/* ** Dump of type library found in f:vbscript.dll\2 */ /* syskind SYS_WIN32 */ [ uuid(3f4daca7-160d-11d2-a8e9-00104b365c9f), helpstring("Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions") ] library VBScript_RegExp { importlib("stdole2.tlb"); /* 6 TypeInfo elements within the TypeLib */ interface IRegExp; interface IMatch; interface IMatchCollection; coclass RegExp; coclass Match; coclass MatchCollection; /* cFuncs = 9, cVars = 0, cImplTypes = 1, cbSizeVft = 64 */ [ uuid(3f4daca0-160d-11d2-a8e9-00104b365c9f), dual, oleautomation, hidden, nonextensible, odl ] interface IRegExp : IDispatch { [ id(10001), propget ] HRESULT Pattern ( [ out, retval ] BSTR * pPattern ); [ id(10001), propput ] HRESULT Pattern ( [ in ] BSTR pPattern ); [ id(10002), propget ] HRESULT IgnoreCase ( [ out, retval ] Boolean * pIgnoreCase ); [ id(10002), propput ] HRESULT IgnoreCase ( [ in ] Boolean pIgnoreCase ); [ id(10003), propget ] HRESULT Global ( [ out, retval ] Boolean * pGlobal ); [ id(10003), propput ] HRESULT Global ( [ in ] Boolean pGlobal ); [ id(10004) ] HRESULT Execute ( [ in ] BSTR sourceString, [ out, retval ] /* dispinterface */ IMatchCollection * * ppMatches ); [ id(10005) ] HRESULT Test ( [ in ] BSTR sourceString, [ out, retval ] Boolean * pMatch ); [ id(10006) ] HRESULT Replace ( [ in ] BSTR sourceString, [ in ] BSTR replaceString, [ out, retval ] BSTR * pDestString ); }; /* cFuncs = 3, cVars = 0, cImplTypes = 1, cbSizeVft = 40 */ [ uuid(3f4daca1-160d-11d2-a8e9-00104b365c9f), dual, oleautomation, hidden, nonextensible, odl ] interface IMatch : IDispatch { [ id(0), propget ] HRESULT Value ( [ out, retval ] BSTR * pValue ); [ id(10001), propget ] HRESULT FirstIndex ( [ out, retval ] long * pFirstIndex ); [ id(10002), propget ] HRESULT Length ( [ out, retval ] long * pLength ); }; /* cFuncs = 3, cVars = 0, cImplTypes = 1, cbSizeVft = 40 */ [ uuid(3f4daca2-160d-11d2-a8e9-00104b365c9f), dual, oleautomation, hidden, nonextensible, odl ] interface IMatchCollection : IDispatch { [ id(10001), propget ] HRESULT Item ( [ in ] long index, [ out, retval ] /* dispinterface */ IMatch * * ppMatch ); [ id(1), propget ] HRESULT Count ( [ out, retval ] long * pCount ); [ id(-4), propget ] HRESULT _NewEnum ( [ out, retval ] IUnknown * * ppEnum ); }; /* cFuncs = 0, cVars = 0, cImplTypes = 1, cbSizeVft = 0 */ [ uuid(3f4daca4-160d-11d2-a8e9-00104b365c9f) ] coclass RegExp { [ default ] interface IRegExp; }; /* cFuncs = 0, cVars = 0, cImplTypes = 1, cbSizeVft = 0 */ [ uuid(3f4daca5-160d-11d2-a8e9-00104b365c9f) ] coclass Match { [ default ] interface IMatch; }; /* cFuncs = 0, cVars = 0, cImplTypes = 1, cbSizeVft = 0 */ [ uuid(3f4daca6-160d-11d2-a8e9-00104b365c9f) ] coclass MatchCollection { [ default ] interface IMatchCollection; }; }