Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

304 lines
7.2 KiB

<!-- Document Title -->
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<title> Quick Start </title>
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TD {text-align: left}
A {font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color=black}
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'Main functions to perform task highlighting on with mouse movement
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<body bgcolor="white" topmargin=0 leftmargin=0>
*** Title Area ***
1 2 3
| Picture | TaskPad Title | P |
| 89x89 | Description | a | 1
| | | d |
<table width="100%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 background="NTtile.gif">
<tr height=89>
<td width=89>
<img align="middle" src="NTDisk.gif" width=89 height=89>
<td valign="top">
<font size=4><b>
<!-- TaskPad Title -->
<!-- change the TEXT -->
Quick Start
<font size=2>
<!-- Description -->
<!-- change the TEXT -->
Learn what is new and start setting up your system.
<!-- empty cell for right-hand spacing -->
<td halign=left valign=top width=5 background="NTtile.gif">
*** Body Area ***
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
| P | Icon1 | Task1 Title | P | Icon2 | Task2 Title | P |
| a | | Description | a | | Description | a | 1
| d | | | d | | | d |
| Pad | 2
| P | Icon3 | Task3 Title | P | | | P |
| a | | Description | a | | | a | 3
| d | | | d | | | d |
| Pad | 4
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<!-- icon & hypertext link -->
<!-- change the HREF -->
<!-- change the SRC -->
<!-- verify the NUMBERS -->
<a name="icon01" HREF="..\help\nt5beta1.chm"
<img SRC="pc32.gif" width="32" height="32" border="0">
<!-- Column 3 -->
<td width=300>
<font size=2>
<!-- title & hypertext link -->
<!-- change the HREF -->
<!-- change the TEXT -->
<!-- verify the NUMBERS -->
<a name="task01" HREF="..\help\nt5beta1.chm"
Beta 1 Online Documentation
<!-- description -->
<!-- change the TEXT -->
Want to learn about what is new -- start here! These notes contain late breaking news as well as important information on new features.
<!-- ********** Task 2 goes here ********** -->
<!-- Column 4 -->
<td width=50></td>
<!-- Column 5 -->
<td align=left valign=top width=34>
<!-- icon & hypertext link -->
<!-- change the HREF -->
<!-- change the SRC -->
<!-- verify the NUMBERS -->
<a name="icon02" HREF="appmgr.cpl"
<img SRC="pc32.gif" width="32" height="32" border="0">
<!-- Column 6 -->
<td width=300>
<font size=2>
<!-- title & hypertext link -->
<!-- change the HREF -->
<!-- change the TEXT -->
<!-- verify the NUMBERS -->
<a name="task02" HREF="appmgr.cpl"
Programs Wizard
<!-- description -->
<!-- change the TEXT -->
This Wizard helps you install, upgrade, modify or repair a program.
<!-- Column 7 -->
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<td halign=left valign=top width=5>
<!-- Row 2 -->
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<!-- icon & hypertext link -->
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<!-- change the SRC -->
<!-- verify the NUMBERS -->
<a name="icon03" HREF="hdwwiz.cpl"
<img SRC="pc32.gif" width="32" height="32" border="0">
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<td width=300>
<font size=2>
<!-- title & hypertext link -->
<!-- change the HREF -->
<!-- change the TEXT -->
<!-- verify the NUMBERS -->
<a name="task03" HREF="hdwwiz.cpl"
Add/Remove Hardware
<!-- description -->
<!-- change the TEXT -->
You use this wizard to add, remove, repair, upgrade and customize your hardware.