/*++ Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: strings.cpp Abstract: central definition file of common static strings these strings SHOULD NOT be localized as they are internal to the program and not intended for any display to the user --*/ #include "strings.h" // OLE and Registry strings LPCWSTR cszOleRegistryComment = L"WBEM NT5 Base Perf Provider"; LPCWSTR cszClsidFormatString = L"Software\\Classes\\CLSID\\\\%s"; LPCWSTR cszThreadingModel = L"ThreadingModel"; LPCWSTR cszInprocServer = L"InprocServer32"; LPCWSTR cszClsidKey = L"Software\\Classes\\CLSID"; LPCWSTR cszPerflibKey = L"\\Registry\\Machine\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Perflib"; LPCWSTR cszDLLValue = L"Library"; LPCWSTR cszObjListValue = L"Object List"; LPCWSTR cszLinkageKey = L"\\Linkage"; LPCWSTR cszExportValue = L"Export"; LPCWSTR cszOpenTimeout = L"Open Timeout"; LPCWSTR cszCollectTimeout = L"Collect Timeout"; LPCWSTR cszExtCounterTestLevel = L"ExtCounterTestLevel"; LPCWSTR cszOpenProcedureWaitTime = L"OpenProcedureWaitTime"; LPCWSTR cszLibraryUnloadTime = L"Library Unload Time"; LPCWSTR cszKeepResident = L"Keep Library Resident"; LPCWSTR cszDisablePerformanceCounters = L"Disable Performance Counters"; LPCWSTR cszProviderName = L"NT5_GenericPerfProvider_V1"; LPCWSTR cszHklmServicesKey = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services"; LPCWSTR cszPerformance = L"\\Performance"; LPCWSTR cszGlobal = L"Global"; LPCWSTR cszForeign = L"FOREIGN"; LPCWSTR cszCostly = L"COSTLY"; LPCWSTR cszCounter = L"COUNTER"; LPCWSTR cszExplain = L"EXPLAIN"; LPCWSTR cszHelp = L"HELP"; LPCWSTR cszAddCounter = L"ADDCOUNTER"; LPCWSTR cszAddHelp = L"ADDEXPLAIN"; LPCWSTR cszOnly = L"ONLY"; LPCWSTR cszBoth = L"Both"; LPCSTR caszOpenValue = "Open"; LPCSTR caszCloseValue = "Close"; LPCSTR caszCollectValue = "Collect"; LPCSTR caszQueryValue = "Query"; // "well known" property names LPCWSTR cszPropertyCount = L"__PROPERTY_COUNT"; LPCWSTR cszClassName = L"__CLASS"; LPCWSTR cszName = L"Name"; LPCWSTR cszTimestampPerfTime = L"Timestamp_PerfTime"; LPCWSTR cszFrequencyPerfTime = L"Frequency_PerfTime"; LPCWSTR cszTimestampSys100Ns = L"Timestamp_Sys100NS"; LPCWSTR cszFrequencySys100Ns = L"Frequency_Sys100NS"; LPCWSTR cszTimestampObject = L"Timestamp_Object"; LPCWSTR cszFrequencyObject = L"Frequency_Object"; // "well known" qualifier names LPCWSTR cszPerfIndex = L"PerfIndex"; LPCWSTR cszSingleton = L"Singleton"; LPCWSTR cszCountertype = L"countertype"; LPCWSTR cszProvider = L"Provider"; LPCWSTR cszRegistryKey = L"registrykey"; // other random strings LPCWSTR cszSpace = L" "; LPCWSTR cszSlash = L"/";