@echo off if (%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%)==() goto BadProcessor if (%WINDIR%)==() goto BadWinDir if not exist %WINDIR%\system32\ntoskrnl.exe goto BadWinDir if not exist %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\sfmsrv.sys goto MacFileNotInstalled if not exist %WINDIR%\system32\sfmsvc.exe goto MacFileNotInstalled if not exist sfmctrs.bat goto CannotInstall if not exist sfmctrnm.h goto CannotInstall if not exist sfmctrs.ini goto CannotInstall if not exist sfmctrs.reg goto CannotInstall if not exist sfmctrs.dll goto CannotInstall echo Windows NT MacFile Server Performance Counters Installation echo. echo This installation script makes the following assumptions: echo. echo o The Windows NT MacFile Server has been properly installed. echo. echo o The LODCTR and REGINI utilities are on the path. echo. echo. echo If these assumptions are not valid, please correct and try again. echo Press CTRL-C to exist now, otherwise pause copy sfmctrs.dll %WINDIR%\system32 >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 goto InstallError if not exist %WINDIR%\system32\sfmctrs.dll goto InstallError regini sfmctrs.reg >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 goto InstallError lodctr sfmctrs.ini if errorlevel 1 goto InstallError echo. echo Windows NT MacFile Server Performance Counters Installation successful. goto Done :InstallError echo. echo Cannot install the Windows NT MacFile Server Performance Counters. goto Done :CannotInstall echo This installation script MUST be run from the RESKIT echo directory. goto Done :BadProcessor echo The PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable must be set to the echo proper processor type (X86, MIPS, etc) before running this script. goto Done :BadWinDir echo The WINDIR environment variable must point to the Windows NT echo installation directory (i.e. C:\NT). goto Done :MacFileNotInstalled echo The Windows NT MacFile Server has not been properly installed echo on this system. Please install the Windows NT MacFile Server echo before installing these performance counters. goto Done :Done