# # Common makefile include for this project # # We don't define _ATL_MIN_CRT because we implement the functions ourselves # (crtfree.h). # Define _MERGE_PROXYSTUB to merge the proxy/stub code into the DLL #C_DEFINES = $(C_DEFINES) -D_MERGE_PROXYSTUB # Use the NT product version numbers USE_NT_PRODUCT_VER = 1 # Turn structure validation ON in debug builds # !if "$(FREEBUILD)" == "0" C_DEFINES = $(C_DEFINES) -DVSTF !endif !ifdef DOWNLEVEL_PLATFORM C_DEFINES = $(C_DEFINES) -DDOWNLEVEL_PLATFORM -DDOWNLEVEL !endif INCLUDES = $(INCLUDES);$(BASEDIR)\private\inc !include $(CCSHELL_DIR)\common.inc SOURCES_USED = $(SOURCES_USED) $(CCSHELL_DIR)\common.inc LINKER_FLAGS = $(LINKER_FLAGS) -MERGE:.CRT=.data CONDITIONAL_INCLUDES = $(CONDITIONAL_INCLUDES) \ dlldata.c \ shappmgr_p.c \ statreg.h \ statreg.cpp \