#ifndef LSSTRING_DEFINED #define LSSTRING_DEFINED #include "lsidefs.h" #include "pilsobj.h" #include "plnobj.h" #include "plsrun.h" #include "lstflow.h" #include "txtobj.h" LSERR GetWidths(PLNOBJ, PLSRUN, long, LPWSTR, LSCP, long, long, LSTFLOW, long*, long*); /* PLNOBJ (IN) - pointer to lnobj PLSRUN (IN) - plsrun long (IN) - first index in dur array to use LPWSTR (IN) - array of characters LSCP (IN) - cpFirst long(IN) - number of characters long (IN) - width until right margin LSTFLOW (IN) - text flow long* (OUT) - number of characters for which width has been fetched long* (OUT) - total width of these characters */ LSERR FormatString(PLNOBJ, PTXTOBJ, WCHAR*, long, long*, long, long); /* function is called to format a Local Run PLNOBJ (IN) - pointer to lnobj PTXTOBJ (IN) - pointer to dobj WCHAR* (IN) - pointer to the character array long (IN) - number of characters long* (IN) - pointer to the spaces array long (IN) - number of spaces long (IN) - width of all chars */ LSERR FillRegularPresWidths(PLNOBJ, PLSRUN, LSTFLOW, PTXTOBJ); /* PLNOBJ (IN) - pointer to lnobj PLSRUN (IN) - plsrun LSTFLOW (IN) - lstflow PTXTOBJ (IN) - pointer to dobj */ LSERR GetOneCharDur(PILSOBJ, PLSRUN, WCHAR, LSTFLOW, long*); /* PILSOBJ (IN) - pointer to the ilsobj PLSRUN (IN) - plsrun WCHAR (IN) - character code LSTFLOW (IN) - text flow long* (OUT) - presentation width of the character */ LSERR GetOneCharDup(PILSOBJ, PLSRUN, WCHAR, LSTFLOW, long, long*); /* PILSOBJ (IN) - pointer to the ilsobj PLSRUN (IN) - plsrun WCHAR (IN) - character code LSTFLOW (IN) - text flow long (IN) - reference width of the character long* (OUT) - presentation width of the character */ LSERR GetVisiCharDup(PILSOBJ, PLSRUN, WCHAR, LSTFLOW, long*); /* PILSOBJ (IN) - pointer to the ilsobj PLSRUN (IN) - plsrun WCHAR (IN) - visi character code LSTFLOW (IN) - text flow long* (OUT) - presentation width of the character */ LSERR AddCharacterWithWidth(PLNOBJ, PTXTOBJ, WCHAR, long, WCHAR, long); /* adds character with specified width in the display list PLNOBJ (IN) - pointer to lnobj PTXTOBJ (IN) - pointer to dobj WCHAR (IN) - character for rgwchOrig long (IN) - width in reference units WCHAR (IN) - character for rgwch long (IN) - width in preview units */ void FixSpaces(PLNOBJ, PTXTOBJ, WCHAR); /* PLNOBJ (IN) - pointer to lnobj PTXTOBJ (IN) - pointer to dobj WCHAR (IN) - VisiSpace code */ LSERR AddSpaces(PLNOBJ, PTXTOBJ, long, long); /* PLNOBJ (IN) - pointer to the lnobj PTXTOBJ (IN) - poiter to dobj long (IN) - reference width of space; long (IN) - number of trailing spaces to be added */ void FlushStringState(PILSOBJ); /* PILSOBJ (IN) - pointer to the ilsobj */ LSERR IncreaseWchMacBy2(PLNOBJ); /* PLNOBJ (IN) - pointer to the lnobj */ #endif /* !LSSTRING_DEFINED */