/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Highground Systems Module Name: NtmsMli.h Abstract: This header contains the definitions of the MediaLabelInfo structure. Media label libraries use this structure to pass information to RSM to use to identify media. The name of this file reflects it's history. RSM began its life as NTMS. --*/ #ifndef _INCL_NTMSMLI_H_ #define _INCL_NTMSMLI_H_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif #include <windows.h> #define NTMSMLI_MAXTYPE 64 #define NTMSMLI_MAXIDSIZE 256 #define NTMSMLI_MAXAPPDESCR 256 typedef struct { WCHAR LabelType[NTMSMLI_MAXTYPE]; DWORD LabelIDSize; BYTE LabelID[NTMSMLI_MAXIDSIZE]; WCHAR LabelAppDescr[NTMSMLI_MAXAPPDESCR]; } MediaLabelInfo, *pMediaLabelInfo; typedef DWORD ( WINAPI *MAXMEDIALABEL) (DWORD * const pMaxSize); typedef DWORD ( WINAPI *CLAIMMEDIALABEL) (const BYTE * const pBuffer, const DWORD nBufferSize, MediaLabelInfo * const pLabelInfo); typedef DWORD ( WINAPI *CLAIMMEDIALABELEX) (const BYTE * const pBuffer, const DWORD nBufferSize, MediaLabelInfo * const pLabelInfo, GUID * LabelGuid); #endif