//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO // THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // // Sample Name: VJQuery - Sample Visual J++ Query Application // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description =========== The VJQuery sample is an example command-line application written in Visual J++ that illustrates how to query Indexing Service using the SQL query language and the ADO API. Path ==== Source: mssdk\samples\winbase\indexing\VJQuery\ User's Guide ============ * To build the sample 1. In the Visual J++ development environment, open the VJQuery.vjp project from the source path of the sample. 2. In the Build menu, select Build. * To execute a default query using the sample 1. Make sure that Indexing Service is started. 2. In the Debug menu, select Start. 3. In the JView window, read the results of the default SQL query SELECT Filename, Size, Write, Path FROM SCOPE('DEEP TRAVERSAL OF "\"') WHERE CONTAINS('"Indexing Service"') * To specify a complete SQL statement for a query using the sample 1. Make sure that Indexing Service is started. 2. Set the PATH environment variable to include "D:\mssdk\Bin", where D: is the drive on which you installed the Platform SDK. 3. Open a command window and change the directory to the path of the built sample. 4. Formulate a query that you know will succeed. You need to know the machine, catalog, scope, and query text. 5. Submit a complete SQL statement by entering, at the command-line prompt, jview /p /cp:p "" VJQuery -s where is a complete SQL statement such as the preceding default SQL query. You must escape any double-quote characters in the text of the parameter. * To specify only a WHERE clause for a query using the sample 1. Make sure that Indexing Service is started. 2. Set the PATH environment variable to include "D:\mssdk\Bin", where D: is the drive on which you installed the Platform SDK. 3. Open a command window and change the directory to the path of the built sample. 4. Formulate a query that you know will succeed. You need to know the machine, catalog, scope, and query text. 5. Submit text for a WHERE clause that is concatenated to the following incomplete, fixed SQL statement SELECT Filename, Size, Write, Path FROM SCOPE('DEEP TRAVERSAL OF "\"') WHERE by entering, at the command-line prompt, jview /p /cp:p "" VJQuery where is the desired text to follow the WHERE keyword. You must escape any double quotes in the text of the parameter. For example, to duplicate the default SQL query, enter jview /p /cp:p "" VJQuery CONTAINS('\"Indexing Service\"') Programming Notes ================= The Query class has methods that set the text of the query, execute the query, and display the results of the query. * Either the SetRawSql method or the SetSqlWhere method sets the m_SqlText variable to the specified SQL statement. * The Execute method executes the query. It creates an ADO Recordset object and executes the query by opening the object with the SQL text and the OLE DB Provider for Indexing Service. * The Display method enumerates the resulting values of the fields from the Recordset object and prints them.