#ifndef _SMALLUTIL_H_ #define _SMALLUTIL_H_ // CCancellableThread // // Lets you define a thread object that can be cancelled by the creator. //To implement the thread, derivce from CCancellableThread and override the //run() function. run() will be ran in its own thread, and the value returned //by run can be accessed by GetResult(). run() should check IsCancelled() //at appropriate intervals and exit early if true. // Clients of the cancellable thread then create the object, and execute Run() //when ready. If they wish to cancel, they can call NotifyCancel(). typedef class CCancellableThread { private: HANDLE _hCancelEvent; HANDLE _hThread; static DWORD WINAPI threadProc( LPVOID lpParameter); BOOL _fIsFinished; DWORD _dwThreadResult; public: CCancellableThread(); ~CCancellableThread(); virtual BOOL Initialize(); BOOL IsCancelled(); BOOL IsRunning(); BOOL IsFinished(); BOOL GetResult( PDWORD pdwResult); BOOL Run(); BOOL NotifyCancel(); BOOL WaitForNotRunning( DWORD dwMilliseconds, PBOOL pfFinished = NULL); BOOL WaitForCancel( DWORD dwMilliseconds, PBOOL pfCancelled = NULL); protected: virtual DWORD run() = 0; }*PCCancellableThread; // CQueueSortOf - a queue(sort of) used to store stuff //in a renumerable way.. class CQueueSortOf { // This sort-of-queue is just a data structure to build up a list of items //(always adding to the end) and then be able to enumerate that list //repeatedly from start to end. // The list does not own any of the objects added to it.. typedef struct SEntry { SEntry* pNext; void* data; } *PSEntry; PSEntry m_pHead, m_pTail; public: CQueueSortOf() { m_pHead = NULL; m_pTail = NULL; } ~CQueueSortOf() { while( m_pHead != NULL) { PSEntry temp = m_pHead; m_pHead = m_pHead->pNext; delete temp; } } bool InsertAtEnd( void* newElement) { PSEntry pNewEntry = new SEntry; if( pNewEntry == NULL) return false; pNewEntry->data = newElement; pNewEntry->pNext = NULL; if( m_pHead == NULL) { m_pHead = m_pTail = pNewEntry; } else { m_pTail->pNext = pNewEntry; m_pTail = pNewEntry; } return true; } // enumerations are managed by an 'iterator' which simply a void pointer into //the list. To start an enumeration, pass NULL as the iterator. The end //of enumeration will be indicated by a NULL iterator being returned. void* StepEnumerate( void* iterator) { return (iterator == NULL) ? m_pHead : ((PSEntry)iterator)->pNext; } void* Get( void* iterator) { return ((PSEntry)iterator)->data; } }; // CGrowingString is a simple utility class that allows you to create //a string and append to it without worrying about reallocating memory //every time. class CGrowingString { public: WCHAR* m_szString; long m_iBufferSize; long m_iStringLength; CGrowingString() { m_szString = NULL; m_iBufferSize = 0; m_iStringLength = 0; } ~CGrowingString() { delete[] m_szString; } BOOL AppendToString( LPCWSTR pszNew) { long iLength = lstrlen( pszNew); if( m_szString == NULL || m_iStringLength + iLength + 1 > m_iBufferSize) { long iNewSize = max(1024, m_iStringLength + iLength * 10); WCHAR* pNewBuffer = new WCHAR[iNewSize]; if( pNewBuffer == NULL) return FALSE; if( m_szString == NULL) { m_szString = pNewBuffer; m_iBufferSize = iNewSize; } else { StrCpyNW( pNewBuffer, m_szString, m_iStringLength + 1); delete[] m_szString; m_szString = pNewBuffer; m_iBufferSize = iNewSize; } } StrCpyNW( m_szString + m_iStringLength, pszNew, iLength+1); m_iStringLength += iLength; m_szString[m_iStringLength] = L'\0'; return TRUE; } }; //**************************************************** // // FileOutputStream - retrofitted for WCHAR // from wininet\cookexp.cpp class CFileOutputStream { public: CFileOutputStream() { m_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; m_fError = FALSE; m_dwLastError = 0; } ~CFileOutputStream() { if( m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle( m_hFile); } BOOL Load( LPCWSTR szFilename, BOOL fAppend) { m_hFile = CreateFile( szFilename, GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, fAppend ? OPEN_ALWAYS : CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if( m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { m_fError = TRUE; m_dwLastError = GetLastError(); return FALSE; } if( fAppend && SetFilePointer( m_hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { m_fError = TRUE; m_dwLastError = GetLastError(); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL DumpStr( const CHAR* szString, DWORD cLength) { DWORD dwTemp; if( m_fError == TRUE) return FALSE; if( WriteFile( m_hFile, szString, cLength, &dwTemp, NULL) == TRUE) { return TRUE; } else { m_fError = TRUE; m_dwLastError = GetLastError(); return FALSE; } } BOOL WriteNewline() { static const LPCSTR szNewLine = "\r\n"; return DumpStr( szNewLine, sizeof( szNewLine) - 1); } BOOL IsError() { return m_fError; } private: HANDLE m_hFile; BOOL m_fError; DWORD m_dwLastError; }; #endif