKey IN, DWORD cbEncodedPrivateKey IN, PCHAR pszPassword IN, PWCHAR pszKeyContainerIN, CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO *pCryptKeyProvInfo ); BOOL UpdateCSPInfo( PCCERT_CONTEXT pcCertContext ); BOOL FImportAndStoreRequest( PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert, PVOID pbPKCS10req, DWORD cbPKCS10req ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- PCCERT_CONTEXT CopyKRCertToCAPIStore_A( PVOID pbPrivateKey, DWORD cbPrivateKey, PVOID pbPublicKey, DWORD cbPublicKey, PVOID pbPKCS10req, DWORD cbPKCS10req, PCHAR pszPassword, PCHAR pszCAPIStore) { PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert = NULL; // prep the wide strings PWCHAR pszwCAPIStore = NULL; DWORD lenStore = (strlen(pszCAPIStore)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR); pszwCAPIStore = (PWCHAR)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, lenStore ); if ( !pszwCAPIStore ) goto cleanup; // convert the strings MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pszCAPIStore, -1, pszwCAPIStore, lenStore ); // do the real call pCert = CopyKRCertToCAPIStore_W( pbPrivateKey, cbPrivateKey, pbPublicKey, cbPublicKey, pbPKCS10req, cbPKCS10req, pszPassword, pszwCAPIStore ); cleanup: // preserve the last error state DWORD err = GetLastError(); // clean up the strings if ( pszwCAPIStore ) GlobalFree( pszwCAPIStore ); // reset the last error state SetLastError( err ); // return the cert return pCert; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copies an old Key-Ring style cert to the CAPI store. This cert comes in as two binaries and a password. PCCERT_CONTEXT CopyKRCertToCAPIStore_W( PVOID pbPrivateKey, DWORD cbPrivateKey, PVOID pbPublicKey, DWORD cbPublicKey, PVOID pbPKCS10req, DWORD cbPKCS10req, PCHAR pszPassword, PWCHAR pszCAPIStore) /*++ Routine Description: Upgrades K2 server certs to Avalanche server certs - reads server cert out of K2 metabase, creates cert context and stores it in CAPI2 "MY" store and writes relevant information back to metabase. Arguments: pMDObject - pointer to Metabase object pszOldMBPath - path to where server cert is stored in old MB, relative to SSL_W3_KEYS_MD_PATH pszNewMBPath - fully qualified path to where server cert info should be stored in new MB Returns: BOOL indicating success/failure --*/ { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HCERTSTORE hStore = NULL; PCCERT_CONTEXT pcCertContext = NULL; LPOLESTR polestr = NULL; // start by opening the CAPI store that we will be saving the certificate into hStore = CertOpenStore( CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM, 0, NULL, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszCAPIStore ); if ( !hStore ) { // iisDebugOut((_T("Error 0x%x calling CertOpenStore \n"), GetLastError()); goto EndUpgradeServerCert; } // at this point we check to see if a certificate was passed in. If none was, then we need // to create a dummy-temporary certificate that markes the private key as incomplete. That // way, then the real certificate comes back from verisign the regular tools can be used // to complete the key. //CertCreateSelfSignCertificate() // //Create cert context to be stored in CAPI store // pbPublicKey = (PVOID)((PBYTE)pbPublicKey + CERT_DER_PREFIX); cbPublicKey -= CERT_DER_PREFIX; pcCertContext = CertCreateCertificateContext( X509_ASN_ENCODING, (PUCHAR)pbPublicKey, cbPublicKey); if ( pcCertContext ) { // the private key gets stored in a seperate location from the certificate and gets referred to // by the certificate. We should try to pick a unique name so that some other cert won't step // on it by accident. There is no formal format for this name whatsoever. Some groups use a // human-readable string, some use a hash of the cert, and some use a GUID string. All are valid // although for generated certs the hash or the GUID are probably better. // get the 128 big md5 hash of the cert for the name DWORD dwHashSize; BOOL fHash; BYTE MD5Hash[16]; // give it some extra size dwHashSize = sizeof(MD5Hash); fHash = CertGetCertificateContextProperty( pcCertContext, CERT_MD5_HASH_PROP_ID, (VOID *) MD5Hash, &dwHashSize ); // Since the MD5 hash is the same size as a guid, we can use the guid utilities to make a // nice string out of it. HRESULT hresult; hresult = StringFromCLSID( (REFCLSID)MD5Hash, &polestr ); // // Now decode private key blob and import it into CAPI1 private key // CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO CryptKeyProvInfo; if ( DecodeAndImportPrivateKey( (PUCHAR)pbPrivateKey, cbPrivateKey, pszPassword, polestr, &CryptKeyProvInfo ) ) { // // Add the private key to the cert context // BOOL f; f = CertSetCertificateContextProperty( pcCertContext, CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, 0, &CryptKeyProvInfo ); f = UpdateCSPInfo( pcCertContext ); if ( f ) { // // Store it in the provided store // if ( CertAddCertificateContextToStore( hStore, pcCertContext, CERT_STORE_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING, NULL ) ) { fSuccess = TRUE; // Write out the original request as a property on the cert FImportAndStoreRequest( pcCertContext, pbPKCS10req, cbPKCS10req ); } else { // iisDebugOut((_T("Error 0x%x calling CertAddCertificateContextToStore"), GetLastError()); } } else { // iisDebugOut((_T("Error 0x%x calling CertSetCertificateContextProperty"), GetLastError()); } } } else { // iisDebugOut((_T("Error 0x%x calling CertCreateCertificateContext"), GetLastError()); } // //Cleanup that's done only on failure // if ( !fSuccess ) { if ( pcCertContext ) { CertFreeCertificateContext( pcCertContext ); } pcCertContext = NULL; } EndUpgradeServerCert: // cleanup if ( hStore ) CertCloseStore ( hStore, 0 ); if ( polestr ) CoTaskMemFree( polestr ); // return the answer return pcCertContext; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL UpdateCSPInfo( PCCERT_CONTEXT pcCertContext ) { BYTE cbData[1000]; CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO* pProvInfo = (CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO *) cbData; DWORD dwFoo = 1000; BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; if ( ! CertGetCertificateContextProperty( pcCertContext, CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, pProvInfo, &dwFoo ) ) { fSuccess = FALSE; // iisDebugOut((_T("Fudge. failed to get property : 0x%x"), GetLastError()); } else { pProvInfo->dwProvType = PROV_RSA_SCHANNEL; pProvInfo->pwszProvName = NULL; if ( !CertSetCertificateContextProperty( pcCertContext, CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, 0, pProvInfo ) ) { fSuccess = FALSE; // iisDebugOut((_T("Fudge. failed to set property : 0x%x"), GetLastError()); } } // return success return fSuccess; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL DecodeAndImportPrivateKey( PBYTE pbEncodedPrivateKey IN, DWORD cbEncodedPrivateKey IN, PCHAR pszPassword IN, PWCHAR pszKeyContainer IN, CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO *pCryptKeyProvInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: Converts the private key stored in the metabase, in Schannel-internal format, into a key that can be imported via CryptImportKey() to create a CAP1 key blob. Arguments: pbEncodedPrivateKey - pointer to [encoded] private key cbEncodedPrivateKey - size of encoded private key blob pszPassword - password used to encode private key pszKeyContainer - container name for private key pCryptKeyProvInfo - pointer to CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO structure filled in on success Returns: BOOL indicating success/failure --*/ { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; DWORD cbPassword = strlen(pszPassword); PPRIVATE_KEY_FILE_ENCODE pPrivateFile = NULL; DWORD cbPrivateFile = 0; MD5_CTX md5Ctx; struct RC4_KEYSTRUCT rc4Key; DWORD i; HCRYPTPROV hProv = NULL; HCRYPTKEY hPrivateKey = NULL; DWORD cbDecodedPrivateKey = 0; PBYTE pbDecodedPrivateKey = NULL; DWORD err; // //HACK HACK HACK - need to make sure Schannel is initialized, so it registers //its custom decoders, which we make use of in the following code. So, make a //bogus call to an Schannel function // Note: on NT5, the AcquireCredentialsHandle operates in the lsass process and // thus will