/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | PERS.C | This file has the IPersistStorage and IPersistfile interface implementation. | | Created By: Vij Rajarajan (VijR) +---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define SERVERONLY #include #include "mpole.h" #include "mplayer.h" #define STGM_SALL (STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE) /************************************************************************** *************** IPersistStorage INTERFACE IMPLEMENTATION. **************************************************************************/ //delegate to the common IUnknown implementation. STDMETHODIMP PSQueryInterface( LPPERSISTSTORAGE lpPersStg, // persist storage object ptr REFIID riidReq, // IID required LPVOID FAR * lplpUnk // pre for returning the interface ) { return UnkQueryInterface((LPUNKNOWN)lpPersStg, riidReq, lplpUnk); } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) PSAddRef( LPPERSISTSTORAGE lpPersStg // persist storage object ptr ) { return UnkAddRef((LPUNKNOWN) lpPersStg); } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) PSRelease ( LPPERSISTSTORAGE lpPersStg // persist storage object ptr ) { return UnkRelease((LPUNKNOWN) lpPersStg); } STDMETHODIMP PSGetClassID ( LPPERSISTSTORAGE lpPersStg, CLSID FAR* pClsid ) { DPF("PSGetClassID\n"); /* Return the actual class ID that gets stored: */ *pClsid = gClsIDOLE1Compat; return NOERROR; } STDMETHODIMP PSIsDirty ( LPPERSISTSTORAGE lpPersStg ) {DPF("PSIsDirty\n"); RETURN_RESULT( (fDocChanged && !(gfPlayingInPlace || gfOle2IPPlaying)) ? S_OK : S_FALSE); } STDMETHODIMP PSInitNew ( LPPERSISTSTORAGE lpPersStg, LPSTORAGE lpStorage ) { return NOERROR; } /************************************************************************** * PSLoad: * The Load method reads the embedded data from the "\1Ole10Native" * stream of the IStorage passed as an argument. This is because * we always pretend to be an OLE1 server when transferring data. * ItemSetData is called with this embedded data to to run the required * object. **************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP PSLoad ( LPPERSISTSTORAGE lpPersStg, LPSTORAGE lpStorage ) { LPDOC lpdoc; SCODE error; LPSTREAM pstm; ULONG cbRead; DWORD size = 0; HGLOBAL hNative = NULL; LPTSTR lpnative = NULL; DPF("\nPSLoad is being called\n"); lpdoc = ((struct CPersistStorageImpl FAR*)lpPersStg)->lpdoc; error = GetScode(IStorage_OpenStream(lpStorage, sz1Ole10Native, NULL, STGM_SALL, 0, &pstm)); if (error == S_OK) { error = GetScode(IStream_Read(pstm, &size, 4, &cbRead)); } if (error == S_OK) { hNative = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE |GMEM_ZEROINIT, (LONG)size); if (hNative) lpdoc->native = GLOBALLOCK(hNative); } if(lpdoc->native ) { error = GetScode(IStream_Read(pstm, lpdoc->native, size, &cbRead)); if (cbRead != size) error = E_FAIL; // REVIEW SCODE stream size error IStream_Release(pstm); } else error = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (error == S_OK) { error = ItemSetData((LPBYTE)lpdoc->native); fDocChanged = FALSE; lpdoc->doctype = doctypeEmbedded; } if(hNative) { GLOBALUNLOCK(hNative); GLOBALFREE(hNative); } RETURN_RESULT( error); } /************************************************************************** * PSSave: * The Save method saves the native data in "\1Ole10Native" stream. * This is because we always pretend to be an OLE1 server when transferring * data. This ensures backward compatibility. GetLink is called to get * the embedding data. **************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP PSSave ( LPPERSISTSTORAGE lpPersStg, LPSTORAGE lpStorage, BOOL fSameAsLoad ) { LPDOC lpdoc; SCODE error; LPSTREAM pstm = NULL; ULONG cbWritten; DWORD_PTR size; HGLOBAL hNative = NULL; LPTSTR lpnative = NULL; LPWSTR lpszUserType; DPF("* in pssave *"); lpdoc = ((struct CPersistStorageImpl FAR*)lpPersStg)->lpdoc; #if 0 // Allow saves if we're playing so that broken links can be fixed. if (fSameAsLoad && (gfOle2IPPlaying || gfPlayingInPlace)) RETURN_RESULT(S_OK); #endif //Mark as OLE1 mplayer object. #ifndef UNICODE lpszUserType = AllocateUnicodeString(gachClassRoot); #else lpszUserType = gachClassRoot; #endif error = GetScode(WriteClassStg(lpStorage, &gClsIDOLE1Compat)); error = GetScode(WriteFmtUserTypeStg(lpStorage, cfMPlayer, lpszUserType)); #ifndef UNICODE FreeUnicodeString(lpszUserType); #endif if(error != S_OK) RETURN_RESULT(error); error = GetScode(IStorage_CreateStream(lpStorage, sz1Ole10Native, STGM_SALL | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, 0,0, &pstm)); if (error == STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS) { error = GetScode(IStorage_OpenStream(lpStorage, sz1Ole10Native, NULL, STGM_SALL, 0,&pstm)); DPF("*pssave--openstream*"); } if(pstm && (error == S_OK)) hNative = GetLink(); if (hNative) { lpnative = GLOBALLOCK(hNative); size = GlobalSize(hNative); } else error = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (lpnative && (size != 0L)) { error = GetScode(IStream_Write(pstm, &size, 4, &cbWritten)); error = GetScode(IStream_Write(pstm, lpnative, (ULONG)size, &cbWritten)); DPF("\n*After pssave write"); if (cbWritten != size) error = E_FAIL ; // REVIEW SCODE stream full error IStream_Release(pstm); } CleanObject(); GLOBALUNLOCK(hNative); GLOBALFREE(hNative); RETURN_RESULT(error); } /* InPowerPointSlideView * * Check the class name of the container window to see if we're in PowerPoint. * This is to support the horrible hack to get around problem of PowerPoint * crashing if we delete an empty Media Clip. * */ STATICFN BOOL InPowerPointSlideView() { TCHAR ClassName[256]; if (GetClassName(ghwndCntr, ClassName, CHAR_COUNT(ClassName)) > 0) { if (lstrcmp(ClassName, TEXT("paneClassDC")) == 0) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } STDMETHODIMP PSSaveCompleted ( LPPERSISTSTORAGE lpPersStg, LPSTORAGE lpStorage ) { LPDOC lpdoc; DPF("\n**pssavecompleted**"); lpdoc = ((struct CPersistStorageImpl FAR*)lpPersStg)->lpdoc; /* Win95 HOT bug #11142 * * Stop PowerPoint crashing horribly: */ if ((gwDeviceID == 0) && InPowerPointSlideView()) SendDocMsg(lpdoc, OLE_CHANGED); // inform clients that the object has been saved return SendDocMsg (lpdoc, OLE_SAVED); } STDMETHODIMP PSHandsOffStorage ( LPPERSISTSTORAGE lpPersStg ) { return NOERROR; } /************************************************************************** ************ IPersistFile INTERFACE IMPLEMENTATION. **************************************************************************/ //delegate to common IUnknown implementation. STDMETHODIMP PFQueryInterface( LPPERSISTFILE lpPersFile, // persist storage object ptr REFIID riidReq, // IID required LPVOID FAR * lplpUnk // pre for returning the interface ) { return UnkQueryInterface((LPUNKNOWN)lpPersFile, riidReq, lplpUnk); } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) PFAddRef( LPPERSISTFILE lpPersFile // persist storage object ptr ) { return UnkAddRef((LPUNKNOWN) lpPersFile); } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) PFRelease ( LPPERSISTFILE lpPersFile // persist storage object ptr ) { return UnkRelease((LPUNKNOWN) lpPersFile); } STDMETHODIMP PFGetClassID ( LPPERSISTFILE lpPersFile, CLSID FAR* pCid ) { DPF("\n* PFGetclassid"); /* The docs are confusing here, but apparently IPersist interfaces * should return the old class ID: */ *pCid = gClsIDOLE1Compat; return NOERROR; } STDMETHODIMP PFIsDirty ( LPPERSISTFILE lpPersFile ) { RETURN_RESULT( gfDirty ? S_OK : S_FALSE); } //This will be called when the user does a "Insert->Create from file". //Open the file with OpenMciDevice and we will be ready to transfer the //object. STDMETHODIMP PFLoad ( LPPERSISTFILE lpPersFile, LPCWSTR lpszFileName, DWORD grfMode ) { LPDOC lpdoc; TCHAR szFileName[256]; lpdoc = ((struct CPersistStorageImpl FAR*)lpPersFile)->lpdoc; DPF("\n***IN PFLOAD: "DTS"\n", lpszFileName); #if UNICODE lstrcpy(szFileName, lpszFileName); #else UnicodeToAnsiString(lpszFileName, szFileName, UNKNOWN_LENGTH); #endif if(OpenMciDevice(szFileName, NULL)) RETURN_RESULT(S_OK); else RETURN_RESULT(E_FAIL); } STDMETHODIMP PFSave ( LPPERSISTFILE lpPersFile, LPCWSTR lpszFileName, BOOL fRemember ) { return NOERROR; } STDMETHODIMP PFSaveCompleted ( LPPERSISTFILE lpPersFile, LPCWSTR lpszFileName ) { LPDOC lpdoc; lpdoc = ((struct CPersistStorageImpl FAR*)lpPersFile)->lpdoc; // inform clients that the object has been saved return SendDocMsg(lpdoc, OLE_SAVED); } STDMETHODIMP PFGetCurFile ( LPPERSISTFILE lpPersFile, LPWSTR FAR* lplpszFileName ) { RETURN_RESULT( E_NOTIMPL); }