/*++ Copyright (c) 1992-2000 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: extapis.cpp Abstract: Procedures exported by the dll which can be called by other extension dlls and debugger Environment: User Mode. Revision History: Kshitiz K. Sharma (kksharma) 2/1/2001 --*/ #include "precomp.h" #include PCHAR gTargetMode[] = { "No Target", "Kernel Mode", "User Mode", }; PCHAR gAllOsTypes[] = { "Windows 95", "Windows 98", "Windows ME", "Windows NT 4", "Windows 2000", "Windows XP", }; HRESULT GetProcessorInfo( PCPU_INFO pCpuInfo ) { HRESULT Hr; ULONG Processor; ULONG i; DEBUG_PROCESSOR_IDENTIFICATION_ALL ProcId; pCpuInfo->Type = TargetMachine; if (g_ExtControl->GetNumberProcessors(&pCpuInfo->NumCPUs) != S_OK) { pCpuInfo->NumCPUs = 0; } PDEBUG_SYSTEM_OBJECTS DebugSystem; ULONG64 hCurrentThread; if ((Hr = g_ExtClient->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugSystemObjects), (void **)&DebugSystem)) != S_OK) { return Hr; } DebugSystem->GetCurrentThreadHandle(&hCurrentThread); DebugSystem->Release(); pCpuInfo->CurrentProc = (ULONG) hCurrentThread - 1; for (i=0; iNumCPUs; i++) { // Get Info for all procs if ((Hr = g_ExtData->ReadProcessorSystemData(i, DEBUG_DATA_PROCESSOR_IDENTIFICATION, &pCpuInfo->ProcInfo[i], sizeof(pCpuInfo->ProcInfo[i]), NULL)) != S_OK) { continue; } } return Hr; } void GetOsType(ULONG PlatForm, PTARGET_DEBUG_INFO pTargetInfo) { if (PlatForm == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) // If its nt target { if (pTargetInfo->OsInfo.Version.Minor > 2195) { pTargetInfo->OsInfo.Type = WIN_NT5_1; } else if (pTargetInfo->OsInfo.Version.Minor > 1381) { pTargetInfo->OsInfo.Type = WIN_NT5; } else { pTargetInfo->OsInfo.Type = WIN_NT4; } } else { if (pTargetInfo->OsInfo.Version.Minor > 2222) { pTargetInfo->OsInfo.Type = WIN_ME; } else if (pTargetInfo->OsInfo.Version.Minor > 950) { pTargetInfo->OsInfo.Type = WIN_98; } else if (pTargetInfo->OsInfo.Version.Minor > 950) { pTargetInfo->OsInfo.Type = WIN_95; } } } HRESULT FillTargetDebugInfo( PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PTARGET_DEBUG_INFO pTargetInfo ) { HRESULT Hr; ULONG Time; ULONG PlatForm, Qualifier; if (pTargetInfo->SizeOfStruct != sizeof(TARGET_DEBUG_INFO)) { return E_FAIL; } ZeroMemory(pTargetInfo, sizeof(TARGET_DEBUG_INFO)); pTargetInfo->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(TARGET_DEBUG_INFO); INIT_API(); pTargetInfo->Mode = (TARGET_MODE) g_TargetClass; Hr = GetProcessorInfo(&pTargetInfo->Cpu); Hr = g_ExtControl2->GetCurrentSystemUpTime(&Time); if (Hr == S_OK) { pTargetInfo->SysUpTime = Time; } PDEBUG_SYSTEM_OBJECTS2 DebugSystem; ULONG64 hCurrentThread; if ((Hr = g_ExtClient->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugSystemObjects), (void **)&DebugSystem)) == S_OK) { Hr = DebugSystem->GetCurrentProcessUpTime(&Time); DebugSystem->Release(); if (Hr == S_OK) { pTargetInfo->AppUpTime = Time; } } Hr = g_ExtControl2->GetCurrentTimeDate(&Time); if (Hr == S_OK) { pTargetInfo->CrashTime = Time; } time_t ltime; time( <ime ); pTargetInfo->EntryDate = (ULONG64) ltime; Hr = g_ExtControl->GetSystemVersion(&PlatForm, &pTargetInfo->OsInfo.Version.Major, &pTargetInfo->OsInfo.Version.Minor, &pTargetInfo->OsInfo.ServicePackString[0], sizeof(pTargetInfo->OsInfo.ServicePackString), NULL, &pTargetInfo->OsInfo.SrvPackNumber, &pTargetInfo->OsInfo.OsString[0], sizeof(pTargetInfo->OsInfo.OsString), NULL); GetOsType(PlatForm, pTargetInfo); pTargetInfo->Source = Debugger; EXIT_API(); return Hr; } HRESULT WINAPI _EFN_GetTargetInfo ( PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PTARGET_DEBUG_INFO pTargetInfo ) { return FillTargetDebugInfo(Client, pTargetInfo); }