//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1998. // // File: keycur.hxx // // Contents: Key cursor classes // // Classes: CKeyCursor - 'The mother of all key cursors' // // History: 15-Apr-91 KyleP Created. // 26-Sep-91 BartoszM Made it a subclass // 18-Feb-92 AmyA Changed from CIndexCursor to // CKeyCursor. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once #include <misc.hxx> #include <ocursor.hxx> class CKeyBuf; //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: CKeyCursor // // Purpose: The root class for all key cursors // // Interface: // // History: 15-Apr-91 KyleP Created. // 22-Jul-92 BartoszM added weight, rank, and max wid // 23-Jun-94 SitaramR removed _widMax. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CKeyCursor : public COccCursor { public: CKeyCursor ( INDEXID iid, WORKID widMax ) : COccCursor(iid, widMax), _lStatWeight( 0xffffffff ) {} CKeyCursor () {} virtual const CKeyBuf * GetKey() = 0; // GetNextKey should always update _pid! // and _lStatWeight virtual const CKeyBuf * GetNextKey() = 0; virtual ULONG OccurrenceCount() { return(0); } virtual WORKID MaxWorkId() { return(_widMax); } virtual LONG Rank() { LONG rank; // // Only string keys really have a rank with any meaning. // if ( GetKey()->IsValue() ) { rank = MAX_QUERY_RANK; } else { OCCURRENCE maxOcc = MaxOccurrence(); Win4Assert( maxOcc > 0 ); Win4Assert( 0xffffffff != _lStatWeight ); rank = RANK_MULTIPLIER * HitCount() * _lStatWeight / maxOcc; #if CIDBG == 1 if ( rank < 0 ) ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "keycur rank 0x%x, maxOcc 0x%x, _lStatWeight 0x%x, HitCount 0x%x\n", rank, maxOcc, _lStatWeight, HitCount() )); #endif if (rank > MAX_QUERY_RANK) rank = MAX_QUERY_RANK; } return rank; } virtual void FreeStream() {} virtual void RefillStream() {} void RatioFinished ( ULONG& denom, ULONG& num ) { Win4Assert ( !"RatioFinished called for random CKeyCursor" ); } #ifdef CIEXTMODE void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf); #endif protected: void UpdateWeight() { ULONG widCount = WorkIdCount(); if ( widCount == 0 ) _lStatWeight = 0; else _lStatWeight = Log2(_widMax / widCount); } LONG _lStatWeight; // statistical weight for current key };