#include "ctlspriv.h" #include "scdttime.h" int mpcdymoAccum[13] = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 }; /* - LIncrWord - * Purpose: * Increment (or decrement) an integer by a specified amount, * given the constraints nMic and nMac. * Returns the amount of carry into the following (or preceding) * field, or zero if none. * * Intended for use with incrementing date/times. * * Arguments: * pn Pointer to integer to be modified. * nDelta Amount by which to modify *pn; may be positive, * negative or zero. * nMic Minimum value for *pn; if decrementing below this, * a carry is performed. * nMac Maximum value for *pn; if incrementing above this, * a carry is performed. * * Returns: * Zero if modification done within constraints, otherwise the * amount of carry (positive in incrementing, negative if * decrementing). * */ LONG LIncrWord(WORD *pn, LONG nDelta, int nMic, int nMac) { LONG lNew, lIncr; lIncr = 0; lNew = *pn + nDelta; while (lNew >= nMac) { lNew -= nMac - nMic; lIncr++; } if (!lIncr) { while (lNew < nMic) { lNew += nMac - nMic; lIncr--; } } *pn = (WORD)lNew; return(lIncr); } void IncrSystemTime(SYSTEMTIME *pstSrc, SYSTEMTIME *pstDest, LONG nDelta, LONG flag) { int cdyMon; if (pstSrc != pstDest) *pstDest = *pstSrc; switch (flag) { case INCRSYS_SECOND: if (!(nDelta = LIncrWord(&pstDest->wSecond, nDelta, 0, 60))) break; case INCRSYS_MINUTE: if (!(nDelta = LIncrWord(&pstDest->wMinute, nDelta, 0, 60))) break; case INCRSYS_HOUR: if (!(nDelta = LIncrWord(&pstDest->wHour, nDelta, 0, 24))) break; case INCRSYS_DAY: IDTday: if (nDelta >= 0) { cdyMon = GetDaysForMonth(pstDest->wYear, pstDest->wMonth); while (pstDest->wDay + nDelta > cdyMon) { nDelta -= cdyMon + 1 - pstDest->wDay; pstDest->wDay = 1; IncrSystemTime(pstDest, pstDest, 1, INCRSYS_MONTH); cdyMon = GetDaysForMonth(pstDest->wYear, pstDest->wMonth); } } else { while (pstDest->wDay <= -nDelta) { nDelta += pstDest->wDay; IncrSystemTime(pstDest, pstDest, -1, INCRSYS_MONTH); cdyMon = GetDaysForMonth(pstDest->wYear, pstDest->wMonth); pstDest->wDay = (WORD) cdyMon; } } pstDest->wDay += (WORD)nDelta; break; case INCRSYS_MONTH: if (!(nDelta = LIncrWord(&pstDest->wMonth, nDelta, 1, 13))) { cdyMon = GetDaysForMonth(pstDest->wYear, pstDest->wMonth); if (pstDest->wDay > cdyMon) pstDest->wDay = (WORD) cdyMon; break; } case INCRSYS_YEAR: pstDest->wYear += (WORD)nDelta; cdyMon = GetDaysForMonth(pstDest->wYear, pstDest->wMonth); if (pstDest->wDay > cdyMon) pstDest->wDay = (WORD) cdyMon; break; case INCRSYS_WEEK: nDelta *= 7; goto IDTday; break; } } CmpDate(const SYSTEMTIME *pst1, const SYSTEMTIME *pst2) { int iRet; if (pst1->wYear < pst2->wYear) iRet = -1; else if (pst1->wYear > pst2->wYear) iRet = 1; else if (pst1->wMonth < pst2->wMonth) iRet = -1; else if (pst1->wMonth > pst2->wMonth) iRet = 1; else if (pst1->wDay < pst2->wDay) iRet = -1; else if (pst1->wDay > pst2->wDay) iRet = 1; else iRet = 0; return(iRet); } CmpSystemtime(const SYSTEMTIME *pst1, const SYSTEMTIME *pst2) { int iRet; if (pst1->wYear < pst2->wYear) iRet = -1; else if (pst1->wYear > pst2->wYear) iRet = 1; else if (pst1->wMonth < pst2->wMonth) iRet = -1; else if (pst1->wMonth > pst2->wMonth) iRet = 1; else if (pst1->wDay < pst2->wDay) iRet = -1; else if (pst1->wDay > pst2->wDay) iRet = 1; else if (pst1->wHour < pst2->wHour) iRet = -1; else if (pst1->wHour > pst2->wHour) iRet = 1; else if (pst1->wMinute < pst2->wMinute) iRet = -1; else if (pst1->wMinute > pst2->wMinute) iRet = 1; else if (pst1->wSecond < pst2->wSecond) iRet = -1; else if (pst1->wSecond > pst2->wSecond) iRet = 1; else iRet = 0; return(iRet); } /* - CdyBetweenYmd - * Purpose: * Calculate the number of days between two dates as expressed * in YMD's. * * Parameters: * pymdStart start day of range. * pymdEnd end day of range. * * Returns: * Number of days between two dates. The number * of days does not include the starting day, but does include * the last day. ie 1/24/1990-1/25/1990 = 1 day. */ DWORD DaysBetweenDates(const SYSTEMTIME *pstStart, const SYSTEMTIME *pstEnd) { DWORD cday; WORD yr; // Calculate number of days between the start month/day and the // end month/day as if they were in the same year - since cday // is unsigned, cday could be really large if the end month/day // is before the start month.day. // This will be cleared up when we account for the days between // the years. ASSERT(pstEnd->wMonth >= 1 && pstEnd->wMonth <= 12); cday = mpcdymoAccum[pstEnd->wMonth - 1] - mpcdymoAccum[pstStart->wMonth - 1] + pstEnd->wDay - pstStart->wDay; yr = pstStart->wYear; // Check to see if the start year is before the end year, // and if the end month is after February and // if the end year is a leap year, then add an extra day // for to account for Feb. 29 in the end year. if ( ((yr < pstEnd->wYear) || (pstStart->wMonth <= 2)) && pstEnd->wMonth > 2 && (pstEnd->wYear & 03) == 0 && (pstEnd->wYear <= 1750 || pstEnd->wYear % 100 != 0 || pstEnd->wYear % 400 == 0)) { cday++; } // Now account for the leap years in between the start and end dates // as well as accounting for the days in each year. if (yr < pstEnd->wYear) { // If the start date is before march and the start year is // a leap year then add an extra day to account for Feb. 29. if ( pstStart->wMonth <= 2 && (yr & 03) == 0 && (yr <= 1750 || yr % 100 != 0 || yr % 400 == 0)) { cday++; } // Account for the days in each year (disregarding leap years). cday += 365; yr++; // Keep on accounting for the days in each year including leap // years until we reach the end year. while (yr < pstEnd->wYear) { cday += 365; if ((yr & 03) == 0 && (yr <= 1750 || yr % 100 != 0 || yr % 400 == 0)) cday++; yr++; } } return(cday); } /* - DowStartOfYrMo - * Purpose: * Find the day of the week the indicated month begins on * * Parameters: * yr year, must be > 0 * mo month, number 1-12 * * Returns: * day of the week (0-6) on which the month begins * (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday etc.) */ int GetStartDowForMonth(int yr, int mo) { int dow; // we want monday = 0, sunday = 6 // dow = 6 + (yr - 1) + ((yr - 1) >> 2); dow = 5 + (yr - 1) + ((yr - 1) >> 2); if (yr > 1752) dow += ((yr - 1) - 1600) / 400 - ((yr - 1) - 1700) / 100 - 11; else if (yr == 1752 && mo > 9) dow -= 11; dow += mpcdymoAccum[mo - 1]; if (mo > 2 && (yr & 03) == 0 && (yr <= 1750 || yr % 100 != 0 || yr % 400 == 0)) dow++; dow %= 7; return(dow); } int DowFromDate(const SYSTEMTIME *pst) { int dow; dow = GetStartDowForMonth(pst->wYear, pst->wMonth); dow = (dow + pst->wDay - 1) % 7; return(dow); } int GetDaysForMonth(int yr, int mo) { int cdy; if (yr == 1752 && mo == 9) return(19); cdy = mpcdymoAccum[mo] - mpcdymoAccum[mo - 1]; if (mo == 2 && (yr & 03) == 0 && (yr <= 1750 || yr % 100 != 0 || yr % 400 == 0)) cdy++; return(cdy); } /* - NweekNumber - * Purpose: * Calculates week number in which a given date occurs, based * on a specified start-day of week. * Adjusts based on how a calendar would show this week * (ie. week 53 is probably week 1 on the calendar). * * Arguments: * pdtm Pointer to date in question * dowStartWeek Day-of-week on which weeks starts (0 - 6). * * Returns: * Week number of the year, in which *pdtr occurs. * */ // TODO: this currently ignores woyFirst // it uses the 1st week containing 4+ days as the first week (woyFirst = 2) // need to make appropriate changes so it handles woyFirst = 0 and = 1... int GetWeekNumber(const SYSTEMTIME *pst, int dowFirst, int woyFirst) { int day, ddow, ddowT, nweek; SYSTEMTIME st; st.wYear = pst->wYear; st.wMonth = 1; st.wDay = 1; ddow = GetStartDowForMonth(st.wYear, st.wMonth) - dowFirst; if (ddow < 0) ddow += 7; if (pst->wMonth == 1 && pst->wDay < 8 - ddow) { nweek = 0; } else { if (ddow) st.wDay = 8 - ddow; nweek = (DaysBetweenDates(&st, pst) / 7) + 1; } if (ddow && ddow <= 3) nweek++; // adjust if necessary for calendar if (!nweek) { if (!ddow) return(1); // check what week Dec 31 is on st.wYear--; st.wMonth = 12; st.wDay = 31; return(GetWeekNumber(&st, dowFirst, woyFirst)); } else if (nweek >= 52) { ddowT = (GetStartDowForMonth(pst->wYear, pst->wMonth) + pst->wDay - 1 + 7 - dowFirst) % 7; day = pst->wDay + (7 - ddowT); if (day > 31 + 4) nweek = 1; } return(nweek); } // ignores day of week and time-related fields... BOOL IsValidDate(const SYSTEMTIME *pst) { int cDay; if (pst && pst->wMonth >= 1 && pst->wMonth <= 12) { cDay = GetDaysForMonth(pst->wYear, pst->wMonth); if (pst->wDay >= 1 && pst->wDay <= cDay) return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } // ignores milliseconds and date-related fields... BOOL IsValidTime(const SYSTEMTIME *pst) { return(pst->wHour <= 23 && pst->wMinute <= 59 && pst->wSecond <= 59); } // ignores day of week BOOL IsValidSystemtime(const SYSTEMTIME *pst) { if (pst && pst->wMonth >= 1 && pst->wMonth <= 12) { int cDay = GetDaysForMonth(pst->wYear, pst->wMonth); if (pst->wDay >= 1 && pst->wDay <= cDay && pst->wHour <= 23 && pst->wMinute <= 59 && pst->wSecond <= 59 && pst->wMilliseconds < 1000) return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); }