//Copyright (c) 1998 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation /*++ Module Name: rdpdrstp Abstract: This module implements Terminal Server RDPDR device redirector setup functions in C for user-mode NT. Environment: User mode Author: Tadb --*/ #ifndef _RDPDRSTP_ #define _RDPDRSTP_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // __cplusplus //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Internal Defines // #define TRDPDRPNPID TEXT("ROOT\\RDPDR") #define RDPDRPNPID L"ROOT\\RDPDR" #define RDPDRDEVICEID TEXT("Root\\RDPDR\\0000") #ifdef TSOC_CONSOLE_SHADOWING #define RDPMOUPNPID L"ROOT\\RDP_MOU" #define RDPMOUDEVICEID TEXT("Root\\RDP_MOU\\0000") #define RDPKBDPNPID L"ROOT\\RDP_KBD" #define RDPKBDDEVICEID TEXT("Root\\RDP_KBD\\0000") /* const TCHAR szRDPCDDInfFile[] = _T("%windir%\\inf\\rdpcdd.inf"); const TCHAR szRDPCDDHardwareID[] = _T("ROOT\\DISPLAY"); // should match with the inf entry. const TCHAR szRDPCDDDeviceName[] = _T("ROOT\\DISPLAY\\0000"); */ /*++ Routine Description: This is the single entry point for RDPDR (Terminal Server Device Redirector) GUI-mode setup install routine. It currently simply creates and installs a dev node for RDPDR to interact with PnP. Arguments: hwndParent Handle to parent window for GUI required by this function. Return Value: TRUE on success. FALSE, otherwise. --*/ /* DWORD InstallRootEnumeratedDevice( IN HWND hwndParent, IN PCTSTR DeviceName, IN PCTSTR HardwareIdList, IN PCTSTR FullInfPath, OUT PBOOL RebootRequired OPTIONAL ); */ #endif // TSOC_CONSOLE_SHADOWING BOOL RDPDRINST_GUIModeSetupInstall( IN HWND hwndParent, IN WCHAR *pPNPID, IN TCHAR *pDeviceID ); /*++ Routine Description: This is the single entry point for RDPDR (Terminal Server Device Redirector) GUI-mode setup uninstall routine. It currently simply remove the dev node created so that RDPDR can interact with PnP. Arguments: hwndParent Handle to parent window for GUI required by this function. Return Value: TRUE on success. FALSE, otherwise. --*/ BOOL RDPDRINST_GUIModeSetupUninstall(HWND hwndParent, WCHAR *pPNPID, GUID *pGuid); BOOL IsRDPDrInstalled (); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // __cplusplus #endif // RDPDRSTP