/*++ Copyright (c) 1993-2001 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: registry.cpp Abstract: This file implements the apis for DRWTSN32 to access the registry. All access to the registry are done in this file. If additional registry control is needed then a function should be added in this file and exposed to the other files in DRWTSN32. Author: Wesley Witt (wesw) 1-May-1993 Environment: User Mode --*/ #include "pch.cpp" // // string constants for accessing the registry // there is a string constant here for each key and each value // that is accessed in the registry. // #define DRWATSON_EXE_NAME _T("drwtsn32.exe") #define REGKEY_SOFTWARE _T("software\\microsoft") #define REGKEY_MESSAGEFILE _T("EventMessageFile") #define REGKEY_TYPESSUPP _T("TypesSupported") #define REGKEY_SYSTEMROOT _T("%SystemRoot%\\System32\\") #define REGKEY_EVENTLOG _T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\Application\\") #define REGKEY_APPNAME _T("ApplicationName") #define REGKEY_FUNCTION _T("FunctionName") #define REGKEY_EXCEPTIONCODE _T("ExceptionCode") #define REGKEY_ADDRESS _T("Address") #define REGKEY_LOG_PATH _T("LogFilePath") #define REGKEY_DUMPSYMBOLS _T("DumpSymbols") #define REGKEY_DUMPALLTHREADS _T("DumpAllThreads") #define REGKEY_APPENDTOLOGFILE _T("AppendToLogFile") #define REGKEY_INSTRUCTIONS _T("Instructions") #define REGKEY_VISUAL _T("VisualNotification") #define REGKEY_SOUND _T("SoundNotification") #define REGKEY_CRASH_DUMP _T("CreateCrashDump") #define REGKEY_CRASH_FILE _T("CrashDumpFile") #define REGKEY_CRASH_TYPE _T("CrashDumpType") #define REGKEY_WAVE_FILE _T("WaveFile") #define REGKEY_NUM_CRASHES _T("NumberOfCrashes") #define REGKEY_MAX_CRASHES _T("MaximumCrashes") #define REGKEY_CURRENTVERSION _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion") #define REGKEY_CONTROLWINDOWS _T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Windows") #define REGKEY_CSD_VERSION _T("CSDVersion") #define REGKEY_CURRENT_BUILD _T("CurrentBuildNumber") #define REGKEY_CURRENT_TYPE _T("CurrentType") #define REGKEY_REG_ORGANIZATION _T("RegisteredOrganization") #define REGKEY_REG_OWNER _T("RegisteredOwner") #define REGKEY_AEDEBUG _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\AeDebug") #define REGKEY_AUTO _T("Auto") #define REGKEY_DEBUGGER _T("Debugger") #define REGKEY_PROCESSOR _T("HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0") #define REGKEY_PROCESSOR_ID _T("Identifier") // // local prototypes // void RegSetDWORD( HKEY hkey, PTSTR pszSubKey, DWORD dwValue ); void RegSetBOOL( HKEY hkey, PTSTR pszSubKey, BOOL dwValue ); void RegSetSZ( HKEY hkey, PTSTR pszSubKey, PTSTR pszValue ); void RegSetEXPANDSZ( HKEY hkey, PTSTR pszSubKey, PTSTR pszValue ); BOOL RegQueryBOOL( HKEY hkey, PTSTR pszSubKey ); DWORD RegQueryDWORD( HKEY hkey, PTSTR pszSubKey ); void RegQuerySZ( HKEY hkey, PTSTR pszSubKey, PTSTR pszValue, DWORD dwSizeValue ); BOOL RegSaveAllValues( HKEY hKeyDrWatson, POPTIONS o ); BOOL RegGetAllValues( POPTIONS o, HKEY hKeyDrWatson ); BOOL RegInitializeDefaults( HKEY hKeyDrWatson ); HKEY RegGetAppKey( BOOL ReadOnly ); BOOL RegCreateEventSource( void ); void GetDrWatsonLogPath( LPTSTR szPath ); void GetDrWatsonCrashDump( LPTSTR szPath ); BOOL RegGetAllValues( POPTIONS o, HKEY hKeyDrWatson ) /*++ Routine Description: This functions retrieves all registry data for DRWTSN32 and puts the data in the OPTIONS structure passed in. Arguments: o - pointer to an OPTIONS structure hKeyDrWatson - handle to a registry key for DRWTSN32 registry data Return Value: TRUE - retrieved all data without error FALSE - errors occurred and did not get all data --*/ { RegQuerySZ(hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_LOG_PATH, o->szLogPath, sizeof(o->szLogPath) ); RegQuerySZ(hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_WAVE_FILE, o->szWaveFile, sizeof(o->szWaveFile) ); RegQuerySZ(hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_CRASH_FILE, o->szCrashDump, sizeof(o->szCrashDump) ); o->fDumpSymbols = RegQueryBOOL( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_DUMPSYMBOLS ); o->fDumpAllThreads = RegQueryBOOL( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_DUMPALLTHREADS ); o->fAppendToLogFile = RegQueryBOOL( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_APPENDTOLOGFILE ); o->fVisual = RegQueryBOOL( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_VISUAL ); o->fSound = RegQueryBOOL( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_SOUND ); o->fCrash = RegQueryBOOL( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_CRASH_DUMP ); o->dwInstructions = RegQueryDWORD( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_INSTRUCTIONS ); o->dwMaxCrashes = RegQueryDWORD( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_MAX_CRASHES ); o->dwType = (CrashDumpType)RegQueryDWORD(hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_CRASH_TYPE); return TRUE; } BOOL RegSaveAllValues( HKEY hKeyDrWatson, POPTIONS o ) /*++ Routine Description: This functions saves all registry data for DRWTSN32 that is passed in via the OPTIONS structure. Arguments: hKeyDrWatson - handle to a registry key for DRWTSN32 registry data o - pointer to an OPTIONS structure Return Value: TRUE - saved all data without error FALSE - errors occurred and did not save all data --*/ { TCHAR szPATH[_MAX_PATH]; RegSetSZ( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_LOG_PATH, o->szLogPath ); RegSetSZ( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_WAVE_FILE, o->szWaveFile ); RegSetSZ( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_CRASH_FILE, o->szCrashDump ); RegSetBOOL( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_DUMPSYMBOLS, o->fDumpSymbols ); RegSetBOOL( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_DUMPALLTHREADS, o->fDumpAllThreads ); RegSetBOOL( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_APPENDTOLOGFILE, o->fAppendToLogFile ); RegSetBOOL( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_VISUAL, o->fVisual ); RegSetBOOL( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_SOUND, o->fSound ); RegSetBOOL( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_CRASH_DUMP, o->fCrash ); RegSetDWORD( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_INSTRUCTIONS, o->dwInstructions ); RegSetDWORD( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_MAX_CRASHES, o->dwMaxCrashes ); RegSetDWORD( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_CRASH_TYPE, o->dwType); return TRUE; } BOOL RegInitializeDefaults( HKEY hKeyDrWatson ) /*++ Routine Description: This functions initializes the registry with the default values. Arguments: hKeyDrWatson - handle to a registry key for DRWTSN32 registry data Return Value: TRUE - saved all data without error FALSE - errors occurred and did not save all data --*/ { OPTIONS o; GetDrWatsonLogPath(o.szLogPath); GetDrWatsonCrashDump(o.szCrashDump); o.szWaveFile[0] = _T('\0'); o.fDumpSymbols = FALSE; o.fDumpAllThreads = TRUE; o.fAppendToLogFile = TRUE; o.fVisual = FALSE; o.fSound = FALSE; o.fCrash = TRUE; o.dwInstructions = 10; o.dwMaxCrashes = 10; o.dwType = MiniDump; RegSetNumCrashes( 0 ); RegSaveAllValues( hKeyDrWatson, &o ); RegCreateEventSource(); return TRUE; } BOOL RegCreateEventSource( void ) /*++ Routine Description: This function creates an event source in the registry. The event source is used by the event viewer to display the data in a presentable manner. Arguments: None. Return Value: TRUE - saved all data without error FALSE - errors occurred and did not save all data --*/ { HKEY hk; _TCHAR szBuf[1024]; DWORD dwDisp; _TCHAR szAppName[MAX_PATH]; GetAppName( szAppName, sizeof(szAppName) / sizeof(_TCHAR) ); _tcscpy( szBuf, REGKEY_EVENTLOG ); _tcscat( szBuf, szAppName ); if (RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szBuf, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &hk, &dwDisp )) { return FALSE; } if (dwDisp == REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY) { RegCloseKey(hk); return TRUE; } _tcscpy( szBuf, REGKEY_SYSTEMROOT ); _tcscat( szBuf, DRWATSON_EXE_NAME ); RegSetEXPANDSZ( hk, REGKEY_MESSAGEFILE, szBuf ); RegSetDWORD( hk, REGKEY_TYPESSUPP, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE | EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE | EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE ); RegCloseKey(hk); return TRUE; } HKEY RegGetAppKey( BOOL ReadOnly ) /*++ Routine Description: This function gets a handle to the DRWTSN32 registry key. Arguments: ReadOnly - Caller needs this foe reading purposes only Although, we could need to create it if its not present Return Value: Valid handle - handle opened ok NULL - could not open the handle --*/ { DWORD rc; DWORD dwDisp; HKEY hKeyDrWatson; HKEY hKeyMicrosoft; _TCHAR szAppName[MAX_PATH]; rc = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_SOFTWARE, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, &hKeyMicrosoft ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (ReadOnly) { // Try oepning it for read only rc = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_SOFTWARE, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, &hKeyMicrosoft ); } if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return NULL; } } GetAppName( szAppName, sizeof(szAppName) / sizeof(_TCHAR) ); rc = RegCreateKeyEx( hKeyMicrosoft, szAppName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hKeyDrWatson, &dwDisp ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (ReadOnly) { // Try oepning it for read only rc = RegCreateKeyEx( hKeyMicrosoft, szAppName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ, NULL, &hKeyDrWatson, &dwDisp ); } if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return NULL; } } if (dwDisp == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY) { RegInitializeDefaults( hKeyDrWatson ); } return hKeyDrWatson; } BOOL RegInitialize( POPTIONS o ) /*++ Routine Description: This function is used to initialize the OPTIONS structure passed in with the current values in the registry. Note that if the registry is empty then the defaults are stored in the registry and also returned in the OPTIONS structure. Arguments: o - Returns an OPTIONS struct with initial values Return Value: TRUE - all data was retrieved ok NULL - could not get all data --*/ { HKEY hKeyDrWatson; UINT u1 = sizeof(*o); UINT u2 = sizeof(OPTIONS); hKeyDrWatson = RegGetAppKey( TRUE ); Assert( hKeyDrWatson != NULL ); ZeroMemory(o, sizeof(*o)); if (!RegGetAllValues( o, hKeyDrWatson )) { return FALSE; } RegCloseKey( hKeyDrWatson ); return TRUE; } BOOL RegSave( POPTIONS o ) /*++ Routine Description: This function is used to save the data in the OPTIONS structure to the registry. Arguments: o - pointer to an OPTIONS structure Return Value: TRUE - all data was saved ok NULL - could not save all data --*/ { HKEY hKeyDrWatson; hKeyDrWatson = RegGetAppKey( FALSE ); Assert( hKeyDrWatson != NULL ); if (hKeyDrWatson) { RegSaveAllValues( hKeyDrWatson, o ); RegCloseKey( hKeyDrWatson ); } return TRUE; } void RegSetNumCrashes( DWORD dwNumCrashes ) /*++ Routine Description: This function changes the value in the registry that contains the number of crashes that have occurred. Arguments: dwNumCrashes - the number of craches to save Return Value: None. --*/ { HKEY hKeyDrWatson; hKeyDrWatson = RegGetAppKey( FALSE ); Assert( hKeyDrWatson != NULL ); if (hKeyDrWatson) { RegSetDWORD( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_NUM_CRASHES, dwNumCrashes ); RegCloseKey( hKeyDrWatson ); } return; } DWORD RegGetNumCrashes( void ) /*++ Routine Description: This function get the value in the registry that contains the number of crashes that have occurred. Arguments: None. Return Value: the number of craches that have occurred --*/ { HKEY hKeyDrWatson; DWORD dwNumCrashes=0; hKeyDrWatson = RegGetAppKey( TRUE ); Assert( hKeyDrWatson != NULL ); if ( hKeyDrWatson != NULL ) { dwNumCrashes = RegQueryDWORD( hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_NUM_CRASHES ); RegCloseKey( hKeyDrWatson ); } return dwNumCrashes; } BOOLEAN RegInstallDrWatson( BOOL fQuiet ) /*++ Routine Description: This function sets the AEDebug registry values to automatically invoke drwtsn32 when a crash occurs. Arguments: None. Return Value: Valid handle - handle opened ok NULL - could not open the handle --*/ { DWORD rc; HKEY hKeyMicrosoft; OPTIONS o; rc = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_AEDEBUG, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKeyMicrosoft ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; } RegSetSZ( hKeyMicrosoft, REGKEY_AUTO, _T("1") ); RegSetSZ( hKeyMicrosoft, REGKEY_DEBUGGER, _T("drwtsn32 -p %ld -e %ld -g") ); RegCloseKey( hKeyMicrosoft ); RegInitialize( &o ); if (fQuiet) { o.fVisual = FALSE; o.fSound = FALSE; RegSave( &o ); } return TRUE; } void RegSetDWORD( HKEY hkey, PTSTR pszSubKey, DWORD dwValue ) /*++ Routine Description: This function changes a DWORD value in the registry using the hkey and pszSubKey as the registry key info. Arguments: hkey - handle to a registry key pszSubKey - pointer to a subkey string dwValue - new registry value Return Value: None. --*/ { DWORD rc; rc = RegSetValueEx( hkey, pszSubKey, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, sizeof(dwValue) ); Assert( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ); } void RegSetBOOL( HKEY hkey, PTSTR pszSubKey, BOOL dwValue ) /*++ Routine Description: This function changes a BOOL value in the registry using the hkey and pszSubKey as the registry key info. Arguments: hkey - handle to a registry key pszSubKey - pointer to a subkey string dwValue - new registry value Return Value: None. --*/ { DWORD rc; rc = RegSetValueEx( hkey, pszSubKey, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, 4 ); Assert( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ); } void RegSetSZ( HKEY hkey, PTSTR pszSubKey, PTSTR pszValue ) /*++ Routine Description: This function changes a SZ value in the registry using the hkey and pszSubKey as the registry key info. Arguments: hkey - handle to a registry key pszSubKey - pointer to a subkey string pszValue - new registry value Return Value: None. --*/ { DWORD rc; TCHAR szPath[_MAX_PATH]; // If Dr Watson registry key for log path or crash file are // the defaults, don't write them to the registry. // The defaults for these are obtained by querying. if ( _tcscmp( pszSubKey, REGKEY_LOG_PATH ) == 0 ) { GetDrWatsonLogPath( szPath ); if (_tcscmp(szPath,pszValue) == 0 ) return; } else if ( _tcscmp( pszSubKey, REGKEY_CRASH_FILE) == 0 ) { RegQuerySZ(hkey, pszSubKey, szPath, _MAX_PATH); if ( _tcscmp(szPath, pszValue) == 0 ) return; } rc = RegSetValueEx( hkey, pszSubKey, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE) pszValue, (_tcslen(pszValue) +1) * sizeof(_TCHAR) ); Assert( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ); } void RegSetEXPANDSZ( HKEY hkey, PTSTR pszSubKey, PTSTR pszValue ) /*++ Routine Description: This function changes a SZ value in the registry using the hkey and pszSubKey as the registry key info. Arguments: hkey - handle to a registry key pszSubKey - pointer to a subkey string pszValue - new registry value Return Value: None. --*/ { DWORD rc; rc = RegSetValueEx( hkey, pszSubKey, 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (PBYTE) pszValue, _tcslen(pszValue)+1 ); Assert( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ); } BOOL RegQueryBOOL( HKEY hkey, PTSTR pszSubKey ) /*++ Routine Description: This function queries BOOL value in the registry using the hkey and pszSubKey as the registry key info. If the value is not found in the registry, it is added with a FALSE value. Arguments: hkey - handle to a registry key pszSubKey - pointer to a subkey string Return Value: TRUE or FALSE. --*/ { DWORD rc; DWORD len; DWORD dwType; BOOL fValue = FALSE; len = 4; rc = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, pszSubKey, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&fValue, &len ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { fValue = FALSE; RegSetBOOL( hkey, pszSubKey, fValue ); } else { Assert( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ); } } else { Assert( dwType == REG_DWORD ); } return fValue; } DWORD RegQueryDWORD( HKEY hkey, PTSTR pszSubKey ) /*++ Routine Description: This function queries BOOL value in the registry using the hkey and pszSubKey as the registry key info. If the value is not found in the registry, it is added with a zero value. Arguments: hkey - handle to a registry key pszSubKey - pointer to a subkey string Return Value: registry value --*/ { DWORD rc; DWORD len; DWORD dwType; DWORD fValue = 0; len = 4; rc = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, pszSubKey, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&fValue, &len ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { fValue = 0; RegSetDWORD( hkey, pszSubKey, fValue ); } else { Assert( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ); } } else { Assert( dwType == REG_DWORD ); } return fValue; } void RegQuerySZ( HKEY hkey, PTSTR pszSubKey, PTSTR pszValue, DWORD dwSizeValue ) /*++ Routine Description: This function queries BOOL value in the registry using the hkey and pszSubKey as the registry key info. If the value is not found in the registry, it is added with a zero value. Arguments: hkey - handle to a registry key pszSubKey - pointer to a subkey string Return Value: registry value --*/ { LONG lRes; DWORD dwLen; DWORD dwType; lRes = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, pszSubKey, 0, &dwType, (PBYTE) pszValue, &dwSizeValue ); if (lRes == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { // If these two SubKeys already exist in the registry, then use the registry values. // If they don't exist, query for the value. if ( _tcscmp( pszSubKey, REGKEY_LOG_PATH) == 0 ) { GetDrWatsonLogPath( pszValue ); } else if ( _tcscmp( pszSubKey, REGKEY_CRASH_FILE) == 0 ) { GetDrWatsonCrashDump( pszValue ); } } else { Assert( lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS ); Assert( dwType == REG_SZ || dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ ); // If the old defaults for Beta 3 or NT4 log path and crash file // exist, then delete them and use the new and improved values if ( _tcscmp( pszSubKey, REGKEY_LOG_PATH) == 0 && (_tcsicmp( pszValue, _T("%userprofile%")) == 0 || _tcsicmp( pszValue, _T("%windir%")) == 0 ) ) { // Delete the key lRes = RegDeleteValue( hkey, pszSubKey); Assert ( lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS); GetDrWatsonLogPath( pszValue ); } else if ( _tcscmp( pszSubKey, REGKEY_CRASH_FILE) == 0 && _tcsicmp( pszValue, _T("%windir%\\user.dmp")) == 0 ) { // Delete the key lRes = RegDeleteValue( hkey, pszSubKey); Assert( lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS); GetDrWatsonCrashDump( pszValue ); } } } void RegLogCurrentVersion( void ) /*++ Routine Description: This function writes system and user info. to the log file Arguments: None Return Value: registry value History: 8/21/97 a-paulbr fixed bug 658 --*/ { _TCHAR buf[1024]; DWORD rc; HKEY hKeyCurrentVersion = NULL; HKEY hKeyControlWindows = NULL; DWORD dwSPNum = 0; DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); rc = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_CURRENTVERSION, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKeyCurrentVersion ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return; } rc = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_CONTROLWINDOWS, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKeyControlWindows); if (hKeyControlWindows) { // // I'm using RegQueryValueEx() because there is an assertion in // RegQueryDWORD() if the key does not exist. // RegQueryValueEx(hKeyControlWindows, REGKEY_CSD_VERSION, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)&dwSPNum, &dwSize ); } RegQuerySZ(hKeyCurrentVersion, REGKEY_CURRENT_BUILD, buf, sizeof(buf) ); lprintf( MSG_CURRENT_BUILD, buf ); if ((hKeyControlWindows) && (dwType == REG_DWORD) && (HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwSPNum)) != 0)) { _stprintf(buf, _T("%hu"), HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwSPNum))); lprintf( MSG_CSD_VERSION, buf ); } else { _stprintf(buf, _T("None")); lprintf( MSG_CSD_VERSION, buf ); } RegQuerySZ( hKeyCurrentVersion,REGKEY_CURRENT_TYPE, buf, sizeof(buf) ); lprintf( MSG_CURRENT_TYPE, buf ); RegQuerySZ( hKeyCurrentVersion,REGKEY_REG_ORGANIZATION, buf, sizeof(buf) ); lprintf( MSG_REG_ORGANIZATION, buf ); RegQuerySZ( hKeyCurrentVersion,REGKEY_REG_OWNER, buf, sizeof(buf) ); lprintf( MSG_REG_OWNER, buf ); // // Close the keys that we opened // RegCloseKey(hKeyCurrentVersion); RegCloseKey(hKeyControlWindows); return; } void RegLogProcessorType( void ) { _TCHAR buf[1024]; DWORD rc; HKEY hKey; rc = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_PROCESSOR, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return; } RegQuerySZ( hKey, REGKEY_PROCESSOR_ID, buf, sizeof(buf) ); lprintf( MSG_SYSINFO_PROC_TYPE, buf ); return; } void GetDrWatsonLogPath( LPTSTR szPath ) { int rc; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecAttrib; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecDescript; SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, NULL, 0, szPath); Assert( _tcsicmp(szPath,_T("")) != 0 ); _tcscat(szPath,_T("\\Microsoft\\Dr Watson") ); // Create a DACL that allows all access to the directory SecAttrib.nLength=sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); SecAttrib.lpSecurityDescriptor=&SecDescript; SecAttrib.bInheritHandle=FALSE; InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&SecDescript, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&SecDescript, TRUE, NULL, FALSE); if ( !CreateDirectory(szPath,&SecAttrib) ) { if( GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { rc = GetLastError(); } } return; } void GetDrWatsonCrashDump( LPTSTR szPath ) { int rc; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecAttrib; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecDescript; SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, NULL, 0, szPath); Assert( _tcsicmp(szPath,_T("")) != 0 ); _tcscat(szPath,_T("\\Microsoft\\Dr Watson") ); // Create a DACL that allows all access to the directory SecAttrib.nLength=sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); SecAttrib.lpSecurityDescriptor=&SecDescript; SecAttrib.bInheritHandle=FALSE; InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&SecDescript, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&SecDescript, TRUE, NULL, FALSE); if ( !CreateDirectory(szPath,&SecAttrib) ) { if( GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { rc = GetLastError(); } } _tcscat(szPath, _T("\\user.dmp") ); return; } void DeleteCrashDump() { HKEY hKeyDrWatson; TCHAR szCrashDump[MAX_PATH]; hKeyDrWatson = RegGetAppKey( TRUE ); if (hKeyDrWatson) { RegQuerySZ(hKeyDrWatson, REGKEY_CRASH_FILE, szCrashDump, sizeof(szCrashDump) ); DeleteFile(szCrashDump); RegCloseKey( hKeyDrWatson ); } }