/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: ARPD.H Abstract: Include file for Another Reliable Protocol internal, CPP version Author: Aaron Ogus (aarono) Environment: Win32/COM Revision History: Date Author Description ====== ====== ============================================================ 12/10/96 aarono Original --*/ #ifndef _ARPD_H_ #define _ARPD_H_ typedef VOID (*PSEND_CALLBACK)(PVOID Context,UINT Status); typedef struct _ASYNCSENDINFO { UINT Reserved[4]; HANDLE hEvent; // Event to signal on send complete. PSEND_CALLBACK SendCallBack; // Callback to call on send complete. PVOID CallBackContext;// Context for callback. PUINT pStatus; // place to put status on completion. } ASYNCSENDINFO, *PASYNCSENDINFO; #define SEND_STATUS_QUEUED 0x00000001 #define SEND_STATUS_TRANSMITTING 0x00000002 #define SEND_STATUS_FAILURE 0x80000003 #define SEND_STATUS_SUCCESS 0x80000004 #endif //_ARPD_H_