/* ** Copyright 1991-1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. */ /* * AUTOMATICALLY UPDATED OR GENERATED BY SGI: DO NOT EDIT * IF YOU MUST MODIFY THIS FILE, PLEASE CONTACT ptar@sgi.com 415-390-1483 */ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop #define const // Don't bother with const #include #include "glsbmsg.h" #include "glsbmsgh.h" VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glAddSwapHintRectWIN ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_ADDSWAPHINTRECTWIN *pMsg ) { __glim_AddSwapHintRectWIN( pMsg->xs, pMsg->ys, pMsg->xe, pMsg->ye); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glDrawPolyArray ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_DRAWPOLYARRAY *pMsg ) { __glim_DrawPolyArray( pMsg->pa0 ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glColor4fv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_COLOR4FV *pMsg ) { __glim_Color4fv( pMsg->v ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glEdgeFlag ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_EDGEFLAG *pMsg ) { __glim_EdgeFlag( pMsg->flag ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glIndexf ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_INDEXF *pMsg ) { __glim_Indexf( pMsg->c ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glNormal3fv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_NORMAL3FV *pMsg ) { __glim_Normal3fv( pMsg->v ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glRasterPos4fv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_RASTERPOS4FV *pMsg ) { __glim_RasterPos4fv( pMsg->v ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glTexCoord4fv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_TEXCOORD4FV *pMsg ) { __glim_TexCoord4fv( pMsg->v ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glClipPlane ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_CLIPPLANE *pMsg ) { __glim_ClipPlane( pMsg->plane, pMsg->equation ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glColorMaterial ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_COLORMATERIAL *pMsg ) { __glim_ColorMaterial( pMsg->face, pMsg->mode ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glCullFace ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_CULLFACE *pMsg ) { __glim_CullFace( pMsg->mode ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glFogfv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_FOGFV *pMsg ) { __glim_Fogfv( pMsg->pname, &pMsg->params[0] ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glFrontFace ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_FRONTFACE *pMsg ) { __glim_FrontFace( pMsg->mode ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glHint ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_HINT *pMsg ) { __glim_Hint( pMsg->target, pMsg->mode ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glLightfv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_LIGHTFV *pMsg ) { __glim_Lightfv( pMsg->light, pMsg->pname, &pMsg->params[0] ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glLightModelfv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_LIGHTMODELFV *pMsg ) { __glim_LightModelfv( pMsg->pname, &pMsg->params[0] ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glLineStipple ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_LINESTIPPLE *pMsg ) { __glim_LineStipple( pMsg->factor, pMsg->pattern ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glLineWidth ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_LINEWIDTH *pMsg ) { __glim_LineWidth( pMsg->width ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glMaterialfv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_MATERIALFV *pMsg ) { __glim_Materialfv( pMsg->face, pMsg->pname, &pMsg->params[0] ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPointSize ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_POINTSIZE *pMsg ) { __glim_PointSize( pMsg->size ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPolygonMode ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_POLYGONMODE *pMsg ) { __glim_PolygonMode( pMsg->face, pMsg->mode ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glScissor ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_SCISSOR *pMsg ) { __glim_Scissor( pMsg->x, pMsg->y, pMsg->width, pMsg->height ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glShadeModel ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_SHADEMODEL *pMsg ) { __glim_ShadeModel( pMsg->mode ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glTexParameterfv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_TEXPARAMETERFV *pMsg ) { __glim_TexParameterfv( pMsg->target, pMsg->pname, &pMsg->params[0] ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glTexParameteriv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_TEXPARAMETERIV *pMsg ) { __glim_TexParameteriv( pMsg->target, pMsg->pname, &pMsg->params[0] ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glTexEnvfv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_TEXENVFV *pMsg ) { __glim_TexEnvfv( pMsg->target, pMsg->pname, &pMsg->params[0] ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glTexEnviv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_TEXENVIV *pMsg ) { __glim_TexEnviv( pMsg->target, pMsg->pname, &pMsg->params[0] ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glTexGenfv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_TEXGENFV *pMsg ) { __glim_TexGenfv( pMsg->coord, pMsg->pname, &pMsg->params[0] ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glInitNames ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_INITNAMES *pMsg ) { __glim_InitNames( ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glLoadName ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_LOADNAME *pMsg ) { __glim_LoadName( pMsg->name ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPassThrough ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_PASSTHROUGH *pMsg ) { __glim_PassThrough( pMsg->token ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPopName ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_POPNAME *pMsg ) { __glim_PopName( ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPushName ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_PUSHNAME *pMsg ) { __glim_PushName( pMsg->name ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glDrawBuffer ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_DRAWBUFFER *pMsg ) { __glim_DrawBuffer( pMsg->mode ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glClear ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_CLEAR *pMsg ) { __glim_Clear( pMsg->mask ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glClearAccum ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_CLEARACCUM *pMsg ) { __glim_ClearAccum( pMsg->red, pMsg->green, pMsg->blue, pMsg->alpha ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glClearIndex ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_CLEARINDEX *pMsg ) { __glim_ClearIndex( pMsg->c ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glClearColor ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_CLEARCOLOR *pMsg ) { __glim_ClearColor( pMsg->red, pMsg->green, pMsg->blue, pMsg->alpha ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glClearStencil ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_CLEARSTENCIL *pMsg ) { __glim_ClearStencil( pMsg->s ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glClearDepth ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_CLEARDEPTH *pMsg ) { __glim_ClearDepth( pMsg->depth ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glStencilMask ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_STENCILMASK *pMsg ) { __glim_StencilMask( pMsg->mask ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glColorMask ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_COLORMASK *pMsg ) { __glim_ColorMask( pMsg->red, pMsg->green, pMsg->blue, pMsg->alpha ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glDepthMask ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_DEPTHMASK *pMsg ) { __glim_DepthMask( pMsg->flag ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glIndexMask ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_INDEXMASK *pMsg ) { __glim_IndexMask( pMsg->mask ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glAccum ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_ACCUM *pMsg ) { __glim_Accum( pMsg->op, pMsg->value ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glDisable ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_DISABLE *pMsg ) { __glim_Disable( pMsg->cap ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glEnable ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_ENABLE *pMsg ) { __glim_Enable( pMsg->cap ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPopAttrib ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_POPATTRIB *pMsg ) { __glim_PopAttrib( ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPushAttrib ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_PUSHATTRIB *pMsg ) { __glim_PushAttrib( pMsg->mask ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glAlphaFunc ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_ALPHAFUNC *pMsg ) { __glim_AlphaFunc( pMsg->func, pMsg->ref ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glBlendFunc ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_BLENDFUNC *pMsg ) { __glim_BlendFunc( pMsg->sfactor, pMsg->dfactor ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glLogicOp ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_LOGICOP *pMsg ) { __glim_LogicOp( pMsg->opcode ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glStencilFunc ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_STENCILFUNC *pMsg ) { __glim_StencilFunc( pMsg->func, pMsg->ref, pMsg->mask ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glStencilOp ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_STENCILOP *pMsg ) { __glim_StencilOp( pMsg->fail, pMsg->zfail, pMsg->zpass ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glDepthFunc ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_DEPTHFUNC *pMsg ) { __glim_DepthFunc( pMsg->func ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPixelZoom ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_PIXELZOOM *pMsg ) { __glim_PixelZoom( pMsg->xfactor, pMsg->yfactor ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPixelTransferf ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_PIXELTRANSFERF *pMsg ) { __glim_PixelTransferf( pMsg->pname, pMsg->param ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPixelTransferi ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_PIXELTRANSFERI *pMsg ) { __glim_PixelTransferi( pMsg->pname, pMsg->param ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPixelStoref ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_PIXELSTOREF *pMsg ) { __glim_PixelStoref( pMsg->pname, pMsg->param ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPixelStorei ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_PIXELSTOREI *pMsg ) { __glim_PixelStorei( pMsg->pname, pMsg->param ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPixelMapfv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_PIXELMAPFV *pMsg ) { // VARIABLE_IN VOID *pData; VOID *NextOffset; NextOffset = (VOID *) ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); pData = (VOID *) pMsg->valuesOff; __glim_PixelMapfv( pMsg->map, pMsg->mapsize, pData ); return( NextOffset ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPixelMapuiv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_PIXELMAPUIV *pMsg ) { // VARIABLE_IN VOID *pData; VOID *NextOffset; NextOffset = (VOID *) ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); pData = (VOID *) pMsg->valuesOff; __glim_PixelMapuiv( pMsg->map, pMsg->mapsize, pData ); return( NextOffset ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPixelMapusv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_PIXELMAPUSV *pMsg ) { // VARIABLE_IN VOID *pData; VOID *NextOffset; NextOffset = (VOID *) ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); pData = (VOID *) pMsg->valuesOff; __glim_PixelMapusv( pMsg->map, pMsg->mapsize, pData ); return( NextOffset ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glReadBuffer ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_READBUFFER *pMsg ) { __glim_ReadBuffer( pMsg->mode ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glCopyPixels ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_COPYPIXELS *pMsg ) { #ifdef _MCD_ if (((__GLGENcontext *)gc)->pMcdState) { // This function potentially touches the framebuffer memory. Since, // this function is not going to first pass through the MCD driver // (which would give the MCD driver the oportunity to sync to the HW), // we need to do this synchronization explicitly. GenMcdSynchronize((__GLGENcontext *)gc); } #endif __glim_CopyPixels( pMsg->x, pMsg->y, pMsg->width, pMsg->height, pMsg->type ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetBooleanv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETBOOLEANV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetBooleanv( pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetClipPlane ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETCLIPPLANE *pMsg ) { __glim_GetClipPlane( pMsg->plane, pMsg->equation ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetDoublev ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETDOUBLEV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetDoublev( pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetError ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETERROR *pMsg ) { GLTEB_RETURNVALUE() = (ULONG)__glim_GetError( ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetFloatv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETFLOATV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetFloatv( pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetIntegerv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETINTEGERV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetIntegerv( pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetLightfv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETLIGHTFV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetLightfv( pMsg->light, pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetLightiv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETLIGHTIV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetLightiv( pMsg->light, pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetMapdv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETMAPDV *pMsg ) { // VARIABLE_OUT VOID *pData; VOID *NextOffset; NextOffset = (VOID *) ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); pData = (VOID *) pMsg->vOff; __glim_GetMapdv( pMsg->target, pMsg->query, pData ); return( NextOffset ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetMapfv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETMAPFV *pMsg ) { // VARIABLE_OUT VOID *pData; VOID *NextOffset; NextOffset = (VOID *) ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); pData = (VOID *) pMsg->vOff; __glim_GetMapfv( pMsg->target, pMsg->query, pData ); return( NextOffset ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetMapiv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETMAPIV *pMsg ) { // VARIABLE_OUT VOID *pData; VOID *NextOffset; NextOffset = (VOID *) ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); pData = (VOID *) pMsg->vOff; __glim_GetMapiv( pMsg->target, pMsg->query, pData ); return( NextOffset ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetMaterialfv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETMATERIALFV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetMaterialfv( pMsg->face, pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetMaterialiv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETMATERIALIV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetMaterialiv( pMsg->face, pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetPixelMapfv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETPIXELMAPFV *pMsg ) { // VARIABLE_OUT VOID *pData; VOID *NextOffset; NextOffset = (VOID *) ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); pData = (VOID *) pMsg->valuesOff; __glim_GetPixelMapfv( pMsg->map, pData ); return( NextOffset ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetPixelMapuiv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETPIXELMAPUIV *pMsg ) { // VARIABLE_OUT VOID *pData; VOID *NextOffset; NextOffset = (VOID *) ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); pData = (VOID *) pMsg->valuesOff; __glim_GetPixelMapuiv( pMsg->map, pData ); return( NextOffset ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetPixelMapusv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETPIXELMAPUSV *pMsg ) { // VARIABLE_OUT VOID *pData; VOID *NextOffset; NextOffset = (VOID *) ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); pData = (VOID *) pMsg->valuesOff; __glim_GetPixelMapusv( pMsg->map, pData ); return( NextOffset ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetTexEnvfv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETTEXENVFV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetTexEnvfv( pMsg->target, pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetTexEnviv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETTEXENVIV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetTexEnviv( pMsg->target, pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetTexGendv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETTEXGENDV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetTexGendv( pMsg->coord, pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetTexGenfv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETTEXGENFV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetTexGenfv( pMsg->coord, pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetTexGeniv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETTEXGENIV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetTexGeniv( pMsg->coord, pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetTexParameterfv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETTEXPARAMETERFV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetTexParameterfv( pMsg->target, pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetTexParameteriv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETTEXPARAMETERIV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetTexParameteriv( pMsg->target, pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetTexLevelParameterfv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETTEXLEVELPARAMETERFV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetTexLevelParameterfv( pMsg->target, pMsg->level, pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glGetTexLevelParameteriv ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_GETTEXLEVELPARAMETERIV *pMsg ) { __glim_GetTexLevelParameteriv( pMsg->target, pMsg->level, pMsg->pname, pMsg->params ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glIsEnabled ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_ISENABLED *pMsg ) { GLTEB_RETURNVALUE() = (ULONG)__glim_IsEnabled( pMsg->cap ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glDepthRange ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_DEPTHRANGE *pMsg ) { __glim_DepthRange( pMsg->zNear, pMsg->zFar ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glFrustum ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_FRUSTUM *pMsg ) { __glim_Frustum( pMsg->left, pMsg->right, pMsg->bottom, pMsg->top, pMsg->zNear, pMsg->zFar ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glLoadIdentity ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_LOADIDENTITY *pMsg ) { __glim_LoadIdentity( ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glLoadMatrixf ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_LOADMATRIXF *pMsg ) { __glim_LoadMatrixf( pMsg->m ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glMatrixMode ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_MATRIXMODE *pMsg ) { __glim_MatrixMode( pMsg->mode ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glMultMatrixf ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_MULTMATRIXF *pMsg ) { __glim_MultMatrixf( pMsg->m ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glOrtho ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_ORTHO *pMsg ) { __glim_Ortho( pMsg->left, pMsg->right, pMsg->bottom, pMsg->top, pMsg->zNear, pMsg->zFar ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPopMatrix ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_POPMATRIX *pMsg ) { __glim_PopMatrix( ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glPushMatrix ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_PUSHMATRIX *pMsg ) { __glim_PushMatrix( ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glRotatef ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_ROTATEF *pMsg ) { __glim_Rotatef( pMsg->angle, pMsg->x, pMsg->y, pMsg->z ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glScalef ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_SCALEF *pMsg ) { __glim_Scalef( pMsg->x, pMsg->y, pMsg->z ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glTranslatef ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_TRANSLATEF *pMsg ) { __glim_Translatef( pMsg->x, pMsg->y, pMsg->z ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); } VOID * FASTCALL sbs_glViewport ( __GLcontext *gc, IN GLMSG_VIEWPORT *pMsg ) { __glim_Viewport( pMsg->x, pMsg->y, pMsg->width, pMsg->height ); return ( (BYTE *)pMsg + GLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(*pMsg)) ); }