not properly initialize the stuff we need in our process. Thus we // call SslGenerateRandomBits instead. // DWORD dw; SslGenerateRandomBits( (PUCHAR)&dw, sizeof(dw) ); // We have to do a little fixup here. Old versions of // schannel wrote the wrong header data into the ASN // for private key files, so we must fix the size data. pbEncodedPrivateKey[2] = (BYTE) (((cbEncodedPrivateKey - 4) & 0xFF00) >> 8); //Get MSB pbEncodedPrivateKey[3] = (BYTE) ((cbEncodedPrivateKey - 4) & 0xFF); //Get LSB // // ASN.1 decode the private key. // // // Figure out the size of the buffer needed // if( !CryptDecodeObject(X509_ASN_ENCODING, szPrivateKeyFileEncode, pbEncodedPrivateKey, cbEncodedPrivateKey, 0, NULL, &cbPrivateFile) ) { err = GetLastError(); // iisDebugOut((_T("Error 0x%x decoding the private key"), err); goto EndDecodeKey; } pPrivateFile = (PPRIVATE_KEY_FILE_ENCODE) LocalAlloc( LPTR, cbPrivateFile ); if(pPrivateFile == NULL) { SetLastError( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto EndDecodeKey; } // // Actually fill in the buffer // if( !CryptDecodeObject( X509_ASN_ENCODING, szPrivateKeyFileEncode, pbEncodedPrivateKey, cbEncodedPrivateKey, 0, pPrivateFile, &cbPrivateFile ) ) { err = GetLastError(); // iisDebugOut((_T("Error 0x%x decoding the private key"), err); goto EndDecodeKey; } // // Decrypt the decoded private key using the password. // MD5Init(&md5Ctx); MD5Update(&md5Ctx, (PBYTE) pszPassword, cbPassword); MD5Final(&md5Ctx); rc4_key( &rc4Key, 16, md5Ctx.digest ); // memset( &md5Ctx, 0, sizeof(md5Ctx) ); rc4( &rc4Key, pPrivateFile->EncryptedBlob.cbData, pPrivateFile->EncryptedBlob.pbData ); // // Build a PRIVATEKEYBLOB from the decrypted private key. // // // Figure out size of buffer needed // if( !CryptDecodeObject( X509_ASN_ENCODING, szPrivateKeyInfoEncode, pPrivateFile->EncryptedBlob.pbData, pPrivateFile->EncryptedBlob.cbData, 0, NULL, &cbDecodedPrivateKey ) ) { // NOTE: This stuff is complicated!!! The following code came // from John Banes. Heck this whole routine pretty much came // from John Banes. -- Boyd // Maybe this was a SGC style key. // Re-encrypt it, and build the SGC decrypting // key, and re-decrypt it. BYTE md5Digest[MD5DIGESTLEN]; rc4_key(&rc4Key, 16, md5Ctx.digest); rc4(&rc4Key, pPrivateFile->EncryptedBlob.cbData, pPrivateFile->EncryptedBlob.pbData); CopyMemory(md5Digest, md5Ctx.digest, MD5DIGESTLEN); MD5Init(&md5Ctx); MD5Update(&md5Ctx, md5Digest, MD5DIGESTLEN); MD5Update(&md5Ctx, (PUCHAR)SGC_KEY_SALT, strlen(SGC_KEY_SALT)); MD5Final(&md5Ctx); rc4_key(&rc4Key, 16, md5Ctx.digest); rc4(&rc4Key, pPrivateFile->EncryptedBlob.cbData, pPrivateFile->EncryptedBlob.pbData); // Try again... if(!CryptDecodeObject(X509_ASN_ENCODING, szPrivateKeyInfoEncode, pPrivateFile->EncryptedBlob.pbData, pPrivateFile->EncryptedBlob.cbData, 0, NULL, &cbDecodedPrivateKey)) { ZeroMemory(&md5Ctx, sizeof(md5Ctx)); err = GetLastError(); goto EndDecodeKey; } } pbDecodedPrivateKey = (PBYTE) LocalAlloc( LPTR, cbDecodedPrivateKey ); if( pbDecodedPrivateKey == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto EndDecodeKey; } // // Actually fill in the buffer // if( !CryptDecodeObject( X509_ASN_ENCODING, szPrivateKeyInfoEncode, pPrivateFile->EncryptedBlob.pbData, pPrivateFile->EncryptedBlob.cbData, 0, pbDecodedPrivateKey, &cbDecodedPrivateKey ) ) { err = GetLastError(); // iisDebugOut((_T("Error 0x%x decoding the private key"), err); goto EndDecodeKey; } // On NT 4 the ff holds true : <- from Alex Mallet // Although key is going to be used for key exchange, mark it as being // used for signing, because only 512-bit key exchange keys are supported // in the non-domestic rsabase.dll, whereas signing keys can be up to // 2048 bits. // // On NT 5, PROV_RSA_FULL should be changed to PROV_RSA_SCHANNEL, and // aiKeyAlg to CALG_RSA_KEYX, because PROV_RSA_SCHANNEL, which is only // installed on NT 5, supports 1024-bit private keys for key exchange // // On NT4, Schannel doesn't care whether a key is marked for signing or exchange, // but on NT5 it does, so aiKeyAlg must be set appropriately // ((BLOBHEADER *) pbDecodedPrivateKey)->aiKeyAlg = CALG_RSA_KEYX; // // Clean out the key container, pszKeyContainer // CryptAcquireContext(&hProv, pszKeyContainer, NULL, PROV_RSA_SCHANNEL, CRYPT_DELETEKEYSET | CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET); // // Create a CryptoAPI key container in which to store the key. // if( !CryptAcquireContext( &hProv, pszKeyContainer, NULL, PROV_RSA_SCHANNEL, CRYPT_NEWKEYSET | CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET)) { err = GetLastError(); // iisDebugOut((_T("Error 0x%x calling CryptAcquireContext"), err); goto EndDecodeKey; } // // Import the private key blob into the key container. // if( !CryptImportKey( hProv, pbDecodedPrivateKey, cbDecodedPrivateKey, 0, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, //so we can export it later &hPrivateKey ) ) { err = GetLastError(); // iisDebugOut((_T("Error 0x%x importing PRIVATEKEYBLOB"), err); goto EndDecodeKey; } // // Fill in the CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO structure, with the same parameters we // used in the call to CryptAcquireContext() above // // // container name in the structure is a unicode string, so we need to convert // if ( pszKeyContainer != NULL ) { // point the key container name to the passed in string // WARNING: this does not actually copy the string, just the pointer // to it. So the strings needs to remain valid until the ProvInfo is commited. pCryptKeyProvInfo->pwszContainerName = pszKeyContainer; } else { pCryptKeyProvInfo->pwszContainerName = NULL; } pCryptKeyProvInfo->pwszProvName = NULL; pCryptKeyProvInfo->dwProvType = PROV_RSA_FULL; pCryptKeyProvInfo->dwFlags = 0x20; // allow the cert to be exchanged pCryptKeyProvInfo->cProvParam = 0; pCryptKeyProvInfo->rgProvParam = NULL; pCryptKeyProvInfo->dwKeySpec = AT_KEYEXCHANGE; // allow the cert to be exchanged fSuccess = TRUE; EndDecodeKey: // // Clean-up that happens regardless of success/failure // if ( pPrivateFile ) { LocalFree( pPrivateFile ); } if ( pbDecodedPrivateKey ) { LocalFree( pbDecodedPrivateKey ); } if ( hPrivateKey ) { CryptDestroyKey( hPrivateKey ); } if ( hProv ) { CryptReleaseContext( hProv, 0 ); } return fSuccess; } //DecodeAndImportPrivateKey //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*++ Routine Description: Takes an incoming PKCS10 request and saves it as a property attached to the key. It also checks if the request is in the old internal Keyring format or not...... Arguments: pCert - CAPI certificate context pointer for the cert to save the request on pbPKCS10req - pointer to the request cbPKCS10req - size of the request Returns: BOOL indicating success/failure --*/ BOOL FImportAndStoreRequest( PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert, PVOID pbPKCS10req, DWORD cbPKCS10req ) { BOOL f; DWORD err; // if any NULLS are passed in, fail gracefully if ( !pCert || !pbPKCS10req || !cbPKCS10req ) return FALSE; // first, check if the incoming request is actually pointing to an old KeyRing internal // request format. That just means that the real request is actuall slightly into // the block. The way you tell is by testing the first DWORD to see it // is REQUEST_HEADER_IDENTIFIER // start by seeing if this is a new style key request LPREQUEST_HEADER pHeader = (LPREQUEST_HEADER)pbPKCS10req; if ( pHeader->Identifier == REQUEST_HEADER_IDENTIFIER ) { // update the request pointer and data count pbPKCS10req = (PBYTE)pbPKCS10req + pHeader->cbSizeOfHeader; cbPKCS10req = pHeader->cbRequestSize; } // now save the request onto the key CRYPT_DATA_BLOB dataBlob; ZeroMemory( &dataBlob, sizeof(dataBlob) ); dataBlob.pbData = (PBYTE)pbPKCS10req; // pointer to blob data dataBlob.cbData = cbPKCS10req; // blob length info f = CertSetCertificateContextProperty( pCert, CERTWIZ_REQUEST_PROP_ID, 0, &dataBlob ); err = GetLastError(); /* HRESULT hRes = CertTool_SetBinaryBlobProp( pCert, // cert context to set the prop on pbPKCS10req, // pointer to blob data cbPKCS10req, // blob length info CERTWIZ_REQUEST_PROP_ID,// property ID for context TRUE // the request is already encoded ); */ return f; } #endif //_CHICAGO_